Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

“How could I be that kind of person?”

Jonathan felt insulted.

He is indeed a sneaky bastard, but he is also principled.

At least he never thought about selling a girl.

“Okay, trust you once.”

Li Xu nodded.

It can be seen that this guy is quite principled, at least he is good to Evelyn.

“Then how about bringing me and Evelyn with you when you go to Hamnata?”

Jonathan originally had an angry expression, but after hearing Li Xu’s words, he immediately changed into a smiling face.

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Li Xu would not agree, and added another sentence, “Evelyn has hoped to find Hamnata since she was a child, Li, I am helping you.”

It should be for the treasure of Hamna Tower!

Li Xu saw through and didn’t say anything, and said deliberately: “In this case, I will go with Evelyn, and you are useless, so there is no need to go.”


Jonathan was stunned for a moment, and said unwillingly, “I’m still useful, for example, to create opportunities for you and Evelyn?”

Li Xu: “…”

As expected of you!


In the early morning of the next day, on the banks of the Nile, the dull sound of ship whistles sounded.

An old-fashioned gasoline boat slowly came from upstream, and gradually slowed down, and docked beside the dock.

This is a sightseeing boat!

Follow the Nile River all the way down, you can go deep into the Sahara Desert.

Of course, in the early 1990s, Egypt was still a remote area, and few people came to travel, but more people came to seek gold.

European aristocrats in this era like bibimbap with ashes, that is, using mummy powder to strengthen their yang.

Therefore, in the international market, mummies are very valuable, attracting a large number of gold diggers to come to Egypt for adventure.


At this time, the dull sound of the ship’s whistle sounded again. It was the captain reminding the passengers who had bought the tickets to board the ship as soon as possible.

“Let’s go.”

Beside the dock, Li Xu helped Evelyn pick up the suitcase.


Evelyn lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Li Xu’s eyes.

Ashamed to say, she was thinking about kissing Li Xu all night, because of this, she didn’t sleep well all night, and the dark circles under her eyes came out.

“And me, wait for me.”

Jonathan followed closely behind with his suitcase.

Like Evelyn, he also has two dark circles under his eyes.

But the reasons are different.

Evelyn was ashamed and annoyed because of what happened during the day, and at the same time she was a little secretly happy.

And Jonathan was excited because of Hamnata’s golden treasure.


After all the passengers arrived, the sightseeing boat started and went all the way down the Nile.

The scenery along the way is beautiful and beautiful.

But Evelyn and Jonathan were too sleepy, they persisted for a while, and then went back to the room to catch up on sleep.

Only Li Xu drank by himself on the deck.

Besides him, there was a group of cowboy gold diggers playing poker on the deck, and their accents sounded like they were from America.

The two sides are not familiar with each other, so naturally there is no conversation.

In this way, the sightseeing boat went all the way down, gradually deepening into the Sahara Desert.


After about ten hours of driving.

it’s dark.

In the darkness and silence, the reeds on both sides of the river began to sway strangely.

Chapter 347

Night, full of stars.

The sightseeing boat is parked in a natural harbor, and on both sides of the river are unusually swinging reeds.



It can be clearly seen that the reed is bent and bent, and there seems to be something lurking in it.

And the indentation was getting closer and closer, and soon reached the side of the sightseeing boat.

“finally come!”

On the deck, Li Xu paused while drinking.

He had seen the film and knew the identity of the attacker well.

These people are the descendants of the Pharaoh’s guard!

They reproduced from generation to generation, silently guarding Hamnata in the desert from being disturbed by outsiders.

That’s why.

It is because of an ancient legend in ancient Egypt.

According to legend, in ancient Egypt, the most terrifying punishment was insect punishment, that is, to seal a living person into an insect coffin, and let the living person be devoured to death by a large group of scarabs.

Because the punishment was too cruel, the person who was tortured had a lot of resentment after death. Once revived, he would become a monster that harmed the world.

This is the same as the legend of the Dragon Kingdom.

The worse the death, the more ferocious after becoming a ghost.


Ancient Egypt rarely used this kind of cruel punishment, and even used it only once in thousands of years.

The unlucky one to be tortured was High Priest Imerton.

Logically speaking, as the high priest of Egypt, Imerton, who is under one person and above ten thousand, would not have ended up in such a miserable end.

But he is so brave!

Not only had an affair with Pharaoh Aiji, but also chopped off the pharaoh’s dog’s head.

Such a feat cannot be justified without severe punishment.


After being caught by the pharaoh’s guards, Imerton became the first sinner in ancient Egypt to enjoy the punishment of insects.

He was sealed in a worm coffin and was bitten to death by a scarab.

After dying so badly, one can imagine how much resentment Imerton had, and how terrifying he was after being resurrected.

Therefore, just in case, the Pharaoh’s guards settled near Hamna Tower for generations to prevent Tie Hanhan from resurrecting Imerton.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to kill all the people who came to the desert to look for Hamnata.

Like now.

A group of masked men in black quietly boarded the sightseeing boat, holding daggers and showing murderous intent.

According to the information they got, the people on this ship came for Hamna Tower.

If so, don’t miss any of them.

“On your side〃”.”

“My side…”

After whispering and chatting for a while, these black-clothed masked men scattered in all directions, some of them took out kerosene and fire pockets, and prepared to burn the whole ship.

Another group of people sneaked quietly and entered the cabin one by one.

“It’s quite professional.”

Li Xu saw all this in his eyes.

Shaking his head and smiling.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Plop! ×n

Suddenly, there was the sound of falling water.

Under Li Xu’s control, these masked men in black moved swiftly and threw all the drunken American cowboys off the boat.

Then these black masked men also jumped off the boat.

Only the leader of the men in black remained.

“What kind of magic method are you… using?”

After being confused for a while, the leader of the man in black woke up suddenly, holding the scimitar at his waist, and looked at Li Xu vigilantly and in astonishment.

“A prisoner has no right to ask questions.”

Li Xu’s eyes flickered, “Tell me about the information you know, about the gods of ancient Egypt.”

The leader of the man in black who was hypnotized said with a dazed expression: “We are only the descendants of the Pharaoh’s guards, and we are not familiar with the Egyptian gods, but according to the information handed down from our ancestors, most of the Egyptian gods disappeared long ago.”

“Only the gods of death, Anubis and Ra, occasionally perform miracles, but in modern times, even they rarely perform miracles.”

“Anubis and Ra?!”

Li Xu’s eyes flickered.

In the Egyptian mythology system, these two are relatively well-known.

Anubis mentioned before that he is Seth’s son, but the relationship between the two is not good, and he belongs to the type of father who laughs at his son.


It was Seth, who was the **** of deserts and storms, who was jealous of his brother Olisis’s position as the Lord of Hades, so he planned to kill him and became the boss of Hades himself.

Then Horus, the son of Orysis, united with Anubis and killed Seth.

Then, Anubis logically became the second in command of Hades, and even for a while, he took the place of his uncle Olisis and became the Lord of Hades.

All in all, Anubis, like Zeus, is a filial son who likes to kill his father to be superior.

As for the other one, Ra, he is even more famous.

Ra is the sun **** in Egyptian mythology, and also the highest and most important **** in Egyptian mythology.

To put it simply, the **** Ra is the leader of the Egyptian **** system, similar to the existence of a **** king.

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