Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 980

Chapter 971 Foresight

“The demons are making progress!”

Renault looked at the holographic image in front of him and said lightly.

The image displayed in the room is astonishingly a metal stele buried in an underground cave near Oak City, which is the “cross-border teleportation device” used by the Void Demon Race to transmit the Flying Wing Demon.


Angela, standing beside Renault, raised her belly and asked:

“Under the crown, how do you see it?”

Renault sighed softly:

“This is an obvious fact. Compared with the last time the metal stele was excavated from the thorny ice sheet, this metal stele is smaller in size, and the number of runes inscribed on the surface has been reduced by at least 30%. This proves that the Mozu is optimizing the transmission device. Rune structure.”

“Approximately 10% of the runes in this set of installations are new runes that I have never seen before… Although I haven’t studied it carefully, it can be seen from experience that these new runes are quite efficient in energy use. High, and more adaptable to the rules of this world.”

“To some extent, the flying winged demons encountered by the military in the Thorns Icefield and the White Wolf Kingdom are actually only two cross-border teleportation experiments conducted by the demons to verify the performance of the teleportation device…”

After a pause, he said again:

“If I’m right, once the demons have completed the improvement of the transmission device, it is when they invade!”

Miss Federal Chancellor’s pretty face changed slightly:

“So, according to your estimate, how long will it take for the demons to complete this work?”

Reynolds pondered for a moment and said his own conclusion:

“Six months at the earliest, and one year at the latest!”

The worry color in Angela’s eyes couldn’t help but become more intense.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the communicator:

“Under the Supreme Crown, we also found two new objects in the cave… this one is one of them…”

The holographic image changed accordingly. A cylinder made of black crystal was imprinted into Renault’s eyes. Its height was similar to that of an ordinary person, and the surface was also engraved with weird runes.

The top of the crystal column is carved with two hideous heads with four-eyed horns, showing that this is the creation of the devil.

A figure wearing a rune magician uniform pointed to the crystal pillar and said:

“We have briefly analyzed it. This seems to be some kind of instrument that shields magic waves…”

Renault glanced at the cylinder and suddenly interrupted the other party:

“Bessemo, your judgment is correct… The double ring rune at the top of the cylinder is most likely a’low energy magic harmonic resonance’ rune. Its main function is to simulate the’low energy state’ magic energy. wave.”

“The Flying Wing Demon should rely on it to create a special mana wave shield, which is hidden from the navy’s airborne’disaster detector’… However, the’disaster scanning satellite’ launches a’high-energy state’ demon. The energy wave exceeds the range of the instrument, so the satellite can detect the flying wing magic.”

“Hmph, the demons must have mastered the scanning interval of the satellites. They used this short period of time to successfully ambush the Navy’s Seahawk fighter…”

The magician called “Bessemer” was dumbfounded.

Renault’s words are the same as the judgment of Captain Morini of the Navy’s 5th Fleet.

The difference is that Captain Morini, as one of the parties, received an unforgettable lesson in this incident and fully realized the cruelty and cunning of the demons, so he made this guess.

Renault, on the island of Odin, thousands of kilometers away, just glanced at the crystal pillars and gave real evidence and inferred what happened.

Angela asked a little bit staggering:

“Under the supreme crown, if the demons have mastered the technology of simulating the’high-energy state’ mana wave and can shield the detection of the’disaster scanning satellite’, what should the Federation do?”

Renault shook his head and laughed:

“This is a paradox…Theoretically speaking, since the demons have mastered the technology of simulating the magic energy wave of the’low energy state’, then mastering the simulation technology of the magic energy wave of the high energy state is a matter of course. There are too many obstacles.”

This sentence made Angela’s heart tense, but Renault’s next sentence gave her a sigh of relief.

“But if you want to simulate the latter, you must use high-energy magic energy. As we all know, any magic energy with a certain energy level will inevitably produce strong magic energy fluctuations, which can be sensed far away.”

“If the demons do this, it’s tantamount to actively revealing their position. They will never do such stupid things…”

Angela was suddenly stunned.

Bessemer couldn’t help but interject:

“Under the Prime Minister’s crown, in fact, as early as 6 years ago, under the supreme crown, this was thought of. That’s why the Rune Research Institute will develop a’disaster scanning satellite’ based on high-energy mana waves and set up a global orbital scan. The internet.”

“No matter where the demons hide and what methods they use, they will never be able to hide from our eyes…”

Angela’s beautiful eyes locked on Renault, and said admiringly:

“Under the crown of supreme, your great foresight makes the world look up.”

After a pause, she asked another question:

“So, our’low-energy state’ disaster detection equipment, such as hand-held disaster detectors, as well as various vehicle-mounted and airborne disaster detectors, need to be retired and developed a new generation of products?”

“no need!”

Renault shook his head:

“As long as the Demon Race has appeared in the location, it will more or less leave the breath of alienated energy. The devil’s shielding instrument can only simulate the breath and cannot eliminate the breath… These detectors can still detect the residual corruption index, especially in the near In the case of distance, its detection accuracy is even higher than that of satellites, and they are still very useful.”

“I understand.”

Miss Prime Minister nodded convincingly.

Renault turned his head to look at the magician:

“What about the other item?”

The magician who had prepared for a long time immediately raised a black crystal skull.

It is about the size of a human head, with a pair of curved horns protruding from the top of its head, and a pair of sharp fangs protruding from the mouth of the black hole. Its smooth skull surface is also engraved with indecipherable runes.

“Under the Supreme Crown, we found this kind of thing on the corpses of many flying wing demons…”

The lens of the holographic image is pulled up to show a larger range, and the size of the human shadow and the metal monument has shrunk by a full half.

At a location in the northeast corner, a pile of black crystal skulls of the same appearance are piled up on the ground, the total number is no less than 20.

Bessemer continued:

“However, their specific uses are not yet clear, and further research is needed…”

Renault stared at the skull for several times, then curled his lips:

“No need to study it, this thing is completely rubbish…I recognize some runes on the surface of the skull. They are’magic tuning runes’ and’short-range magic gathering runes’.”

“Their main function is to tune the magical energy in people with different abilities to the same magical energy frequency band, and then gather them together to increase the energy level of the magical energy… The report submitted by the military clearly mentioned that flying wings The devil shot down the red beams of Seahawk fighters, it should be them that caused the ghost.”

For Renault’s powerful ability to “recognize runes at a glance”, Angela and the magician were only amazed.

Renault said contemptuously:

“This thing has a fatal flaw. Due to the short transmission distance, the capable people must gather together… If you deal with the black orcs, there is no big problem in doing so, but in front of the federal army, it will only give us a chance to get it done! ”

The battle that took place near Oak City fully proved Renault’s words.

The Navy only launched one “Sword of the God of War” and killed more than 1,000 Flying Wing Demons, including an Outskirts-class Flying Wing Demons. What is this not a “one pot end”?

Miss Prime Minister shrugged:

“This time the demons suffered a big loss. If they are not stupid, they shouldn’t use this stuff again.”

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