Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 4 - Resurrected child

  Chapter 4 The Resurrected Child

“Five years ago, a child was bullied in the class. It seemed to mean that the child had a mental problem. Others bullied him and excluded him. There was a child who was the most bullied. He usually took the lead. This continued. For a long time, the child has been bullied, and the parents and teachers are also acting as pranks on the children, regardless of it.

“Finally one day, the leading child blocked the child with mental problems in the toilet. At that time, the toilet was the two of them, and the noise was quite loud. If someone couldn’t stand it, they went to their head teacher and pushed him away. Behind the door, I saw that the child with a mental problem was left. The head teacher just wanted to ask another one, and he called out from downstairs. They leaned over to the window and saw that the leading child fell from upstairs. Go down, head down to death.

“Except for the child’s parents who thought it was an accident, everyone else felt that the child must have been bullied for too long and broke out, and pushed the leader downstairs, but they don’t know how the family settled this matter. Although everyone thinks so, no one came out to prove that one must have killed the other, and the police did not find evidence. The child was still young, and the matter was gone. After the child dropped out of school, the family moved. At home, the school also banned students from discussing this matter, and it didn’t take long for no one to mention it.”

   “Why did the school close?”

  It is difficult for her to find a sense of substitution in this story. She listened with gusto as a bystander, her dark eyes flashed in the night, “Did something else happen later?”

The man paused, bowed his neck slightly, looked around cautiously, and moved closer, “This incident itself has no effect on the school, but since the death of the child, strange things have started to happen in the school… “

   “Strange things?” She looked at the mysterious man in doubt, feeling that these words were both unexpected and reasonable.

  The man nodded pretentiously, “The school has started to haunt, especially the toilet. They all said, it’s the kid’s ghost who came back to take revenge, and came back to make trouble…”

WC? She turned her head and looked at the direction of the toilet on the second floor that she had just stayed in, while pointing there.

   “Is that the toilet on the second floor?”

  The man frowned and recalled for two seconds, “It seems to be the toilet on the west side of the second floor. It turned out to be the female toilet. You just went up?”

  She nodded, “To the west is…”

   “It’s on the left, like the women’s toilet on the left. I remember they said it was that.”

She thought about the location in the memory, and determined that the toilet that the man said was the one with the camera, “I went there just now and saw a camera in the toilet cubicle. Did you put it there? “

  ”Camera?” The man’s gaze gradually changed from doubt to fear, he looked uneasily around the dark surroundings, and finally froze on her, “You…you are really a person…”

She was still wondering the man’s reaction, she gave a helpless “Oh”, reached out her hand to pinch her face, and gently poked the man’s cold hand with the other hand, “I can touch you, and I’m hot, so The son must be a normal person.”

  The man looked comforted.

   “I didn’t set the camera, and I don’t know who set it.” The man retracted his gaze and looked at her tremblingly. “But if someone puts the camera, it means that ‘he’ may appear again.”

  She opened her eyes and probed over, “Who, who appeared? Is it the dead child?”

The man nodded, “The haunted rumor from this school is that every time someone will see the dead child climbing up from where he fell. The school didn’t believe it until more and more. People saw it, and slowly, there were fewer and fewer students.”

   “That…” Xiaolan frowned and muttered to herself in confusion, “Is the camera used to take pictures of the kid climbing up?”

  What emerged in her mind was a picture of a **** little boy crawling up the window, feeling very weird and unreal.

  The wind outside the window became quieter, the sound of rain became louder, the air was filled with soil and water vapor, and the surroundings were still pitch black. I don’t know the current time, let alone how long this darkness will last.

  But this kind of environment did not bring her fear. The man was about to be scared to cry by the “child resurrected from the dead”, but Xiaolan felt that the whole story was full of disharmony and weirdness.

  There must be something wrong with this story.

   “This happened in the women’s bathroom, so are both of them girls?” She tapped on the side.

  The man shook his head, “I don’t know this anymore. I don’t know which version of this story came to me. I haven’t heard the story as it is.”

  She retracted her head and frowned in the direction of the toilet where the accident occurred.

  Killed children, slain children, escaped children, resurrected children.

  Among these two people, will they have the same self?

“I don’t know what the two children are called,” she tentatively turned her eyes to peek at the man’s expression, “If it is a real thing, I think there will be some clues anyway, but now even the **** of the child is not I know, maybe it’s just a strange story passed on by word of mouth.”

The man’s eyes showed a trace of dissatisfaction, covering up his fear, “Isn’t there a camera upstairs, if there’s nothing wrong with the camera, the people in the town basically know about it. What I said may be true. Going in and out, but something strange did happen. You, a little girl, came here to ask questions in the middle of the night. I won’t delve into your purpose. At least you have to respect the tragedy in this land.”


  The man’s tone became more and more excited, and he just questioned reasonably, why is the man who claims to be from a foreign country so uncomfortable?

  It was quiet.

  The two think about each other.

The sky was brighter than before, and it was farther from the sunrise, but the wind and rain stopped, and the clouds could see the moonlight. The man realized that he was lost, shut up and turned his head and stopped looking at her, Xiaolan Through the moonlight, he found that although the man was sloppy, his looks and eyes revealed a gentle temperament.

   didn’t look like a tramp, she retracted her gaze and saw her dirty pants and the holes in her sleeves. In contrast, she was more like a beggar.

   “How are you, uh…” She didn’t know how to describe it, and said with gestures, “How could it become like this, it’s now, this…this very desolate look…”

  The man gradually calmed down, followed her words and looked down at his awkward appearance, and sighed lightly.

  ”I am a foreigner, a foreigner…that’s how it would be.”

   Xiaolan is a little confused.

   Is this the rule of this world, or is it the rule here, she doesn’t remember the world, she doesn’t remember what it should be like here, will outsiders become desperate? So, are you also a foreigner?

   “Why?” She asked directly, “Why do outsiders want to be like this?”

  He looked back at her questioningly, as if she was asking such a stupid question.

   “This is how it is here,” he was very certain, “this is the rule of Yangjiang.”

  Yangjiang, this is Yangjiang, she remembered it silently.

   “Who made the rules?”

   “Who makes the rules?” His expression became even more inexplicable, “Everyone does that, isn’t it a rule?”

  She tilted her head with a tangled expression, feeling really incomprehensible, and deeply realized the difficulty of communication between the two.

  If she continued to ask, she didn’t seem to know more, and she would still appear stupid. She was not too embarrassed to open her mouth and continue to ask.

  The wind and rain outside the window basically stopped. The night was very deep, and the surrounding was silent, so quiet that she could clearly hear his breathing.

At this time, Zhen was still blurred to her. After working hard, she learned many stories about the broken past. The descriptions of fiction and reality not only did not form a complete link, but deepened her confusion. She still knows nothing about where and what to do.

  The two also fell silent, and the air was filled with a touch of embarrassment.

   “What is your name,” the man broke the deadlock and asked as he stood up from the ground, “I’ll find out if there is any news about your parents. If you are from the town, someone will know your parents.”

   “Uh… my name is Liao… Liao Xiaolan,” she quickly got up and reported the name she had just known, “then what should I call you?”

The man picked up the coat on the ground and slapped the dust on it, “Just call me Uncle Song. At your age, I’m too embarrassed to ask you to call me eldest brother, Xiaolan. I should leave when the rain stops, you too. Don’t wait here all the time, there is usually no one here, so hurry home.”

When she heard the man leaving, she straightened up and looked at him at a loss. The man had put the half-dry coat back on her body. Seeing her panicked, she stretched out her hand and rubbed Xiaolan’s messy hair and grinned. Corner, towards the door.

   “Uncle Song!” Before the man stepped out, Xiaolan ran behind him, “Can I follow you for a while?”

The man turned his head with a bitter face, “I don’t have a place to live by myself. What are you doing with me? Go back to your own house. There are many things… You will understand slowly, but I can’t explain it clearly. If it’s impossible, go to the Public Security Bureau. , It’s really inconvenient to follow me…”

   Xiaolan stood on the spot, before he had time to say a word, he saw the man rushing out of the communication room as if fleeing, and a few seconds later, he heard the voice of leaving from the road.

  (End of this chapter)

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