Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 987

Chapter 978 Encircle and suppress

Anyone can see that in the abyss cave below, there are not only one exit, but three, or even more.

In the three-dimensional image, three red dots are like a restless swarm of bees, swimming quickly towards the underwater fleet.

Bloomfield’s eyes condensed, and he decisively shouted:

“The entire fleet rises to 1,500 meters, and the fleet is divided into 3 battle groups, each of which includes 5’Sea Leopard’ and 1’Sea Lion’, attacking sea monsters in an area respectively!”


All the submarines tilted their heads upwards and accelerated to the top. The underwater launch units on both sides of the hull continuously projected the Valkyrie, which swept across the dark deep sea at high speed and hit the sea monsters.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A loud noise shook the entire sea.

Although sea monsters are constantly being torn apart, their number is still increasing. The red dots in the three-dimensional image are like plague, gradually spreading around.

“Under the title of Major General, the number of sea monsters has exceeded 6000, more than 60% are Extraordinary sea monsters, and the rest are Awakening-level sea monsters. Among them, there are 2 Upanishad sea monsters with mana scores of 6343 points and 7524 points respectively. …”

“Understood, continue to observe!”

Bloomfield responded indifferently.

If 10 years ago, the name of the Upanishad-class sea monster would have scared everyone into two battles, but now, the federal army has killed as many as dozens of dominant creatures, and the deterrent power of the Upanishads has long been inferior to the past.

For the soldiers, what about the Upanishads? It’s just a huge “meat ball” that will be placed on the human table sooner or later.

Bloomfield stared at the dense red dots trailing the submarine and said in the channel:

“Dear Captains, please report the number of remaining Valkyries in turn!”

The voices from the captains immediately rang.

“Under the title of Major General, the SEAL-class submarine No. 201 is loaded with 120’Valkytes of the Dark Night’, 32 have been launched, and 88 are left…”

“The sea lion No. 202 is loaded with 200’Valky’s in the Dark Night’, 40 have been launched, 160 are remaining, and 40’Valky’s Stars’ have been launched, 0 have been launched, and 40 are left…”

“The 220 seal, carrying 120’Valkyrie of the Dark Night’, 34 have been launched, and 86 are left…”

Bloomfield frowned, and calmly issued an order:

“Reduce the frequency of the Valkyrie, head to the uninhabited area of ​​the storm sea area, and avoid the main channel and various fishing grounds… In addition, contact the navy headquarters again to urge the support fleet!”


The officer at the radar center reported another not-so-good news:

“Under the major general’s crown, according to radar detections, a small number of sea monsters did not follow, but swam in other directions. They are very likely to threaten nearby merchant ships or fishing boats…”

Bloomfield was silent for a moment and sighed:

“The submarine fleet cannot be dispersed, otherwise the sea monsters will also disperse. The news is urgently notified to the Federal Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Federal Ministry of Defense, and other departments are requested to jointly intervene to find ways to evacuate the surrounding waters and encircle the sea monsters! ”


The submarine of the Federal Navy’s 2nd Fleet detonated this “big mine” in the deep sea, and of course it shocked the entire Federation.

The third satellite control center.

“I need more’disaster exploration satellites’ to aim at the star-blue sea area and monitor this vast sea area with all my strength… to find out how many alienated sea monsters are underwater and where are they currently…”

“Open the transmission interface of scanning information to the military and other relevant departments, so that all departments can keep abreast of the situation…”

The person in charge of the control center, Intermediate Rune Mage Glinton, yelled while waving his arms.

A large display light screen hung on the wall of the command hall showed a chart of the star blue sea area. Numerous red light spots were flashing continuously, and a huge number-24718 was displayed on the right side of the light screen.

This is the number of sea monsters gushing out of the abyss cave!

Federal Ministry of Transport, Department of Navigation.

The director of the Department of Navigation, a bald middle-aged man, looked at the information displayed on the light screen in front of him, and shouted anxiously:

“The Presidential Office and the Prime Minister’s Office jointly issued an urgent order to find out how many ships there are in the northwestern region of the Star Blue Sea, especially within 100 kilometers of Eker Island… Within 15 minutes, you guys. It’s best to figure out the relevant data, and I will report it to the Prime Minister in person!”

A young civil servant suddenly interjected:

“Mr. Secretary, 15 minutes is too tight? The area of ​​the Star Blue Sea is so large, and now the storm season is just over, there are a lot of merchant ships and fishing boats on the sea…”


The bald middle-aged roared, his saliva almost sprayed onto the opponent’s face.

“Willard, are you still alive 100 years ago? This is a new era. There are satellites everywhere in the blue star orbit. Don’t you know to ask the satellite center for help? They have real-time satellite images… What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and work for me!”

The young civil servant hurriedly moved.

The bald middle-aged thought about it, and then shouted a series of commands:

“Jeffrey, I need you to contact the shipping companies immediately and ask them to urgently notify each ship to stay away from the northwestern part of the Star Blue Sea…”

“Adolf, you are responsible for contacting the First Satellite Control Center. Ask the magicians to use communication satellites to repeatedly launch satellite broadcasts to the target area, so that the ships can quickly leave the dangerous area…”

“Tobias, you get me a batch of rescue planes… I don’t care what method you use, whether it’s contacting the Aviation Department or the army, within half an hour, the first plane must take off… In case there is a ship Unfortunately, we were attacked by sea monsters, and the crew who fell into the water must be rescued in time…”

With this roar, the spacious office suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Naval headquarters.

The chief of the navy and the upright person of the water system, Elon, looked around a group of high-ranking officers, and asked in a deep voice:

“The fleet closest to the target area is the third fleet at the southern end of the Xinghai Continent, but the distance between the two is 960 kilometers. Even if the submarine formation sails at a maximum speed of 120 knots, it will take at least 4 hours to reach the war zone. The submarine force of the 2 fleet can’t wait so long.”

“I want to know, do we have any other way to support the 2nd Fleet as soon as possible and eliminate the **** alienated sea monster?”

After a moment of silence in the conference room, an officer raised his hand to salute and said loudly:

“Under the title of Lieutenant General, you can send storm-class destroyers to support the theater. Our destroyers also have underwater Valkyrie launch units. Although the number is not large, as long as there are enough warships, it can still give sea monsters enough damage… Moreover, the destroyer can reach the battlefield earlier with its maximum speed of 135 knots!”

Elon nodded:

“This is a way. The destroyer can hunt sea monsters on the periphery to prevent these damned guys from spreading to further seas.”

Another officer proposed a plan:

“Under the title of Lieutenant General, I think I can try to let the aircraft carrier’s Seahawk fighter jets project from the air the’Night Valkyrie’ dedicated to underwater operations. With the maximum load of the Seahawk, each seahawk can carry up to 4.’ Valkyrie of the Dark Night’…”

This immediately attracted opposition:

“But the Seahawk’s pylon is not compatible with the’Valkyrie of the Dark Night’.”

“Then refit!”

The officer said without hesitation:

“Urgently transfer a group of metal superhumans and temporarily refit the pylons. This will not take long, and one can be refitted in 5 minutes at most… If the Seahawk cruises at twice the speed of sound, it will be able to rush to the battle zone in about half an hour. .”

Elon immediately made the decision:

“Just do it!”

After a pause, he said again:

“Contact the Air Force to let them modify the Silver Eagle and support the theater together. The Navy can provide the Air Force with 5,000 Valkyries in the Dark!”


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