Monster Refining System

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Desolate Three Fingers

“Good good!”

Aoki Duan said three good times in a row, and his face was also ruddy at this moment.

Not because he chose Xia Fukun, but because Xia Fukun did not live up to his high expectations.

“Next, I’ll teach you Barren Three Fingers first.”


Xia Fukun nodded.

“The three desolate fingers, as the name suggests. The whole martial art consists of three moves, which is a combination of three fingers.”

“You are in the realm of bravery, so if you practice well, you can try the second finger, but you can’t bear the load of the third finger, so I will teach you the first **** first.”

Xia Fukun knew that Qing Mu Duan was doing it for himself, so he didn’t say anything.

“The first name of the barren three fingers is: Shanhe Finger.”

“Three boxes of paper?”

Xia Fukun froze for a moment, what kind of weird name.

“To shut up!”

Qing Mu Duan finally had such a strange affection for Xia Fukun. With Xia Fukun’s mouth, the previous atmosphere was completely destroyed.

“Okay, just say it.”

Xia Fukun nodded, indicating that he could not speak anymore.

“Mountain and river finger, as the name suggests, this first finger can make the mountain break and cut the river.”

“It’s not convenient here. I’ll take you to Houshan and show it to you.”

As Qing Mu said, he flew away on his own. Xia Fukun felt depressed and hurriedly followed.

After arriving at the back mountain, I only heard Qing Mu Duan yelling:

“Look up!”

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Under Xia Fukun’s gaze, Qing Mu Duan poured all his spiritual power into his fingers, and then faced the void in front of him.

“Three desolate fingers-one finger broken mountains and rivers!”

Just after Qing Mu Duan’s voice fell, the energy in the originally calm space suddenly agitated, and before Qing Mu Duan’s two fingers, a wave appeared in the space.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic breath suddenly moved forward between his two fingers.


With a loud bang, Qing Mu Duan’s finger hit a hill on the opposite side, and that hill was razed to the ground in an instant.


Aoki turned his head triumphantly and asked Xia Fukun.

But before he could say anything else, I saw…

“One finger broken mountains and rivers!”

Xia Fukun pointed at the top of the mountain he had just hit, and in the top of the mountain that had been razed to the ground, a pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared!


Aoki feels like he has seen a ghost!

Is this special? He is just demonstrating now, okay? !

I haven’t taught you yet, why did you learn it? How can I satisfy myself…

“Hurry up, second point.”

Xia Fukun also became interested in these barren three fingers.

That’s the power of this finger, isn’t it stronger with **** and three fingers?

He even cared about y, his three-finger foundation, the scene where the whole mountain was razed to the ground.


Aoki cursed inwardly.

He regrets it more and more now.

Not regretting that I found Xia Fukun.

But regret…

Why did you find Xia Fukun so late?

Such a masterful genius has been in that little Xiacheng for so many years!

Of course, if Aoki Duan found Xia Fukun earlier, it would be a different matter. Whether Xia Fukun can successfully traverse, even if he traverses, whether he still has the demon refining system with him is another matter.

after all-

No one can tell about things like chance.

The reason why Xia Fukun was able to learn the skills cast by Qingmu Duan at a glance was that on the way to this back mountain, he found a skill from the demon refining system-the art of Vientiane.

The Art of Vientiane is a kind of pupil technique, which is the skill of the 9th-order monster and the nine-tailed divine fox. This pupil technique can be used by people to read the skills of the opponent and completely imprint them in their minds. Perfectly reproduced.

Xia Fukun spent fifty refining points for this Vientiane Art! God knows how heartbroken he is!

Fortunately, the skills exchanged in this demon refining system are all permanent. Otherwise, Xia Fukun would definitely not do it.

And these secrets of Xia Fukun, Qing Mu Duan did not know, he thought it was Xia Fukun’s talent.

“The second finger, named Zhan Cangqiong, is optimistic.”

Accompanied by Aoki Duan’s stern shout:

“Desolate three fingers, **** cut the sky!”

He pointed at the sky, and the whole sky changed color in an instant.

“Rumble”, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart.

Qing Mu Duan opened his mouth, just about to speak, but after thinking about it, he turned his gaze to Xia Fukun, as expected.

At this time, Xia Fukun was learning his own way, pointing to the sky.

“Two fingers cut the sky!”


There was another dark cloud.

Although Xia Fukun’s momentum is not as strong as his own, Qingmu Duan always feels…Xia Fukun’s proficiency is already above him.

What’s this…

Are you teaching Xia Fukun or Xia Fukun?

“You don’t want to try the third finger, do you?”

Seeing Xia Fukun eager to try, Qing Mu Duan asked a little speechlessly.

“Haha, if you try it, it’s not impossible.”

Xia Fukun used **** just now, feeling that the spiritual power in his body only consumed one-tenth, which made him very puzzled.

Normally, Aoki Duan would not lie to himself. The ordinary warrior in the realm of bravery should be exhausted after using two fingers, but why is he still full of power? Is it because your power is given by the demon refining system?

Xia Fukun was puzzled.

Looking at Xia Fukun like this, Qing Mu Duan also sighed.

“The third finger is called Po Qiankun.”

“On the basis of the first finger breaking the mountains and rivers, and the second finger cutting the sky, I added a third finger, and then blended the three fingers into one. Even with my strength, I can only use it three times a day. I only use it. Once, you look carefully!”

Aoki’s voice fell.

The whole person’s momentum has risen a lot.

At this moment, Xia Fukun only felt that the Qing Mu Duan in front of him was like a **** of war.


Xia Fukun couldn’t help shouting.

“To shut up.”

Qing Mu Duan turned his head and glared at Xia Fukun.

Immediately after—

“Desolate Three Fingers—”

“Three fingers, break the world!”

A deep roar came from Aoki’s throat.

Xia Fukun only felt that the entire land, because of the third finger, began to tremble violently…

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