Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: fight back

Wang Dajian is on fire, and the Neon Combined Fleet is on fire.

Big fire!

The Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Yamamoto Sixteen, immediately held a press conference: “Wang Dajian is just a despicable villain who can only shout, like a mouse in the sewer, he doesn’t dare to come out and fight us!”

The reporter quickly asked: “But the latest video shows that Wang Dajian was very leisurely.”

“That’s all he pretended to be. Of course, it doesn’t rule out that he has an internal counselor, someone in the international port.”

The meaning of Yamamoto Sixteen is obvious, but he secretly satirizes Yan Xiaohai for providing supplies to Wang Dajian.

After the press conference, Yamamoto Sixteen immediately summoned all the officers of the combined fleet, as well as the four main battleships.

“Now, when our Imperial Navy is ridiculed by the whole world, what do you think?”

Yamamoto Sixteen did not scold him like the other neon commanders.

After he said these words calmly, he looked at the reactions of everyone present.

Kaga, wearing a blue ship uniform, raised her hand: “It’s not that we are weak, it’s just that Dajian is too cunning.”

“Sister, don’t say anything, everything is caused by our incompetence.” Akagi, who was wearing a scarlet ship uniform, admitted his mistake very frankly.

However, this was not what Yamamoto Sixteen wanted to hear.

“This is not a meeting of criticism and reflection. What I want is the answer, how to find Wang Dajian.”

The very silent Mastiff Kaohsiung, who has been wiping the samurai sword, said slowly, “Since the enemy has supplies, we can follow the source of the supplies to find him.”

Wearing a white navy uniform, a white short skirt, and a pair of black silk long legs, those long, slender Citi legs that have been exercised all year round look so powerful that it makes people want to stop.

Kaohsiung is like a martial artist who cultivates the mind, very calm.

“Well, Kaohsiung is right. I have an idea. If I stop Yan Xiaohai’s supply ship, I will definitely find Wang Dajian.”


They have entered a new misunderstanding, that is, Wang Dajian can only survive by relying on Yan Xiaohai’s supplies.

Otherwise, they really can’t figure it out, what does Wang Dajian, who has so many ship girls, rely on to eat?

Could it be that… Wang Dajian can still drill into the sea to extract oil?

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a wretched mustache walked in.

“Hey hey… Commander Yamamoto, I brought you the radar equipment you need most. This is the latest masterpiece of Zao Corporation – SG Radar!”

At this time, everyone in the conference room showed joy: “With this radar, follow the clues of the supply ship and find Wang Dajian’s pointing to Neon!”

“Everyone, I wish you a prosperous martial arts!”

“Wu Yun is prosperous!”

For a time, the combined fleet with clues started a new round of search for Wang Dajian.

In the base, Wang Dajian was not idle either.

“We, it’s time to fight back.”

Rafi raised his hand and echoed expressionlessly: “Oh!!!”

Looking at the seven ships in front of him, Wang Dajian knew his style of play very well.

3 battleships, 3 aircraft carriers, but the melee vanguard squad has only one La Neon Tian Lafite.

Therefore, Wang Dajian’s style of play must be stable, as stable as poi, and as stable as an old driver in Qiu Mingshan, otherwise, if he believes too much in his own driving skills, he will end badly.

“Since they have challenged us in multiple media, we can’t hide, we have to take the initiative and give them a little surprise!”

Just after Wang Dajian finished speaking, Guanghui Niang walked slowly: “Commander, the reconnaissance plane found that the combined fleet is following a ship.”


“Yes, following the transport ship of the International Port Logistics Department.”

When Guanghui Niang said this, Wang Dajian immediately thought of it.

“It seems that they really thought that Yan Xiaohai was supplying me? Just, use this supply ship to make an ambush.”

“it is good!”

Several reconnaissance planes were dispatched, and Wang Dajian, who was sitting in the command room, was able to observe the entire battlefield situation in all directions.

The four main forces of the United Fleet are all there!

He also led thousands of mass-produced ships, a meniscus formation, ready to be surrounded at any time.

They dispatched thousands of people and followed the transport ship.

Behind the fleet, there is a large ship, which is also the flagship of the combined fleet.

Yamamoto Sixteen and Zao Heavy Industry’s mustache are monitoring the surroundings with thunder.

“Commander, there is a response on the radar.” Mustache immediately reported.

“What’s the reaction?”

“Preliminary judgment, it should not be a seabird, it is very fast, like a ship’s carrier aircraft.”

Hearing this, Yamamoto nodded with satisfaction: “Yo Xi, it seems that we should have touched Wang Dajian’s base. Don’t worry about the reconnaissance plane and pretend not to find him. With Wang Dajian’s character, he will definitely send a fleet to ambush us!”

Yamamoto’s meaning is a bit of a calculus.

He felt that the Neon Combined Fleet was absolutely invincible, and even if Wang Dajian sent the ship’s mother, it would be impossible to defeat him.

“Order the fleet to prepare to fight, tell them to ignore the reconnaissance plane and pretend not to see it!”


Moustache looked at the radar reaction and smiled sinisterly: “Wang Dajian, you are dead.”

Is it finally time to touch Wang Dajian’s base?


Wang Dajian’s base is dozens of kilometers away, and a group of people are smirking chasing a transport ship that has nothing to do with him. Wang Dajian doesn’t quite understand what they are laughing at.

However, the naive combined fleet ignored Wang Dajian’s reconnaissance plane?


Maybe that’s what caused their tragic deaths.

The reconnaissance plane in the sky locked the exact location of the enemy, and then the light passed the information to the artillery team.

War Weariness, Fusang, Mountain City.

Three battleship-class ship girls fired at the same time!

That scene!

With a thunderous bang, large-caliber shells ripped through the sky.

The combined fleet Dongfangxin, which was chasing the transport ship, suddenly exploded with a bang.

Dozens of mass-produced ship girls were wiped out in the east of the explosion, and flames suddenly ignited on the sea.

“Enemy attack!!!”

“Quick, confirm the direction of the bombardment and prepare to counterattack!”

The United Fleet sadly found that they had no battleships, and the battleships were kidnapped by Wang Dajian.

The salvo, 15 kilometers away, dealt a huge blow to the combined fleet.

“Akagi Kaga, scramble the fighter jets, prepare to counterattack!”,,..

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