Modern Patriarch

Chapter 105: Forging Lumenite

Chapter 105: Forging Lumenite

Yao Shen found himself deep underground, back in the lumenite mine. In the vast cavernous structure, he was alone in the heart of the Earth Divisions territory.

Not even Wenjun Long had been permitted to accompany him down here this time, for Yao Shen had stipulated that he must be allowed to forge the Lumenite Ore in complete privacy- only then would he share the completed product with the other three divisions.

He took in the aquamarine crystal ore with a sense of awe, marveling at the sheer potency of the Qi contained within and the insanity of the task he was about to undertake. Did he deserve to wield the Runebound Oresplitter, a legacy forging tool of the ancient Dwarven race with his meager skill in the discipline?

No, he did not.

Yet, fate had thrust the beyond precious artifact in his unworthy hands. So he had to make sure that the purpose, the intent with which he wielded his hammer was beyond reproach.

Vondar the Scholar had warned him not to underestimate the difficulty of forging Lumenite. Yao Shen had dealt with foes stronger than him before, but that had not been without mistakes. Even in his fight with Gavril, Yao Shen regretted not having gained more familiarity with his relic in advance. Had he known its potency, known the full extent of what it was capable of, then the vicious demon would not have been able to threaten him within the territory of his own capital city.

He had won that fight through a melange of cautious strategy and luck, but Yao Shen had to exercise even greater prudence whilst forging lumenite. A single mistake and he would set off a cataclysmic explosion that, even if his Human Dao Domain allowed him to survive, would completely devastate the Earth Division.

To say that the stakes were high was an understatement.

The longer you hesitate, the more challenging you will make this out to be, Vondar advised, the Dwarf Spirit clearly unmoved in the face of what Yao Shen considered a challenge.

Do you believe me to be ready? Yao Shen could not help but ask the question, his usual composure gone in the face of the sheer absurdity of the task he had taken on. Sweat beaded his forehead and for the first time in decades, Yao Shen felt like a novice taking his first unsteady steps towards the treacherous path of ascension.

Ready? Vondar questioned, his tone incredulous. Perhaps in a century. Serviceable, with my assistance? Indeed, The ancient Dwarf confirmed, a touch of humor contained in his tone.

Yao Shen realized that the Dwarf was trying to lighten the mood, even though it was very much not his forte. He appreciated the attempt, but ultimately could not bring himself to be at ease.

While Yao Shen had explained the current state of Ionea, he did not believe that the ancient Dwarf, with his disdain for politicking in general, understood how tremendous of an accomplishment a human forging Lumenite Armor would be. A single set of armor would make him more valuable than his accomplishments against Gavril Arkael, his worth as a Soul Emperor and even his esoteric Human Dao ascribed to him.

For, even the knowledge alone without an entire reserve of Lumenite Ore beneath the Earth Division meant an opportunity to reverse engineer it. To know of the elusive metals properties, the armors schematics and most importantly, their weaknesses, was to have an immediate yet surreptitiously concealed advantage against the Dwarves if war was ever to break out.

And if such knowledge was to fall in the hands of the Demonic Path, Yao Shen shuddered to think of the consequences.

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No, Vondar had placed great trust in him, a human cultivator the same race responsible for his untimely demise. Yao Shen had to live up to it, to prove to the Dwarf that honor still existed among their kind. To prove to him a future where all races could unite and live together under one banner.

Yao Shen no longer doubted himself as he strode forward, his gaze fixated at a jagged chunk of lumenite that was precariously protruding outward at a downward curving angle.

Will this one suffice? Yao Shen asked, standing a few steps away from the lumenite deposit.

Indeed, as long as you demarcate the boundary correctly. Do not try to be greedy and mine more than you can handle in one go, the properties of the hammer are not limitless, Vondar reiterated a discussion they had gone through many times by now. As the owner of Runebound Oresplitter, Yao Shen had to visualize the surface area he sought to limit the seal and unchange effect to.

Vondar would naturally assist him if he overstepped his boundaries, but Yao Shens Soul had an indubitable advantage over the remnant soul of a long-gone Dwarven Blacksmith.

Yao Shens features tightened before he took a deep breath and with a long exhale that followed, let the anxiety that was tightening his chest into a knot go.

His hands were slightly trembling as he raised the hammer part of Runebound Oresplitter in the air.

He was Yao Shen, True Disciple of Yufeng Hu, Patriarch of the Modern Sect, Soul Emperor and practitioner of the Esoteric Human Dao. He had known failure countless times before. He had tasted bitter defeat more times than he would like to admit. Yet he had always come back stronger for it.

Yao Shen could fail.

That is why he would not.

Seal and unchange, Yao Shen proclaimed, before swinging the hammer down in quick, clean motion.

A light tap sounded out followed by a ripple of energy that Yao Shen could distinctly sense yet not quite place. It was Qi, but a variation or frequency of it that did not subscribe to the rules Yao Shen was accustomed to, yet at the same time it was not distinct enough to fall under the category of a distinct dao.

It lasted a moment and once the moment had passed, there was no reaction whatsoever.

Taking a few steps back, Yao Shen collapsed onto the ground, his back drenched in sweat.

Did it work? He asked, feeling not the physical exertion but a far more intense mental one.

Yes. You were a little off, but that is fine. Do you have the shape you demarcated still visualized?

Yao Shen confirmed.

Good. Sever it before the boundary you have set. Some lumenite maybe lost in the process, but it is better to err on the side of caution, Vondar judged and Yao Shen had no intention to defy the learned Dwarfs words.

Getting back onto his feet, he once again crossed the distance. This time, it was the baton artifact that would serve as the primary driver. Of the two functions, sever and change, Yao Shen had to employ the former.

It was also the one function with the least room for ever.

Steeling himself, Yao Shen allowed himself to fall back on Vondars words. The longer he hesitated, the more challenging it would become until the pressure overwhelmed him entirely.

Sever, he muttered in the ancient tongue Vondar had taught him, before bringing the baton down.

A plinking sound echoed out, reminiscent of a musical note yet leaving him with the distinct feeling that it was incomplete. A thread of Qi resonated outwards from the baton, moving so swiftly that Yao Shen failed to keep track of it even with his divine sense. It was as if the single thread of Qi was capable of piercing the world itself, for such was the threat he had detected in that brief instant- only for it to wink out of existence as it finished its journey through the ores length.

Time itself seemed to freeze for a moment, as Yao Shen watched the now severed piece of lumenite ore fall downwards.

He didnt have to reach out for it. If a single element in his calculations had gone wrong, the moment the Lumenite Ore hit the floor, it would lead to a cataclysmic chain reaction capable of devastating the entire Earth Division.

He could distance himself from the severed piece of Lumenite Ore and activate his Domain to survive. Perhaps he would be branded a Demonic Path Cultivator, but he would survive

Yao Shen snarled as his hand shot forward, his expression pale as his hands wrapped around the Lumenite Ore.

There was no explosion.

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