Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 139: The power of Jackson family ancestor

"So, now you want to compromise?", Ether Jackson smirked coldly. 

"Fellow daoist, it will be best if we can talk things out", the middle aged cultivator spoke calmly. There was a hidden threat behind his words.

"Ha ha ha, you dare threaten me. Let's see what happens if I don't agree", Ether Jackson spoke with a glint in his eyes.

The composed look of the middle-aged man disappeared and a cold look appeared in his eyes.

"Old man, it has been thousands of years since the last appearance of sword monarch. Just with your cultivation, you can't stay arrogant Infront of me, a Lin family cultivator. Today I will show you the difference between you northern land frogs and us southern land cultivators", the middle aged man spoke coldly. A fierce looking Sabre appeared in his hand and before anyone could see anything, he launched an attack towards Ether Jackson. Six green coloured wind blades appeared Infront of Ether Jackson.

Evan watched the war between his great grand uncle and the middle aged man with great attention. A frown had already appeared on his face after listening to the words of the middle aged warrior. 

"What a fast technique", Evan thought inside his mind after seeing the speed of the bleads. But what surprised him the most was the calmness of his great grand uncle. Ether Jackson didn't even take out his weapon. He mearly moved his hand and the wind bleads destroyed before approaching his body. What piqued the interest of Evan was the fact that his great grand uncle didn't use any heavenly elements.

Ether Jackson threw a mocking gaze at the middle aged cultivator. "Your Sabre technique is rather flashy", he said with a taunting smile.

Fury appeared in the eyes of the middle aged man after listening to the words of the Ether Jackson. He made some hand seals quickly and heaven and earth energy started to gather around him.

He threw a cold gaze at Ether Jackson and shouted "Mountain destroying slash". With a wave of his sabre, heaven and earth energy gathered around him and a five meter long green blade flew towards Ether Jackson.

"Sacred sword, First brilliance", Ether Jackson spoke lightly and waved his hand towards the Lin family cultivator. Evan didn't see any movement of heaven and earth energy but illusory blade flew towards the huge green blade immediately. The illusory blade collided with the Mountain destroying slash of the Lin family cultivator.

There was no sound of collision this time, the illusory blade cut the Mountain destroying slash in half and flew towards the Lin family cultivator. The eyes of the middle aged Lin family cultivator grew wide in surprise. He hurriedly threw another attack at it and moved away from his location. 

"What a formidable technique!", Evan commented inside his mind. He continued to watch the fight between the two Law sea stage experts.

"Destroy the royal family. They are not suitable to rule the Thousand swords kingdom", Evan looked away after listening a commotion around him.

Evan saw a huge number of Black family warriors coming out from the Black family estate. There numbers are growing after each passing minute. Every cultivators had a exuberant aura and there were battle intent coming out from each one of them.

Unlike Jackson family who had only four to five known members, other famous families had members in thousands. Moreover, they had their own personal guards which made each of them a formidable force.

"Looks like, great grand uncle has to change his planning. He can't wipe out the Black family within a short period", Evan murmured inside his mind.

"Look, prince Evan is there. Today's ancestral ceremony is held for him", a young member of Black family pointed at Evan.

"What prince! After today's battle he will be only a slave to our Black family", a young man of Black family commented.

"Prince Evan , would you dare to accept the challenge from our Black family?", a thin looking young man who was standing in the middle of the Black family young warriors asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Send anyone, you think capable", Evan calmly replied. 

The thin looking young man threw a strange gaze at Evan. "Looks like prince Evan do not have any regard towards our Black family. In this case, Warren why don't you go and show some skills to our prince", the thin looking man smiled towards a young man standing nearby.

The young man nodded and walked towards Evan. Evan looked towards his upcoming opponent. His opponent was a tall young man who was probably around fifteen to sixteen years old. He had fierce looking eyes and strong shoulders. He was gazing towards him with deep enmity in his eyes.

After reaching near Evan, he cupped his fist and bowed slightly. "Prince, please remember my name. I am Warren Black. Please show me your guidance", he spoke while looking at Evan. Evan also nodded his head and cupped his fist.

"Make your move", Evan spoke. Warren Black grinned and took out a small war axe. With the war axe, he lunged towards Evan. There was a vicious glint in his eyes as he swung his small axe towards Evan's neck.

It was a vicious move. It was obvious that the tall young man came prepared. The nearby royal soldiers stood stunned for a moment. They had never seen Evan fighting. So, there was panick in their eyes as they looked at the direction of Evan.

Evan didn't move till the last moment. When the axe approached his neck, he bent his head and the axe ran past his face. It was just a matter of a single breath but Evan managed dodge the axe strike.

He clenched his fist and without channeling any essence strength, he flung his clenched fist towards the head of Warren Black.

"Thud!", a dull sound was head as Warren's body flung back to group. There was a strang silence in the entire battlefield as the whole crowd stood rooted to the ground. 

Warren Black didn't wake up from the ground. Blood poured out from his mouth and ears and there was a depression on his head where Evan's fist made contact. 

Everyone looked at the scene with a disbelief in their eyes. When they looked at Evan again, there was a strange sense of trepidation came to their mind. Evan still had a harmless look on his face but no one dare to belittle him anymore.

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