Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 930-939

Chapter 930: Changes

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe frowned. “But why would a doctor suddenly attack the President?”

“That is still under investigation and the doctor is being interrogated.” It was Tong Liang who answered Xinghe.

Xinghe turned to look at her and asked, “Then, have you found out anything from the interrogation?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not sure; that is confidential information.” There was a curious smugness in Tong Liang’s voice. Xinghe turned her head away, pretending not to have noticed anything. After all, it was not the time to conduct an investigation; the President’s life was more important. He must be saved because too many things hung in the balance!

Everyone waited, nursing their own anxiety; the atmosphere was positively suffocating.

Even outside the hospital, everyone was nervous. Many had a sleepless night, fidgeting about. If something really happened to the President, then the power structure in Hwa Xia would change drastically. With such a tectonic shift, many would be hurt. Therefore, the atmosphere of uncertainty was thick that night.

Xinghe sat down beside Elder Shen and stared at the surgery room door calmly. Her eyes were dark, so no one could tell what she was thinking.

Everyone else was nursing their own ambitions as they all concentrated on the surgery room door; it was like a Pandora ‘s Box; no one could tell what would happen when it opened.

However, Xinghe did not miss the excitement and joy in Tong Liang’s eyes. She studied her closely for a while before lowering her gaze.

Some hours later…

When everyone felt like a century had passed, the door was finally pushed open. Everyone seemed to be spurred into motion and all rushed toward it.

A tired Lu Qi exited the room and consoled everyone, “Don’t worry, the President has escaped critical condition, but he is still in a weakened physical state.”

His words made everyone other than Tong Liang and Tianrong sigh in relief.

“The President is really safe?” Madam President asked cautiously as joy crept into her voice.

“Yes, didn’t I hear that he was seriously injured? Doctor Lu, are you sure he is safe?” Tianrong asked in faux concern.

Lu Qi nodded firmly. “Yes, we managed to save his life, but since his body is already weakened and is still recovering from the earlier illness, this sudden attack will leave serious residual problems.”

Madam President forced a smile through her sadness. “As long as he is still alive, nothing else matters, yes, as long as he is still alive.”

“Yes, thank God for keeping him alive,” Elder Shen said with deep appreciation.

Most of the others did not share their thoughts. They were not dummies; they could predict what would happen next. The president’s physical condition had been deteriorating. With this series of events, it was certain that he would need to retire from his presidential position. Therefore, there was going to be a tectonic change in Hwa Xia!

The President was sent to the ICU, and after checking on him personally and ensuring he was still alive, everyone left one after another. It was not the time to stay at the hospital because they needed to prepare for things to come.

Tong Liang and Tianrong left after they made sure that the President was indeed too weak to continue his presidential duties. When this pair of father and daughter left, they looked at each other, communicating the joy of their successful scheme with a smile.

Chapter 931: Secret

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Tianrong suppressed his voice and said, “Even though he’s still alive, at least he’s incapacitated. The plan is going smoothly.”

Tong Liang smirked. “Yes, the plan is going well. Father, we have to be careful, especially since we are only lacking that one last step; we mustn’t let anyone disrupt our plan.”

Tianrong’s gaze darkened and he smiled chillingly. “Don’t worry, this time, no one will be able to stand in our way!”

“Auntie, Grandpa, what exactly happened?” Xinghe asked after everyone had left. There had been too many people just now, which had prevented her from speaking her mind, but now she could continue without filtering anything.

Madam President sighed with regret. “It is like what you heard. The doctor suddenly attacked the President like he was possessed; no one saw it coming.”

“He was cruel, like the President had done some great sin by him. If not for the mechanical heart that maintained the basic function of his heart, we would not have been able to save the President,” Lu Qi said solemnly. He did not mention those things earlier, so now when he did, Xinghe and the rest felt a chill.

Madam President grabbed Xinghe’s arm like she needed her for support.

“Xinghe, you have saved him again.” Madam President’s eyes were red from tears. Xinghe did not expect the mechanical heart would save the President’s life.

“Auntie, this is because uncle has always been a good man; this is his good karma helping him,” Xinghe consoled her.

Madam President nodded. “Yes, he is a good man and a good president, but in that case, why would that doctor harm him so ruthlessly?”

Everyone was confused by this. Mubai asked darkly, “Who is that doctor?”

Lu Qi answered, “Just a normal doctor. He is a good doctor and has always been kind around the staff and patients. He comes from a happy background. If you ask me, I don’t believe he would harm the President. For some reason, I feel there are some problems here that we have overlooked.”

“What problem?” they all asked in unison.

“After he harmed the President, he was soon discovered and easily detained. When I came to the room, I heard him screaming that he was innocent, and he claimed he had no idea what came over him. He said he did not mean it, and he was possessed or something of that sort. I was in the hurry to save the President, so I did not pay him much attention, but I have a feeling this is more complicated than it seems.”

When they heard him, both Xinghe and Mubai visibly startled. They turned to look at each other out of habit and saw the confirmation in each other’s eyes.

“What, have you two thought of something?” Elder Shen asked; he did not miss the shocked expression and communication that passed between them.

Xinghe said seriously, “We cannot be sure for now, but we need to meet that doctor. Auntie, can you arrange for us to meet him? Maybe we can find out more from him.”

There was an urgency to her tone which the Madam President did not comment on before she said, “Alright, I’ll have it arranged now.”

To prevent the tragedy from dragging on, Madam President collected herself and had the Vice President bring Xinghe and Mubai to meet the doctor.

The Vice President was the President’s personal friend and most trusted confidant, plus with him leading the charge, no one dared to stop them.


Chapter 932: Meeting the Criminal

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Even though he had no idea why they wanted to meet the criminal, the Vice President trusted Xinghe. She had helped solve the world’s crisis and was Elder Shen’s granddaughter, with these qualifications alone, he trusted her implicitly.

He also expressed his commiseration for what had happened to the President. He had also rushed to see the President when he heard the news, but he had to leave to handle the many emergency matter that had cropped up before the President was announced safe.

With the Madam President’s order, he returned to personally escort Xinghe and Mubai to meet the criminal.

Attacking the President was a giant crime. The doctor was detained and was guarded by many soldiers. Along the way, Xinghe asked the Vice President why Tianrong was responsible for the security.

Vice President had sensed the curiosity regarding the Tong family, so he explained in a whisper, “Tong Tianrong is reaching his retiring age and normal officials would not dare to involve themselves in such a situation. After all, mobilizing so much military force even for a situation as unique as this is bound to raise a few eyebrows. However, Tianrong is an influential player and arrived at the scene first, so he naturally took over. The criminal was led away by him, and all the security here answers to him.”

“Don’t you think his arrival was too fast?” Xinghe asked probingly.

Vice President smiled. “Tong Liang was there when the President was attacked, so she contacted Tianrong at first notice.”

It was a valid reason.

“Tong Liang was there?” Xinghe latched onto another clue.

“Yes, and I understand your suspicion because we have the same idea. However, we do not have any proof. Plus, at a critical period like this, we have to be extra careful. Later, during the interrogation, make sure not to expose yourself.”

“Don’t worry, we know what to do.” Xinghe nodded and smiled confirming the Vice President’s loyalty.

In the end, only she was allowed to follow him into the interrogation. Mubai was a businessman and not a government official, so he had to stay outside. He waited for them as Xinghe followed the Vice President into the heavily guarded police station alone.

As they expected, Tianrong’s men blocked them. However, this was the Vice President, and he had the direct orders from Madam President. Not even the precinct constable dared to hold them for too long and could do nothing but allow them through.

However, Xinghe and the Vice President knew the first thing he did would be contacting Tong Tianrong, and he would arrive soon. Therefore, they had to wrap up their meeting with the doctor as soon as possible.

In the dark interrogation room, the doctor was being interrogated by several severe looking policemen, including the vice constable. The doctor had committed a grave sin, so he had to be interrogated severely; no stone could be left unturned.

However, no matter the angle they employed, they could get no information from the doctor. He was in deep despair, blaming himself for what had happened. He kept insisting that he did not know what had come over him. In other words, the doctor’s defense sounded like a bunch of senseless ramblings.

Finally, the vice constable lost his cool; he slammed on the table and demanded, “You are unable to avoid this criminal sin! Be honest and tell us, who ordered you to do this‽ Who is the bigger mastermind‽”

“There is no mastermind, and I have no idea why I did what I did… I really didn’t know, I should have been the one who died. I really have no clue what happened…”

The doctor had already broken down mentally.


Chapter 933: Quarrelling

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The man was openly weeping like a small child. Then again, this was to be expected. Murder alone was a big enough criminal offense, yet he had tried to murder the President. This crime planted on any sane person would break them for sure. No one would want to have this crime on their shoulders, and it would ruin their future and the name of their family.

Therefore, regardless of whether he had the intention or not, this doctor’s future was over. No one was able to save him, and the law would punish him severely. He had struggled through medical school to end up in this state…

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Thoughts of suicide bubbled up in his mind. At that moment, the Vice President arrived.

“Go take a break, we have some question we want to ask him alone,” the Vice President told the police in the room mildly.

“Yes, sir!” Of course, the police would not dare to deny his order and left immediately.

The doctor seemed to have seen the ray of hope when he saw the Vice President. He knelt down before the Vice President and begged with despair, “Vice President, I really did not mean it, you have to believe me, I really did not intend to harm the President! Where would I find the courage to do something like that‽ I have no idea what came over me, but you have to believe me, I really did not intend to harm the President, I swear on my life! If I’m lying, then may God smite me on the spot! No, I will kill myself to repent for my sin, I have harmed the President, I deserve to die, I don’t deserve to be this country’s citizen, let me die!”

The doctor was obviously in shock, and he was barely making sense. His body was visibly shaking, and despair was plain on his face. For the man to have reached such a state of despair showed how deep his fear was. Witnessing him like this, they really had a hard time believing he would have the courage to assassinate the President.

Of course, they could not rule out the possibility of him acting, but if that was the case, the doctor truly deserved an Oscar.

“Get up first, tell us what happened in detail, what was on your mind before you decided to assassinate the President?” the Vice President ordered calmly. His calmness seemed to have a soothing effect on the doctor. However, he did not get up; it did not seem like he could stand up anyway.

After a deep breath, the doctor explained in his shaking voice, “To be honest, I have no idea what I was doing. That night I shouldn’t even have been there, I was planning to take an early break to go home and rest. I was too tired from the continuous stream of virus patients. The hospital manager agreed to let me go home, but when I was leaving, suddenly I saw two people arguing in the corridor. They were so loud that I had to go to persuade them to stop. However, they ignored me completely, if anything, they only got louder. I was already very tired, and their argument only added to my mounting headache, after that…”

The doctor seemed to have a hard time believing what he said next, “Then, I cannot remember what happened clearly. When I gained my consciousness, I already had the scalpel in my hand and the injury was already on the President… I really have no idea why my memory would lapse and why I would end up injuring the President! Vice President, you have to believe me, if I’m lying, then may I end up in the worst layer of hell!”

The doctor swore on his life, but he himself had a hard time buying his story. Therefore, he was nervous, worried that they would not believe him.

“You mean, you heard two people arguing, lost your consciousness, and committed the assault on the President?”


Chapter 934: Confirm Her Suspicion

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe’s clear voice suddenly rang out.

The doctor looked at her in shock and nodded like crazy, as if he had finally found his ally. “Yes! That is exactly what happened! I indeed lost consciousness, and I have no idea what I was doing.”

“Can you still remember what the two of them looked like?” Xinghe asked.

The doctor shook his head dumbly. “I can’t, I only remember them arguing but nothing beyond that.”

“Then what were they arguing about?”

The doctor was stunned. Indeed, what were they arguing about.

The doctor combed his brain for answer, but he still shook his head. “I can’t remember, I can’t believe it, but I really cannot remember. I can only remember how noisy they were, like bees, buzzing around in my brain.”

Basically, he had no clue. At this part of the interrogation, Xinghe had essentially confirmed her suspicion. Her face dropped.

The doctor thought this meant she did not trust him and he added nervously, “I was not lying, everything I said was the truth. If I’m lying, then…”

“I believe you,” Xinghe interrupted him. Both the doctor and the Vice President were stunned beyond words. When the Vice President wanted to ask her why, the Vice President’s secretary’s voice floated from beyond the door. “Senior Official Tong, why are you here?”

“I heard that the Vice President has come here, so I came to take a look,” Tianrong said in a low growl.

Xinghe and the Vice President shared a look. This person sure acts fast.

“Stand up quickly, if you don’t want this criminal charge to stick on you, breathe no word of what you just said to anyone else. Be patient for a while longer, and we will get to the bottom of this.” Just as Xinghe finished whispering into the doctor’s ears, the door was pushed open and Tianrong stepped in. Trailing behind him was Tong Liang. The doctor climbed back up into his seat, but his two legs were still shaking.

Tianrong’s sharp gaze swept over everyone there before turning respectfully to the Vice President. “Mr. Vice President, why are you here? Is it to interrogate the criminal? You should have told me, and I would have gladly accompanied you.”

The Vice President responded in kind, “The Madam President wanted my help to find out some things, so she had us come here. It’s nothing, and I have the answers she needed, so we’re just about to leave.”

“I wonder what kind of questions Madam President is interested in; I am sure my men will help her get a more complete answer,” Tianrong said in a voice full of justice.

The Vice President said directly, “It’s nothing, she wanted to know why this man decided to attack the President, but he did not give us anything usable.”

“Mr. Vice President, I really did not do it on purpose, and I have no idea what happened to me! You have to believe me, I did not mean it!” The doctor took his cue and dropped to his knees and started crying.

The Vice President stepped out his way and huffed coldly, “Whether you meant it or not, you have committed a grave sin! So, whether you intended it or not, we will continue this investigation, and if you really are guilty, you will definitely be punished to the full extent of law!”

After that angry speech, he strode out of the room. Xinghe and Tianrong’s entourage followed closely behind.

When they were outside, while nursing his residual anger, the Vice President ordered Tianrong, “Elder Tong, you have to get to the bottom of this; there can be no mistake or oversight, do you understand?”


Chapter 935: The Doctor Was Hypnotized

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Tianrong nodded earnestly. “Do not worry, we will get to the bottom of this. No matter who’s behind this conspiracy, we will not let them get away!”

“Good, then I shall go for now, and I will leave this to you. I have something else to do.”

“Okay, have a safe journey,” Tianrong might have said that, but he still personally escorted them out of the station. After that, Xinghe followed the Vice President into his car. As she closed the door, Xinghe’s eyes met those of Tong Liang’s.

The flash of darkness in Tong Liang’s eyes was plain as day to Xinghe. However, it disappeared within the blink of an eye, as if Xinghe had imagined everything. Xinghe did not show that she had noticed anything and withdrew her gaze. Their car left soon after.

Staring at the parting car, the smile plastered on Tianrong’s face disappeared, and his eyes narrowed.

“Father, do you think they have discovered something?” Tong Liang asked him in a whisper.

Tianrong said out of the corner of his mouth, “I don’t know, but they could not have seen through the ruse so easily. This is that person’s skill, and you have seen for yourself how amazing it is.”

Tong Liang nodded with a sigh. “You’re right. Even if they do suspect something, there is no evidence for them to find.”

“But we still have to be careful.” Tianrong was a naturally suspicious person. If he suspected the Vice President, then he would have to do something about it. “Continue interrogating that person, if you find out he has said something he should not have, then take care of him.”

“Yes, Father!” Tong Liang nodded.

Tianrong nodded with satisfaction, watching his decisive and brilliant daughter. “In the next two days, I will figure out a way to move your posting; you don’t need to align yourself with the United Nations anymore.”

“I understand,” Tong Liang replied with a smile that only the two of them could fathom.

After the car had put some distance between them and the station, Mubai asked Xinghe and the Vice President, “So, what do you think?”

The Vice President subconsciously turned to look at Xinghe. He did not spot anything suspicious, so he was ready to listen to what she had to say.

Xinghe confirmed, “It is as we expected; the doctor was hypnotized.”

“Hypnotized?” The Vice President was shocked.

“I will explain it later, this thing relates to too many people,” Xinghe said seriously. Instantly, Vice President’s face turned serious. He did not press her, but his instinct told him that there was bigger conspiracy at work.

They soon arrived at the hospital. In a secure resting room, there were Madam President, Vice President, Elder Shen, Mubai, and Xinghe.

Madam President asked anxiously, “What have you found out?”

Xinghe nodded. “The person who wanted to harm the President’s life is related to the United Nations.”

Other than Mubai, other people were visibly shocked.

“What did you say?” the Vice President wheezed out in shock. “How is it related to the United Nations?”

“To be specific, it is related to Country W, and I am certain this assassination has plenty to do with the Tong family.”

Madam President’s face shifted. Elder Shen hissed through gritted teeth, “So it is related to them‽ Xinghe, what is happening?”

Xinghe turned to Mubai and said, “You do the explanation; I have something I need to check.”

“Okay.” Mubai nodded.

Xinghe flipped open her laptop to start working while Mubai explained the situation to Madam President and the rest.

Chapter 936: Colluding with He Lan Yuan

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

He explained slowly, “Xinghe was rather vague; she meant this assassination attempt is related to He Lan Yuan.”

The mention of He Lan Yuan brought another shock to the room. How is this related to He Lan Yuan?

“Isn’t he behind bars, how could he plan an assassination like this?” Elder Shen voiced the question on everyone’s mind. Furthermore, He Lan Yuan’s plan was to destroy the world, so why would he come after Hwa Xia’s president?

Mubai commented with a dark smile, “He is behind bars, but that does not mean he is without danger. Certain heartless individuals plan to take advantage of him to threaten us. This virus outbreak and assassination are part of their plot. Our analysis is they originally planned to use the virus outbreak to weaken our country, but since that failed prematurely, they retorted to their back-up plan, which was to assassinate the President.”

They already knew about the conspiracy regarding the virus outbreak. However, they did not expect for the assassination to be related to it!

Madam President and the rest frowned deeply.

“Then, how did you find out about this conspiracy? And what is this hypnosis you mentioned?” the Vice President asked.

Mubai explained, “When we were on the moon, He Lan Yuan hypnotized two men to try to die together with us. We got to see his hypnosis in action both on the moon base and on the spaceship. That is why we suspected that doctor has also been hypnotized, and we were proved right.”

Xinghe suddenly raised her head to say, “That’s right, the symptom the doctor described is completely identical to how He Lan Yuan works his hypnosis.”

Mubai added, “His hypnosis skill is out of this world. According to our friends from the moon, they said they are immune to normal hypnotic suggestions and yet He Lan Yuan could still hypnotize them. Just imagine how easy it would be for him to do the same on a normal human being.”

The room understood everything immediately. So that was the whole truth.

“Then, who is it that has been colluding with He Lan Yuan‽” Madam President was furious. “They really think Hwa Xia can be easily bullied‽”

“This is disgusting! We mustn’t let them go so easily. No matter who it is, if they are uncovered, we must pursue this slight to its bitter end. Hwa Xia might be a peace-loving nation, but that does not mean we will allow others to walk all over us. If they want a war, then we will give them one!” the Vice President said angrily.

Elder Shen said calmly, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We will deal with those people later; we have to focus on the Tong family first. This group of traitors must be given the appropriate punishment!”

“But we have no evidence, only suspicion.” The Vice President groused, “If only we had evidence of the Tong family’s wrong doing.”

Both Madam President and Elder Shen gritted their teeth in resentment. Even though they knew the Tong family was in the wrong, they had no evidence to bring them to justice. Furthermore, they could not make any move easily lest it tip off their enemies.

Xinghe stopped her fingers and said, “At this juncture, do we really need evidence? Then again, it is not that we don’t have the necessary evidence, tomorrow we will have the evidence we need.”

Madam President and the rest were overjoyed, and they asked, “What is this evidence you speak of?”

Xinghe smirked and said, “Her body.”

Her body‽ Madam President and the rest were confused. What kind of evidence was this?

Xinghe explained carefully to them and they finally understood.

“Xinghe, thankfully you are here.” Madam President sighed with gratification and relief.


Chapter 937: Code One

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“If not for you, all these conspiracies would not have been discovered. If not for you, God knows what would have happened to this country.”

Xinghe’s ability and brain had gone way beyond their expectations. She was shrewd; no matter the issue, as long as there was small clue, she could reconstruct the whole thing. The computing power of her brain was unimaginable. There was none who had seen her ability in person that had not been impressed by her.

The Vice President also praised her. “Miss Xia, you are the most capable woman I have had the fortune of meeting in my life. I hope you will continue to contribute to this country in the future. I am sure that, with talent like yours, this country will progress greatly, and you will be able to bring about wonderful change.”

The Vice President seemed have a hidden meaning in his words. The curiosity made Elder Shen and Madam President share a look with each other. There was a glow in Mubai’s eyes. Xinghe, of course, had heard the message within Vice President’s words. He was asking her to join the world of politics. He believed in her capability; she would reach the greatest heights.

“Every citizen is responsible for their country, and I am only doing my civic duty. If the country needs me, of course, I will lend my aid,” Xinghe said in a tone that was neither humble nor pushy.

“Good, well said!” The Vice President was glad, his admiration toward her only increased. “Compared to you, the Tong family is nothing but an ugly stain that brings humiliation to this great country! After we get the evidence tomorrow, we mustn’t forgive them.”

“Not yet.” Xinghe shook her head. “Temporarily, we mustn’t go after them.”

“Why not?” The Vice President and the rest asked in shock.

Xinghe looked toward Mubai, and after getting a subtle nod from him, she explained, “The Tong family is nothing but a pawn for someone else. Without them, they will still continue with their plan. However, now, we cannot let another accident happen or the country will be thrown into chaos. Therefore, we cannot go after Tong family temporarily, and this will buy us some breathing time.”

The Vice President and the rest’s faces hardened. Xinghe was right. The day the cure for the virus was created, the President was assassinated. These two events were a giant blow to the country’s morale.

If they captured the Tong family there and then, the bigger mastermind would know their scheme had been exposed. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, they might commit even atrocious schemes like a direct war.

After all, Country W and a few others had been trying to suppress Hwa Xia for so many years; it was common knowledge that they had prepared a large military should the situation call for it. The few countries were only peaceful on the surface; war was not completely impossible.

When that happened, the real victim would be innocent citizens. Even though Hwa Xia was not afraid of war, they did not want to bring harm to the citizens. Furthermore, it was not only one country that wanted to come after them. If Hwa Xia was attacked by multiple countries… the consequences could be dire!

Therefore, the peaceful façade could not be torn open, at least not yet.

“Yes, we can only resolve this in secret, and we must be extremely careful,” the Vice President said solemnly.

“But we have to increase our military power. Code one, initiating now,” Elder Shen announced.


Chapter 938: Secret

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

His words heightened the sense of urgency and alertness in the room to its maximum. Madam President stood up and announced somberly, “Father is right. We must initiate our defenses; even though there might not be a war, we must be prepared for one!”

The Vice President stood up and said, “I will go make the necessary arrangements.”

“Xinghe, what do you think the Tong family will do next?” Madam President asked Xinghe. She did not realize she too had started to rely on this young junior of hers.

Xinghe did not beat around the bush and said, “According to our analysis, the Tong family will make a push for the presidency next.”

Madam President was shocked but comprehension slowly dawned. Yes, the President was down and could not oversee the country anymore. There had to be a replacement. Even though it would not happen overnight, the election would start soon enough. The Tong family had probably been waiting for this ever since they’d started colluding with other countries!

“They are even worse than the Lin family! We must make sure they will never succeed,” Madam President hissed uncharacteristically. “Vice President, I will leave the country in your hands for now, so you have to make sure that the Tong family’s conspiracy doesn’t succeed.”

She stared at the Vice President earnestly.

“Madam President, do not worry, I know what to do. As long as I am still alive, I will not let this country fall into the Tong family’s hands,” the Vice President promised with determination. It soothed the nerves of everyone there.

Now that they knew the Tong family’s plan, there was one less thing to worry about. They only needed to keep watch over them and react accordingly. Madam President shivered involuntarily, thinking about the scale of their fiendishness. She was really thankful for Xinghe and Mubai discovering their plan.

If this had been left to them, it would have been too late. After all, they would not have been able to see the larger picture from just a virus outbreak. If not for the fact Xinghe could tie the virus back to Shi Jian, she also wouldn’t have discovered the larger conspiracy. So, in a way, if Shi Jian had not smuggled the pen drive to Xinghe, the virus would not have been stopped so easily and quickly.

If the virus had been allowed to fester, Hwa Xia would have suffered so many deaths and the whole country would have been trapped in mass hysteria…

Thankfully, luck was still on their side, if anything, it seemed like everything was already written in the stars.

“Mr. Vice President, you must apprehend these two people in secret,” Xinghe suddenly said as she turned her laptop around to face them. The screen showed the zoomed-in picture of two men.

“They are?” the Vice President queried.

Xinghe answered in a mild tone, “The two people who hypnotized the doctor.”

The Vice President was surprised. “You managed to find them‽”

“Yes, even though the doctor could not remember their faces and they tricked the camera professionally when they were arguing, the whole hospital building was filled with surveillance cameras, they could not avoid every single one of them.”

“But they are wearing clothes that are different from the ones shown in the video.” The Vice President frowned. After they left the station, they went to check on the surveillance at the hospital. At the spot where the doctor said he’d heard the argument, Xinghe and the Vice President found two suspicious men, but they were expertly facing away from the camera. Only their clothes were seen, and it was obviously different from the clothes the two men in the picture were wearing.

“The clothes are different, but the body shapes are the same,” Xinghe explained. “I have some identification software on my computer. Plus, this picture was taken at the hospital entrance. The time they left the hospital was about two minutes after the President’s assassination.”

Chapter 939: Find Tong Liang’s Criminal Evidence

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

In other words, they were trying to escape the scene after the attack or else they would not have been able to escape after the lock down.

The Vice President trusted Xinghe deeply, so he promised, “Okay, I will have my men detain them in secret. If you have anything else you need my help with, do not hesitate to call.”

Xinghe nodded in appreciation. Then the Vice President left. He was going to notify a military unit that he trusted and then go apprehend the two suspects.

Xinghe and Mubai left the suspects to the Vice President and concentrated on acquiring Tong Liang’s criminal evidence. The method was simple, it was to conduct a health check on Tong Liang’s body.

After the vaccine for the virus had been created, everyone in City A had to take a shot, this included Tong Liang. However, before the shot, everyone had to take a blood test.

Tong Liang was suspicious. “Why is there a need for a blood test? How is that related to the vaccine?”

The doctor who was going to draw her blood sample reassured her with a smile, “Because the vaccine might not work for every blood type. Don’t worry, this is only a simple blood test, it will not hurt.”

Tong Liang nodded and finally relaxed enough to let the doctor do his job. However, she did not know her blood was taken into a separate lab from everyone else’s.

In Lu Qi’s chemical lab, he smiled after he had the result of her blood test in his hands. “It is as you two suspected, the antigen is already in her body.”

Xinghe and Mubai both broke into a smile when they heard that.

“With this, we can definitely prove she took the vaccine before the outbreak, right?” Xinghe asked.

Lu Qi nodded. “Of course. The official vaccine was given to the public this morning, but she already has the necessary antigen in her body. This proves that she already knew about the virus outbreak and took the necessary precautions.”

“Thank you, please keep this evidence safe, it is very important to us,” Xinghe reminded him.

Lu Qi smiled. “Don’t worry, I will keep a close watch over it.”

“By the way, how is the president?” Xinghe asked.

The smile faded on Lu Qi’s face. “Even though he is no longer in critical period, making a full recovery is near impossible. Regardless, resuming his responsibility as president is no longer possible.”

Xinghe and Mubai felt sorry for the president. However, this might be the best ending because at least he was still alive.

They would help the President claim his justice, and their war with the Tong family was going to begin. The Tong family’s fate was already sealed, and they were destined for absolute destruction!

The news of the President’s assault was not released to the public. Instead, the official statement released declared that the President was left in a poor state after his sickness. Even though he had recovered somewhat, he was no longer as fit as before, so temporarily, the Vice President would take over in his stead.

Two days later that, Tong Liang resigned from her post at the United Nations and chose to return to serve her country. The reason she gave was she felt her country she needed her, and she was compelled to contribute to her country’s recovery.

Tong Liang already enjoyed a good reputation and popularity. This action of hers only earned more praise from the public.

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