Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 968

Chapter 959 Super immigration program

In a giant circular conference hall in the Dragon Palace Space City, Alietti, wearing a senior civil servant uniform, glanced at the exquisite watch and whispered.

“Start the’holographic conference system’!”

“Yes, the envoy!”

An officer respectfully responded.

A few years ago, the major human kingdoms were fully restructured into the “Republic” system. After joining the Human Federation, Arrietty stepped down as the Secretary-General of the Thousand Lakes Republic and became the special envoy of the President of the Federation.

The so-called “special envoy” is actually Renault’s spokesperson, and the establishment is under the “Federal Presidential Palace.”

When he has no time to be cloned, Arrietty will handle various emergency affairs on his behalf, such as supervising certain key projects, supervising major accidents in various republics, and so on.

The officer turned around, looked at a group of subordinates who were waiting, and issued a series of commands:

“Captain Stanley, you are in charge of contacting the Federal Office of the President, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Military Commission, the major headquarters of the Federal Army, the Federal Academy of Sciences, and the parliamentary councils of the republics… to open the magic signal connection excuses to various agencies, And notify them to enter the venue immediately.”


“Mr. Robbins, please turn on the holographic projection equipment of each seat and prepare the backup equipment for the magician team led by you. In case of any failure, the backup system will be online as soon as possible…”


“Lieutenant Ignaz, your manpower is responsible for inspecting the various facilities of the rostrum, especially the communication system. This is the top priority, and there must be no problems…”

Sounds echoed in this auditorium with an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters.

· After more than ten breaths, Arrietty saw that the crystal pillars installed around the rostrum suddenly flashed with blue light, and then the air within more than ten meters nearby was rippling with colorful ripples.

She knew that this was the scene when the magic holographic projection was activated.

The condensed demon that exists on the surface of the blue star, through the method of “multi-stacked two-phase resonance coupling”, creates a certain strange magic wave, and then forms exactly the same condensed demon in the “Dragon Palace” to achieve the transmission of images. purpose.

This is the basic principle of ultra-long-distance holographic projection, and it is also the only thing the lady envoy knows about it.

After a while, the holographic image stabilized.

On the originally empty ground, rows of seats appeared, as well as figures with serious expressions.

“My envoy, good day!”

The first group of figures connected to the holographic conference system stood up neatly and greeted Alietti.

“Your Excellency Speaker Abbas, good day! My colleagues in the Star Republic, good day!”

Afterwards, more and more images were projected, and Arrietty became busy. Her smiles all showed impeccable etiquette.

“The envoy!”

“Lieutenant General Elon, and all generals of the Navy, welcome you!”

“My envoy, I am very glad to see you!”

“Her Royal Highness Princess Jaina, gentlemen of the White Antelope Republic, good day!”

The timing of the appearance of the various federal departments was very accurate. Within 2 minutes of the official opening of the conference system, more than 200 senior civil servants and senior military officers were connected to the conference system and gathered together.

In the entire venue, the most eye-catching is the Federal Chancellor, and the true wife of the first ruler of mankind-Angela Odin.

As soon as her image appeared on the vice seat of the rostrum, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and everyone bowed to her in tribute.

“Prime Minister!”

Angela nodded in greeting, her eyes falling on Arrietty.

“The envoy, when will the supreme be coming?”

The clear and melodious voice just exited, and a figure suddenly appeared in the center of the rostrum.

It was Renault.

As the master of space, [Flashing] has become his signature way of playing.


More than 200 people stood up neatly and bent down deeply, acting like one person.

“The supreme crown! You are the supreme of the blue star, you are the master of the world!”

Renault nodded slightly and said directly:

“Let’s start the discussion!”

At this point, the group of people at the top of the Human Federation Power Pyramid are all concentrated here, and this meeting that determines the future destiny of mankind has also kicked off.

“… The sudden event that occurred in the Thorns Icefield proved that the Federation’s satellite system had loopholes… The Void Demons had obviously noticed this, so they set up the ‘living’ underground at a depth of 3 kilometers…”

“I agree. I think the ‘disaster detection satellite’ needs to be further improved. It is necessary to increase the penetration depth of the magic wave into the rock layer and further enhance the detection accuracy…”

This issue was finally ended by the chief rune magician of the Federal Academy of Sciences, Seth.

“No problem, our Academy of Sciences will immediately mobilize a group of magicians to improve the core rune structure of the satellite… After the meeting, the Academy of Sciences will submit a project schedule to the Presidential Office and the Prime Minister’s Office.”

Any action plan must have a timetable and be strictly implemented in accordance with the plan. It is strictly forbidden to speak a lot of empty words without actual action. This is the rule set by Renault himself.

For a long time, this style of behavior has long been implemented from top to bottom, and now federal officials have (being) accustomed to it, and those who are not used to it have been ruthlessly driven out of the bureaucracy.

When the meeting was quiet for a while, Angela spoke suddenly.

“No matter how advanced the satellite early warning system is, there will always be loopholes, and we cannot underestimate the technical capabilities of the Void Demon.”

“I think the military should also take corresponding rapid response measures. In case a certain republic is attacked by the Mozu army, the army must launch a counterattack as soon as possible to rescue the local civilians…”

This proposal immediately caused a fierce dispute.

“I agree with the views of the Prime Minister!”

“The Federation has deployed the’Hand of Thanos’ orbital strike group in space. Isn’t that enough?”

“Of course it’s not enough! The main target of the’Hand of Thanos’ is the high-level demons… If the demons dispatch 100,000 troops, the Orbital Strike Group will not be able to take care of so many targets…”

“So, what about the two space legions,’Empire Sword’ and’Empire Light’? They can also enter the atmosphere to fight!”

“No, the Space Corps has another important task. They can use part of their power to provide emergency support to the ground, but it is impossible to spend all their energy on this…”

“You should know that the’cross-border teleportation device’ under the thorny ice sheet is just a set of imperfect devices. It can only transmit the personnel of the Demon Race, and cannot transmit large-scale equipment… But the Demon Race will definitely gradually improve it. In the future, The flying battleships of the demons are bound to arrive in large numbers. They are the opponents of the Space Legion…”

“Then, the only idea is to send one or more rapid reaction forces to each republic… But the human world is so vast that the Federal Army and Air Force are unlikely to take care of every corner of the map…”

“Have you considered expanding the army? Recruiting another army may solve this problem…”

“With all due respect, the total number of the federal army now reaches 1.2 million. Even if it is expanded by half, that is, 600,000, it cannot take into account such a large territory… and 1.2 million active-duty soldiers, plus weapons and equipment. For the Federation, which has a total population of 32 million, the financial pressure is already great…”

Renault suddenly coughed slightly, and the venue instantly became quiet.

He looked around and slowly said:

“From now on, the republics will begin to implement contraction strategies, abolish all smaller gathering points, and merge them into large towns to reduce the defensive pressure on the federal army.”

“In addition, the Human Federation and the Gray Dolphins have developed a sea-based strike weapon called the Sea King’s Halberd. The Academy of Sciences is preparing to mass-produce the Sea King’s Halberd and deploy them near towns in the coastal zone… At the time, try to stay as close as possible to the’Sea King’s Halberd’, and you can rely on it to resist the demon army in an emergency.”

“Yes! The Supreme Crown!”

A group of people responded in unison.

In the Human Federation, the words of the President are equal to the final conclusion, and anyone must implement it unconditionally.

Renault’s gaze patrolled the crowd for a while, locking on Princess Jaina, the speaker of the White Antelope Republic.

(For Jaina’s introduction, see Chapter 753)

“His Royal Highness, the White Antelope Republic is located on the Gaspar Plateau. It lacks water sources and lacks the conditions for the deployment of the’Sea King’s Halberd’. Moreover, the size of the Republic is too large and the civilian population is too scattered. If the demons launch a surprise attack, it will be extremely difficult to defend. ”

In fact, after the royal family of the White Antelope Kingdom abdicated, Jaina was no longer a princess, but many people are used to calling her that way.

“I remember that in the latest demographic statistics, the population of the White Antelope Republic is 4.42 million people. I ask you to carry out a large-scale migration. Half of the population, or at least 2.2 million people, will immigrate to the Misty Islands… the rest of the population, Are concentrated in the vicinity of a few large cities.”

This amazing number caused a shocking gasp in the venue.

The emigration of 2.2 million people is something that has never happened before in human history, and it is a thing beyond everyone’s imagination.

“Two months ago, the joint research institute established by the Grey Dolphins and the Academy of Sciences has developed an upgraded version of the’Sea King’s Halberd’-the Sea God’s Trident, and deployed it in the Misty Islands. This super weapon is more powerful. , The scope of the attack is wider, enough to ensure the safety of immigrants.”

“There are many islands in the Misty Islands, of which there are no less than 20 islands suitable for immigration, with a total area of ​​more than 30,000 square kilometers, enough to accommodate 2.2 million immigrants… I think with the strong industrial strength of the Federation, it will be enough to build 10 in 3 months. Each city can accommodate 220,000 people.”

“As for transportation, the Federation will mobilize enough transportation vehicles to transport immigrants in batches… Within half a year, I hope to end this immigration project!”

The most wild and beautiful Miss Speaker of the Federation, stood up respectfully and dropped her head deeply:

“Under the Supreme Crown, your will is above all else!”

With a few light words of Renault, he finalized a super immigration plan destined to go down in the annals of history.

He nodded in satisfaction:

“This matter is so decided, the next moment the topic is…”

Renault glanced down at the files on the desktop and spit out a few words.

“lack of food!”

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