Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

So, no surprise, Emperor Scorpion’s plan to conquer the world failed.

The story should have ended here.

But the Demon Scorpion Emperor is not reconciled.

At the last moment of his life, Emperor Scorpion swore to Anubis, the **** of death, that as long as Anubis rescued him and helped him take revenge, he would sacrifice his first life.

Bah, if you make a mistake, he will offer his soul.

As we all know, the gods on the dark side are good at “collecting souls”, and Anubis, the **** of death, is no exception.

Anubis readily agreed to the request of the Scorpion Emperor, giving him a new life and an invincible army of death.

Leading this army of immortal Reapers, the Scorpion Emperor bloodbathed the Egyptian city of Thebes, which defeated him.

At the moment of success, the Scorpion Emperor was also taken back by Anubis, leaving only the Death Bracelet that can summon the Death Army.

It is said that after wearing the Death Bracelet, the Demon Scorpion Emperor will be resurrected from the dead, and as long as he defeats the resurrected Demon Scorpion Emperor, he can control the invincible Death Army to conquer the world through the Death God Bracelet.

Well, that’s the plot of The Mummy 2.

Li Xu is very clear.

What surprised him was that “The Mummy 2” happened ten years later.

So, who resurrected the Demon Scorpion Emperor now?

“It’s Ansuna!”

The leader of the man in black answered Li Xu’s doubts.


The leader of the man in black said in a deep voice: “We discovered that Ansuna sneaked into the pyramid of the Scorpion Emperor secretly, but it was already too late. Ansuna resurrected the Scorpion Emperor through the death bracelet.”


Jonathan nodded vigorously, “Li, you don’t know how scary that scene was. The whole desert turned black, and they were all dog-headed Death Army.”

“That’s a jackal’s head.” The man in black twitched his mouth and corrected.

“It’s almost the same as any head, but it’s very scary anyway.”

With an exaggerated expression, Jonathan shook his head and said, “This stupid guy wants to lead his people to fight against those monsters. Fortunately, I was smart enough to bring him to ask you for help.”

“Then I still have to thank you?”

Li Xu rolled his eyes.

“no, I’m fine.”

Jonathan smiled sheepishly, waved his hands and said, “Aren’t you looking for Anubis, the **** of death, Li? I thought, Emperor Scorpion has something to do with Anubis, that’s why he came here.”

“Okay, don’t explain, let’s go and have a look together.”

Li Xu shook his head speechlessly.

Find Anubis through Scorpion King?

He had no hope of that.

Anubis is a coward, now he hides when he sees him, it will be strange if he can be found.

Hoo hoo…

Hearing that Li Xu was willing to help, Jonathan was relieved.

Cairo is his hometown, where he has many familiar friends.

He didn’t want the city of Cairo to be destroyed by the Reaper Legion.

“Thank you, Mr. Li.”

The leader of the men in black also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Li Xu is unwilling to help, he can only lead the clansmen to desperately.

This is what he does not want to see.

After all, it is not easy for their clan to last for thousands of years, and it cannot be cut off in his hands.

“Stop saying polite words, let’s go.”

Li Xu didn’t care about these red tapes, and walked out first.

Jonathan and the leader of the man in black exchanged glances, and quickly followed.

Cairo is twenty miles away…

The boundless kobold army is marching towards Cairo city.

Among them, on the throne lifted up by the Kobold, sat a monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a scorpion.

Well, this is the Scorpion Emperor.

Titles are not for nothing.

After his resurrection, Emperor Scorpion became this half-human, half-scorpion appearance, and he himself was very satisfied with his own image.

Compared with the previous mortal body, he is now stronger, not only infinitely powerful, but also immortal.

As for whether this image will affect your personal life?

The Demon Scorpion Emperor felt completely fine.

Looking at Ansuna nestled in his arms, the Scorpion Emperor was full of ambition. He was once defeated by the Egyptian Pharaoh, but now, the Egyptian Pharaoh’s woman was lying in his arms, allowing him to ravage her.


Thinking of his pride, Emperor Yang raised his head and laughed loudly.

With an immortal body and an army of immortal gods, no one can stop him from conquering the world this time.

Satisfied, he put his arms around Ansuna and said with a smile: “Ai Ji, after I conquer the world, I will make you the first concubine.”

“Thank you, Emperor Demon Scorpion, for your love.”

Ansuna smirked softly.

She certainly wouldn’t want to be with a half-man, half-scorpion monster if she could.

But after leaving Imerton.

She is a weak woman, and she quickly saw the malice of the world.

Just one day.

All her gold was stolen from her.

Ansuna immediately went from rich woman to beggar.

How could Ansuna, who was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, bear this?

With a ruthless heart, she decided to revive the Demon Scorpion Emperor and enjoy the rights of being under one person and above ten thousand people again.

However, she still thinks things are too simple.

Looking at the scorpion body of the Scorpion Emperor.

Ansuna’s guts were green with regret.

I knew it earlier.

She just kept to herself and didn’t betray Imerton.

On the observatory in Cairo City, the leader of the man in black pointed to the densely packed black spots on the desert, and explained to Li Xu: “Mr. Annihilation is an invincible existence for mortals.”


Li Xu’s gaze was a little strange at this moment.

With his eyesight, of course he can clearly see things twenty miles away. Li Xu wanted to laugh seeing Ansuna’s close relationship with the half-human, half-scorpion Demon Scorpion Emperor.

How could he not see it before.

Ansuna is so brave, she can be called a heroine among women, I admire her…

Chapter 356



As the kobold army gradually approached, the city of Cairo became riots.

Since Egypt is a British colony, the most powerful and well-equipped city of Cairo is a British Army Division stationed nearby.


My British Empire has its own traditions.

Seeing the Reaper Legion with dog-headed bodies, the British soldiers ran faster than the locals, driving a dilapidated jeep, and the soldiers ran away in a blink of an eye.


Before leaving, he did not forget to hoist a white flag of surrender thoughtfully.

This scene.

Jonathan looked stupid.

He was stunned for a long time before muttering to himself: “I finally know why the British lost so badly in the First World War.”

The leader of the man in black nodded sympathetically.

He is a native Egyptian, and he is hostile to the British.

But when he usually sees a glamorous and well-equipped army division, he also feels a lot of pressure in his heart, thinking that this is a very strong army.

Never thought.

This group of soldiers is completely useless, not even as good as his clansmen.

Boom 13!


The Reaper Legion is still approaching step by step. Due to the large number, it looks like an endless Kuroshio.


Feeling the heavy pressure that was almost coming to his face, Jonathan swallowed hard, and looked at Li Xu pitifully, “Li, although the protagonists always appear at the last moment, but you are so handsome, there is no need to squeeze the time so much.” Sure.”


Evelyn on the side was amused by these words, she gave her brother a blank look and said, “Why didn’t I realize that you are so flattering?”

“I’m not flattering, I’m just telling the truth.”

Facing the boundless pressure of the Death Army, Jonathan felt that he had to compromise, so he kept a serious face and continued to boast: “I was lying before, Li is not only a little more handsome than me, but a billion times more handsome.”

“The two of us went to the bar, and the girls didn’t even look at me, they all surrounded him.”


Evelyn was still listening with gusto, but when she heard the second part of the sentence, she frowned immediately, and said with her hips akimbo: “When did you go to the bar, why don’t I know?”

Oops, I slipped my mouth!

Jonathan’s face collapsed, and he hurriedly covered his mouth.

Incompetent bungler.

Li Xu gave the **** a hard look, and before Evelyn started to question, he decisively put his arms around her waist and gagged her.

After a few minutes.

Evelyn was released by Li Xu in a daze, and she had completely forgotten what she wanted to ask.

“Is this all right?”

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