Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 54 - She'll Be Downstairs in Twenty Minutes

Chapter 54: She’ll Be Downstairs in Twenty Minutes
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Hearing Lin Nuan’s footsteps on the stairs, Fu Huai’an glanced towards her
direction and said in a milder tone, “Pick somebody else.”
By the time he hung up the phone, Lin Nuan had already reached the rst oor.
She said, “Mr. Fu, if there’s nothing else then I’ll be on my way.”
Fu Huai’an nodded.
The cold breeze greeted her as she walked out of his condo. She nally felt the
temperature of her face drop.
Lin Nuan walked out of the condominium neighborhood and got into a cab. She
gave the driver her neighborhood’s address.
Looking at the dark sky outside, she thought about how Fu Huai’an had never
disagreed to anything Lu Jinnan had said in their talk earlier today. A troubled
expression spread across her face.
Perhaps Fu Huai’an thought the same—that’s why he never mentioned
collecting the marriage certicate again.
After all, Fu Huai’an had no other reason to marry her other than the fact that
Tuan Tuan saw her as his mother.
Maybe the majority of men were similar to Lu Jinnan. They were fundamentally
players, and they saw women as trophies, as if the more they conquered the
more it showed how much charm they had.
If they weren’t players it was only because they didn’t have enough wealth or
looks. But once a man had a decent amount of the two, they wouldn’t be the
exception—not even Lin Nuan’s father in the Lin Family.
Judging solely from how smooth and experienced Fu Huai’an was that night
when he irted with her, he denitely wasn’t as held back and restrained as the
public persona that the media crafted of him.
Like attracts like…
If he was socializing with somebody like Lu Jinnan, how much character could
he himself have?
Perhaps Fu Huai’an thought her type was unable to tolerate his supercial
ings, and so he decided to give up on the thought of marrying her.
Lin Nuan took a shower after she reached home. She had a nice good sleep. By
the time she woke up, it was already evening.
Lin Nuan felt a bit thirsty and hot as the bedcovers were too thick.
Her WeChat kept sending in notications. She searched for her phone on the
bed and unlocked it as she lay back.
It was the Stars Neighbourhood’s rental group. They were complaining and
questioning the management on why the electricity hadn’t come back on after
being xed for two hours.
She rolled over and tried to switch on her lamp. The electricity was indeed not
She used the dim light from her phone to get up but she accidentally knocked
over her square purse on the table chair. The contents inside spilled over.
As Lin Nuan bent over to pick them up, the whole room lit up. Fu Huai’an name
popped up before her eyes on the identity document she was holding. Her
narrowed eyes suddenly grew huge.
She turned another page and saw Fu Tuan Tuan’s name. She nally conrmed
that she’d taken the wrong identity document.
She smacked her forehead. Why didn’t she take a good look at it when she took
Lin Nuan hesitated for a long time before nally deciding to dial Fu Huai’an’s
She answered the phone. Fu Huai’an didn’t say anything on the other end so
she broke the silence rst, “Mr. Fu, my apologies, I took the wrong identity
“Where are you?” Fu Huai’an asked.
“Stars Neighbourhood.”
“Be downstairs in twenty minutes…”
He hung up the phone without giving Lin Nuan a chance to respond.
She looked down at the identity card in her hands and blamed herself for being
so careless.
She knew Fu Huai’an was always punctual. She waited for fteen minutes then
slipped on a gray hoodie and went downstairs.
The moment she walked out the elevator she saw a black Bentley parked at the
door of her apartment.
She recognized it as Fu Huai’an’s car. She briskly walked to the car but found
that it was empty inside.
The phone in her blouse pocket vibrated. She took it out and saw Fu Huai’an’s
contact ID. As she picked up the phone she heard his deep voice at the other
end, “Open the door…”

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