Monster Refining System

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Successful refining!

Outside the city lord’s mansion.

Xia Guangyun looked at the three people standing in front of him with a serious face.

In front of the three people, there was also a young man in white clothes standing. As for the young man in white, it was Mu Bai who was injured by him yesterday.

“Hehe, City Master Xia can’t think of it? Didn’t expect to see my Mu Mou so soon?”

Upon hearing Mu Bai’s words, Xia Guangyun snorted coldly:

“If I can, I don’t want to see you again.”

Mu Bai’s face changed slightly when he heard Xia Guangyun’s words.

“I told you yesterday that your Xia family can’t afford to save my face in Baiyun Mountain. If you don’t listen, you are responsible for all this!”

“However, I am not an aggressive person at Baiyun Mountain. As long as you return the blazing bear that you took yesterday and give up the position of City Lord Xia, I can consider and let you die.”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Xia Guangyun narrowed his eyes.

He didn’t expect that Mu Bai was still interested in the Xiacheng he was holding. It seemed that Baiyun Mountain’s ambition was not small!

“The city lord’s seal of Xiacheng is in my pocket. If you have the ability, come and get it! I just want to see what you have in Baiyun Mountain!”

When Xia Guangyun said this, the breath of the whole person suddenly rose.

As the city lord of Xiacheng, although Xia Guangyun is only in the realm of elite warriors, his aura is stronger than that of ordinary elite mid-term warriors.

Seeing Xia Guangyun’s breath exposed, the three masters of Baiyun Mountain that Na Mubai had brought with him also snorted softly.

Sandao’s breath that was almost the same as Xia Guangyun’s “chuckle” skyrocketed!

Xia Guangyun’s horrifying breath was directly suppressed.

“Xia Guangyun, my sect master wants you to have merit in ruling Xiacheng, so I don’t want to take your life directly. If you are stubborn, then don’t blame me on Baiyun Mountain. You know, you are no more than an elite martial artist, my sect master If you come in person, you only need a finger to wipe out your summer city in an instant!”

Hearing the words of one of the strong men, Xia Guangyun didn’t have time to speak. On the side, two figures jumped out.

“Less here than these! Mu Yun is amazing, then let him come!”

Seeing this figure suddenly appeared, Xia Guangyun was taken aback.

“Kun’er! What are you doing!”

After drinking, he discovered that Xia Fuqian was also behind Xia Fukun.

“What’s the matter with you! Kun’er is ignorant, so are you going to make trouble too?!”

Xia Guangyun was really drunk. He was planning to delay the time and let Xia Fukun and Xia Fuqian escape first. As long as the two of them ran into the Odin Academy, even Baiyun Mountain would not dare to make any trouble. But now? The original plan was directly overturned…


Can Xia Fucan say that he is innocent? He doesn’t want to be like this!

“You are the second son of the Xia family, right?”

“The flaming bear should be in your hand? As long as you hand over the flaming bear, I will let you live, how about?”

Seeing Xia Fukun coming out, Mu Bai smiled faintly and said.

“Sorry, the flame bear has been eaten by me.”


Mu Bai was dumbfounded.

“Are you special!”

“Your Xia family bought the Flame Bear for 30,000 spirit stones just for food?”

Mu Bai definitely couldn’t accept this result, it’s so illogical!

“if not?”

Xia Fukun was checking the situation of the demon refining system in his body while delaying time.

There are still five minutes before the giant ape is refined!

It was also from this Baiyun Mountain that three elite mid-term warriors came. If they were stronger, then Xia Fukun could only follow Xia Fugan.

But Guangguang’s three elite middle-term warriors, as long as they can get the giant ape out, then Xia Fukun is sure to deal with it. As for the Baiyun Mountain after that, let’s talk about it again. Anyway, it is more important to keep the present.

“Ling Fei, this kid is playing with us. The flame bear is as hard as that, how to eat it? You teach him first, I want to see if his body is also as hard as the flame bear!”

Mu Bai spoke, and the elite mid-term warrior standing in the middle of the three nodded. After a sneer at Xia Fukun, he took a step forward.

Taking this step forward, Xia Fukun only felt as if he had seen a phantom.

It was also when the strong man named Ling Fei was about to attack Xia Fukun, Xia Fukun felt that his body was being pushed. Immediately—


With a muffled sound, I saw Xia Guangyun appearing in Xia Fukun’s original position and slapped Na Lingfei.

“Teaching Lao Tzu’s son in front of Lao Tzu, what are you?!”

Xia Guangyun was angry.

He no longer considered the fate of offending Baiyun Mountain. Just as Xia Fukun thought, the most important thing is to solve the immediate matter first.

Ling Fei didn’t speak, and when he saw Xia Guangyun’s move, he went to fight with Xia Guangyun next to his body.

The other two Baiyun Mountain powerhouses walked towards Xia Fukun silently.

Xia Guangyun was restrained by Ling Fei, unable to get out for a while. Xia Fukun almost cried when the two came to him.

I traveled to this broken place, even though I had the system, but even a summoned beast hadn’t been summoned yet, so I was going to return my soul to the west. Is this a joule? !

“Ding Ding, there is still one minute left before the Juli Divine Ape is successfully refined, and the host can count down on its own!”


Hearing the voice coming from the system, Xia Fukun almost scolded his mother.

Is it so humane? Still count down by yourself? Does Xia Fukun still have time to count down now?

It was also when Xia Fukun was in despair, one of the masters in Baiyun Mountain had already patted Xia Fukun with a palm.

At this critical moment.

Xia Fuqian behind Xia Fukun pushed Xia Fukun away and gave Xia Fukun a palm of resistance.


A mouthful of blood spurted out. Xia Fugan looked at Xia Fukun with a wry smile.

“Brother Kun, if you give me the bones of the blazing bear to make a battle armor, I won’t be injured…”

Are you still thinking about this? Are you almost belching and still thinking about the flame bear? !

Xia Fukun was also drunk. Fortunately at this time.

In his mind, a gas slowly formed, as if at this moment, there was something more in his mind.

“Ding Ding!”

“The Juli God Ape is successfully refined, and the host can summon the Juli God Ape at any time!”

Hear the prompt tone of the system.

Looking at Xia Fuqian who was knocked into the air and Xia Guangyun who was fighting with Ling Fei.

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

Eyes closed.

When he opened it again, a murderous intent was ejected.

“Juli, Divine Ape…”

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