Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 19 - Four-way pawn

  Chapter 19 Soldiers are divided into four groups

  Everyone was agitated, and their eyes lit up.

   “This dead cat,” the boss angrily stood up, and said he was about to walk out the door, “Don’t scratch that guy.”

  Before the boss’s words were finished, a new bang came.

  There was another violent sound of firecrackers from the back door. Everyone in the room trembled. I didn’t expect the firecrackers to be so loud.

   “Oh my god!” The boss heard this sound before he could stand still, scared his feet pinned to the stool, and directly sat down on the ground.

  The chief Taoist looked at everyone and understood.

  The third wave of sonic attacks came, and as the firecrackers exploded, the pineapple let out a scream.

  The boss heard the scream of pineapple before he stood up, followed by the sound of the chair falling down with the sound of firecrackers, and the pineapple fell down with a “boom”.

   “What’s wrong! What’s the matter?”

  The lady boss finally appeared, and before she poked her head out of the stairs in the basement, the voice reached everyone’s ears.

   “Wave! What happened to you, Wave!”

  Maple syrup knelt on the ground, holding the “lost consciousness” pineapple in his arms.

   “Sister Xiaobo!” Xiaolan also cried and rushed over, “Sister Xiaobo, wake up!”

   “What’s the matter with this girl?” The boss and his wife also leaned over, looking anxiously at the unconscious pineapple.

  Dao Chang stood up solemnly.

   “Wavelet’s heart is not good, it is probably frightened by the sound of firecrackers.”

  ”Heart is not good?” The boss opened his eyes, “Why don’t you tell me such a serious problem? If something goes wrong, we won’t be responsible!”

  ”Boss, how far is it from the nearest hospital here, if it’s bigger, she has a special disease.”

   “The nearest one is also far away. It takes two hours to drive.”

  ”Boss, please, save Xiaobo!” Maple Sugar’s acting broke out, and his nose burst into tears, and he hugged the boss’s thigh directly, “I can’t live without her!”

   Xiaolan was stunned. Is this still maple syrup like that sloth?

  ”Don’t hug me, what can I do!”

  Daochang reminded in good time, “Boss, don’t you have a car? Could you please drive Xiaobo to the hospital?”

  Everyone’s eyes focused on the boss. Considering the condition, the boss hesitated.

   “This… can I wait for more than two hours for this disease?”

“Wave is just dizziness caused by palpitations. It has happened before. It doesn’t matter if you get to the doctor in time,” the Taoist responded calmly, lowering his voice, “and if something happens to Xiaobo in your hotel, it will affect you too, boss Are you right?”

  The maple syrup fell next to the pineapple and was about to cry. Xiaolan knelt on the ground and couldn’t cry anyhow, so she could only scream.

  The lady boss couldn’t stand it anymore, and kicked the boss who was still struggling.

   “What do you want, hurry up and take someone to the hospital. If something really happens to the girl, I’ll see what you do!”

  The boss gritted his teeth and said “Okay”, then he asked Maple Sugar to carry the pineapple into the car.

  The car started, and the boss finally told him to take a good look at the house and leave. The remaining group of people have not yet come out of the consternation caused by the sudden situation.

   Xiaolan turned around and found that Xiaoyin had already returned to the team by taking advantage of the chaos. Although he pretended to be worried, he seemed to be in a better mood than before, except that his clothes were slightly messy.

   Finding that Xiaolan was looking at her, Xiaoyin blinked and made an “OK” gesture.

  It seems that we can proceed to the next step.

  ”Boss! Boss!” Baomu’s anxious voice sounded from the back door.

  The lady boss promised loudly, and led a few people to the back door, and saw the dirty treasure wood all over her body.

  I won’t really dig bamboo shoots. Seeing Baomu’s appearance, Xiaolan’s first thought was this.

   “What’s the matter, boy, you set off the firecrackers at the back door just now?”

   “It’s not me, it’s not me!” Baomu shook his head anxiously, “I just passed by a few children, I guess they set off the firecrackers.”

   “I’ll go out and take a look first,” the lady proprietress said as she was about to walk out of the back door, but Baomu interrupted in time.

  ”My boss, what I want to tell you is that your cat was scared off by the sound of firecrackers and ran up the mountain in a hurry. Originally, I wanted to chase it, but the cat disappeared as soon as I raised my head. You…”

   “What?” The lady boss’s tone changed completely, and she rushed out of the back door as she said, and she saw the empty cat litter as expected.

  Now the lady boss panicked and looked around the mountain a few times, but she didn’t find her cat.

   “It…Which way is it going,” the lady proprietress asked Xiang Baomu, crying in a hurry, very different from the way the pineapple fainted just now.

   “I finally seemed to see that it was running here,” Baomu followed his finger in a direction, leading the lady boss to run over, “The lady boss, I will accompany you to find it, two people hurry up.”

  ”Thank you so much, boy…”

   “You are welcome, what’s the cat’s name, let’s shout louder…”

  The two slowly disappeared from everyone’s sight. Now there is only one front desk sister who is always bewildered. From the beginning of the cat cry, the girl did not understand what happened.

   Xiaoyin made a color towards the Taoist chief and hooked the girl’s arm at the front desk with one hand.

   “Sister, do you know what’s going on? I went to the toilet. After coming back, it seems that the whole world has changed…”

   “I don’t quite understand… Ask your friends, they may understand a little bit.”

   “A little boy and two stinky men, they know what a fart, let’s talk about it…”

  Although Xiaolan felt offended, the situation was finally under control.

  Now there are only three people, Xiaolan, Daochang, and Little Fool. After Xiaoyin abducts the girl at the front desk, there is only the last and most important task.

  The three people looked at the small staircase leading to the basement.


“anyone there?”

  The weak girl voice echoed in the empty basement.

   Xiaolan turned around and greeted the Taoist and the little fool to walk down the stairs. The three of them walked in the twists and turns of the basement, and did not dare to make any loud noises without being completely sure of the safety of the place.

   “Is there anyone, please?”

  Xiaolan repeated it, cleared his throat and coughed twice.

  The echo returned to the ears of the three people. The basement was silent as if there had never been a visitor. It was certain that there was no one, and the three were about to start their final work.

   Xiaolan led the two to find the laundry room where they were hiding, relying on the turn after turn in his memory.

  The curtain was lifted, the table moved away, and the suspicious wall finally appeared in front of Xiaolan again.

  The little idiot took out the tools in his backpack and placed them on the ground “ding and dangling”.

   Raising the hammer, the little idiot confirmed it one last time, “You really can’t hear the underground sound, right.”

   “At that time, the boss called the lady boss in a loud voice, but you also said that you didn’t hear anything.”

  It is well-founded and convincing.

  The little idiot nodded approvingly, and looked at the Taoist chief.

   “Let’s do it.”

  The little idiot waved the hammer in his hand and lifted and dropped the hammer. Under the combined action of the hammer and the chisel, a crack soon appeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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