Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 27 - Aunt Xiaohua

  Chapter 27 Aunt Xiaohua

  Everyone looked at each other excitedly.

   Xiaolan grabbed A Liang’s hand, “A Liang, say it, we all believe in you.”

   “You…” A Liang raised his eyes, “You are really reporters here to investigate this matter, right.”

   Xiaolan nodded firmly.

  The little idiot watched this scene and thought, letting the child deceive the child is really a crime.

   “I don’t know who committed suicide, but…but I have seen those people down the mountain…” A Liang took Xiaolan’s hand and had fallen completely, “They came to the village to make trouble!”

  ”Did you see it?” Xiaoyin asked in surprise.

  A Liang shook his head, “Mom didn’t let me see, but I heard the voice. There was an aunt among them, and I heard that aunt yelling.”

   “Say what?”

   “She said…” A Liang hesitated again, “Say’Kill you, kill you’…”

  A gust of night wind blows, and everyone can’t help but shiver.

“and after?”

  ”Then they were driven down the mountain by the villagers and they never showed up. In a few days…” A Liang raised his eyes and began to remember, “It seems that it was two days before the slug’s father and that uncle died.”

  Maple Sugar walked over and looked at Ah Liang’s eyes, not at all like he was looking at a child.

   “Do you suspect that they killed those two people?”

  It is true that although A Liang is narrating this matter, the lines between the lines imply this.

   “We think… they killed that uncle.”

   “Which uncle?”

   “Not the slug’s dad, but another one.”


  A Liang shut up and looked at Maple Sugar and Xiaolan, looking very tangled.

   “I…” A Liang shrank his head timidly, approaching Xiaolan, in a low voice, “I will tell you alone.”

   Xiaolan was a little surprised, but nodded.

  A Liang hugged Xiaolan’s neck and leaned toward her ears.

   “Actually, I know that Aunt Xiaohua didn’t run away, but was killed by that uncle and burned… Those few people came to see Aunt Xiaohua.”

   Xiaolan’s pupils suddenly enlarged.

  Finally found the girl who was burned to death.

   is Aunt Xiaohua!


  A Liang finished speaking, but still holding Xiaolan’s neck and not wanting to loosen it, lowered his head and looked at Xiaolan docilely.

  ”Can you not tell others?…”

When A Liang asked this sentence, he knew the result, and his voice became lower and lower.

   “Why does A Liang like Xiaolan so much?” Xiaoyin crouched aside and pouted awkwardly, “We are so jealous!…”

   Xiaolan also slowed down, and smiled and asked A Liang, “Am I just like Sister Miao Miao?”

  A bright spot nodded, “Eyes…very similar.”

   “Is Miao Miao also round puppy eyes?” Xiaoyin asked eagerly.

  Xiaolan wonders if what you are talking about is really not yourself.

  ”Big and round eyes, and…” A Liang said and gestured, “and…looks very unhappy.”

   “Then I may be worse than here,” Xiaoyin blinked round, big and happy eyes, and turned to Xiaolan, “Aren’t you happy?”

  Xiaolan asked Xiang Aliang, “Is Sister Miaomiao very unhappy?”

   “Sister Miao Miao looks unhappy every time she goes up the mountain. She laughs when she plays with us, and she never laughs when she talks to adults.”


   “Oh!” A Liang suddenly remembered something, and let go of Xiaolan’s neck and exclaimed, “I have to go, my mother will tell me to eat soon.”

   “A Liang, A Liang!” The Taoist leader hurriedly pursued, “The last question, where is that uncle’s home and where is the ancestral hall?”

   “That uncle’s house is next door,” A Liang pointed to the right, “The ancestral hall is in the middle of the village. It’s very big and you can see it at a glance.”

  A Liang said and ran away, ran a few steps, and then looked back at Xiaolan.

   Xiaolan thought for a second, rushed to A Liang in the confusion of the eyes of a few people, and took her hand.

“A Liang, my name is Xiaolan, and you call me Sister Xiaolan,” Xiaolan didn’t understand why she had to say this to A Liang, but she felt that she should do so now, “Goodbye A Liang, I will come to play with you .”

   “Hmm!” A Liang’s sad face immediately smiled like a flower, “Then you can wait for me under this tree.”

   Xiaolan nodded and let go of A Liang’s hand.

   “Go ahead.”

  A few people watched the child’s cheerful figure disappear. It is now about seven or eight o’clock, and the night has completely fallen. They have grasped many new clues, and the action of the night has just begun at this moment.


  There seems to be no one else in the deceased’s house.

  At this time, there are more or less lights on in other houses, but this house is dark, standing there quietly and mysteriously.

  This house is not a two-story building, it is just an ordinary bungalow. The courtyard wall is short and broken, as if the head of the household piled it out with bricks. Looking inward, you can see the yard and the furnishings of the house.

  There are a few vegetables planted in the yard, and it seems that there is no one to take care of it after the owner’s death.

  It was still early, and the few people still did not dare to turn on the flashlights. They could only find a completely collapsed wall under the cover of the night under the cover of the moonlight, and cautiously crawled into the yard.

  ”Let’s search the yard separately,” the Taoist said to the crowd, “Assemble at the door for a while, remember to be lighter.”

  After finishing talking, he took Xiaolan and walked to the right side of the house.

  The closer to this house, the stronger Xiaolan’s anxiety becomes.

  The air seemed to be filled with a sticky and pungent strange smell. It was obvious that Xiaolan was walking in the open-air courtyard, but Xiaolan felt a sense of suffocation covered by a container.

   “What’s the matter?” The Taoist still grasped Xiaolan’s hand and felt her resistance.

   “I think… this place seems to be bad.”

  Xiaolan can’t think of how to express this feeling, so she can only describe it hazily.

“not comfortable?”

   “It’s like…like being soaked in a pool of stinky and sticky dirty water,” Xiaolan covered her chest, her facial features all wrinkled together, “The smell and the environment are both uncomfortable and disgusting…”

   “It seems that there is a problem here.” The Taoist said, holding Xiaolan’s shoulder, and the two searched for suspicious places side by side.

   “Huh?” A small voice sounded from the backyard, “Hurry up and see!”

   Xiaolan and Daochang ran up quickly, around the edge of the house, and saw the same desolate and messy backyard.

  In the backyard, some tools for plowing, such as spades, hoes, and forks, were randomly piled up on the ground. In the corner of the yard, there was a small warehouse built out of wooden boards. Xiaoyin was not there.


   Xiaoyin was on the other side, and the two rushed over and saw the others squatting on the ground looking down at something.

   “What did you find?”

   “There is a well,” Xiaoyin took the two towards her and found, “What’s wrong with Xiaolan, her face is so bad.”

   Xiaolan shook his head, and leaned down to observe like everyone else.

  It was pitch black, Xiaolan couldn’t understand the mystery of this well for a while.

  ”I haven’t seen what’s in the well yet,” the little fool squatted beside a big rock and pointed to the rock.

  The little fool said, patted the dust off his hands, took something from the stone, and handed it to them.

   Xiaolan looked over and saw that it was a piece of yellow paper with some messy red patterns painted on it, something that Xiaolan had never seen before.

“what is this?”

  (End of this chapter)

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