Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 32 - Assassinate

  Chapter 32 Assassination

  ”Xiaolan?” Baomu yelled unsurely, and opened the living room door, “Are you alone?”

  The girl turned her head back to Baomu when she heard Baomu’s call, with a slightly mysterious smile on her face.

   “Brother Baomu, have you found anything?”

  Baomu was a little shy by Xiaolan’s name, “I found it a bit, where is Dao Chief?”

   “The Taoist master is elsewhere, and I can’t hear the voice here,” Xiaolan turned his whole body and approached Baomu, “Take me to see your findings.”

  Baomu was still reacting to where the so-called “other places” was. As soon as Xiaolan approached, the violent smell of blood suddenly hit, and Baomu was dizzy.

   “Where have you been?” Baomu unconsciously pinched his nose, and said as he walked towards the bedroom with Xiaolan, “How come you can’t hear us calling, and even got the smell of this…”

  ”Do I have a smell?”

   Xiaolan’s tone was flat and distant, her eyes were directed at the bedroom where the two beams of flashlights crossed, and she did not stop under her feet.

   “Oh, come on Xiaolan,” Xiaoyin put down the flashlight, and the flashlight shining horizontally on the scraps of paper, and also projected Xiaoyin’s focused posture on the side wall.

   “Hmm…” Baomu stood beside the little idiot, looked at Xiaolan questioningly, twisted his nose with his right hand, “Xiaolan is at the door, and he said he went to other places…”

   “Huh? Dao Master threw yourself there,” Xiaoyin looked back at Xiaolan in surprise, “No way, did Dao Master say where to go?”

   Xiaolan stepped forward and stood behind Xiaoyin, “What did you find?”

  The little fool raised his head and glanced at Xiaolan with strange eyes.

  As if she had noticed the little idiot’s eyes, Xiao Lan turned his face to the side and showed a stiff smile at the little idiot.

   “I picked up a few pieces of shredded paper, with some words on it…” Xiaoyin said, leaning down and playing the jigsaw puzzle, “I don’t know what it is, they are still picking it up, I’ll work hard…”

  ”Some words…” Xiao Lan repeated, with an unconcealable smile in her voice.

   Xiaolan poked her head to approach Xiaoyin, and looked at the scraps of paper on the table through Xiaoyin’s shoulder.

  Really, I can’t see anything.

   “What’s wrong with you,” Xiao Yin smiled sadly, looking at the little girl who was a finger away from her, “Is it scared, and I also feel cold, making me a little bit cold.”

   Xiaolan grinned and let out a low smirk, stood up straight again, without saying a word.

  The surroundings were quiet again, only Baomu and the little fool raised their flashlights on the ground looking for the rustle of debris.

  The beam of light walks around and crosses, in places where the light can’t take care of…

   A piece of paper was still pressed under the table, the little fool moved forward, picked up the piece of paper hidden under the corner of the table on the wall, turned it over, the piece of paper was in the Juanxiu font that I had seen not long ago.


  A very clear Chinese character appeared on it, and the little fool bounced excitedly, his eyes swept towards the wall in front of him.

  Taking a breath of air, the little fool was stunned by what he saw.

  Under the illumination of the flashlight, the figures of Xiaoyin and Xiaolan were completely projected on the wall.

   Xiaoyin is still leaning on the table and working seriously, but Xiaolan behind him raises something like a dagger high towards her.

  Although he was so surprised that he lost the ability to think, but under the control of instinct, the little fool did not hesitate and turned around.

   Baomu saw the little fool stand up, and turned his head quickly, shouting out in shock.

   “Little Yin, be careful!”

   Before Xiao Yin could respond, a gust of wind “suddenly” passed behind her.

Then came the dull sound of an object falling to the ground. Xiaoyin turned around, and the idiot still kept his legs out. The long leg was horizontally behind Xiaoyin. There was no shaking or hesitation in the movement, but the owner of this leg was already pale with fright. .

   “Look!” Baomu yelled and ran to Xiaoyin, “Xiaolan… just disappeared out of thin air!…”

  Only then did Xiaoyin realize that something was missing, and quickly turned his head to look at the place where the sound was sounding. There was only an empty ground left, and Xiaolan who was kicked in the air had already lost track.

“what happened?”

   Xiaoyin was confused, Xiaolan disappeared, fool with legs out of it.

  There was also the icy feeling of being caught at the moment just now.

  The fool finally put down his legs, his eyes no longer lazy, and replaced by sharp eyes that have followed him for more than 20 years.

   “I thought that Liao Yilan had a problem a long time ago,” the idiot let go of his fist, and the paper in his palm was almost soaked in cold sweat, “Xiaoyin, she just wanted to kill you!”

   “Huh?” The fear came to Xiaoyin. She shivered and asked, “Who is it, is it our Xiaolan?”

  A few people fell into contemplation again.

  If you just look at the face, it is indeed our Xiaolan.

  But that kind of smile, that kind of tone of speech, that raised knife, it didn’t seem like Xiaolan would do something.

“I think…”

   Baomu’s voice sounded softly, “I think the person just now seems to be not Xiaolan.”

   Xiaoyin and the fool’s eyes focused on the past, and no one raised any objections.

  ”What did you find, Baomu.”

   “Smell,” Baomu pointed to his nose, “The smell of the person just now is the same as here.”

  The fool wrinkled his nose, he couldn’t smell any special smell, “What smell is here?”

   “There is a smell of blood here, and the person just now has the smell of blood all over,” Baomu remembered the smell of blood that hit the moment the door was opened, “different from Xiaolan.”

   Xiaoyin relaxed a little when he heard the words. Although it was not so obvious, she could find that fools felt the same way.

   “What does Xiaolan smell like?”

  ”Xiaolan…itself is even stranger” Baomu frowned, and said something that had troubled him for a long time.

   “Xiaolan…there is no smell.”

  (End of this chapter)

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