Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: I’m afraid I’m not dreaming

Everyone in the base was shocked.

After watching it for a long time, why do you think the Little Beaver Oriental Team is very similar to the Little Beaver Oriental Team in their base?


After half a day, the people at the Citi Naval Base recovered.

Isn’t that their ship girl! ?

Nani? !

The ship girl defected? And this kind of operation?

As the commander of this naval base, Admiral Amai’s brain exploded.

If he remembered correctly.

The flagship of the Little Beaver Eastern Team, Osborn, just left the factory today. It was sealed in a mechanical box and sent to the naval base.

Thatcher, Foote, Orrick, and Spence, the four ship girls, have been serving in the naval base before.

what happened?

Osborn, who was just delivered, defected with the Eastern team! ?

Outside the nickname! The **** Osborn owed 350 million for food, drink, whoring, gambling, and ran away with her!

Well, the above can only show that Amai’s heart has been chaotic to the extreme.

The defection of the Citizens is unprecedented.

“Speaking of which, is Lafite beside Wang Dajian also from our Citi Army?”

Amai pointed to the Lafite that had been in Wang Dajian.

The officers looked at each other.

They had heard that Wang Dajian was the abducting madman who abducted the ship’s mother, but they didn’t expect… the ship’s mother of the Citi Army would defect to Wang Dajian in batches.

This problem is serious.

“Check the footage! I want to see what’s going on!”

A Mai immediately ran to the monitoring room to check the video.

I saw the mechanical box that sealed this Osborn, which was in the warehouse at that time, waiting to be activated.

Suddenly a golden light lit up, and Osborn walked out of the box by himself.


Take the ship girl in the base and leave like this?

Meow meow meow?

A group of people looked dumbfounded.

“Your Excellency, what should I do… Would you like to inform me?”

Amy is also very confused, what is this all about? It was the first time that the ship girl ran out on her own and defected without warning.

“Contact Wang Dajian first and ask him to return Jianniang to us.”

“But Wang Dajian’s phone doesn’t seem to get through. He… seems to be sleeping.”

“Then call him tomorrow!”

Amy’s chest heaved violently.

And what about Wang Dajian?

Holding the two sisters, Fuso and Yamashiro, Citi fell asleep.

Buried his head in the gentle village of Shancheng, um… Big **** smashed!

No matter the situation outside, Wang Dajian can sleep soundly.

Now the Internet is full of videos of Wang Dajian playing Suquan, and then adding special effects, as well as ghosts.

As for the military area, it was completely occupied by Wang Dajian’s battle scene yesterday.

All military videos related to Wang Dajian!

Capture Akagi, Kaga, and fight the deep sea with the entire fleet!

In the end, he took a team of elementary school destroyers to clean up the battlefield.

It can be said that no one can grab Wang Dajian’s headlines now!

It is Wang Dajian himself who is grabbing his own headlines.

Wang Dajian, who turned off his cell phone and didn’t answer any calls, slept until after ten o’clock and didn’t want to wake up.

“Master… Concubine… Concubine’s identity is numb.”

Fusang didn’t dare to move, for fear of waking Wang Dajian.

She could only keep Wang Dajian’s head buried on her pair of battleship-class weapons.

When he opened his eyes slightly, he saw white flowers and soft skin.

Turning over, Wang Dajian’s face was pressed by another ball, Shancheng’s…


I yawned and looked at the two young ladies who were sleeping with me.

Since the two sisters came to the base, they bathed and slept together, serving Wang Dajian around the clock.

While the destroyer is great, but… tits, it’s even better!

Wang Dajian, who was apostate for a second, put his arms around Fusang: “Let me sleep for a while. Since you two sisters came, my body has been getting worse day by day.”

“Eh!? Master, then you have to make up, don’t get tired.”

Fusang blushed, a little ashamed.

After the two sisters had no shame with Wang Dajian in the bathhouse, indescribable things had already happened to Wang Dajian.

That’s why Wang Dajian’s nutrition began to fail.

Although he was reluctant to get up, Wang Dajian still got up from the two young ladies.

Wang Dajian, who got up, came to the cafeteria, and Guanghui Niang had prepared breakfast, milk and bread for him.

Wang Dajian, who had a listless face and excessive indulgence, didn’t seem to wake up at all.

Guanghui walked behind Wang Dajian with a smile and gently pressed his shoulder: “Commander, it’s enough, young man, you must be restrained.”

“Cough! I didn’t go home until 3 o’clock last night, can I not be sleepy?”

“However, Guanghui has already seen through everything.” Guanghui Niang covered her mouth and let out a small chuckle.

Wouldn’t she know what Wang Dajian and Fusang and Shancheng were doing? It’s not the group of laughing little loli in front of me who can only eat.

Yes, after the Little Beaver Oriental team came to Wang Dajian’s base…

Wang Dajian felt that his base had become a home for elementary school students, and it was very lively.

At the same time, the addition of the two sisters Akagi Kaga also made Wang Dajian’s base more and more popular.

Recalling that when I first came here, there were only Wang Dajian, Guanghui, Lafite, and a shop kanban girl in the base.

It can be said to be very quiet.

Looking at Chicheng at the next table, Wang Dajian asked with a smile, “How, how did you soak in the pool last night?”

“It can be said that this was the most solid night I slept, Commander.”

Chicheng smiled, she had recognized Wang Dajian.

Really, she never dreamed of it.

Exquisite food, home-like environment, and my sister by my side.

This place… is probably Akagi’s heaven.

Just because he enjoyed this tranquility, Akagi secretly swore in his heart, Absolutely! Absolutely protect Wang Dajian.

Because all this is given by this man.

A day ago, she couldn’t imagine that she could have a leisurely breakfast with her sister.

When I opened the news, it was all yesterday’s battle scenes, Wang Dajian was a frequent visitor to the news headlines.

Maybe…the day when Wang Dajian can’t be in the news, it will be the biggest news.

On the other hand, Kaga, who was silent, was eating and felt like she was dreaming.

I’m afraid all of this is fake, right?

Wang Dajian is so good?

Are you so nice to the ship girls? impossible! does not exist! fake!

Kaga kept repeating himself, reminding himself that none of this was true.

Seeing Kaga’s expression, Wang Dajian smiled without saying a word: “Who said yesterday that he wouldn’t come back with me even if he died??”

Kaga blushed and said stubbornly: “Hmph, do you want to be eaten by me?”

Mocking Kaga, when Wang Dajian was in a good mood, a text message caught his attention.

【Please return the little beavers to the East team. ],,..

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