Morning, the Heir

Chapter 69 - His Heartbeats Got Accelerated

Chapter 69: His Heartbeats Got Accelerated

Translator: Peggyan and Ruriko

It wasn’t a formal meeting, so Lin Yaoguo wasn’t at home. As the elder, Jiang Hui introduced them to each other.

“Xiaomi, come here. This is Second Master Tang.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Tang Fengmo.” Tang Fengmo stretched his hand out with courtesy.

Lin Xiaomi felt disgusting while staring at the slim hand before her and wondered to herself how many women he had touched with this hand.

She stretched her hand out and wanted to give him the slightest touch. Unexpectedly, he tightened his hold and seized her fingertip.

He then felt her hand as tender as her.

Having mustered all her strength, she took her hand back with her fingertips reddened.

She was so furious that she wanted to cut his hand off.

Having rubbed her hand against her clothes, she still felt that his touch remained on her fingertip, which darkened her face.

“I don’t know there is another miss in the Lin family.” Sitting down, Tang naturally caught sight of Lin Xin’er who sat aside.

She should be that unhealthy miss in the Lin family. With a deathly pale face, she applied too much powder, which was hard for him to kiss. Women were supposed to be clean and refreshing.

Having experienced various men, Jiang could tell from how Tang looked at Lin Xiaomi that this marriage was going to happen.

Sitting beside Lin Xiaomi, Jiang intimately introduced, “Shy and introverted, my daughter is used to keeping a low key and doesn’t like attending those fancy banquets.”

Tang fixated his eyes on Lin Xiaomi’s pretty face and said with a nod, “Yeah, yeah. Shyness is good. Quiet and dignified women are likable.”

Hearing this, Jiang added with a deeper smile, “As a good girl, Xiaomi has been well-behaved and hasn’t been in love before.”

With his brows wrinkled, Tang looked at Lin Xiaomi with more profound eyes.

Lin Xiaomi couldn’t help but sneer. Had Jiang become a pimp now?

Why didn’t Jiang directly say that Lin Xiaomi was a clean virgin? He would feel satisfied when he married Lin Xiaomi. In addition, Lin Xiaomi was shy and easy to manipulate and manage and wouldn’t mind if he fooled around outside.

Lin Xiaomi felt sad inside and never expected that Jiang should spare no effort to push her into the abyss of suffering.

She tried her best to hold back her anger, but she couldn’t neglect the hot eyesight from the opposite even if she wanted to.

She then helplessly looked up and fiercely glared at him, conveying a meaning that if he dared look at her like he was a hooligan, she would poke his eyeballs out.

Having been suddenly glared fiercely, Tang tutted and found that Lin Xiaomi wasn’t like what Jiang described.

Tang didn’t feel cheated and found it funnier instead.

Women should be smart and lovely. To be frank, he frequently changed his girlfriend, only because they were too boring.

All they knew was to fawn over him and do what he wanted and ask for money. He didn’t care about money, but if they couldn’t make him happy, then he was done with them.

Although Lin Xiaomi looked obedient and didn’t say a word since the beginning, he was very sure that she was interesting.

Lin Xiaomi was tired of being stared by him and suddenly thought of Leng Yihuang.

If Leng were here now, he would definitely roll up his sleeves to beat Tang.

The scene that Leng was angry popped upon her mind.

She couldn’t help but laugh out. Soon, she noticed this and curled her lips.

But, Tang still caught sight of her smile and then got his heartbeats accelerated.

How to describe this smile?

Like a spring breeze, it was not only beautiful but also pure and clean.

Having indulged in different women in pursuit of fame and money, how long had he not seen such a smile?

Lin Qingtian walked downstairs right on the time. Since Lin Yaoguo wasn’t at home, Lin Qingtian must show up as the eldest son.

Seeing him, Lin Xiaomi subconsciously got relieved and turned her head around to smile, powerless and helpless.

Having met Tang before, Lin Qingtian exchanged a few words with him.

Lin Xiaomi suddenly saw the wound on Lin Qingtian’s hand that was casually wrapped with a Band-Aid.

“Elder brother, what’s wrong with your hand?” Lin Xiaomi still saw blood coming up.

Lin Qingtian said with a casual smile, “No worries! A goblet was broken and cut my hand.”

“But you should have taken this seriously.”

After the servant brought the bandage, Lin Xiaomi opened the Band-Aid and saw his exposed flesh even with a tiny glass particle stuck into it.

She gasped and looked at him in disbelief. Did he not feel pain?

Seeing her furrowed brows, he suddenly got a good mood and even comforted her. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt.”

Having thrown him a blaming glance, she carefully applied medicine on his hand and bandaged him again.

Lin Qingtian looked much better. Jiang came out of the kitchen to call everyone for dinner. When Lin Xin’er passed by Lin Qingtian, she threw a meaningful glance at him.

Tang couldn’t take his eyes off Lin Xiaomi, which made the latter barely eat.

Jiang constantly enjoined Lin Xiaomi, “Pick up food for Second Master Tang, you silly girl.”

Lin Xiaomi really wanted to ask whether he had hands or not!

But still, she picked up a piece of pork rib for Tang.

Tang ate it right away and said with a compliment, “Eh, it’s delicious. This is yummier than I pick it up myself.”

His remark made her want to throw up.

However, Jiang grinned from ear to ear and repeatedly kicked Lin Xiaomi under the table to ask her to continuously please Tang.

Lin Xiaomi couldn’t do it, but Jiang let it go at that when seeing that Tang wasn’t angry.

After dinner, Lin Xiaomi felt relieved.

When Tang walked outside, Lin Xiaomi followed, so he asked in surprise, “Xiaomi, you don’t live here?”

Jiang said ahead of Lin Xiaomi, “She’s too independent and becomes a reporter after graduation. Now, she lives outside at a rented apartment and doesn’t want to rely on us.”

As she spoke, she fondly stroked Lin Xiaomi’s head, which made the latter’s tear ducts burning.

How many years had Lin Xiaomi longed for such a fondly stroking?

As a kid, Lin Xiaomi barely met Jiang. After Jiang took her into the Lin family, she watched Jiang treat Lin Xin’er as a treasure.

Now, she finally got her mother’s stroking, but under such an insincere circumstance.

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