Modern Patriarch

Chapter 112: Summons

Chapter 112: Summons

When the summons finally came, Meili Zhu had been nestled on a comfortable divan in the privacy of her chamber. Before her, sprawled on a glass table, were half a dozen trinkets she had procured from the Commercial District.

It was unlike Meili Zhu to idle around with her time, for there was always so much that tugged at her attention. Managing the ever squabbling legacy families as they found themselves increasingly losing both prestige and power, commanding the faceless to investigate the eccentric behavior of the three Patriarchs ever since Yao Shen disappeared from the public eye and keeping up with her own cultivation was only a fraction of Meili Zhus self-appointed responsibilities.

Even now, as she reached for a slender metal canister, it was not entirely relaxation that she chased.

She held the metal canister before her, pinching it on both ends with her thumb and index finger.

How curious, She had whispered, as she applied a touch of gentle force. The cylindrical metal cap that ran for more than three fourths of the canisters length popped out with little resistance, revealing the purplish-red within.

The tantalizing aroma of scarletberries scattered in the air as Meili Zhu daintily twisted a dial that was placed at the base of the canister. The make was a bit rough, the imperfections in the metal brushing against her touch as a more concentrated, coagulated form of the mouth balm she used to paint her lips rose out into the open air.

It mimicked the dimensions of the cylinder it had been placed in, besides having its upper-most rung sliced at a forty-five degree slant. A simple, yet ingenious decision that would allow the lipstick to stick more easily to her lips.

Simple, yet ingenious. If Meili Zhu had to succinctly summarize the nature and impact of Yao Shens reforms, those were the words she would choose.

Her gaze turned to a gold-rimmed mirror in the distance, only for a pair of dark-brown eyes to meet her gaze. The womans short black hair was as well-maintained as always, the wrinkles of age yet eluding her maturing features even as she had crossed the three century mark years ago; visually appearing not a day over thirty. . Meili Zhu knew that defying death was a fools errand, but she took a sensual pleasure in defying the laws that all living beings were supposed to adhere to.

The mortal-forged lipstick pressed against her lips and Meili Zhu observed her own rich olive skin, her burnished bronze eyes and now, the seductive purplish-red that hugged her lips. Unlike the bitter mouth balm she was used to, a mixture of spiritual plants and blood extracts, the lipstick tasted refreshingly sweet as it dyed her lips.

Extracted from mortal berries, yet it is more appealing than the tincture I use, Meili Zhu whispered under her breath, noticing the fallacies in her own perception of her world. She implicitly assumed that spiritual plants would yield a superior result in any field when juxtaposed against mortal plants, yet never stopped to consider that there was no need to use Qi-based resources for cosmetics.

In her defense, Meili Zhu seldom had time to consider the intricacies of something as trivial as cosmetics.

The universe seemed to agree, as a knuckle rapped thrice against her door.

The heavens are obscured, A raspy voice from behind the lone door leading into her chamber declared.

In the shadows we thrive, Meili Zhu replied in accordance with the weekly changing code-phrase.

Stolen from its rightful author, this tale is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

The door gently swung open and a masked individual clad in shadowy robes stepped inside without making a sound.

One, Meili Zhu addressed the Faceless ranked the most skilled under her command, the existence of whom the other Legacy Families only suspected, yet hadnt been able to confirm.

A Nascent Soul cultivator under her direct command, his true name and face known only to her.

Matriarch, Faceless One acknowledged.

What has happened, for you to personally report? Meili Zhu asked, as she studied the mask that she herself had granted to the most skilled amongst her faceless. The deadliest of all serpentine spiritual beasts, the Shalurarac, or the One-fanged serpent was neither the strongest, nor the fastest or even the cleverest amongst all its kind.

It was the most poisonous.

He has made his move, Faceless One replied, his tone unmoved by any concept of emotion. I triangulated his general whereabouts, but I dared not proceed any further. His divine sense blankets that entire area, a clear, zealous warning as any. If I tried to approach any further, he would have killed me.

Killed you? Your identity is not that difficult to guess, Meili Zhu replied. freeweb .co m

The killing intent was smothering the air, Matriarch. He would have killed me, knowing who I am.

That is unlike Yao Shen, Meili Zhu fell deep into thought, not once doubting the deduction of her most skilled assassin.

Faceless One reached for the inside of his robes, retrieving a scroll canister that he held onto with both his hands.

Kneeling at Meili Zhus side, he offered it to her cupped in both his hands.

Did you read it? Meili Zhu asked.


Yet the seal remains untouched. Impressive as always, one.

Thank you, Matriarch.

So, what does it say? She asked.

Coordinates, Matriarch. You are to head to a specific location near the periphery of the Nayun Forest before the end of the day. It is a direct command in the name of the Grand Patriarch Yao Shen, with his seal of authority. To disobey would be tantamount to betrayal.

The final piece, Meili Zhu muttered, her expression darkening. We have failed, One. No matter how skilled our information gathering techniques or how willing we are to stain our hands, the gulf between cultivation tiers cannot be challenged. At least not as we are now.

Forgive me, Matriarch.

It is not your fault. Who else got this communique?

From the current intelligence I have, the Tang Family, Ren Family, Song Family and the Hu Family.

What of the Hui Family? Meili Zhu asked.

I believe Patriarch Zhou Hui is the one who sent these communiques on behalf of Yao Shen.

The common thread, Meili Zhu mused. What do you think it is?

Grand Patriarch Yao Shen has no love for the Hu Family. He thinks our Zhu Familys methods to be too cruel, finds Wenyan Ren too boorish and has never considered Matrimonial ties with the Tang or Song Families. However, it is true that us five along with Zhou Hui, are the least likely to want to see the Heavenly Sky Sect, even in its diminished state as the Sky Division, fall.

Meili Zhu allowed herself a long, weary sigh as she considered the situation.

If I do not return in a day, then take Sulan and flee the Azlak Plains, One. Use what little ties we have in the East to help her ascend to Nascent Soul and rest assured, she does not lack my cunning. She will find a way to secure her place in one of the five sects, with your assistance.

As you command, Matriarch.

A few moments later both Faceless Ones presence and any traces of Qi that could be traced to his presence were gone, leaving Meili Zhu alone in her contemplation.

Just what are you hiding, Yao Shen?

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