Millennium Tension

Chapter 57: Maid Of Honor's Gossip

While Aizen, Ana, and Axel joked from various topics of conversation. Zi Mei came to the backstage, where the transaction was completed and took the purchased auction items.

"Senior Sister Yan Li, you have done a great job." Zi Mei greets the auctioneer who gets the chance to auction off items on the stage for the first time.

"Junior Sister Zi Mei, you came... Now I feel that being an auctioneer myself is quite tiring..." Yan Li continued her babble which sounded like a joke. To complete all sessions and arrive at the main items, she must babble and pay attention to her behavior continuously during the items being auctioned.

"Of course it is tiring. The auction is held most quickly once a month, not to mention tonight is a special night..." Zi Mei smiled politely.

"Hehe... But now I feel happy, I just need to finish the main session and I can get a bonus from Master Yin. Maybe it's time I can fly to the sky~" Yan Li smiled silly while imagining that she could fly like a fairy in the sky.

All employees at 'The Twilight Amphitheater' will receive an appropriate spirit coin for their hard work every month, but they need more than that to become core members.

Until now, Master Yin only had eight core members who were all women and could become an auctioneer at any given opportunity.

The disciple who was chosen to be an auctioneer will get a lot of bonuses based on the rules of Master Yin that they do not really understand, but the amount is still very much for them if counted by the number.

In addition to carrying out tasks and duties, becoming an auctioneer is another great opportunity for Master Yin's disciples to make their cultivation skyrocket.

Unfortunately, the rotation for who is chosen is based on the talents, interests, circumstances, and choices of Master Yin. Yan Li was the last disciple who finally got that chance even though she was more senior than Zi Mei who was the youngest of the eight.

"Well, good luck! I still need to finish my work, see you later."

"Aye, see you later!"

Then Zi Mei left Yan Li who was resting and was also preparing for the main session which might get a bit hot considering the master of the Tier 5 VIP room was taking part in adding the main items that would be very popular.

They were not afraid that a commotion would occur because the hidden experts were already prepared by Master Yin's command every time the auction was held.

Zi Mei approached a special exchange room for VIP guests who differed from general guests who were also taking items that they had bought earlier.

"Mou... That's not fair! You two become a maid of honor filled by all women! While I am filled with wild and uncultured wild wolves!" An adorable girl who is also a disciple of Master Yin throws a complaint to her two senior sisters with teary eyes.

"Well... You said wild twice... But what can I do? Our job is given without knowing who are the guests present in the VIP room..."

"Um, sweet sister don't be sad. They won't eat you, we are protected by the law and the auction house association."

The two senior sisters who were complained about, could not bear to see one of their adorable junior sisters feeling persecuted and could only cheer her up.

"Uh? What's going on?" Zi Mei who had just arrived didn't really understand what they were talking about.

"Ah? It's nothing. It's just that our sweet sister feels pressured to be alone near the wolf during the auction." The eldest sister of them all stroked her poor sweet sister while trying to cheer her up.

"Oh? Junior Sister Zi Mei, you responsible for being a maid of honor in the Tier 5 VIP room, right? Aren't all those present at the auction at the moment only the young generation from various places? How could they be there?" Another senior sister came to ask.

At the special exchange room, there are some employees, servants, and her six senior sisters dressed as maid of honor. They have just taken the items that have been bought by their VIP room masters, but now they are also trying to cheer up their sweet sister.

In this auction house that already has Tier 4 auction house standards, they have several VIP rooms, but to inhabit Tier 5, the guests must have the proper status for it. Usually, only the higher-ups, the elders or sect masters, and other power-holders can be there.

Strangely, according to the data they examined earlier which showed that all present at this time were men and women under 25 who would participate in the expedition to the hidden realm tomorrow morning, there was a group that deserved to be in Tier 5 VIP room.

"Um, they are people I can't understand, but they are respectable guests of Master Yin whom he personally welcomed before the auction began. They also have a blue diamond member card." Zi Mei said lightly because she had used parts to her surprise before.

"What! Blue diamond member cards? Their status and wealth are that high !? They are still under 25 years old too!"

"Un, it was Master Yin who personally delivered it to the young master." Zi Mei released another surprise.

"Master Yin is the one who takes care of it directly and immediately processed right away!?"

Seeing senior sister her feel surprised, just like what she experienced made her happy, even the sweet sister who whined earlier had forgotten her complaint. Zi Mei excitedly took the items that had been bought by her room master while humming.

"Nee... Maybe if one of us gets a little attention from the young master in Tier 5 VIP room, she can become a phoenix that immediately flies high into the sky."

"Junior Sister Zi Mei, are you wearing something similar to an auctioneer to tease him? Tell us... Tell us..."

Hearing that, the humming of Zi Mei stopped instantly while her hand which gracefully stored some of the gems that had been bought into her storage ring froze in the air.

"Not so, I was previously chosen as an auctioneer by Master Yin, but because his honored guest was present, I was assigned as their maid of honor. I didn't even have time to change..." Zi Mei smiled helplessly, but advice from one of her senior sister is still ringing in her head.

'If I become one of his women even if my role is only as a servant to the young master called by Master Yin as Master Aizen, can I become like a phoenix that immediately flies high into the sky?' Zi Mei murmured in her mind.

"Ooo... So it's like that..."

"Um, like that. Eh? I just wanted to ask, isn't the list of auction items we had before there only one main item to be auctioned tonight? Why are there two now?"

"Oh yeah! I just realized that too."

Zi Mei wants to answer but she immediately swallows her words. She must protect the identity of the owner of the item being auctioned, not to mention she will get into trouble if the information is leaked because of her, while the young master who is in Tier 5 VIP room might get into trouble if the item that will be in great demand is known to come from him.

She became very popular as an auctioneer and could last for six months in that role for a strong reason. Aside from being the best, most beautiful, most talented girl from the Master Yin disciple recognized by him, she also knows very well her position.

She will tease, joke, coax, and speak at the right time, she will also be quiet and docile if needed. Maybe because of that, she was fine sitting in the same chair as the three guests in the Tier 5 VIP room, while Master Yin was just kicked out after delivering the membership card.

"Um... Senior sister, I have spent quite a long time just to retrieve items for them. It's time for me to return, see you later!" Zi Mei immediately said goodbye before leaving there.

"Okay! see you later, Junior Sister Zi Mei!"

"We also want to hear stories about them tonight, before going to sleep~"

Her senior sisters responded before they said goodbye to each other to return to duty in their respective VIP rooms.

Zi Mei ran away from that place, tonight maybe her senior sisters who like to gossip won't let her sleep well. Core members like them are free to talk to each other as long as the information doesn't leak.

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