Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 129: The battle Saint art of heavenly judgement

Weapons started to fly towards Evan as he was busy in slaughtering the enemies inside his mind. With each passing second, his killing intent grew thicker.

The end of the hall was full of weapons and surprisingly Evan managed to get a response from majority of the weapons. But not every weapon responded to the killing intent of Evan.

The weapons in the hall was arranged in a specific pattern. There were total nine raws of weapons in the hall. The first line had the most number of weapons and the number gradually decreased towards end.

Evan managed to get a response from the first seven lines but none of the last two lines show any kind of response.

But suddenly a weapon of the last line show a fluctuation on it. It was an ancient looking sword which was entirely covered in dust. From its appearance, one could imagine the amount of time passed since it had been last touched.

A faint glow appeared on its body as an heavy pressure covered the hall. The atmosphere inside the hall grew more solemn as the ancient looking sword revealed itself. It came out from the ground and dust fell off from its body automatically. It was a pure white sword with a reddish hue on it.

Faint killing aura leaked out from the sword but it was enough to shake Brianna, Olivia and Evan's great grand uncle. Even Alice felt disturbed as a hint worry appeared on her immature face.

The sword came near Evan in an instant. Other weapons came back to their places as if they feared this ancient flawless sword. As the sword floated in the air near Evan, the glow of the hall dimmed gradually. The ancient symbols which were earlier glowing, returned to normal and Evan also came out from the illusion he was in.

He gasped for breath as a sudden headache came to his mind. His eyes were still pitch black with a reddish hue but his mind grew clearer soon after. "What just happened? Is that a bad dream?", Evan murmured to himself.

"Clank", the opening sound of doors came from behind. Evan's gaze fell upon the beautiful sword which was floating Infront of him. The sword was pure white with a reddish hue adding to the beauty of it. Evan felt an attraction towards the sword immediately. 

He grabbed towards the handle of the sword but the sword turned and pricked his finger slightly. Drops of blood came out from his fingertip and flowed to the surface of the sword.

"Is this sword sentient?", Evan thought after staying stunned for a while. His blood disappeared into the sword and Evan felt an instant connection with the sword. 

"Ahh!", another stab of sudden pain came to the mind of Evan and he felt dizzy. "I don't want to leave like this but if I don't, I will fallen asleep here", Evan thought inside his mind. He held the sword and placed it on his shoulder. This time the long sword didn't show any sign of activity and let Evan held it.

Evan threw a reluctant look at the paintings of the hall and walked away. The gate was slammed shut after he stepped outside. Evan turned his head and took another look at the ancient hall. A bout of dizziness came and his body staggered forward.

"I need to rest", he thought and walked towards the place where Brianna and Olivia were standing. He felt his consciousness was blurring. He tried to held out but his body didn't act accordingly to his will. Before he knew, his mind grew completely blank.


"Child, are you okay?", Evan heard the worried voice of his mother when he woke up. There was still a faint pain coming from his head but Evan felt it was manageable.

"Mother, I am okay. No need to worry. I just needed some rest", Evan replied. He knew this pain was somehow related to the dream he had seen inside the ancestral hall but he still couldn't point out the exact reason.

He took a look at his surrounding and found himself resting on his own bed. There was his sister Sophie, Alice and his mother sitting near him.

Sophie and Alice wore worried look on their faces. Evan sat up and smiled towards them. "Sister Sophie", he greeted Sophie Sylvia with a smile. 

"Alice, how much time I have slept this time?", Evan looked towards Alice.

"Big brother, it is afternoon already. You have slept nearly five hours", Alice replied.

"Can you tell me what happened there? You suddenly passed out after walking out from the ancestral hall?", Alice looked at him with a concerned look.

"It is nothing Alice. Am not I just fine now? Moreover, I have not slept yesterday", Evan tried to dodge her question without giving an answer. He knew this kind of situation couldn't be explained.

"Child, are you really okay? Do you need to sleep more", Olivia asked with concern. Evan shook his head and smiled.

"Mother, I am really okay. Where is aunt and great grand uncle?", Evan asked to his mother.

"They should be in the throne room or in guest palace. Everyone is waiting for you there. Fortunately, you have woke up in time", Olivia replied.

"Alice, come with me. Evan, be ready quickly and come with Sophie to the throne room. Your coronation ceremony will be started as soon as you reach there", Olivia spoke and took Alice with her. 

There was only Sophie and Evan left inside the vast room. Sophie's cheeks were reddened after Olivia left her alone with Evan. 

"Evan, are you really okay?", she asked while blushing heavily.

"Sister Sophie, no need to worry. I am really okay", Evan replied her while looking at her blushing face.

He looked for his sword and found it laying on a table. He was just thinking to pick it up when it came floating to his side on its own. 

"What is happening?", Sophie cried out after seeing the sword floating on its own.

Evan felt stunned for a moment but a smile appeared on his face after seeing the sword coming to him on its own. "Sister Sophie, this sword is sentient. Please don't tell anyone what you see today", Evan replied to Sophie.

Sophie was still looking at the floating sword with surprised eyes but her mind grew calm after some moments. She didn't disturb Evan anymore as Evan observed the sword with curiousity in his eyes.

He felt curious and injected a strand of his soul consciousness into the sword. The next moment the sword disappeared from his hand and he felt a unique connection inside his soul.

A set of information appeared inside his mind as he felt bewildered by the series of strange events occurring. "The battle Saint art of heavenly judgement", a tyrannical sounding technique came along with the information and Evan knew he managed to get his hands on a powerful divine technique.

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