Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 229: Piaro

The Three's attention were already elsewhere.

Lelouch sighed:

"Surely. It ended by all exploding in his face."

Marek looked at the screen depicting his last candidate.

As they predicted a tragedy ensued…The same tragedy that happened to Piaro in the original.

Piaro left the Empire, as he saw everything and everyone, he ever cherished crumble before him.

His clan, his family…All were butchered….

And he was exiled…

The reason…is…

…The betrayal of his closest friend.

…..The distrust of his own Emperor.

Everything just destroyed the former pillar.

Marek's eyes were filled with disdain:

"What a terrible choice for a ruler."

Bulma looked deeply at Marek, whose eyes seemed to be filled with a tinge of disgust.

He simply kept the scene in his mind as he spoke to his Vizir:

"At the head of an Empire. Even a Psychopath is a better fit than a weak-willed man."

"His eyes are filled with fear."

"He is unable to trust him."

"Because he just realized how much he relied on him."

"Now if he did it again, he would gamble too much."

"By that time, he already lost control of his own Imperium."

"He doesn't even know how to be an Emperor anymore."

"And when an Emperor is this incompetent…"

His eyes landed…on the poor man, who wandered the mountains in desolation. He then looked at his friend who drowned in woman and alcohol.

"The only ones who suffers are their servants."

The Vizirs kept a silent as a sign of acquiescence with the Emperor.

"Let's end this. I can't watch it anymore."

Piaro, was still in daze…

It's been a year.

A year.

Since he lost everything.

He was betrayed, by the man he trusted the most.

His whole family was slaughtered.

And that Emperor. He didn't even have the courage to end his misery.

He expelled him. Like some form of pity.

Now, he was left all alone.

All alone drowning in his own misery. He let himself go. His heart became weak. His body became weak.

And his sword became useless. He took his sword…and put it on his neck:

'Maybe I should end it all…'

But before he could do it…He stopped…A Fierce glint in his eyes.


'I still need to end him!!'

His eyes revealed a brewing rage, and hatred!!

But even then, he knew…He was powerless. Even he, in his peak…Couldn't face the whole Empire alone.

Let alone now.

He did, indeed lost his edge.

Suddenly…He heard a powerful voice. More powerful than anything he ever heard before.

Majestic, more majestic, than even the voice of the Emperor himself.

It seems like it was coming from high above. From a realm he couldn't even fathom:

"What a sorry shape you are in now. Piaro."

In the voice there was a hint of regret and even a tinge of sadness.

He looked up, but he felt nothing. It was as if it was only illusion. But he was sure.

There was nothing in the world that could imagine such a powerful voice, and certainly not his mind.

He exclaimed in a calm voice:

"Who are you?"

"And for what did you come from?"

The powerful voice laughed and each time it seemed as if the whole sky was splitting over his head!

He exclaimed:


'Way too powerful.'

"I am an Emperor of a faraway land, as for what I came from…You should have an idea…"

Piaro narrowed his eyes, as he smiled bitterly:

"What would a monster such as you need me for?"

The Vizirs had a glint of appreciation when he heard his question.

'He already estimated, that the level of the Emperor is way beyond his grasp.'

'Yet, he still acting calmly.'

Marek had a long smile.

"See for yourself…"

"Do you think that it is Power that I lack?"

Piaro eyes opened up, and het titled his head:

"I for sure know, that this isn't the case."

His eyes flashed, before speaking:

"It seems that what you lack is men."

"Men to serve you."

The voice stayed silent for a moment before laughing out again.

"Really…I didn't misjudge you."

Marek's eyes flashed….

"Alright…I like you, Piaro."

"So, I will give you a choice."

"You stay here in this mountain, lamenting your sorrows, like an old woman."


"I reverse time and causality in this world, so you could stop such ridiculous situations and tragedies from happening."

Piaro had since long understood, the intention of this powerful being. He probably wanted him as a servant.

But he promised himself he would never swear another oath again. Yet, as a show of respect for this existence, he still didn't interrupt it.

When he heard the suggestion of the Emperor, he couldn't help but reconsider the horror of it!!

'Inversing time and causality!!'

It sounded so casual in the mouth of the being….Yet, it's magnitude couldn't escape even a knight like Piaro!!

He narrowed his eyes and spoke after a long silence:

"Are you serious?"

Marek laughed once again!!

"Why wouldn't I be? Don't tell me that you don't even have the power to do that left within you?"

Piaro responded:

"You know what I am talking about! Reversing the whole world just to please one person…Do you that a lot?"

The Emperor grinned mischievously:

"More often than you think."

Piaro still kept a powerful front:

"And why would you do that? It's absurd."

The Emperor laughed out.


"Then hear this out for a change."

"Do you believe that I made this whole world, just for the purpose of your birth and that of two others?"

Piaro eye widened, before he sighed.

"What a crazy person."

He smiled as he stood up. His aimless demaneor changing…his hands clenching his sword.

"I wonder why didn't I get to serve you first… Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess to begin with."

Marek laughed out:

"You could resent me for it."

Piaro eyes became clear.

"You were born in this mess."

"Because the one as my knight….is the Piaro who transcended this mess."

"The Future monster who shall surpass Muller himself, and slay the gods for my pleasure."

He started stretching, fighting spirit brimming in his eyes. He seemed to already have made his decision:

"Do it, your majesty."

Marek smiled lightly:

"Oh?! Look at you all feisty!"

He narrowed his eyes:

"Also, heed my advice."

"Talk to Amosphel, and investigate the 4th of the Red Knights."

Piaro eyes distorted in anger.

"Why would I need to do that?! My Sword is enough to pierce his skull!"

Marek responded firmly

"Heed my advice. This is the first order of your liege."

Piaro finally sighed, before calming down:

"Fine. I will do it."

Marek nodded, before giving an order to Morpheus Bis.

Immediately!! Piaro could see the course of time rapidly reversing until 2 years ago.

But more importantly, as he felt himself retuning in time. Where everything he had lost, was here once again.

He knelt on the ground, tears pouring out of his eyes…

His hand on his chest clutching it, never wanting to let it go.

Piaro had kept a tough front the whole time, but when it actually happened. He could only weep and cry.

Joy and sadness invading his heart as he looked at the intact squad of Red Knights.

His heavy heart easing up once more. His feeling of guilt and self blame, recovring to the surface.

The Man who was alone in his chambers in the barracks. Wept silently…for a long time.

Marek look over it, with kindness in his eyes.

Finally as the dawn of that day appeared. He finally spoke, words from his heart:

"Thank you, your majesty."

Marek responded with dissatisfaction:

"If you ever thank me for granting my subject's happiness again. I will skin you for real."

Lelouch couldn't help but laugh at the response of the Emperor!

'He really has weird reverse scales.'

Piaro faced was stunned for a moment, before a warm smile appeared on his face once more.

"I will accept your punishment anytime, your majesty."

Marek responded still a little angry.

"Hmph! Just do your thing and come to my side quickly"

As Piaro started to understand how his knew lord's mind worked he finally stoop up once again.


Suddenly a magnificent gate appeared before him.

"You still have 2 years before it happens once again."

Piaro read the characters solemnly. Feeling the majesty of the gate!!

"Use this place to become unparalleled in the world."

The gates opened up powerfully!!

As a book descending form, the Heavens appeared before him!!

It's title: Piaro.

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