Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 6 - Liao Yilan

  Chapter 6 Liao Yilan

  The sound is a bit familiar, and this familiarity seems to come from recent experience.

  While receiving the photo in the other pocket, Xiaolan slapped the remaining debris on his head and trot towards the door.

  If I remember correctly…

   “Crack…” Xiaolan opened the door that was already somewhat stuck, and saw that standing outside was the aunt downstairs who she was about to visit.

  Auntie with a gentle and expectant smile, holding a big steaming bowl in her hand, the moment she saw Xiaolan, she was obviously a little frightened.

   “Xiaolan! It’s Xiaolan really!”

Auntie    was stunned for a moment, then changed to holding a bowl in one hand, while the other hand held Xiaolan into the house.

  With a low crying voice, Auntie put the bowl on the ground. Only then did Xiaolan clearly see that the tempting noodles in the bowl and a poached egg were exuding heat.


  Xiaolan is a little surprised, this aunt’s attitude is completely different from when she saw herself yesterday.

   was thinking, she already took Xiaolan into her arms, crying bitterly, and wiped the dirt off Xiaolan’s face.

  ”This…” Xiaolan’s eyes widened, and the person in front of him was the same as the aunt who looked at him with weird eyes yesterday?

   “I heard my sister say that you are back yesterday, but I didn’t believe it at first…”

  The woman stopped her tears, but she was still sobbing, “Xiaolan, where have you been…have my forest come back with you?”

   Xiaolan was a little overwhelmed for a while, because there was too much content in this remark.

   Sister? So this aunt is not the one I met yesterday. Although she looks similar, her temperament does seem to be different.

  There are forests, who is the forest?

“Auntie, I’m sorry…” Xiaolan looked at the tearful woman at a loss, her tearful eyes filled with concern, “I am alone now, and… I don’t know what happened, I I don’t seem to remember anything.”

  The light in the woman’s eyes dimmed, and her anticipation turned into doubt and disbelief.

   “But… but Lin Zi went to see you…”

   Xiaolan twisted her shoulders anxiously, and the woman saw the blankness in her eyes.

  ”Xiaolan, have you even forgotten Linzi? Xiaolin, have you forgotten all?”——————————

  Xiao Lin and Xiao Lan grew up together.

  The Cheng family and the Liao family were neighbors when they were in Fengwu. The Cheng family’s mother was Lin Si, and the Liao family’s mother was Chu Sisi. They have been close partners since they met.

  In autumn, the two people formed two happy families; a few years after the spring, the two happy families had two more lovely babies.

The child of the Cheng family is called Cheng Lin, and the child of the Liao family is called Liao Yilan.

  The two children are each other’s closest friends.

  Xiao Lin is shy but stubborn. Xiao Lan is simple and brave. The two children accompany each other, holding hands wherever they go, and they are not afraid of anything.

   Childhood is beautiful but short, the days of innocence and innocence are fleeting, but the relationship between the two people does not appear to be cracked by the passage of time, on the contrary, they become deeper and more inseparable.

But Fengwu was too poor. As a family moved out of Fengwu, the mountains of Fengwu, the trees of Fengwu, and the beauty of Fengwu could no longer be reasons to stay here, the Cheng family and the Liao family still did not want to separate. They moved to the prosperous Yangjiang together. That year, Xiaolin and Xiaolan were 12 years old.

  At that time, Xiaolan was still a happy child.

  Moved to a new home, the two families are still neighbors of the upper and lower levels, everything has a new beginning, until…


  The woman’s words stopped abruptly, and she looked up at Xiaolan hesitantly.

   Xiaolan listened to her past, feeling as if she was listening to other people’s stories.

“what happened?”

  She remembered her real name in her heart, and asked anxiously.

  She felt that the real secret might gradually emerge from now on.

  Aunt Lin opened her mouth, and a deep sigh floated out.

   “Until Lily’s death, everything changed…”

  Buzzed his head.

  Yilan, Cheng Lin, Baihe… the names of each name flooded into Xiaolan’s memory like crazy, crowding her out of breath.

  ”Lily is…Lily is dead…Lily…”

  The memory seems to have become a door, which will be slammed shut when it is about to open. After hearing Lily’s name, Xiaolan finally has the feeling of touching the real past, and finally sees the light behind the door.

  But then, the thing behind the door slammed the door decisively, and the glimmer of light disappeared.

   “Xiaolan, do you still remember Lily?” Aunt Lin asked after seeing Xiaolan’s abnormality, “Xiaolan, just tell Auntie, who killed Lily?”

  But Xiaolan’s memories end here.

  There are only fragments of flashbacks in my mind, messy, girl’s screams, cramped toilets, fainted fat boys, and dull loud noises of objects falling high on the ground.

  The headache was quickly overcome by Xiaolan, without the physical pain, all this seemed to have become someone else’s story again.

  Only then did Xiaolan think of the photo in his pocket, and quickly took it out and showed it to Aunt Lin in the palm of her hand.

   “Auntie, this is Kobayashi, right.”

  Aunt Lin covered her mouth, and did not reach out to take the incomplete photo. Her body was trembling and staring at the photo for a while. Aunt Lin closed her eyes in pain, but the big tears rolled down uncontrollably.

Xiaolan was silent, and looked down at the shy boy in the photo. Aunt Lin’s finally uncontrollable cry was in her ears. Under the sun, Aunt Lin’s shadow curled up into a ball. Xiaolan didn’t understand anything, but she was distressed. Speechless.

  Seven or eight-year-old Xiaolin was thin, but the boy who passed out in his dream was a fat boy.

  That’s not Kobayashi.

  It’s not the bad boy who bullied me, but Lily.

  Although there is no Lily in his mind and no real memory of Lily, Xiaolan knows that Lily is a kind child and her friend.

  Either someone else lied to Uncle Song, or Uncle Song lied to me.


  The bathroom is filled with warm mist.


   Xiaolan twisted and sprinkled, and the hot water washed down like mist, gently enveloped Xiaolan.

   lowered her head to clean the bubbles, Xiaolan finally got rid of the image of a beggar who had been with her for a long time.

  This is Aunt Lin’s house.

  The long-term restraint of feelings caused Aunt Lin to collapse for a while. The two chose to take a break and then talk about the most painful part.

   Xiaolan closed the water, stepped on wet slippers, walked to the mirror, and wiped off the mist from the mirror with her hand.

  His pale and immature face appeared before her eyes.

  After waking up, she didn’t even see her appearance, Xiao Lan thought with a little surprise.

  If you think of Uncle Song, he really looks like thirteen or fourteen.

  However, I was indeed the protagonist of what happened five years ago. So, I should be eighteen years old.

   Xiaolan looked at the baby fat on her face, and thought to herself, maybe being stray will make people grow up.

  Open the door of the bathroom, and there is a burst of fragrance.

Aunt Lin cooked new noodles for Xiaolan. Xiaolan who didn’t smell the food seemed not hungry, but after smelling the aroma, Xiaolan’s appetite was also attracted.

  ”Let’s eat noodles first, and I will tell you while eating auntie.”

   Xiaolan walked over obediently, her short shoulder-length hair was still dripping with drops of water. Xiaolan put the towel on her shoulders, and the drops of water gradually soaked it.

“When you two were twelve, we just moved here. The school you went to is Yangjiang No. 3 Middle School not far from here. When you first arrived, everything was fine. You were assigned to different classes. , But the relationship is still very good, and soon, you also made a new friend, Lily.”

   Xiaolan nodded and took a bite of noodles.

  Although it seems a bit weird to eat noodles while listening to this story, I still want to finish it as soon as possible.

   “Lily is really a good boy, he is beautiful and generous. When the three of you play together, you are very happy every day. Although Lily is a girl, she is upright and righteous, otherwise she won’t end up…”

Aunt Lin choked, stopped and took a deep breath, sighed and shook her head.

   Xiaolan finished eating the noodles, pushed the bowl aside, leaned over and took Aunt Lin’s hand.


  Aunt Lin nodded and patted Xiaolan’s hand.

“But when you were thirteen years old, starting from the summer, you suddenly said to Sisi that there are ghosts in your attic. Xiaolan, you have been courageous since you were young, and you are not a liar kid, Sisi is worried. You are hysteria, so I asked you what the ghost looked like and what did you do to you. I didn’t agree with Sisi following you like this. In the end, you were all right. At this time, both of us began to suspect. It’s not that there are bad people, or that there are real ghosts.”

  (End of this chapter)

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