Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Chapter 46: Extra: The Interview (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"If you don't take risks, you can't create a future."

-Monkey D. Luffy


A.N.: Little things to address here and now.

As many had already noticed, the MC is not being entirely truthful, even if he said that he would.

He mixed his origin story with the Dr. Manhattan one, a good excuse if people asked themselves "How does he know so much, he is so young?" "When I died(truth), for the time that I was dead, I awakened my super strong Cosmic senses and glimpses many truths(lie, meta-knowledge)

90% of what he said is the truth, use your own understanding of him to know when he is bullshitting.

By the way, this interview is happening in the middle of chapter 45. After he summoned and used his new cards, but a little before he visited the Xavier Mansion.

And talking about some things that he will say in this chapter... The MC has done things taht haven't be showed in the story.

I'm talking about when he use THE All-seeing Eyes of God from space to check Earth. A little after this he did a little recon in many places like the Inhumans, atlantis, Kun'lun.

I didn't mention it before because would be a bunch of useless infodump because is not the time of these place's sagas. When the place is important of the story don't be surprised if the MC already knows it a little.

Now, enjoy~


"I'm the only one that thought that is cool as heck?" Paige says about the many forms of Eidolon

"Nope... I will make it a gif and then my resting screen." Kitty says

"He can be like a Lovecraftian horror." Jean comments

"How many changes happening in his body?" Bobby asks

"I don't know, later we put in slow motion."

'I said before that I don't like the term Homo Superior. This is because I don't believe that we are very far from normal people. If we are truly another step in evolution, our bodies would adapt much more easily to the changes.' Eidolon says on the Tv 'We... are... not... ready... to have powers.' He says pausedly to emphasize 'That is the truth. But here we are. So We need to make the best of what we have.'

'How do you think will be the future of humanity then?' Steve asks

'Like one million years from right now?'

'Yeah... maybe...'

Eidolon pauses to think 'If we survive...' he starts to some nervous laughs from the audience 'I think our genome would find the common denominator and everyone would have the same set of powers. The same package.'

'How so?'

'I think everyone in the future will have the same thing, like how everyone has the same limbs and five senses. Some would be better than others, some could be born without it, in special cases... But I think there will be a pattern. Meta-humans would lose their individuality.'

'I see... So what powers do you think everyone will have?'

'Hm... Telepathy...Telekinesis. Super strength and other super physical attributes. And... that's it. They are the most common. There must be a reason for that.'

The X-men think that makes sense

"So everyone would be Jean on steroids in the future?" Kitty asks

"Looks boring..." Spyke says

"It's just a theory that he comes at the moment... But makes sense. On the evolutionary process, some traits overlapped others, so after many offsprings is possible that we really will have the same set of powers." Dr. McCoy says

Rogue looks at the screen pondering if is always possible to control the powers with practice. She has never made any progress don't matter how hard she tried in the past.

Even after absorbing Eidolon for a while, her body progressed ever after the effect wore off, but her control over her power doesn't changed.

Maybe she should ask for tips from Eidolon directly.


Continuing the talk, the host touches Eidolon's mantle and comments.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help but be curious. Your hero costume, clothes, whatever... They're made of what?" he asks

"Curious about my mantle? Touching it is weird, huh?" Eidolon turns to Steve

"Yes, is strange..." he says while caressing the mantle that rests on the armchair.

"Well, I can brag a little..." Eidolon says with a chuckle "I'm not lying by the way, but..." he pauses knowing exactly what reaction his words will bring "This mantle was made from the darkest shadows of a magical forest sewn by an immortal fae using starlight that escaped between the leaves." Eidolon explains without a pause.

"..." Steve just looks at him with a face that asks 'Are you serious?'


"Are you serious?"


"Faes... Like fairies?"


"I have so many questions..." The host speaks tiredly.

"Ask later. Let me explain the rest of my suit." Eidolon raises his srms "This suit is a little similar to the ones used by the Fantastic Four. Is made of Unstable Molecules and nanobots. He adapts to my many powers and self-repairs. Because of this he is still intact even after my transformations."

"Damn, that sounds incredible... I always asked myself why some of you don't use a cool armor like of Tony Stark."

"Well, is useless to me. The purpose of a armor is to increase your capabilities, the level of Stark ones is not enough. In truth, would restrict my capabilities, or even break easily if I go a little overboard." Eidolon says


"Ouch. Now I'm hurt." Tony comments jokingly while watches the interview in his lab.


An arm robot goes to touch his shoulder.

"There's no need to console me, Dum-E."


"Is the same principle with a gun. I can do more damage and I'm faster than a gun. So is useless. On my, Thor and Hulk level is always better to use some antique weapon like a sword, club or hammer."

"I see... And your face. The Whole world is curious. You're so powerfull and many fo the other heroes don't care about secret identity. So why don't show what is under the mask?" Steve gives it a try and the audience shouts on approval

"Do you want me to show my face?"

"Well, would be interesting..." Steve laughs

"..." Eidolon appears to be thinking

"Are you ugly?" Steve asks trying to goad Eidolon.

"Quite the opposite." Eidolon chuckles, happy with himself that he makes a reference "Is not a big deal to show what is under the mask." He says calmly

"Seriously??" Steve asks surprised. Could be this the moment?

"Seriously. Here, look." Eidolon grabs the top of his mask with two fingers and pulls it off.

On the whole world, people waited holding their breath and inclining themselves closer to their screens.

Eidolon finally removes it. "Here, there's another mask under the mask." He says smiling with his eyes

A *Tsk* sound could be heard on the whole world at that moment.


"I knew it." Black Widow comments "That guy never let the guard down"

"This guy is like 2 universes ahead of us." Kitty says on the mansion

"He is such a troll." Paige comments

"Who has a mask under a mask? " Maria Hill on the helicarrier comments

"This is something Fury would do. Are you two related?" Natasha asks

"That's it. I'm putting you to watch Stark again." Fury says

"No..." Natasha's face fell.


"Yeah, yeah... I should know that would not be that easy." Steve comments back at the studio.

"Haha. Don't feel bad and let me explain..." Eidolon laughs "Yeah, many heroes don't have a secret identity. That's nice, but this shouldn't be the rule. Cartoons are right in showing heroes worried about their loved ones. Many people would step that low and not everyone lives in huge buildings full of security. I wear my mask in solidarity to all the heroes that want to maintain themselves anonymous for their own reasons. If even I, Eidolon wants my secret identity... Let them have their secret identity too." He says and is applauded a little.

"Makes sense, by the way... Why don't you cover all of your face? Why only the lower half?"

"There's a reason for it..." Eidolon starts "When I started this Eidolon thing, I needed to decide my uniform, I want to cover a good part of my face, but not all. Why?" He asks Steve

"No idea."

"I want to people see that I'm human." He answers seriously "Could look dumb now, but was a thing that I considered greatly in the past. First, I thought in covering myself completely." He gesticulates to his whole body

He continues "A good idea, people wouldn't know about my appearance, if I'm black, asian or arab. I thought about that... To make people connect themselves with the idea of 'Eidolon' more easily."

"Would be an interesting idea." Eidolon comments

"With time I threw that idea out in the wind. More important than that is that people would see Eidolon as a human. I have to say, I'm not hiding and change of my body. This is me, I'm a white male. Big surprise! Heh. That's the only thing that you guys will ever get from me."

"Continuing, after I decide to show a little of my face I need to choose what part to show. I choose my upper part for some reasons."

"What reasons?"

"You can see that this half mask covers all my orifices with the exception of my eyes." Eidolon shows his ears, nose and mouth that are covered "This help me don't be infected by any substance and prevents people from getting my DNA too. I don't want to be cloned after all."

"Clones? This world is getting crazier and crazier..."

"You don't know half of it." Eidolon half scoffs "Can you imagine a clone of me? Is no joke, I take this very seriously."

"You're right i doing this. And your hair? Wouldn't be an easy way to get your DNA?"

"Nah, I have taken some precautions to this."

"Is this your real hair? White like that..."

"..." Eidolon pauses "I don't want to answer that." He says smiling

"Heh. Okay. Now that we understood Eidolon's wardrobe, let me change the topic."

"Go on."

"You say something about fairies before... So, how many of these fairy tales, conspiracy theories, and myths are true? We know that Thor is real. But what more?" He asks an important question

"Almost all of them." Eidolon answers without hesitation

"Almost all of them??"

"Yeah, like 95% or higher. Some stories maybe have a twist but a very good part is real." Eidolon says

"Can you give an example?"

Eidolon laughs "Huhu. What do you want to talk about? The pantheons of gods? Atlantis? Santa Claus? Hell? The place where dinosaurs are still alive? Or about other historic figures that are secretly metas or demi-gods?" Eidolon asks like nothing of this is mindblowing.


"..." Eidolon simply stare at him


"I think I will have an aneurysm." Fury puts his hand on his forehead.


"You're cappin'." Steve finally says

"No, I'm not."

"Really? Santa Claus? Dinosaurs?"

"Really? Aliens? Norse gods? Portals?" Eidolon mimics his tone. "Not so weird now, huh?

"Okay, okay... *Sigh* I'm going crazy here" Steve rubs his forehead "Can you talk a little about these things?"

"Yes, just a little. Dinosaurs. Yes, they're preserved in a certain place that I will not disclose there. For their protection. I call the place Savage Land. I even want to take a T-rex pet but I didn't find one that was alone, so would be a bad move to take them from there just to be my pet. The logistic would be problematic too."


"Why he want a T-rex pet?" Paige asks confused

"Why wouldn't he?" Warren

"Women..." Spyke sighs

"Hey! I'm a Woman and find dinos super cool too!" Kitty exclaims receiving nods from Jubilee too.

"Ignoring how cool would be a dino pet.... By the way would be super cool." Dr. McCoy comments adjusting his glasses "A place where the pre-historic biome is preserved is a huge discovery."


"Can you imagine all the plants and animals that we thought extinct but are still walking and breathing!" Susan says excitedly to her friends "We could maybe discover cures to modern days diseases and... and..." She can't even continue just thinking about the possibilities

"I want a pterodactyl pet... To fly with me." Johnny comments, ignoring her

"Seriously?! Is this what you're thinking right now?" Susas huffs

"...I want a triceratops..." Ben comments in a low voice making Susan facepalm while Alicia giglês



"A dino pet? Haha. I give up. I swear that I will not be surprised with anything anymore."

"Wanna bet?" Eidolon looks at him

"..." Steve stares back not intimidated "Ten bucks"

"Deal. Every time that you be surprised you give me ten bucks and if the interview end without you getting surprised I will give you a personal gift. A special gift from Eidolon." He says

After thinking a little Steve answers "Deal." And They shake hands.

"So, Atlantis... Yeah, exist too. In truth, there are many hidden civilizations on this planet, cut from the world and living on their own rules, self sufficient. I will not say more because is not my place to tell."

"Like the thing that you said before... The Inhumans or something." Steve tries to remember

"Ah, yeah... they're like meta but not quite the same. They live on the moon. Their king is very strong by the way, Omega-level. I will not say his power for obvious reasons. Try not to mess with them, World." Eidolon says to the camera

"Really? Can you defeat him?"

"There's no reason to fight him. He is a very... quiet guy. Huhu." And Eidolon laughs at his own joke. "But yes."

"And Santa Claus? Really?"

At this moment Eidolon gives a sad sigh "Yeah, Santa Claus is real. By the way, he is meta(mutant). You guys hate us so much but like Santa Claus... Well, the hypocrisy."

"Dude... I... What?" Steve tries to say something, but is too shocked to muster the words

Eidolon extends his hand. Steve look at this for a while before someone of the production go give him his wallet and he gives ten dollars to Eidolon.

The hero chuckles and continues.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Yeah, Santa Claus is real. I even visited them. Eat the cookies of Mrs. Claus, they're delicious by the way." Eidolon brags and then raises his hands to show a holo-selfie of him and an elderly woman with a kind face.

"Is this Mrs. Claus?" Steve asks pointing to the picture.

"Yes, very nice lady. Give really strong granma vibes." Eidolon says

"And Santa? But... But... How have we never met him? With today's technology and..." The host says but is interrupted by Eidolon

"I haven't met Santa. He was holed up in his room. Mrs. Claus told me the cause. Apparently, he has symptoms of depression..." Eidolon says sadly

"Santa is depressed?!"

"Yeah, dude. He is not a god or a spirit or whatever. He is a guy that was born many years ago, awakened his powers and decided to give kids around the world gifts. His origin is complicated to explain..." Eidolon says "He started to become like that in 1915... And after this, he never appeared anymore. So this is why he became a legend and a lie to the children...You can understand right?" Eidolon gives a side glance to Steve and then to the câmera.

"1915... This..."

"Yes, we made the man depressed with the World Wars." Eidolon mouths out everyone thoughts

"...Damn, now I'm depressed too."

"Don't be, my friend. I will try to help the old guy. Can you imagine? 'Eidolon saves Christmas? Haha. Would be a nice Christmas story to tell with rhymes." His joke makes Steve and the audience laugh.

"Hahaha. I have to say, Eidolon. You're a little different from what I expected." Steve confess

"Is that so? How come?"

"You know, you look that unapproachable angry guy, dark clothes, intimidating..." Steve squares his shoulders and makes an angry face to show what he is talking about.

The audience agrees with him and Eidolon chuckles too.

"There's a vídeo, that made me laugh so much!" Steve says, suddenly remembering it. "That I almost don't believe that was you on the vídeo. Haha. Can you show the vídeo, production?" He asks his assistants, the big screen on the studio changes showing a scene of a wedding

Eidolon laughs again and covers his eyes with his right hand, recognizing the vídeo. "I can explain..." He says, still finding it funny.

The vídeo goes like this.

At an outdoor wedding, the bride has her back turned to a bunch of female guests, and she is ready to throw the bouquet. She finally throws it and then...

A red beam of heat cuts the air and destroys the whole thing shocking everyone.

The camera changes focus showing Eidolon floating in the air. 'The day is saved again, by Eidolon.' He says heroically before flying away.

The camera once again changes focus, this time to the many male guests. Boyfriends of the women that wanted the bouquet.

'Our hero..'

'The one that we want, but not deserves...' They murmur gratefully.

The vídeo cuts off. And everyone is laughing.

"That is one of the funniest thing that I have ever seen. Did you just happen to be passing by and decided to help those poor souls?" Steve asks, smiling.

"Huhu. There's a backstory to that vídeo" Eidolon starts "First, I met the groom early that evening. His car has broken and he was desperate on the side of the road. I helped him and his best men."

"During my talk with them, this idea of a prank appeared, so I have gone with it. They are cool with that."

"Much cooler than just throwing the bouquet." Steve comments

"Yeah, in truth... The bride is someone that I have saved during the invasion." Eidolon reveals


"Yeah, They invited me to stay, gave me a slice of the cake, I have taken some pictures. Was nice. They're a good couple. I wish them happiness."

"Damn, that was nice."

"You have no idea. Is one of the perks of this job, you know? See the people that I helped continuing their lives, being happy, seeing their families happy too and relieved that they are all right. Many people say that I'm naive, that I don't really help only saving by one person at a time, that I should do more, focus on more pressing issues..." Eidolon takes a breath "Maybe, maybe to the world don't matter if I saved a random woman under some debris, but to them..." Eidolon points to the big screen showing the couple "It means the world." He says

The audience and even Steve stand up to applaud Eidolon words.


"Haah~ This guy is really cool." Kitty comments holding her head

"I'm almost became a groupie." Paige adds


After some time and the audience subside, Steve continues talking.

"You know Eidolon, I'm a little afraid of asking..." he says a little unsure

"Are you curious about gods and myths? Specially the bible and others similars?" Eidolon guess.

"...yes. I believe that is a touchy subject."

Eidolon puts his fingers on his chin. "I can say what I know..."

The hero then stars "Let's start light. As you all can guess, in many myths and legends there's some truth behind it, as a grounding. Many of these cases, come from meta(mutants) of the time that started this whole thing. People are more gullible, there's no science, so... many are worshipped as a gods or viewed as monsters." Eidolon explains

"I see..."

"Many pagan religions came from that. Aliens too. Big pantheons like the Norse, Egypt, Indian and greek ones are more legitimate. Legitimate in the sense of the gods really be something else other than a human that awakened his powers or a Random powerful alien that happens to pass by."

"Egypt, Indians and greeks too?"

"Yep, most humans with powers that are interpreted as gods have their names erased by history eventually, we rarely remember them. Afinal, most of them have normal lifespans. So is reasonable to say that these pantheons are the real deal."

"And what is your take on it Eidolon? Do you worship any god?" Steve asks

"Is hard to worship a god when I can pummel most of them on the ground." Eidolon chuckles

"Damn." Steve laughs too.

"But answering more seriously... No, I don't have a religion. People's take on gods are a really diferent from reality. Gods aren't always watching you, guarding you and not all of them have good personalities. Any historian can attest that about the greek pantheon." Eidolon says smiling. The ones that understand agree.

He continues "Obviously, we can't take all the stories a face of value. As an example, that story of Loki and the horse... Haha. Sorry" he pauses to hold back his laughter. "That story is only a rumor that someone started as a petty revenge."

The ones that know the story laughs too

"The thing is, some gods aren't worth worship. They are not all benevolent and care about us. I see them as people with powers and only respect the ones that earned it. If not I would treat them normally." He says "I've seen some people talking about worshiping Thor... Hm, a difficult prospect... If you want? Okay. But you have to understand that Thor can't help you in... Let me see, pass an exam, cure you, or other things. He is the God of Thunder."

Eidolon continues "He is a nice guy, I think he would be happy if you just make a toast for him when going out for a drink. Thanking him or whatever."

He doesn't know now, but his words caused a habit of making a toast a Thor when drinking alcohol.

"You guys have to know, that worshiping someone just as a guarantee or because he/she is powerful is not the right path. If you want to worship someone or adhere to some religion, study the dogmas, rules, teachings and if is compatible with your lifestyle or if makes you feel good with yourself... Go for it. But this is not a game." Eidolon finishes

"Makes sense, it was like that. We could just worship you. "Steve says jokingly

"Yew, stop that. Don't do that, please. Is weird." Eidolon says with an uncomfortable face.

"Haha, okay."

"Now, I avoided it long enough... Let's talk about the church." Eidolon says.

That's a touchy subject. The biggest religion in the world.

"The relationship between me and the church is... complicated." He starts "since many time ago. The church killed metas in the inquisitions. The witch hunts are basically this. But I can't throw this solely on them. Many people hunted people with powers in the past with fear. But nowadays in every anti-mutant protest, you will find some religious justifications that we shouldn't exist. Someone with a board that God hates mutants." He laughs

"Is true..."

"What is weird because the church itself never commented on the topic of mutants, but the people... huh. So my take on Christianity is something like that. 'Jesus was a nice guy, but the fanbase spoils everything'"

Steve can't contain his awkward smile. "Heh, that's the problem is being so big. There are many rotten ones that use the name to bad things and to justify bad behavior."

Eidolon shrugs his shoulders "They forgot the most important teaching that is to love the others. The bible has good teaching that anyone should practise. Are you a Christian, Steve?"

"Well, I'm... But... I'm like keeping the faith and losing my religion." Steve confesses "I believe in God, but there so many things that I disagree... and other things that discourage me."

At this time, scandals of sexual predation of minors is gaining spotlight on media too.

"I understand." Eidolon nods "Well, what I can say about the greatest religion in the world? I'm not sure. There are records of winged people, there's a hell, and Jesus existed. But I can't say more than this... If you follow this religion, and it makes you feel better and be a better person. Again, continue..."

Eidolon suddenly continues "By the way, evolutionism is a fact, the Earth is round, not flat, sorry to all that believed that stuff. But don't think that this is proof that the Bible is wrong. One thing doesn't exclude the other." He says

"So you can't confirm the existence of..." Steve doesn't finish because tehre's no need to it

"No, maybe he doesn't exist... Maybe he is so above me that I can't tell. Maybe Nietzche is right and he is dead. Who knows? About this subject, I can't help much..." Eidolon shrugs his shoulders "Ahh. Let me tell you something..." He suddenly says

[Marvel's take on this religion is confusing. God appears to not be the same as The One Above All like The Presence is in DC. God has suffered from alcoholism. There's some comics seprated about this. Sinister one time commented of a "Mutant from Nazareth", implying that Jesus is a mutant.

This theme is touched because would be touched in a real interview. But I will not bring these things. Heck, if even Marvel don't know what they're doing, poor me.]

"Go on."

"Talking a little lower than this whole gods thing... Vampires, demons, werewolves, dragons... These things exist too. To this day. So be careful." He says

Steve eyes widens a little and he gives ten bucks to Eidolon "Explain more"

"Yeah, things like vampires and other monsters exist, hidden under our noses, so, please... Don't romanticize them. I mean, not all of them are monsters, but you know, many have different views that sometimes were impossible to rationalize with them."

Eidolon changes position on his chair "Most of monsters and demons see you guys as a food or toys, is intrinsically on their being. As much as a lion would see you guys as a food too. Is possible to coexist? Yes. We can talk with each other, so is possible. I just want you guys to take care. Be careful out there, the world is very dangerous."

"Don't try to play in dark and haunted places, don't try to summon demons, don't make contracts or deals. I repeat. This is not a game." Eidolon finishes seriously

"What a strange world to live. We need to be careful about being killed by monsters." Steve comments shaking his head

"Still talking about this being a dangerous world... I will tell a story" Eidolon speak


"One day, I was driving..."

"You drive?" The host interrupts

"..." Eidolon looks at him "I'm really curious about the image that you guys have of me." He shakes his head

"I don't know..." Steve says unsure "I thought that you would fly everywhere, that lives in a secret place..."

"Well, I like having a life too. And there's a thing called discretion and yes, I have a secret civilian identity. I can be your mailman, have a restaurant, be a doctor... Who knows. But let me focus on the story."

"Okay. Go on."

"So, I was driving and I was going to pass to the other side of the road, I gave the signal, but I saw a biker coming very fast. So I stopped and goes back to my line." Eidolon gesticulates the situation

"I don't know why, but the guy has taken offense to what I did" He shrugs his shoulders "Maybe because I half cut him or whatever. But he passed by my car and... Bang" Eidolon moves his arm "he punches my left rear view"

"..." Steve gives a look like he is hearing a very dumb thing "this guy punched rear view" his way of talking brings some laughs

"Yes, he destroyed it and accelerated and continued on his way cursing me."


"Now, I can see your reaction, and is about this that I want to talk about. Obviously, being me, I just ignored it and continued with my life. But... What if is not me?" Eidolon asks darkly


"What if is a less moral person with powers? Or a guy having a bad day with powers? That could simply move the arm and throw your bike to the side making you meet your end in the front of a truck?"


"Is scary to imagine this, huh? Yeah... The advice that I want to give is... Don't look for trouble, you never know who is the other person. Don't bully, don't fight, don't argue, don't harass... Is a dangerous world we live in. You guys know that now."

He continues looking at the camera "Unfortunately... Sometimes the only things that prevent someone to do atrocities are the consequences. And having power, sometimes means that you don't need to deal with the consequences. There are people that can telekinetically push you on the trails of a subway, teleport you to the rainforest, desert, or in the middle of the ocean, kill you in your sleep and makes it appear that was a heart attack..."

"...I can, probably, later find out what happened and bring the culprit to justice, but would be too late for you. So just... avoid conflicts with strangers." He says seriously

"That was a good advice. Seek peace, people." The host completes


The interview continues with other themes.

"Let's talk about more light things, Eidolon. Things that won't make me question my existence and everything else." Steve jokes

"Huhu. Okay." But then Eidolon's expression changes "Excuse me for 22 seconds." He lifts his fingers and then blurs, disappearing.

"...?" The host looks around confused like everyone

Exactly 22 seconds later Eidolon appears on his chair again "Sorry, almost an accident in a car pursuit. You're talking...?" He says

"... I will ask later about your heroic activities, but let me ask your opinion about a controversial topic before it..."

"Go on..."

"Magneto..." Steve says slowly "What is your opinion about him? He is the other big name of mutants/metas... Do you know him personally?"


On the Asteroid M

The Brotherhood of Mutants perks up upon hearing the mention of their leader and wait to see what Eidolon will say.

'Whoa, I thought that you would take lighly now.' Eidolon chuckles on the big screen Where the reunited top members of the Brotherhood are watching.

There's a huge oval table on the Middle of this room, Magneto is sitted on the edge, with Mystique and Sabertooth by his immediate side.

'Magneto, huh...' Eidolon thinks a little 'I never met the man. I wish... I really want to talk to him, to be truthful.' Eidolon says calmly

'Really? Only talk?' The TV host asks a little strangely

Eidolon looks at him and appears to realize something. 'Ah, I see... You all really have a veeeery bad impression of him, huh?' He says

'Well, I mean...'

'I understand, he did bad things. Is normal to be wary or even scared of the guy.' Eidolon says 'But I'm not gonna fight him on sight, if this is what you're asking. Even if don't condone his actions, I can understand him...' Eidolon says surprising the Brotherhood that is watching

'Really?' The host asks skeptically

'Well, I need to give a little of context...' Eidolon says 'How much do you know about Magneto? Beyond his evil actions... Where he come from, his nationality, age...'


'Nothing, huh... Yeah, I expected that.' Eidolon looks around a little 'Magneto is old, 70 years maybe... From German...' Eidolon starts talking slowly 'Jew...' He gives a side glance to the TV 'He has been there, you know? Auschwitz...' Eidolon reveals shocking the host, the audience and the world.


'Like I said, I don't agree with his actions... But the guy lived to see his two people, race or whatever you want to call, being oppressed and suffering... Probably lost loved ones... So is not weird, is almost reasonable that when he has the power to do something. He will do something.'


"This guy is smart. If there's one thing that people around the world hate more than us... Is Nazis." Fabian Cortez comments while reclining lazily on his chair


'A pity that his upbringing made him an extremist. He doesn't even notice that he became the thing he hates the most.' Eidolon says sighing


'But he is old, and the world is not an easy place to change... I don't know what happened with him in detail, but he must have lost hope.'

Mystique looks at her boss. Eidolon's description is very accurate.

'You know, besides me and Magneto, there's another group that thinks in the meta question. But they are much more peaceful. Slowly trying to teach coexistence with the metas first to later work on the rest of the world.' Eidolon says

"Xavier children, huh?" Cortez says "I wouldn't compare them to us. They haven't done anything so far." He says

'Really? I never heard of that?'

'Is natural, the world wouldn't accept that, so they remain Hidden. If you want to make a poor comparison, the leader of these pacifist group is like Martin Luther King and Magneto like Malcolm X.' Eidolon says

'I see...'

'I would be on the exact middle ground of it. Thanks to many factors, like my powers and the situation of my awakening, I have a clear picture of the world, dangers, people's hearts and evil people's motivations. So I don't think that either of them are completely right or completely wrong.' He says

He then continues 'Ideals without strength is just words at the wind, but strength without morals is just violence. I use my powers to show the great potential for good that metas have and I believe that brings weight to my words and I'm a patient man, is okay for me to change people's views slowly, principally of the children. They are taught to hate, if I present another perspective... They are not dumb. Children are our future. My fight is for them' Eidolon says to the applause of the audience

He then sighs sadly 'The problem is the many metas suffering right now, some times I want to speed up the process, be a little more forceful...*Sigh* Is because of this that I understand magneto. He prioritizes the metas. But this is wrong, humanity is our roots. We are on this together. Divided we fall, together we stand. Nothing can stop us if we work together.' Eidolon looks at the ceiling "Sometimes I just want to grab all world leaders and throw them at a room and say: Now talk, solve it .'


Silence prevails in the place where the Brotherhood is reunited.

"Raven..." The voice of Magneto is finally heard. Everyone pays attention

When Erik sees that Mystique is looking at him he continues "What can you deduce from our friend Eidolon?" He asks the more experient mutant. Ravens is more than a century old. A shapeshifter, which means that she is a great actress and can read people easily

"Hm... He is good. Very political, has a good oratory, knows what to say and how to say it. I don't know how much of what he talked about is true, but he looks genuine... and very likable. I think that is his purpose." She analyzes making Magneto ponder for a moment before nodding his head.

And she is right. Even Hector would nod at her words, if he heard it.

Everyone likes a humble, down to earth Celebrity. It's make them relatable and more likable. Hector knows this very well, so he went into these interviews with that in mind.

Meta-human. Meta and human. If Hector showed his powers and heroic side as a "meta" to the world, now he is showing that he is "human" too with this interview.

The only possible downside of his actions would be people seeing this as a weakness or being less scared of him. But is not a big deal.

Anyone that underestimates him would be to a surprise. And he can equilibrate his reputation of being "scary to the villains and nice to the good guys" with time.


"Now Eidolon, I have here a bunch of questions for you to answer, let's start." Steve says holding his cards "There are also questions that people are making on twitter and the producers will give them to me later. And we will allow the audience to ask too, okay?"

"No problem. By the way, you became surprised again, so..." Eidolon extends his hand.



"A hero extorting money from a old man like me." Steve grumbles while giving the ten dollars bills

"Hey, a deal is a deal."

"Okay. Let's start. How is your fight with Thor? Who is really the strongest one of the heroes? I'm sorry, but we... mere mortals can't tell the difference." The host jokes

Eidolon laughs a little. "Well, is natural... Saying who is stronger is hard. Fighting is not that simple. People with weak attributes can still win against someone stronger if the compatibility allows it. Is like a game of rock-paper-scissors. A an example, the Hulk can be defeated by that Omega telepath that I talked early, his mind is very unstable and prone to be a weak spot." Eidolon says

"I see. And how is fighting with a god?"

"Well, my fight with Thor is very balanced... Half of the time I'm beating Thor, and in the other half Thor is being beaten by me." Eidolon finishes with a wit look.

"Pfft. Hahaha" Steve and the audience laughs "that is some confidence"


Kitty: "Damn..."

Steve Rogers: "Damn..."

Natasha: "Damn..."

The Thing: "Damn... I like this one. Hehehe."


"What is your favorite avenger?" Steve asks

"My favorite avenger would be Captain America. He inspired me a little, you know? But my favorite hero is Spider-man." Eidolon says


"Yes, I admire very much what he does and I think is unfair all the hate that he get. He is just like me... A guy trying to do the right thing."


On Peter's house

"Look Peter you're Eidolon's favorite hero!" Ned exclaims slapping his friend shoulder.

"I'm seeing, I'm seeing... Chill dude is not a big deal. "He says but a smile keeps increasing on the edge of his mouth

The to look at each other and.

" "Yeaaaaah " " And then start punching each other lightly because fo the hype.


"But I have another person that I admire that is not a superhero, only a hero." Eidolon adds

"Talk about him..."

"Desmond Doss." Eidolon says, but there's no reaction from the host of the audience "Don't know about him, huh? As expected... There's no need for me to tell you anything, just search for it. His story can do a good movie. Heh." Eidolon laughs


"That's a name that I haven't heard from a long time..." Wolverine's gruff voice says on the room of the X-men mansion

"Did you know this guy?" Jubilee asks surprised

"Yeah, I hear about him while I was in Japan in the World War 2, a little before I was hit by the nuke. Apparently, this guy saved a bunch of lives."


"Being a crazy ass motherfucker, that is how he did it. Haha."

"Logan! Language..." Ororo admonishes

"The guy don't want to kill anyone and he went to war without any weapons and went out on the battlefield rescuing and carrying people. Crazy bastard..." He comments



After this a bunch of questions are asked in succession. Questions that would be asked to any celebrity

"Favorite food?"


"Favorite drink?"


"You don't drink alcohol Eidolon?" Steve asks curiously

"No. Alcohol has no effect on me. I prefer water or some juice. I don't smoke either."

"Good example. Would you ever drink?"

"Well, if Thor asked... How can you say no to a viking god? Haha. I would be polite and drink a little."

"Haha. True, true. Favorite song?"

"Anything, but I'm really liking to listen to Mr. Blue Sky lately"

"Do you have a hobby?"

"Reading... Learning and training with my powers."

"Favorite movie?"

"Star Wars franchise."

"What is your age?"

"Younger than Captain America."

"... That does not really give us something to work with, but okay. Favorite color?"

"Black and White."

"Favorite thing?"


"Did you hate something?"

"Bullies. People that abuse whatever power They have to bully others, to be more specific."

"Favorite subject in school? I mean, did you ever go to school?"

"Science. Yes."

"...What is your sign?"


"... Don't look at me like that. I'm not the one that wrote these questions."

"Nine-headed cosmic dragon..."

"This is not a real sign..."

"None is."

"Pfft. True."

"Biggest fear?"

"Fail in something truly important..."

"Red or green?" Steve lowers his cards and looks at Eidolon with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.



"" Eidolon says to cheers and laughs from the audience.

Things continue like that. Sometimes Eidolon disappears to solve some crisis. Sometimes Steve has to pay him ten dollars. But the interview continue without problem, was very interesting and lasting longer than expected. Eidolon knows how to keep people attention on him.


Some more controversial themes are touched too.

"What do you think about abortion?"

"Is okay before the fourth week, there's no soul at a time. After that is a no." Eidolon gives an unexpected and concise answer.

"... Really? Souls?"Steve asks with a surprised face "How many time a said really Tonight?"

"Yes, souls. I don't know why are you so surpirsed if magic is real. And 24 times" Eidolon answers calmly

"I think you just solve the whole question. Can you explain more?"

"Okay... First, I'm pro-life. I believe that everyone has great potential, even a fetus. But I know of some special circumstances like rape, a fetus that won't survive being born and other cases. Before the fourth week, the fetus is only a mass of organic matter, there's no soul on it, I can testify for that."

"You can?"

"Yeah. Do you want to try?"


"You know that I have super senses... The five normal and many other senses... I can share my vision with you." Eidolon says


"25. Yes."

"Is dangerous?"

"Don't worry, I will tone down to not make you a vegetable."

"..." He stares at Eidolon

"What? Information overload. I talked about our bodies not being completely ready for powers. Relax. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."


Eidolon touches his shoulder. Is unnecessary, but he did it all the same.

Steve's eyes changes to the All Seeing Eyes of God. Is one of the abilities of the eyes, it's possible to share the user visual capabilities with someone.

"Wow..." He says surprised and starts to look around "Wow." He repeats Eidolon just let him enjoy the moments

"These colors..."

"Humans can only truly see three channels of colors: blue, green and red. The Mantis shrimp as an example can see 12. My vision is even better. You're seeing the world as how he really is." Eidolon says

"Wow..." Is the only thing that can be mouthed by Steve. After this Eidolon touches his shoulder again.

"Let me regulate for you a little." He says

"Wait, now I can't see anything..."

"Too much of something is not always good. There's a reason that our vision is limited. This is how I see the world if I do not concentrate... Super-senses are truly problematic." Eidolon says

"Is like I'm a very trippy LSD overdose..." Steve jokes

"Haha. Let me adjust to you again..."

After this Eidolon shows off a little to Steve Harvey. Just enough to amaze themen.

After Eidolon makes Steve's eyes go back to normal and heals him a little, the experience made him a little groggy, Steve talks about this to the audience.

"Is amazing people. I can't even describe. I could see things to the minimum details, air flow and other things, some colors on the air... is that?" He turns up to Eidolon

"There's many types of energy on the world, people exude them too. By the way, you haven't noticed, huh?" Eidolon gives him a side glance


"Nothing important for now..." Is the only thing Eidolon said.

"Ah! Here another ten bucks. This time was worth it." Steve says making Eidolon laughs after taking the money


There's a time when is allowed to the audience in the studio to ask questions to Eidolon.

There are some stupids, things that he already explained, and some goods too.

At some point, a guy asked this.

"Eidolon... As a hero, I believe that you want to save the most number of persons possible. Didn't you think that working together with the police and government would increase your efficiency? Why are you so resistant about this?"

"Hm... This is an interesting question" Eidolon says "So are you saying that I should work under the american government?" He speaks evenly

"Would not be a bad idea. You even joked before how you do hero work for free with Steve.You could even receive a salary." The man jokes and Eidolon laughs, but if someone knows him would notice that he don't find it funny

"Well, makes sense... This could even make the american people more comfortable with my presence, right?" The hero asks

"Yeah!" the guy excitedly replies

"Hm. Very good, very good. But.. If I say to you, that... I'm not american." Eidolon reveals and waits for the reaction.

As a expected the smile fo the guy disappears instantly

"I don't know why people take me as a American... So, my good man, would you be confortable if I go to the president of my country and salute him as a Soldier and say that I'm going to follow all of his orders? Are you gonna sleep well? Confortable?" Eidolon asks giving a look while inclincin himself para a frente


"I guessed so." Eidolon lays back again "I'm neutral. And I think is for the better to everyone that I remain like that." He says end this discussion.


"Eidolon, what is yours hardest power to control?" Steve asks

"Without doubt the animal morphing one." Eidolon answers without hesitation

"The animal morphing? Can you turn into animals?"

"Yep. Is the hardest, there problems with the changes of senses, instinctis." Eidolon says while morphing his hand in tentacles and then in a humanoid lizard claw. "But I work hard and became very good in control it. I can now even make partial transformations like this." He do some tricks and even makes dog ears appear above his head.


In the X-mansion

"Kitty, Kitty. Stay with us. Be Strong, my friend!" Jubilee exclaims to her unresponsive friend

"He can make animal ears..." She murmurs "He is like the Perfecto Husbando. Ugh... I can't..." She clenches her chest.


After some more questions, Steve finds himself comfortable enough to ask more personal things...

"Eidolon... I received a question from the public at home..." He says slowly

"Go on..."

"The question is: The... " He pauses, he can't go on "Oh god..." He takes a deep breath and continues "Can the powers of Eidolon affect every path of his anatomy?" He pauses and looks with a disapproval look to the world

"..." Eidolon cover his eyes and sigh thinking if the world is even worth of saving at this point.

"... Don't make that face. You're the one extending and changing your body left and right, the people are curious!"

"*Sigh* The maximum answer that I can give is this one..." Eidolon says and raises his right arm.

He gesticulates to people to pay attention from the elbow and upward.

And then he enlarges his arm, making it longer and thicker.

He makes the things vibrate, spins like a drill, and even multiply itself in two...

"OKAY, ThAT IS ENOUGH! " Steve exclaims desperately while the audience go crazy.

"Oh my, what I have done... The R34 artists..." Eidolon murmurs to himself

Steve wipes a non-existent sweat on his forehead and bald head "DUDE! Please!" Steve says laughing "You're setting the bar too high. Stop it. How can we normal men live?" He jokes making Eidolon laugh.


"Serious Susan, stop biting your lip!!" Johnny exclaims

"I'm not!" She shouts a little too fast

Ben Grimm and Alicia only laugh at the sibling antics.


In the X-mansion



"... So we will just wisely don't comment, right?" Spyke is the one to break the silence

"Yeah, let's keep quiet." Kitty surprisingly agree


"STOP!" But is interrupted by the rest


At Hector's residence, the girls are also watching his interview

"..." Shego is breathing a little heavily now

"You know..." Helena starts "What you talked about before about sister-wives again?" Helena jokes looking at Shego

She receives a pillow on the face, making her laugh harder.

Isabella can only shake her head and sigh.


Back to the studio

"*Huuf* Let's talk with someone at home." Steve says trying to change the subject.


"We have someone on the phone? Yeah. Put him on the line." The host says to his ear device.

People at home will too be allowed to ask Eidolon things.

The person on the line is a man, but different from what is expected. He doesn't come to ask a question to Eidolon. But he come seeking a advice... Some counsel...

The guy tells his story. And it's like that...

He was gonna marry his girlfriend. They are together 4 years. His fiancee goes to her bachelorette party. Till now is okay. But she forget her laptop at home, and was unlocked and with the "girls group" exposed. When his curiosity takes the better of him, the man goes to see the group and he sees a bunch of pictures and vídeos of the bachelorette party that was still happening...

There he saw his fiancce making out with two male strippers, probably, going to a room alone with them while her friends cheered.

The man tell how devastated he was at the moment.

He saved the vídeos and pictures. Send a message to her ex-fiancee saying that everything is over and the why, and he ignored everything and everyone for a few days.

"I... I... don't know what to do Eidolon. My mind is going to dark places. I'm afraid of doing something that I regret." He confesses to the now much more serious Eidolon.

Eidolon takes a deep breath. "Damn...This hurts me more than the Mjolnir, seriously." He starts and receives a nod from Steve "Betrayal is the worst thing that someone can receive and the worst thing to do too."

"True... Is never coming from your enemies, and because of this that hurts so much." The host says

"First of all, my brother. Did you talk with ex-fiancee after that? What happened?" Eidolon asks

The man on the line answers "She tried to reach me many times, I avoided it initially but then I decided to listen to what she has to say so we made a vídeo call. She was with her friends, she assured me that was nothing...She and her friends deleted everything from the group after my message. When I said that I have saved everything she apologized and said that was just a kiss. Means nothing..." The man pauses and takes a breath before continuing

"...She said that the vídeo where she goes to the room with two guys was just a joke, nothing happened. I just listened to her and after she said everything I shut down the call."

Eidolon listens to everything "First of all, my man. I need to tell you something... Something that you need to keep with you. Are you listening to me?"


Eidolon then said pausedly and strongly "You're not wrong! This is the first thing that you have to put in mind. You handled it perfectly well. Perfect. I need to praise you for that. You kept your calm even if you have all the right in the world to rage. That's was the right decision. In these types of decisions, these women tend to invert things, they blame you for invading her privacy, if you scream she would act fragile and wronged."

"Yeah... at some point she asked if I was always checking her things... If I don't trust her..." The cheated man said

"Typical. If you want my counsel... Just walk away from her. Take some time for yourself, try new things... Or old things. As in a relationship, I bet that you sacrificed some hobbys or activities that you liked to stay with your ex. Try to do it again."

"I loved hiking, but I stopped because of her..."

"There. You can do it now... Is not the end of the world, my friend." Eidolon says "I need to say... While you're telling your story, I heard some people bursting in giglês about your ex-fiancee cheating on you..." Eidolon frows and looks around

"I want to ask what is so funny about that! He is the victim! Why are you laughing and shaming him? The one that should be shamed is the woman." Eidolon looks slightly angry for the first time in this interview "Double standards, huh? If a man cheats he is scum. If the woman cheats, the man is the joke." He says

Eidolon continues "He is not good in bed, he is not providing, he is not giving her attention... 'Go for it queen, you deserve better!!' " He mocks "Let me ask you, my friend on the phone. You said that her friends are in the vídeo call giving her support... Did you talk about this with someone else?"


"And someone came to give you support?" Eidolon asks already knowing the answer


"No. That's the reality." Eidolon shrugs his shoulders "He is the one suffering in silence and they're cuddling her, the cheater." Eidolon pause before continuing

"My friend. I can say another thing to you. Under no circumstances, accept her back. For nothing in the world. Don't matter her arguments, pressure of you family and friends, nothing. I will convince you now..."

Eidolon points at the câmera and asks "Do you think if you haven't discovered her dalliances she would come to confess to you her act?"


"Or do you think she would let the marriage happen and go on with her life without a shred of guilty?"

"I don't know..."

"You know the answer. Rewatch the vídeo even if is painful, she is embarrassed or she is laughing with her friends? She is not guilty about cheating on you my friend. She is upset that she gets caught."


"I'm sorry, man..." Eidolon spoke more softly " You ask for my counsel and I will give it to you. You probably still love her. It's okay. But certain things you can't just erase... Let's say that you forgive her. You will live all of your life remembering it. Worried. Suspicious. Do you think that you will still be happy? It sucks that you have to suffer for her mistake. But I repeat..." He pauses to emphasize what he will say

" did nothing wrong. You have the moral high ground in this situation. Take some time to heal. As long you want. And my man..." Eidolon call


"Maybe this is a one-time mistake on her part... Maybe she is really feeling super guilty... Maybe she will never repeat it... Maybe she loves you more than anything." Eidolon looks directly at the camera and already prepares the guy for whatever the woman in question would say in the future "But still, DON'T.TAKE.HER.BACK. There are good women out there that even if 10.000 friends influenced her, even if Thor himself appeared to make her the queen of Asgard... There are women out there who would never cheat on you. So why are you gonna accept less?"

Eidolon's speech makes the people applaud crazily again.

After some more words and good wishes the call end and Eidolon and Steve goes back to talk.


"This annoys me, you know?" Eidolon confesses after some time

"Cheating women?" Steve asks

"No... This whole thing always remembers me of how much men's mental health is overlooked by society. Men's life is hard too and no one care. More suicides, more victims of violence, more homeless and the list go on... In the USA, I would think that the country that birthed Captain America would take care of the veterans, but... I need to say more?" Eidolon speaks


In an apartment on Washington

"Is really that bad with the veterans?" Steve Rogers asks himself with a frown.

Even if is adapting slowly, a big part of him still refuses to integrate himself into this new Society. So is no surprise taht is desatualizado de mutias coisas, precisamente certos problemas mais atuais.

"I will call Fury later and ask..." he says before focusing on the TV again.


"I will give counsel to the boys." Eidolon says straightening himself on the chair "I'm Eidolon, and I speak hard truths. Men around the world... No one care about you. The early you accept this fact, the better." He speaks frankly

"Obvious there are exceptions... Mother, Father... But you will never be coddled. Steve, if a man is down and sad about something and doesn't want to do something, what is told to him?" Eidolon turns to the host

" up." He answers

"Man up... That's the only thing that you will receive. I read some texts on the newspapers on the past about me and my take on women. The text, written by a woman, said that I'm a secretly misogynist for beating up without mercy Amora." Eidolon raises his hands in confusion

"This is one of the things that I planned to ask later." Steve adds

"Heh. I can talk about this now. I'm an advocate of true gender equality. I treat everyone equally independent of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality... The 'E' on Eidolon is how my fists are rated: To Everyone." He jokes a little.

"Always annoys me people that demand respect without merit or anything worth for. Do you think that I will treat you better only because of your second chromosome X? No chance."

"But this is how things are... 'Women and child first'. The only ones that are loved unconditionally are women, children and pets. You, man, is loved by how much you can provide, how much is your worth."

"And because of this, I say... Focus and take care of yourself"

"Stop treating women that don't deserve like queens, like your first priority. Don' Do things to yourself, because no one else will do it."

"Learn to live in solitude. Be alone doesn't means being unhappy, I myself love solitude. Sometimes I fly to space and just stay there alone with my thoughts. When you learn to be alone and be happy with yourself alone. Nothing can stop you, my friend."

"That's an underrated counsel, very good." Steve comments


After this little red pill moment, the interview continues

Is not like Eidolon wants to be the Gigachad of this timeline, even if would be funny. But in his other life, he has seen some examples of how a man can be completely destroyed mentally by bad relationships.

Will Smith and Johnny Depp are only of the most famous examples. If a 2-minute counsel can save some fellow men from depression or worse. Worth it.

And yes, is funny to be seen as an advocate of true gender equality.

"Eidolon, I will ask you now about your fellow heroes and supers. Let's play a game."

"Hm... Go on." Eidolon looks at him suspiciously

"Relax, I will just say the name of the person and you need to say in a few words what you think about them." Steve says


"Captain America."

"I already said. He is a great inspiration."

"Good. Hawkeye."

"Admire his bravery."

"Black Widow." Steve looks at him to see Eidolon's reaction

But he doesn't fall into any trap "Admire her bravery." He almost repeats himself

"The same, huh? The Hulk."

"I pity Bruce Banner, don't deserve having this hard life. About the Hulk, a surprisingly trustworthy fight companion."

"Diferenciando Bruce Banner do Hulk?"

"Obviously, they're two different people."

"I see... Iron man."

"Great potential for good. Is on the right path, I hope that he don't think that know best then everyone and step out of the line."

"Damn, that is suspiciously specific" Steve says but Eidolon shrugs his shoulders and don't elaborate

"Giant and the Wasp."

Eidolon holds back to not say 'abuser and victim' "No Opinion." Eidolon says

"Huh, okay... Mr. Fantastic."

"High intelligence, low wisdom."

"Damn, is that a roast? I don't know... Invisible Woman."

"She looks nice."

"Human torch."


"The Thing.

"Similar to Banner, looks like a chill dude."


"We could probably be good friends in the future."

"Lady Jade."

"A good companion."

"Hm... Only a companion?" Steve asks slyly

"..." Eidolon doesn't comment


"A good confidant."

"Confidant is diferente from companion huh?" His smile widens a little



"A loyal subordinate."


"Not so interesting; With the exception of my group is not like I know the rest too much. We literally first met during the invasion. Sorry."

"Don't apologize, is interesting enough. Now some question of the public about them..."

"Uh-oh..." Eidolon says Looking suspiciously at the cards in Steve's hand

" 'Uh-oh', indeed... Eidolon, which one of the female supers would you choose to marry?"


"... Is on the card." Steve shrugs his shoulders but doesn't look sorry at all.

Eidolon sighs. "...I repeat, I don't know them enough...

"Just say a name."

"You just want me to say any name to the public to ship us and blow our relationship out of proportion..." Eidolon reveals.

"Exactly..." He admits without shame "Gossip is the bread of the Tc, Eidolon."

"Tch. Let me think..." Eidolon puts his hand on his chin " I really don't know... Yeah. Skip it." Eidolon reclined on his chair "I'm already married to my job as a hero." He jokes making the people laugh and dispersing the focus on the question

"Okay, okay... Let's continue..."

After a bunch of nonsensical questions that would better fit asked to a normal Celebrity, Eidolon humors them for some time till he is asked something more interesting.

"Who do you think is the most dangerous person in the world?" The host asks and Eidolon doesn't even hesitate.

"Victor Von Doom."

The answer surprised everyone. People thought that Eidolon would say the Hulk or himself but surprisingly he said an almost forgotten villain.


In Latveria, in the bedroom of Dr. Doom, the man himself narrow his eyes hearing Eidolon mentioning him.

"Petty tricks. But it appears that he at least has some wits..." He says under his breath "But Doom will prevail nonetheless."


Back at Hector's residence, the girls discussed among themselves.

"Isn't this a little counterproductive? Making an enemy of the guy without any reason?" Shego asks leisurely on the couch, not caring much. She trusts Hector nonetheless.

Isabella is the one that answers with a thoughtful expression. "No, this is smart. Master Hector said that the most annoying and dangerous enemies are the 'smart ones that have time to prepare'. With one sentence he put Doom in the spotlight."

"If Eidolon said he is dangerous the world will believe in it...." Helena comments

"I remember Hector saying how annoying that Immortal old magic users must be to kill. They must have a ton of contingencies." Shego adds

"Yes. Master Hector probably already believes that the confrontation with him is inevitable, so is not a problem to make an enemy of Doom. He is bringing Doom to light and making him be taken seriously by the world. This can limit his actions, or even better... Make enemies of Master Hector seek Doom to deal with him and sometimes this can disrupt Doom's plans. Adding too many foreign factors create flaws. There's more advantaged than disadvantages..." Isabella analyze

"...You know. Sometimes I forgot that you're super smart." Shego says "By the way... What is the difference between a confidant and a companion?"

Isabela can only shake her head.


Eidolon continues talked about many themes, some silly and other more serious. He give his thoughts, input and opened the eyes of the public.

At a certain moment the live audience asked Eidolon another more or less relevant question.

"The many supers have in general incredible bodies, you don't think that this will create anna impossible standard to the people, in special the children?" A slightly overweight woman asked

"Hm, this is interesting to talk about. Let's go..." Eidolon raises from his chair and show his body. He receive some screams from the women again "Let me start saying, this body of mine is not something that is easy to acquire to the average joe, that has to work ten hours a day, six days at week." He says gesticulating to his great physique.

"But I would encourage everyone to try." Eidolon says with finality "Seeking a healthy body must be something that everyone must do. Even if you can't be like or the other heroes. Being the best physical version of yourself can only bring benefits."

Eidolon sits down and turns to Steve

"Steve, do you know, from all my capabilities, what is my favorite?" He asks

"Hm, I don't know... Fly? Be bulletprooff?" Steve guesses laughing

"Huhu. Those are great, but nothing beats the simple capability of having a peak-condition body. I'm not even saying 'super-human body', just in peak condition. My body moving in the way that I want." Eidolon says

He continues "Is the best feeling ever, my body jumps when I want to jump, I can squat and run..." Eidolon interrupts himself and looks Around "What? Is not that impressive?" he raises his palms to the ceiling in questioning.

"Maybe is not that impressive, but there are people that can't even do that. They can't even run for ten seconds without puke, they take too long to rise from their knees, can't jump 10cm high, They can't even get out of the bed!"


"My lady, this question of yours is probably a bait to talk about fat shaming or whatever, and make me look bad. I don't care for what anyone thinks, so I will say... Your body is your greatest and most prized possession. Take care of it." Eidolon advises and many people applaud.

"I will be the last person that will body shame someone. I'm part of the meta Community ..." He shrughs his shoulders "But being too obese to the point where makes your life hard? I disapprove."

"This is another good advice Eidolon. What did you think of my physique?" Steve jokes showing off his prominent belly

"Heh. You're old and have little time to workout, is okay... But could be better. I'm not saying to everyone to have a six pack and be shredded, some people's body types are a little chubby anyway. But you need to be good enough at least run a little."

"Remembering that this is a dangerous world. You never know when you will have to run. All that jokes about fat people dying first in the apocalypse have a little of truth now, don't you agree?" Eidolon lights the mood.

"There's also the huge percentage of obese people in America, we are already an international joke. "Steve comments "But why do heroes always in great shape?" Steve asks

"Well, you can see us as athletes. We train our bodies to use our powers well. Captain America, well you guys know he is not natural..." Eidolon jokes "I can talk about myself. Remember when I say that my body was destroyed when I awakened?"


"So if my body is not strong enough, I would probably explode from my own power. Very common occurrence with other metas."



"You know Eidolon, there's a thing that you became famous for..." Steve starts after another set of questions

"Hm... Here you go..." Eidolon looks at him suspiciously again

"Hahaha. Relax, I'm talking about the 'Eidolon's glare'..." At this moment many people shouts in agreement "Is scary as the criminals say?"

"I don't know. Is just my 'professional face', I think." Eidolon says

"Can you show us? Say to the camera right there." Steve points

"Haha. Is not like that, will not work if I don't mean it." Eidolon jokes "Can I say something to the villains of the world then?" He asks

"You can do anything."

"Okay." Eidolon then turns to the camera "To all of you, that is right now in an underground facility, a space station, a castle, or in a huge and fancy building..." He gives a dark chuckle before going serious "I know about you and I will find you the moment that you put your head out of your nest. I want you all to understand that this planet... This solar system is small to me. And you're trapped here with me." Eidolon looks at the camera without blinking.

The whole world unconsciously holds its breath.



"... Damn, I got goosebumps and you're not even talking to me" Steve jokes to light the mood "I pity your children Eidolon. Haha."

Even Eidolon laughs

"Do you have children, Eidolon?"

"Nope." He answers

"Do you intend to have?"

"Well, maybe... If I found the right person." He answers "Is a huge responsibility, I don't see myself with children while I wear my mantle. I need to focus. Build a better world for our children in the future. Fight so they don't need." He confesses his thoughts

"I understand very well. I think you will be a good Father Eidolon." Steve says sincerely

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Still in this topic, Eidolon... I know that you talked about don't want kids for now. But everyone thought about this in their life, so... How many children do you pretend to have? And should we be worried about dozens of mini-Eidolons frying around?" Steve jokes

"Haha. Your question unknowingly brings an interesting topic..." Eidolon comments mysteriously "I will talk about it later. But answering your immediate question... I don't care how many children I will have. 1,2 or 20... What comes, came."

"Twenty? Damn..." Steve acts surprised and laughs "And you would prefer a boy or a girl Eidolon?"

"No preference either, but... I think everyone in the world would like a kid of the same gender." He says and receives nods from Steve and the audience "To bond more easily, teach things..."

"I understand completely. Heh. Hahaha." Then the host starts laughing "I just thought about... Hehe. I was worried for you children before, but I must pity is your future daughters boyfriends." He jokes makes people laugh with the mental image

Eidolon just shakes his head seriously "What are you talking about, man? Do you think I will be some sort over-protective doting father? Tsk tsk. I will have no problem with my daughters boyfriends... They would just need to fight me..." Eidolon says seriously.

"Hahaha" Steve laughs

" death." Eidolon completes with his eyes blinking red.

And this only makes the people laugh hard

"They can have my daughters after they take them from my cold dead hands." Eidolon jokes(?)

"HAHAHA. You're scarier now than when you threatened the villains before!"

Even Eidolon can't suppress it anymore and starts laughing slightly.


In the X-mansion

"Heh. Cute..." Jean comments

"Cute? The guy promised a gruesome death to a future unfortunate soul and he is cute?" Warren asks exaggeratedly

"Hot guys can get away with anything, really..." Spyke shakes his disapprovingly

"Yes, they can." Paige says without shame

"Eidolon is just kidding... I think..." Rogue defends unsure.


A.N.: Hello there, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Now, taking advantage of this second part Author's notes, let's talk about another important thing.

The future progression of this story.

As much Gacha is a random thing, I already make it clear that the MC would always gain something about in the range of his power level. So his progression of strength doesn't jump suddenly by too much.

I'm holding back in him gaining super strong characters like Superman? Yes.

I have planned many arcs that will be better if he is not that strong. I mean, he can probably one-shot most of the threats, but you catch my meaning.

Like vampires and monster city, Trask, mojo world, many movies sagas, limbo

I have a plan for the moment that he will finally become cosmic and make a Space adventure arc. Then Guardians of the Galaxy and others

Did I plan a space arc just to him to meet Lady Hellbender? You can't prove it. And I will deny it forever.

After he finally goes cosmic, the MC wouldn't care too much about this street-level stuff. His summons will take care of it.

So yeah, the story will have a great divisor when he finally starts to gain super strong people.

I have so many things planned that if had the power to simply transfer what is in my brain without the need to write, at least a hundred chapters would pop out.

Now about the MC own progression beyond powers. We all know that his morals are a little wacky.

But I just warning you guys that he will mature and be more chill in the future. Even kinder.

Is he a true hero now? No.

You can draw a certain opposite parallel between Hector with Midoriya.

While Midoriya is a natural hero with a heart of gold, but powerless and with many glaring issues.

Hector is super powerful but without the heart of a hero.

Opposite starting points to the same finish line.

I like Kratos's storyline of going from a rage, edgy monster to a wise and chill old man. You can say that I envision the MC trajectory more or less like that.

I would like to talk about relationships(something that will be more present from now on) now, but I let this part to the Author notes of the third, and last, part of the interview.

Bye, bye.

Till next time.

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