Monster Refining System

Chapter 1578

Chapter 1573 The clutches of

Time passed, and the years passed by.

Time passed quietly between the heavens and the earth, and as time passed, the hearts of those who knew the secrets of the matter became more and more twitched.


I don’t know that the world on earth could be destroyed at any time.

I’m afraid, there are only people in these low-level planes such as the Earth.

Like Bai, etc., the strong, none, not living a life of fear every day.

It has been about a year since Na Xia Fukun packed everyone into this world of heaven and earth gourd.

Although it took more than a year, that Jiying never came out to do evil again.

Did not find this world of gourd.


everybody knows–

It was not that Jiying let them go, but that Jiying refining the Dasa system did not have such a fast time.

at this time.

The stronger the person, the more information he knows.

And the more information you know, the more you count down every day.

Because they all know that once the Jiying has refined the Tuoshe system, then next, the Jiying will come to this world of heaven and earth gourd.

And at that time, for them, disaster, the end… is the real time…

At this time, the powerhouses in this world are eager to know whether Xia Fukun can successfully refine the emperor system.

At this moment, the success of Xia Fukun’s refining is not related to his personal success or failure.


The whole world……

Those people, some, tried to get close to the space Xia Fukun fabricated, and wanted to peek into Xia Fukun’s current situation in that space.

However, outside of Xia Fukun’s space.

Bai, Lord Quan, and others are all entrenched.

After Xia Fukun’s retreat, all the people around Xia Fukun moved here, and this is also known as blissful heaven…

The name was taken according to Na Xia Fukun’s bliss system, although it was somewhat casual.

However, I have to say that at this moment, the strong in this world of gourd all know that there is a place of bliss.

They also know…

In this world, it’s not right. To be precise, it should be the strongest existence in this heaven and earth gourd, all in this bliss.

However, in this blissful sky, including the powerhouses in the whole world of heaven and earth gourd, stack up, whether it is the opponent of that extreme shadow, no one has that confidence, that nodded with confidence…

“It’s been a year…”

In the paradise, outside of the space Xia Fukun fabricated, she glanced at the place where Xia Fukun was hiding, and couldn’t help sighing.

And when he heard that Bai’s words, beside that Bai, the Lord Quan frowned.

“This kid, originally told me that within a few months, he should be able to leave the customs, but now, a year has passed, and now, there is an extra barrier outside his space. , Relying on our strength, we can’t enter this space at all…”


“I don’t know how long this kid will take. I feel that the aura of the extreme shadow has become more and more intense… Now, it is about to penetrate our world of gourd.”

All Kings were extremely anxious.

But there is no alternative.

Their current situation is…

All hopes can only be pinned on Xia Fukun’s body.

However, Xia Fukun could not be contacted.

And once that moment, if that Jiying launches an attack on them, then they can only be lambs to be slaughtered, and there is no power to fight back at all…

“no way.”

Bai gave a wry smile.

“What we can do now is to wait for the third brother to wake up. However, although the aura of the polar shadow is getting stronger and stronger, I can feel that the third brother’s aura is growing day by day. I’m going to wake up…”

“Now, all we can do is to pray for the extreme shadow, and not to successfully refine the Nadasa system prematurely.”

“Don’t be too early, find our world of gourd…”

It was also when the white voice just fell…

The originally blue sky became much darker at this time, and even everyone could see, a crack, as if it was slowly cracking from the nothingness.

Bai and Quan Wang naturally saw the situation in the sky at a glance.

“what is that……”

Bai took a deep breath, and horrified his face.

at this time……

In the cracks outside the firmament, there was an extremely evil demon energy pouring in at this moment. Those demon energy penetrated the world of heaven and earth gourd…

“It looks like…”

All Kings smiled miserably.

“It’s still the shadow, one step faster…”

As the Lord Quan King’s voice fell, the demon energy in the sky began to raging… The scorching sun in the sky seemed to have lost its luster at this moment, and then, that day, the barrier of the world of gourd began to have a A crack in the Tao emerged.

“Is the polar shadow coming…”

Bai took a deep breath. At this moment, the helper father, Xia Tian and others all flocked to his side.

At this moment, the helper father, Xia Tian and others have all broken through the cultivation base of the titled ancestor realm.

However, when facing this demonic energy in the sky.

They all felt a deep sense of powerlessness…

“My deity, it seems that I haven’t come yet…”

Lord Quan shook his head.

He once possessed that emperor system, and he was very familiar with Jiying. At this moment, although those demonic energy was amazing, he felt that the deity of Jiying should have not arrived yet, otherwise, the enchantment outside the heaven and earth gourd , Will not shatter at such a slow speed.

If the Jiying deity descends, this heaven and earth gourd…I’m afraid it will become an unmanned world in an instant.

Also at this time…

The magic in the sky converged on that day.


It turned out to be a huge clutch at this moment.

That demon’s palm is huge, and all around it is magical energy. It feels like destruction…

“What does he want to do?”

Summer took a deep breath.

He looked at the devil’s palm in the sky, and he always felt that the devil’s palm was formed to deal with Xia Fukun, who was in retreat at the moment.


Xia Fukun is now in a critical period, whether he can smoothly refine the emperor system, it depends on now.

This kind of knotty eyes can never be interrupted.

Just when everyone was curious about the intention of that clutch.

That clutch fell gently to…

And the direction that fell to…

What was astonished was the space created by Xia Fukun’s retreat.

“not good!”

“Stop him!”

Everyone looked horrified, and they had already guessed the intention of this polar shadow.

He was actually planning to obliterate that Xia Fukun in advance before he left the customs!

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