Monster Refining System

Chapter 1588

Chapter 1583 Fight alongside

“Jie Jie Jie…”

“I told you a long time ago…”

“You are just a group of ants…”

“What did you use to beat me?”

“You are not my opponent at all!”

Ji Ying waved his hand gently, and suddenly, a piece of space in front of him shattered again.

Xia Fukun looked at the polar shadow in front of him and smiled faintly.


“In your heart…”

“In your eyes…”

“The ants in your mouth…”

“You are still helpless, don’t you?”

“Jiying, can you kill me?”

“Didn’t you say that I am an ant-like human?”

“I will tell you today.”

“I, Xia Fukun, beg to die today, and beg to grant me a death.”

Upon hearing that Xia Fukun’s words, Ji Ying cursed secretly, “It’s so special, so cheap!”

He couldn’t hear it, was this Xia Fukun’s deliberate words?


As that Xia Fukun said.

In fact, Jiying is also more anxious in his heart now.

This Xia Fukun was nothing but an ant in his eyes.

but now.

Something exceeded his expectations.

The ants in my own eyes, it seems, really, can’t be squeezed to death at will…

Also at this time…

That Jiying’s body suddenly trembled in an extremely irregular posture…


There was a little pain in the pair of magic eyes.


“This Tushe…”

“Obviously it has been swallowed up successfully, why, this feeling of backlash will always be accompanied…”

“Damn, I have to kill this kid as soon as possible, and then swallow the Bliss system. Once the Bliss system is swallowed, maybe I can also have the power of the Bliss system and refine the Nadasa system… …”

Ji Ying made up his mind and glanced at Xia Fukun.

In his heart, he was full of murderous intent towards Xia Fukun, but he also knew that Xia Fukun was afraid that it would not be so easy to deal with.

The so-called dominance in his mouth, at first, Jiying was regarded as a joke, but now it seems that the so-called dominance is real–

That is an existence that overrides the ancestral realm.

At the beginning, the mockery of Xia Fukun was also at this time…

It became a slap in the face…

Also at this time…

Xia Fukun stared at the polar shadow.

“Jiying, since you can’t kill me, then it’s my turn, right?”

Hearing Xia Fukun’s words, in that Jiying’s heart, a certain plan was also completely decided at this moment.


“I admit, you are a bit different from other humans.”

“If this lord wants to kill you, it is indeed a bit difficult, but…”

There was a flash of madness in that Jiying’s eyes.

“As long as you suppress this trouble for a period of time, and then, my lord swallows the bliss system, my lord will still win…”


Xia Fukun was suddenly startled when he heard that Jiying said.

Also at this time…

That Jiying’s body began to swell crazily, and in just a few breaths, before Xia Fukun, it turned into a huge size.

And that appearance, astonished, is also a huge evil demon!

On its body, lines of lines continue to circulate.

In this scene, countless people have scalp numb.

Including that Xia Fukun, at this time, they couldn’t help but took a deep breath.

Because he can feel it.

That Jiying seems to be preparing at this moment…

Unleash some terrifying skill!

“Damn it!”

In Xia Fukun’s hand, the fifty-nine-star magical skill was instantly pinched out.

At the same time, the hundreds of floating systems around his body also turned into a golden armor at this moment, draped on Xia Fukun’s body…

And that polar shadow had a cold face.

Looking at the heavily armed Xia Fukun in front of him, there was no fear at all.

in contrast–

A deep and cold voice filled the air, suddenly resounding through the world.

“Endless Yuanshi Monument!”


When the voice of this extremely shadow falls…

Faintly, at the end of this world.

There was a whistling sound…


That day in the gourd world.

In front of the countless people, in the huge light curtain.

A tombstone the size of a thousand meters suddenly appeared directly above Xia Fukun’s body.


Suddenly suppressed!

“Damn it!”

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth.

He didn’t expect it.

This extremely shadow, at this moment, decided to suppress himself!

As that Jiying said.

Killing oneself, with Jiying’s current state, is afraid it will not be easy.

However, with Jiying’s strength, it was possible to suppress himself briefly for a hundred years.


If oneself is really suppressed by this huge tombstone, then all that Jiying needs to face is that the bliss system is the only thing left!

At this moment, Xia Fukun wanted to fly away.

But he found out–

The space around my body has been imprisoned…

The magical shadow in front of him, that is, the extreme shadow, was constantly flickering with the strange lines in his hands.

It seems that he had already had such a plan before, and before Xia Fukun was not paying attention, he had already sealed the space around Xia Fukun’s body!

“Damn it! If this tombstone falls, Xia Fukun will really be suppressed!”

In the earth gourd world that day, Lord Quan King took a sharp breath, and there was a panic on his face.

And hearing Lord Quan Wang’s words, there was a sense of tension around the faces of Bai and others.

It was also when the tombstone was about to be suppressed…

A silver figure suddenly appeared above Xia Fukun’s head.

Staring at the huge tombstone.

There was a playful smile in his eyes.


Stretch out your palm slightly.

Then, into a fist.

When the huge tombstone fell.

The silver figure hit the tombstone directly with a punch.

It was also at this moment–


On the tombstone, cracks appeared one after another.

Immediately after–

In that stark shadow’s surprised eyes.

That huge tombstone.

The endless Yuanshi stele that consumed most of his energy suddenly shattered!

At this time, Xia Fukun looked at the figure in front of him, also looking a little surprised.

“Brother Lian…”

Xia Fukun took a breath and couldn’t help calling out the other party’s name.

Yes, this figure is exactly that bliss system.

And at the moment.

The Bliss System also grinned when looking at Xia Fukun in front of him.

The smile looked extremely bright.

He looked at Xia Fukun in front of him and laughed softly:

“Speaking of…”

“Xia Fukun…”

“You have fulfilled your original promise.”

“You said that you want me to be the most powerful system in the world. You did it. But—”

“I am still……”

“I am not used to watching you from the side, fighting alone for me, for the common people in this world.”

“Speaking of…”

“I still, like it better, fighting with you side by side…”

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