Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 395: 395 The Victory Day

      Zhao Lingxin gave everyone a signal. It was the start of the parade on Victory Day.

The famous orchestra in the country began to play the imperial march. They were urging the atmosphere to burst into flames full of spirit.

General Li Fengyang, Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, was stationed on the parade line, issued an order to the Army.


The sound of footsteps hitting the ground was loud in unison. Create a strong rhythm that everyone can watch without looking down.

The sound of footsteps hitting the ground was in sync with the music playing.

Create a melody that everyone will never forget.

Millions of companies began to march in front of the Emperor and high leaders. On this parade day, millions of soldiers took part. It turned into a great and eerie parade scene. Even the Grandmaster was amazed.

"It's just a parade. Why can't I take my eyes off of it?" The Grandmaster also had to commend him. The parade in front of him seemed to have some sort of charm. He was attracting them inexplicably. Let's watch the grand imperial parade.

Then no less than five thousand armored tanks showed themselves to the crowd. Along with countless driving vehicles moved through the door of Xuanwu.

The people's eyes lit up. They were staring at the mighty Army of the Empire Under the famous march song, Creates an impressive experience ingrained in everyone's minds.

Under the valiant uniform of the Army, The Iron Cross that represents the identity of the Great Da Zhou Empire has become an inspiration to many people. Who wants to wear a uniform once in their life.

"I never imagined that our army could be so powerful." The people watched the Army of millions of people pass by. with countless armored vehicles with astounding eyes at the mighty military power.

Even they had heard that the Imperial Army was the most powerful in the world.

But everyone just listened, never seen with their own eyes.

Today, everything is visible to everyone's eyes. To feel the greatness of the Imperial Army, from the number of disciplines to a large amount of advanced equipment. Spell out the Martial Artists who were watching the parade. They had to shrink in fear of the power of the Imperial Army.

And just now, when an intercontinental ballistic warhead appeared. An intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a nuclear warhead displayed in front of everyone. The great masters and Martial Artists were paying attention.

"This is the Empire's nuclear bomb. It looks very formidable."

Sect Master Li Houshun said as he looked at the large warhead. They are driving within his own eyes.

In the past, he had heard a lot of reputation for the seriousness of such weapons. Even though he was an imperial senator had never seen this weapon of mass destruction before. Today, he saw it with his own eyes. To the shape of nuclear weapons, But what caused the Divine Master and Martial Artists to swallow their saliva loudly is the number of nuclear warheads the Empire has in abundance.

      No less than five hundred warheads passed in front of everyone. Even though the world is now unified Yet, everyone is still in awe of the nuclear weapons propelling past their own faces.

General Guo Ling saw the look on the face of the Grandmaster, who looked startled at the number of nuclear warheads in the Empire. General Guo Ling then walked up to the front a little and said to the Grandmasters.

"Everyone, this is the only part of the warhead that we maintain."

The Sword Master caught some hints in General Guo Ling's words. So promptly asked him.

"Don't tell me the Empire owns more than five hundred warheads."

"If I had to say it for sure, We have about twelve thousand nuclear warheads." General Guo Ling's reply made the Grandmaster gasp.

"Too many." The Sword Master even had to wipe his sweat.

With many such warheads, It only fitted that Zhao Lingxin was able to rule this world.

In their hearts, the Divine Grandmasters thought how lucky they were to become one with the Empire—not facing Zhao Lingxin. Therefore, they did not use these weapons of mass destruction to attack them.

The live broadcast of the military parade ceremonies continued for several hours. Broadcast all over the world—a loud declaration of irresistible military power.

And it's also a declaration in front of all opposition groups. That has been viewed today to decrease the idea of ​​opposing the government.

As long as the imperial central government still had such a powerful army, They, the resistance groups, certainly cannot shake the throne and the government's rule.

The former disciple resistance group continued to watch the live broadcast. They filled their foreheads with sweat. Until finally, someone let out a long sigh.

"We cannot resist the Emperor. I think we should put an end to this resistance." Someone suggested. They don't want to waste their lives in vain.

"I agree." On that day, there were dozens of opposing groups. Willing to raise the white flag in recognition of the dominance of the central government of the Empire.

Some of those who were still resisting began to hesitate. Under the imperial military might have utterly destroyed their opposing thoughts.

Today's parade is the beginning of the decline of the resistance. Who initiated admitting defeat to the central government? They don't want to fight anymore.

Zhao Lingxin and Yue Ningxiao watched the parade intently.

At that moment, Zhao Lingxin looked up at the sky. and pointed out to Yue Ningxiao to watch them together.

"The Air Force has arrived." As soon as Zhao Lingxin finished speaking, A large black shadow obscured the sunlight. The shadows quickly covered the imperial palace.

Shadows that add peace to everyone; all of the Imperial citizens raised their heads to the sky at the same time.

"Wow, a plane," the children's voices rang out along with the presence of hundreds of S-22 squadrons scattered in the sky. along with beautiful fireworks in the air.

And the appearance of a floating aircraft carrier, the largest aircraft of the Empire, has appeared together with Twelve aircraft carriers.

      Covered the capital city until the sun could not shine down. The appearance of a floating aircraft carrier, makes everyone shout.

Twelve aircraft carriers passed. The Victory Day parade is over.

But today's work is not over yet. Zhao Lingxin stepped forward.

He was preparing to announce something important to the billions of people on the Yanhuang Great Continent.

Everyone was willing to listen to what Zhao Lingxin had to say next.

"I am Zhao Ling Xin. Emperor of the Great Da Zhou Empire and the Supreme Patriarch of the Yanhuang Continent." Zhao Lingxin said as he swept his gaze across the area.

"It's been over six years. Under the glorious Kai Yuan reign, The Empire has developed people's lives out of starvation. It is a traumatic disaster that has continued for thousands of years and finally brings about the peace that everyone is looking for, Whether it was a Martial Artists or a normal human. We are all equal, not different."

"Right now, the Yanhuang Great Continent has been unified. Therefore, I declare that the Great Da Zhou Empire will be the only country in this world to rule the Yanhuang Great Continent for peace forever."

Zhao Lingxin was officially announced. To the establishment of the Holy Great Da Zhou Empire that was the only country in the world. And it's everyone's country, whether it was a Martial Artists or anyone. Now, everyone was under the same Black Eagle banner equally.

The Emperor's proclamation immediately made a cheering cry rang out.

"Prosperous to the Empire!!!"

"To the emperor!!!!." A loud cry of praise responded to Zhao Lingxin's declaration.

Zhao Lingxin waited for everything to calm down. Before announcing that.

"In addition, I declare that the Empire has completely entered the Age of Star Explorer. The stars on the Great Da Zhou system would become the Empire's colonies. All citizens have the right to free movement."

Zhao Lingxin saw that everything was ready. So he proclaimed the era of the stars. That allows people to travel freely in space which will open a new era for the Empire.

The Yanhuang Great Continent had become much smaller in Zhao Lingxin's eyes. This planet could no longer contain him. Zhao Lingxin looked up at the vast sea of ​​stars. There were many stars waiting for him to explore and capture.

Zhao Lingxin had given everyone a chance to move into space. It was the expansion of the Great Zhou Empire's power to every corner of the universe.

"The Age of Stars has been born," Zhao Lingxin concluded.

Zhao Lingxin's announcement creates excellent enthusiasm for people. However, when it comes to interstellar colonies, Zhao Lingxin's support will increase migration. Build empire colonies across the galaxy.

"Yue Ningxiao, Are you ready to go on a journey with me?" Zhao Lingxin turned to ask his wife. When he was ready, Zhao Lingxin wanted to go out into the sea of ​​stars.

To watch the vast sea of ​​stars, Zhao Lingxin would not stop at this Yanhuang Great Continent.

"Wherever you are, I am always ready to go with you." Yue Ningxiao nodded. As for her, Yue Ningxiao was always ready to travel alongside her husband.

The Imperial Army had a firm expression on their faces. Their duty is not over yet. Next, their duties await at other stars. Ready to proclaim the glory of the Empire reverberating in every corner of the universe.

"To the age of stars that The Great Da Zhou Empire prospered !!!."



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