Morning, the Heir

Chapter 39 - Woman, Don’t Put Yourself into Trouble

Chapter 39: Woman, Don’t Put Yourself into Trouble

Translator: 安贝-Peggyan and Ruriko

The moment Lin Xiaomi laid on the bed, she rolled over.

Leng Yihuang wanted to pull her over, but as soon as he touched her, she waved her arm and said with her words full of grievance, “Don’t bother me. I’m sleepy.”

She slapped him, leaving the pain on his handsome face.

He felt aggrieved while seeing that she curled herself with her dainty face twisted.

As he bowed his head down, he saw his little “Leng Yihuang” full of mettle.

He slapped it and whispered, “Stop it.”

He then added after some thoughts, “You must be starved of it.”

He sat aside watching her sleep and got his heart beat fast.

Having struggled mentally, he eventually let her go.

It was alright! He decided to leave the best to the last moment.

At least, he wished that she was conscious when he had sex with her.

It would be funnier that she struggled in his arms.

Although he didn’t have sex with her, he took full advantage of her.

Not until midnight did he let go of her with satisfactory.

When he was about to sleep, she moved.

Having felt a little cold, she subconsciously approached him who was as hot as a stove.

Thus, she naturally snuggled against him.

Now, he understood that he hurt himself by his own doing. He had wanted to take advantage of her, but he suffered the most.

He warned her in a hoarse voice, “Woman, don’t get yourself into trouble. Otherwise, I’ll eat you.”

Having felt cold, she stretched her hands to hug him without hearing what he said and unconsciously stroked him with her hands. In the end, she directly held him into her arms.

She was having a sweet dream.

Her grandmother bought her a cashmere toy in her childhood, and she hugged it each night when she slept. However, Lin Xin’er snatched it and threw it to dogs. As a result, the toy was bitten into pieces.

Now, in her dream, she was hugging the toy. She fondly stroked his hair and stretched her long legs to bestride his waist. Subsequently, she tightened her arms and fell into sleep again.

With his head in her arms, he saw her chest.

He stared at her who was bestriding his body and felt speechless.

Her legs bestriding his waist, her nightdress dropped off, revealing her fair long legs.

He swallowed his saliva and felt the smooth and soft skin under his hands.

As his nose was against her chest, his breath was full of her fragrance. If he moved his nose, he would touch her soft chest.

The lust he had oppressed down was awakened again and was about to be heavier.

“You’re really torturing me!”

He pinched her thighs and bit her on her chest.

“It hurts!” moaned she involuntarily, which softened his heart.

He found that he couldn’t continue his actions upon seeing her sleep soundly.

When he lowered his head to see his little “Leng Yihuang”, he took several breaths and tried his best to suppress his lust.

“I indeed owe you!” shouted he with his teeth gnashed.

However, he still held her into his arms next second and saw her beautiful sleeping face all night.

The next morning, he slowly unloosened her arms and legs and put her legs around his waist, pretending that she held him into her arms against his will.

He had worried that she would scold him to take advantage of her after waking up, but it was time for her to work, and she was still sleeping.

As he hesitated to wake her up or not, he saw her red face.

He didn’t notice this before. He touched her forehead and found that she had a fever!

Her temperature was rather high.

“Xiaomi? Xiaomi?” He slightly shook her.

With her brow wrinkled, she moaned but didn’t wake up.

Having seen that she was unconscious due to fever, he quickly got up, got dressed for them, and ran to the clinic with her in his arms.

When she woke up, she only felt uncomfortable and had no strength at all.

She couldn’t see anything but the whiteness.

It took her a lot of time to figure out where she was.

Having lived in the community for many years, she recognized the clinic, of course.

Along the infusion tube of an infusion bottle, she fixed her eyes on her back of her hand.

What was wrong with her?

As soon as she moved, one people on the bed beside her saw her.

“Xiaomi, you wake up? How do you feel? Do I need to call a doctor for you?”

It was Granny Yang living in the same building with her who talked to her.

“No, Granny Yang.” She smiled obediently and asked again, “Granny Yang, do you know when I came here?”

She wanted to ask who sent her here, but she was too shy to ask that.

“It’s been over an hour. One infusion bottle has finished.” Granny Yang accompanied her husband to see the doctor here. Now, Granny Yang sat beside her.

“You still can’t take care of yourself as before. Your temperature was as high as 39℃and was unconscious when you came here in the morning. If the temperature doesn’t go down, you’ll go to the hospital.”

She touched her forehead and found the temperature not high. Since she woke up, she felt surprised that her temperature was as high as 39℃ before.

Granny Yang continued with a smile, “Is that handsome man your boyfriend? He’s kind and handsome. He’s good to you. When he ran here with you in his arms, he still wore a pair of indoor slippers and kept asking the doctor if you were okay.”

Speaking of which, Granny Yang smiled with her hands covering her mouth. Lin Xiaomi felt shy with a slightly blushed face.

In her eyes, what Granny Yang described didn’t fit Leng Yihuang she knew.

“Granny Yang, you’re exaggerating!” She felt that her face turned more flushed.

“I’m not exaggerating.” Hearing that Lin Xiaomi didn’t believe her, Granny Yang asked the other patients in the room, “You can ask them if the handsome man was concerned about you? When you were infused, he sat beside you and looked at you without blinks for fear that something terrible happened to you. Not until the doctor told him to buy some porridge to warm your stomach did he go out to buy porridge for you. He asked me to keep an eye on you before leaving.”

“Yes, yes. He was so worried about you. He was sweating when he ran here.”

“Alas, don’t be shy. I feel happy for you who find such a handsome boyfriend.”

Having lived in the community for many years, they got familiar with each other. Several aunts made fun of her.

As her face turned flushed, she felt rather strange upon the imagination of the nervous appearance of him.

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