Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Cat’s reward

Wang Dajian’s sudden attack plunged the combined fleet into the East of Chaos.

But the chaotic combined fleet did not find Wang Dajian’s figure.

Even if they used spy satellites, reconnaissance planes, etc. to search for Wang Dajian’s figure 24 hours a day, but… they couldn’t find it.

“The last time Lafite was seen on the satellite map was at this location.”

With a military tablet in hand, Kaga pointed to the map.

“Don’t look for it, they must have run away.”

Chicheng was very, very, very troubled. The whereabouts of this Wang Dajian were erratic. How did he survive with no supplies?

The ship girl wants to eat → if you want to eat, there is a base → if you have a base, you can find people.

Looking for Wang Dajian according to this idea is obviously not feasible.

“I have an idea now, we must divide our forces and start searching.” Kaga made a bold decision.

“Ah! Sister, are we going to separate?”

“This is a must. I believe that the four of us will definitely be able to stand on our own.”

Akagi Kaga and Kaohsiung Atago, with such a strong lineup, are all super rare ship girls, and even if they fight alone, they are capable of breaking the table.

“Also, I don’t believe that Wang Dajian’s oil can last too long. We can afford it, but they can’t!”

Akagi’s analysis is very correct. Even if they burn tens of millions of Citi Gold a day, they are better than Wang Dajian.

The combined fleet has a steady stream of supplies, but Wang Dajian does not.

Inside the aircraft carrier base, Wang Dajian squinted at the amount of fuel in the warehouse.

There are more than 6,000 barrels of oil.

According to the minimum consumption of 1000 per day, Wang Dajian still has 6 days.

The so-called minimum consumption refers to the consumption that stays at the base and does not move.

Because… eat!

Lafite ate breakfast in small sips, but on the side of the war exhausted one sips of xiaolongbao, one sip of warship sushi, all kinds of food and drink!

Although Guanghui Niang is very restrained, she is an aircraft carrier after all, and she eats the most!

Plus Fusang and Shancheng, and Canglong Feilong.


In Wang Dajian’s base, there were suddenly several more mouths, which were still the mouths of battleships and aircraft carriers. This consumption must not go up like snakeskin!

When the girls saw Wang Dajian approaching, they were a little embarrassed.

Eating…it’s instinct, there’s no way.

At least one day to eat the minimum amount of oil, right? Otherwise, how to maintain combat effectiveness?

But Wang Dajian smiled lightly: “It’s okay, let go and eat.”


“Commander, really…is it okay? I remember that the oil in the warehouse is not enough for a week.”

Guanghui Niang is a little worried. She has restrained her appetite very much, but her stomach is still not up to expectations.

Thinking that she had consumed so much oil, Guanghui Niang felt a little sorry.

And the newly added 4 neon ships also put down their oriental food with embarrassment.

“It’s alright, let’s eat it, we? Hehehe, we can afford it.”

Wang Dajian’s sudden self-confidence made several people very confused.

Let the ship girls let go and eat, while Wang Dajian goes to take a bath.

The Fusang and Shancheng sisters in the cafeteria looked at each other and quietly followed Wang Dajian.

After entering the bathhouse, Wang Dajian took off his naval uniform and went out of the bathhouse with a towel.

Soaked in the water, Wang Dajian squinted and enjoyed it, not like a commander surrounded by the combined fleet.

Taking a bath, Wang Dajian opened the news and took a look.

[The combined fleet was shelled and suffered heavy losses! 】

【Neon Congress Chaos! Should the Combined Fleet sortie be cancelled? 】

【Incompetent fury? Neon netizens criticize the Navy! 】

Watching the news, Wang Dajian didn’t notice that there were two girls behind him.

When he heard the sound of running water, Wang Dajian was slightly startled.


Looking back, Wang Dajian’s nostrils spurted hot air instantly.

I have a big fuck!

Fusang and Yamashiro…two sisters…

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