Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 860-869

Chapter 860: Activated the Defence System

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe said, “We will be going now.”

Mubai and Xinghe stood up to leave. They were going down the staircase from fifth floor to the fourth floor when Mubai suddenly stopped moving. Xinghe turned to ask, “What’s wrong?”

Mubai’s brows furrowed deeply. “Something is not right.”

Xinghe instantly realized what he was talking about, the person who came to inform them did not follow them.

“Something is not right with that man!” Xinghe blurted out.

“Stay here, I will go look,” Mubai reminded her as he rushed back up the stairs. Xinghe, of course, would not let him go alone, so she quickly followed. Mubai was incredibly fast; he reached the control room soon enough. He opened the door to see the man destroying the computers in there.

“Stop what you’re doing!” Mubai’s eyes immediately darkened. The man did not heed his advice but lifted up the chair beside him and swung it at the computer. Mubai leaped forward and knocked the man off his feet at the very last minute.

“Let me go!” The man who was pressed under him struggled greatly. Mubai gripped the man’s shirt, smiled wickedly at him, and punched him right on his nose. The man almost coughed out blood from the force and instantly lost all power to fight back.

However, Mubai did not stop there. He continued raining punches on him until the man was unconscious. While that was happening, Xinghe was busy checking the computers.

Mubai walked over and asked in a serious tone, “How’s everything looking?”

Xinghe replied with a drawn face as her fingers danced over the keyboard, “He seems to have activated the defense system…”

“What?” Mubai was slightly taken aback before his face also hardened.

Xinghe then confirmed in a severe tone, “Yes, he did! The base’s defense system has been activated!”

As she said so, sirens started ringing all over the base. The faces of the people in the base changed when they heard the sirens.

Then, they heard He Lan Yuan’s manic cackle. From the building that he stayed in, his voice radiated throughout the base, almost everyone could him. The combination of the base’s sirens and He Lan Yuan’s laugh was like a vice clamping over everyone’s heart.

After a small pause, everyone in the base rushed towards the central building. They all wanted to know what had happened. Had the defense system really been activated?

Shi Jian and Sam were at the front. They rushed into the control room, scanned around, and seemed to know what had happened instantly.

“What happened?” Shi Jian still asked as he caught his breath. Mubai retold the events roughly.

Shi Jian hissed angrily, “He must have been influenced by He Lan Yuan! Only He Lan Yuan knows how to activate the defense system, but hasn’t he lost it… or he was faking it the whole time‽”

“That insane old coot, I will go end him now!” Sam rushed back out in an angry fit.

“Wait,” Xinghe suddenly said. Sam stopped and turned to look back at her with a confused expression.

Xinghe stood up to address everyone who had gathered there. “From this second onward, no one is allowed to waste any more time. Go make the necessary preparations and gather at the spaceships. I will use my fastest speed to undo the defense system and open the barrier. If we’re lucky, we might still survive this.”

Chapter 861: Everyone Will Die If I Don’t Stay

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Sam and the rest were stunned. What did she say? She will have us wait by the spaceships while she stays back to deal with the system?

Mubai was the first to grab her by her arm and glared at her as he demanded, “Have you lost your mind‽”

Xinghe darted her gaze and repeatedly firmly, “I will stay back to crack the defense system; the rest of you go make the necessary preparations and gather by the spaceships. Go, now!”

“Xinghe, are you crazy?” Sam roared with agitation. “We will leave together or die together, how can we possibly leave you behind?”

“If I don’t stay, we will all die,” Xinghe answered calmly which silenced Sam and the rest. The sirens in the base were still ringing but it no longer struck fear in people’s heart as they stared dumbly at Xinghe. They did not expect her to make such a decision; she would sacrifice herself to help them…

She had no reason to even come to the moon to take the risk, but she did, and now she did not even hesitate to sacrifice herself to buy them a chance at survival. She wasn’t related to them in any way, she was just a normal woman, so how could she be so selfless?

The men who grew up in the base had already gotten numb to everything, they approached life in a detached manner, however, in that moment, they were touched by this woman by the name of Xia Xinghe. For some reason, they felt something warm swirling in their eyes…

Xinghe scanned the lot of them and announced clearly, “What are you people standing here for? There is not much time, go prepare or we will all have to die!”

“I am not leaving!” Sam stood his ground with a grave expression. “I came here to protect you, so I will die accomplishing that mission!”

“I am not leaving either!” Shi Jian also stepped forward to say, “Miss Xia, you came here on my request, so I must shoulder the responsibility. I will stay to protect you until the very last minute.”

“I will also stay. After all, I am already old, the world won’t need me. Let the young ones go, the few of us seniors will stay behind to protect you,” an elderly scientist declared. A few other people also volunteered to stay until eventually almost everyone was going to stay.

They did not place much value on their lives before Xinghe’s group arrive. They were going to leave to pursue a greater happiness, but to have a woman die in exchange for their own future, this was not something they could accept. Furthermore, they were not spineless people, they did not want to have her death on their consciences. Since she was willing to sacrifice herself for them, they were ready to do the same for her.

Xinghe was surprised that so many of them were willing to stay for her sake, but she still continued expressionlessly, “If none of you are going then we will all die for nothing. In that case, what was the point of me coming here? So, go now; we don’t have much time left.”

“We cannot do that.”

“Miss Xia, we are not worthy of your sacrifice, please do not do this.”

“That’s right, you guys go on ahead; we will figure out a way to deal with this defense system. Let us stay back to buy you guys some more time.”

“That’s right, Miss Xia, please hurry and leave,” Shi Jian also advised them.


Chapter 862: Waste Not One Second

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe did not expect such an overwhelming show of support; she was touched… but it was still not enough to soften her resolve.

She shook her head and said, “None of you can crack this system, only I can. I am not choosing to stay back because I want to, but I have to. No matter whether I stay or leave, I do not think I have a chance of walking out here alive, so in that case, I would rather give you all a chance at life. If you all really want to show your appreciation, then leave now and stop wasting time. Listen to my order, everyone go and make the necessary preparations because there might still be a solution to salvage this situation, but that is definitely not going to happen with all of us standing here. Only after you all have escaped can you come to save me, so get moving now! Whoever stays here to argue any more is actively harming everyone’s chance at survival!”

Xinghe’s speech rendered them speechless because they found no way to rebut. She was absolutely right, so they could follow her orders obediently.

Shi Jian turned around immediately and ordered with authority, “Attention, move out towards the spaceships now. Make sure all preparations are done!”

“Yes, sir!” Everyone replied in unison. No one dared to dally, and they started moving. However, Sam and Mubai remained unmoved.

Xinghe looked towards Sam and said, “You also need to go.”

Sam scoffed, “Impossible! I…”

“Go, now!” Xinghe yelled at him. “I am not in need of your sacrifice. You have to return to Earth safety to complete this mission.”

“Who cares about the mission if you’re not coming back with us‽” Sam roared angrily in return.

Mubai suddenly grabbed his sleeves and hissed severely, “Then go figure out a way for us to get out of this with none of us dying. For now, you have to ensure your safety so that you can save us. Go fetch two spacesuits now!”

Sam was taken aback as comprehension dawned.

“I will go now!” He shrugged Mubai off and rushed out of the room. Xinghe looked at Mubai, the latter’s eyes were austere enough to deter any living being from making eye-contact with him.

“What are you standing there for, you should start working on the defense system,” he reminded her in a weirdly calm and gentle voice.

Xinghe opened her mouth to say something but she finally decided against it and started focusing on the computer. She did not have the luxury of time to do this with him. She knew he would not leave no matter what she said, so the only thing she could do was crack the defense system as fast as she could to give everyone a chance at survival.

Xinghe went to town on the keyboard.

Sam soon returned with two sets of spacesuits. After taking them from him, Mubai ordered, “Go to the spaceships, see if there is a way to save us.”

“Okay!” Sam nodded tensely. He looked at Mubai and told him solemnly, “You two have to survive; I will use every ounce of my energy to come save you.”

“Thank you.”

That was the only reply Mubai gave him, but it was enough to communicate the gratitude he had for the other man. Sam nodded knowingly. He did not waste time talking and went to fulfil his responsibility. Every second was precious, and they did not have the luxury to waste even one.

Mubai also started moving. He personally helped Xinghe get into the spacesuit which was not easy considering the fact her hands never left the laptop as she shrugged into the spacesuit.

With Mubai’s help, Xinghe successfully put on her spacesuit except for her helmet and gloves.

He then stepped into his own spacesuit. He also left his helmet and gloves off, so he could have an easier time in helping Xinghe gets hers on.


Chapter 863: Expanded

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Very soon, the base’s defense system would be activated!

By then, the base would self-destruct, and nothing would be safe.

“How much do we have left?” Mubai asked Xinghe solemnly. Xinghe replied without taking her eyes off the screen, “Probably less than a minute!”

Mubai was shocked, they only had such a short amount of time left. His hands that held the helmet got tighter, he was ready to shove it onto Xinghe when the time came. Everyone else had moved to the spaceships. The base was huge, there was a hangar used to keep the spaceships, the spaceships were large and numerous enough to contain everyone from the base. These were the spaceships He Lan Yuan had prepared for his grand return to Earth. However, without his command, the barrier above the hangar could not be opened and the spaceships would not be able to lift off.

He Lan Yuan controlled everything there and was insane enough to want to destroy his life’s work. Since his plan had failed, he’d rather everyone else fail alongside him. His manic cackling had never once stopped throughout this process.

But did he really think he could take everyone out so easily? Impossible!

Xinghe had determination flaring in her eyes. She would never give up, not until the very last second!

Xinghe had completely entered her optimum state, her limit was once again pushed to greater heights. The external world was tuned out and even time had become relative. She did not waste even a tenth of a second, the last minute was used to its maximum capacity.

The atmosphere in the base was increasingly tense following her crazy tapping on the keyboard. The sirens were increasingly shrill as if they would break the sound barrier at any moment!

Just as everything was going to reach its maximum height, seconds before the big explosion, the sirens in the base stopped!

Shi Jian and the rest in the spaceships were stupefied.

They stood frozen and looked at each other with apparent disbelief. The sirens stopped…

Xinghe was successful, she had cracked the defense system‽

As if answering their question, the barrier above the hangar slowly opened. The fake blue sky parted to reveal the vast and dark cosmos. There had not been a greater moment where they loved the look of space so much. Their souls seemed to have escaped into the vast nothingness, so broad and so free. The sense of freedom was so overwhelmingly uplifting that it made them want to laugh aloud. And that was what they did, they laughed like they had never laughed before, which was not that far off from the truth.

The people at the base had never known laughter, but at that moment, they laughed from the bottom of their hearts and truly understood the meaning of the word, joy.

The sensation was even greater than the dreams of world domination. Sam was right, they had never experienced happiness and joy. They would never experience it if they kept staying there. Thankfully, they were going to leave the place!

Shi Jian immediately ordered a few people to go fetch Xinghe and Mubai. Right then, he realized Sam had disappeared. He did not notice Sam had rushed out of the spaceship the moment the sirens stopped.

Shi Jian did not dally and took his men to catch up to him.

Chapter 864: Laughing

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Along the way there, they saw the few of them rushing down toward them. To his surprise, Mubai and Sam carried two persons with them. They were He Lan Yuan and the man who attempted to destroy the defense system! Do they plan to save them?

The base’s barrier had been opened and the air from the base had rushed out. Xinghe, Mubai, and Sam had their spacesuits on while Mubai and Sam shared their oxygen with the two men they carried on their shoulders.

Mubai and Sam were on the verge of crumbling because they had difficulty breathing and had to carry another person with them. Shi Jian saw this and immediately had his men help them.

Shedding the weight, Mubai and Sam sighed audibly and increased the speed of their footsteps. With the cooperation from everyone, they soon entered the spaceships.

The spaceship had auto oxygen circulatory system, so Sam took off his helmet as the door closed. He crumbled to the floor and started gasping greatly for air. Mubai was doing the same as well. Sweat poured down his face profusely, but his eyes were glowing. There was even a huge smile on his face.

Sam was laughing, then everyone else started laughing. Like a disease, their laughs became louder and louder until the whole spaceship was filled with the sound of their laughter. Weirdly enough, no one spoke, and everyone was lost in the pure joy of laughter.

It was a laughter of sweet ending, a laughter to rejoice, to celebrate a new beginning. Laughter that perfectly described their feelings that were hard to be put into words. A few men even started dancing, at least what they thought was dancing on the moon. The weird twisting movements made Sam laugh even harder.

“Wait, stop, my stomach hurts!” Sam suddenly said with a frown as his hands went to his stomach. Shi Jian and the rest immediately stopped and looked at him with shock.

“Stomach ache? How are you feeling‽” Shi Jian enquired with concern.

“Are you injured?” someone asked worriedly.

“Let me take a look!” A man who studied medicine offered to give him a check-up.

Sam wanted to start laughing again, but he said, “No, I’m fine, my stomach hurts from laughing too much, that’s all.”

Shi Jian and the rest were stunned, the stomach could hurt from laughing too much?

Very soon, they realized a rather uncomfortable sensation settling down the pit of their stomach. Shi Jian and the rest sighed silently. Shi Jian said with tears in his eyes, “After thirty years, this is the first time I’ve stumbled upon the knowledge that one could get stomach ache from laughing too hard. In fact, this is the first time I have laughed with such happy abandon.”

“Me too.”

“Me too…” Everyone else nodded in agreement. They lamented their earlier life, which was no different from a living death. Every waking minute was spent doing research mechanically. The past decade of life was less than the past few minutes of happiness.

They swore to not return to that kind of lifestyle anymore. They had tasted happiness and would not want to continue their life in such dull manner anymore.

Shi Jian suddenly turned to Xinghe and bowed deeply to her. “Miss Xia, thank you for saving all our lives! We will never forget the kindness that you have showed us today and the new life you have given us. Miss Xia, thank you very much!”

“Miss Xia, thank you very much!” Everyone else also bowed deeply at her.

Xinghe said rather uncomfortably, “There is no need to thank me, you should thank yourself instead.”


Chapter 865: Depart!

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Shi Jian did not understand. “Thank ourselves?”

Xinghe nodded and said matter-of-factly, “Yes, it is because you all yearned for a better future that you decided to detain He Lan Yuan. It is because of this that I was willing to come and save you. Therefore, you should thank yourselves for taking the first step.”

If they’d continued to be He Lan Yuan’s pawns, their futures would not have changed. Only by siding with the good could salvation be theirs. Shi Jian and the rest’s feelings were complicated after listening to Xinghe. So, they had saved themselves…

“Regardless, Miss Xia, we are still greatly in your debt. Without you and your friends, freedom would have been impossible for us. Therefore, we will remember what you have done for us as long as we live,” Shi Jian still said with heartfelt appreciation.

Mubai said with a curved smile, “If you really want to show your appreciation toward her, then be stand-up humans after you all return to Earth.”

“That is for sure,” Shi Jian and the rest answered excitedly. Their eyes were glowing with anticipation. They were like new-born babies, excited to welcome a new life. A single outburst of laughter was enough to tickle them greatly, so they could not wait to experience the full range of human emotion. Therefore, they greatly anticipated their return to Earth.

“Miss Xia, now that the barrier is open, we can leave at any time. Do you still have anything that needs to be done? If not, then we will depart right away,” Shi Jian enquired with utmost respect. Shi Jian and the rest looked at her with great admiration and respect; they were willing to follow her arrangements.

Xia Xinghe shook her head. “There’s nothing else. Let’s depart if you’re all ready; there is no reason to stay at this place anymore.”

“Yes!” Shi Jian answered with authority, but his eyes could not help but fall on He Lan Yuan and his lackey who were unconscious.

“Miss Xia, why did you save them?” he asked. He Lan Yuan was Earth’s most wanted man and the other almost caused all of them to die there. She should not have wasted her time and energy to go save them.

Xinghe looked at their unconscious bodies and said lightly, “They were conveniently on our way here and He Lan Yuan is still useful to me.”

She was going to pry her mother’s location out of him. Shi Jian seemed to understand what she meant, so he did not ask anymore. He moved to prepare for lift off.

Xinghe and her group tied up He Lan Yuan and his lackey to prevent them from creating any more disturbances. Very soon, all the spaceships were ready to leave. With one order, they would leave the moon base and return home—Earth!

Shi Jian passed the mantle of leadership to Xinghe, but Xinghe was not interested in leading them, so she passed it to Mubai instead.

“Attention Ship One!” Mubai took over the communicator and looked out into the vast space and ordered seriously, “Prepare for take off!”

“Yes sir!” Spaceship One started its engine and successfully entered space. When they left the moon base, other than Xinghe’s group, everyone else had tears in their eyes. They were finally going to leave that godforsaken place.

The levitation of Spaceship One meant the advent of their freedom…

Mubai continued to order, “Spaceship Two, prepare for lift off!”

“Yes, sir!” Spaceship Two also successfully lifted off into space.


Chapter 866: Living Is Your Curse

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Just like that, all the spaceships were activated; they were moving toward that blue, beautiful planet. Xinghe had contacted the people back on Earth. After Ali and the rest heard from her, they anticipated the fleet of spaceships’ glorious return. They knew Xinghe would never fail, her track record proved that.

Xinghe had no idea her image had greatly elevated in many people’s eyes after this incident. Even the way He Lan Yuan looked at her had changed.

Speaking of which, the scientist had roused himself. He was tied to a chair; the binds were so tight that he could not even wiggle his wrists.

His dark eyes stared at Xinghe, who sat opposite him. She stared back openly at him and neither said a word. They just stared at each other. He Lan Yuan’s gaze was like that of a predator stalking his prey in the dark; it made people alarmed and anxious. Xinghe’s gaze was like the surface of a deep pool, clear yet cold. Under He Lan Yuan’s scary scrutiny, she did not falter; her inner confidence impressed even He Lan Yuan.

After who knows how long, this frail and ugly old man croaked, “I am surprised that Earth has someone as talented as you. My satellite and base system were overridden by you. If I’d known, I would have destroyed Earth without giving any warning.”

“The worst taste in the world is regret,” Xinghe said softly.

He Lan Yuan started cackling. “You are right, and you will definitely taste it since you let me live. As long as I am alive…”

“You are useless even if you’re alive,” Xinghe interrupted him crudely.

He Lan Yuan’s face dropped. “What did you say? I dare you to repeat it!”

Xinghe glanced at him and repeated, “You are useless even if you’re alive.”

“How dare you call me useless!” He Lan Yuan almost jumped off his chair, he would’ve, if not for the bindings holding him back. No wonder Shi Jian had thought he’d gone insane because he definitely looked the part. He Lan Yuan widened his dead eyes and barked, “Other than me, everyone else in this world is useless! Only I can stand at the top. No one is better than me; I am the most impressive genius the world has ever seen. You foolish humans are so beneath me, you are not even worth my time. And you dare say I am useless? Don’t make me laugh, you humans are the useless ones! None of you can match my accomplishments, the things that I have achieved! I am the greatest!”

“Your accomplishments?” Xinghe scoffed with derision. Her derision riled He Lan Yuan up even more. He might have failed, but it did not mean he was going to suffer being looked down upon by this woman. For a self-centered, arrogant person like He Lan Yuan, the biggest insult was having someone doubt his ability.

He would take revenge whenever someone did that to him. Alas, he was now their prisoner, so he could not do anything to harm Xinghe.

“You are looking down on me?” He Lan Yuan glared at her with his venomous gaze that reminded Xinghe of a viper and hissed, “Who are you to look down on me? You think you can do that just because you’ve captured me? Please, my accomplishment…”

“Stop, because none of this is your accomplishment,” Xinghe once again interrupted him rudely.

Translator’s Thoughts:

Lonelytree: Sorry for the late upload, I forgot the time.

Chapter 867: Because I Have Ruined You

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

He Lan Yuan was stunned. Then a great ball of fire expanded from within his chest.

“Not mine?” He glared venomously at Xinghe, spitting out his every word. “You say these achievements are not mine? How dare you claim that they are not mine, how dare you humiliate me thusly—”

He Lan Yuan was practically screaming at this point. His dry, slender neck was pulled tout, and a few veins on his forehead were close to popping. If he were any angrier, he would have died from an aneurysm.

His screams were so loud that almost everyone in the ship heard him. Shi Jian and the rest still jumped from his scream, because their fear for He Lan Yuan had been drilled into them when they were young. They all tensed unconsciously when they heard him yell.

“He has gone crazy!” Sam glared and was ready to push open the door to teach this old coot a lesson but was stopped by Mubai.

“Don’t go in.”

“Why not?” Sam questioned. “Did you not hear him scream at Xinghe? He is crazy, what if he harms Xinghe?”

Mubai laughed and said, “What kind of harm do you think he can do? Xinghe told us all to not go disturb her or else we might spoil her plan.”

Sam instantly conceded. Xinghe always had an end goal in mind that he could never understand; it seemed like only Mubai understood her. Since he’d said she had a plan, then it was probably true. After all, the most He Lan Yuan could do was yell at Xinghe, and he knew Xinghe would not be affected by something like that.

“Considering the person you are, this level of humiliation is being kind to you.” She stared at him and said with a cold smile, “You have the face to claim these accomplishments as yours. From how I see it, your only accomplishment is grooming the real creators behind these accomplishments!”

“What did you say?” He Lan Yuan widened his eyes.

Xinghe stood up gracefully and looked down at him. “You used some despicable methods to cultivate a group of geniuses to work for you, otherwise, how could someone of your caliber even dare to go up against the world? Alas, even with so many talents working for you and years of preparation, you still could not take down the work. This is because you are rotten within and even the gods want to punish you. Every living person in the world wants to see you dead. If you are not useless then what are you? In this whole wide world, you are the most useless creature there is and will ever be!”

“You…” He Lan Yuan was speechless from anger, so much so that his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “How dare you talk to me like this! No one dares talk to me like this, how dare you deny everything that I have done, how… who are you to judge me‽”

“I am the person who ruined everything that you have worked for, is that not enough?” Xinghe answered plainly. He Lan Yuan froze in his seat and despair washed away the anger in his eyes. Yes, she had ruined everything for him…

Sometimes it only needed one sentence to bring a person down. He Lan Yuan’s confidence, arrogance, and conceit seemed to crumble before Xinghe. He seemed to visibly deflate in his seat, and in that instant, he looked more like the fragile old man that he was. This was most obvious in his eyes which had lost their glow and they looked just like the eyes of a dead man.

“Do you know why I was able to ruin you so completely?” Xinghe’s cold and clear voice rang out above his head.

He Lan Yuan was suddenly reminded of the words Xinghe told him just before she took over control of his satellites.


Chapter 868: Xia Wa’s Daughter

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

She said that he was not qualified to know how she did that. “That is because I know who really designed your system. I know the theories behind it, so naturally I know how to hack through them.”

What‽ He Lan Yuan whipped his head up and looked at her in disbelief. His eyes stared at her darkly, and surprise and shock were apparent on his face. “You, you are… your mother is…”

Xinghe nodded calmly. “That’s right, it is her.”

“Impossible!” He Lan Yuan gasped. ” Xia Wa 1 has no daughter; a woman like her will not give birth because no one in this world is worthy enough to inherit her legacy! No useless human is good enough to sire her children, you cannot be Xia Wa’s daughter!”

Xia Wa? Xinghe’s eyes flitted temporarily. She had never known her mother’s name, her father refused to tell her, apparently it was a promise between her parents. So, her name is Xia Wa…

In the bible, Xia Wa was the first woman God created, the first human being to obtain intelligence. So was there a deeper meaning behind her mother’s name?

“She said her name is not Xia Wa,” Xinghe retorted slowly.

He Lan Yuan laughed mirthlessly. “It was right of her to give you the wrong name because you do not deserve to know her real name. Xia Wa is the name I bequeathed unto her.”

“Why?” Xinghe asked.

He Lan Yuan was actually an incredibly lonely person. He was stuck on the moon base with no one to share his inner secrets, so he did not mind sharing them with Xinghe, just like how the villains loved to point out their grand schemes in movies for plot reasons.

“Because she is the most incredible person I have ever cultivated. She has shown immense talent and intelligence since she was still a girl, and she could absorb any new knowledge; she was a learning machine. She is as clever as I am, and she is the only human in this world who I will admit as my kin. From my perspective, she is the first woman in the world to truly possess intelligence and everyone else is equally dumb! Therefore, I named her Xia Wa because there is no better name for her.”

“Do you really think you are God?” Xinghe asked coldly.

He Lan Yuan retorted matter-of-factly, “I am God! No one is better than me, and she is my creation, my greatest accomplishment in life. I am her God, and I am God incarnate!”

Xinghe was speechless. She really did not expect that He Lan Yuan would be so conceited. He even considered himself God incarnate…

“Then where is she?” She did not want to waste time and cut straight to the point.

He Lan Yuan’s excited glow in his eyes suddenly dimmed. There was resentment and pain in his tone when he said, “I do not know where she is.”

“If you don’t, then who does?” Xinghe asked vehemently.

He Lan Yuan roared angrily, “She escaped! I was so nice to her and cultivated her so carefully… I was even willing to share the whole world with her. I spent so much on her, but she had the audacity to escape and took a sizeable group of people with her. For so many years, I have been searching for her, but it was to no avail. I thought she’d died, who would have thought… she went to Earth and gave birth to a daughter!”

He Lan Yuan’s gaze on Xinghe suddenly turned scary, like he was intent on erasing her existence. His gaze seemed like he was looking at the world’s dirtiest thing.


Chapter 869: You’re the One Who’s Wrong

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“You should not have been born!” He glared viciously at Xinghe. His gaze was the most disgusting and atrocious gaze Xinghe had ever since in her life. “You do not have the right to exist in this world because your existence is Xia Wa’s one and only regret in life. If I’d known she had given birth to a child on Earth, I would have ruined it without a second thought. You deserve death, because you ruined her! Someone like you is not qualified to uphold her glorious legacy!”

“If I am not qualified, then who is?” Xinghe laughed. She was not angered by his words, not even one bit.

He Lan Yuan demanded crazily, “My offspring, of course! Only my own child is qualified to carry her legacy because she and I are superhumans. Other than myself, no human is good enough for her. Who is your father? I am going to kill him! He has corrupted my best creation; I will never forgive him even if I die!”

“You‽” Xinghe laughed haughtily as an ice-cold aura radiated from her body. “You are the only one qualified to be her partner? You even mentioned the biggest regret of her life. Have you ever considered that, perhaps, you are her biggest regret in life?”

“What did you say?” He Lan Yuan glared openly at Xinghe like a leopard ready to pounce.

Xinghe repeated herself, “You are her biggest regret in life, that is why she wants to eliminate you, to ruin everything you have worked for!”

He Lan Yuan was stupefied, staring at Xinghe with his mouth agape. She said that Xia Wa wanted to eliminate him? How was that possible?

“You’re lying to me!” He Lan Yuan was calm again, but his face was still as creepy as ever. “I have given my everything to cultivate her. I have done everything for her, I lavished her with the best treatment, and I practically raised her. I am her confidant; I am her everything. Why would she want to eliminate me, the person she wants to eliminate is you because you are her biggest regret in life!”

He Lan Yuan got increasingly agitated as he tried to convince himself more than Xinghe. He nodded continuously, saying, “Yes, I am her everything, and you are her biggest regret. She is supposed to eliminate you, yes, you…”

“But the one being destroyed now is you,” Xinghe reminded him once more. He Lan Yuan froze on the spot as Xinghe continued nonchalantly, “How else do you explain the fact that I was able to ruin everything you have built?”

He Lan Yuan lifted his face slowly, his sagging face shuddering as he did so. His eyes were darting around as well. Someone of his intellect definitely knew what Xinghe was referring to.

His satellite control system and base defense system were designed by Xia Wa. Only she could hack through the system easily. Therefore, she must have left Xinghe the method to do that; she… wanted to destroy him.

He Lan Yuan’s lips also started to quiver. He should have thought of that when Xinghe suddenly took over his control of the satellites. He should have happened upon Xinghe’s relationship to Xia Wa then…

It was because he was unwilling to accept the reality that he continued lying to himself. Why would she betray me?

“Impossible, she has no reason to do this to me, impossible…”

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