Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 8

Chapter 7 inventor

When Angela was walking, she took a light breath every time her left foot fell on the ground, her brows wrinkled tightly, but she gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Renault hurriedly greeted her, and at the same time asked, “Take off your boots and let me see how it hurts!”

The girl immediately refused: “No, she sprained her left foot, just a small injury, we have to find Moose quickly…”

Renault looked at her earnestly: “It’s not anxious to find Uncle Moose. He is the awakened, and it is not easy for the Black Orcs to kill him.”

His tone became serious: “But you have an injury on your foot. If you drag on for a long time, the injury will become more serious. If this goes on, your foot will be useless! Do you want to be lame in the future?”

After all, Angela was just a 16-year-old girl. She was frightened by Renault’s words. She sat down honestly, took off the boots on her left foot, and revealed her left foot.

The ankle of her entire left foot was already swollen, the back of her instep was obviously fatter, and the skin was red and swollen and shiny.

Renault breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. Where is this a little injury? This injury is already quite serious!

Angela actually endured for so long, she insisted on walking and fighting during this period!

At this moment, he really admired this tenacious girl!

Renault hurriedly threw down the sentence “Wait for me”, then ran towards the corpse of a black orc, and removed a water bag made of animal skin from the waist of the corpse.

But there was not much water left in the water bag. He looked around and ran towards a small puddle. The rainwater gathered in this puddle was quite clear. He put the water bag into the puddle and filled half of the water. Later, he returned to Angela’s side.

Under the curious gaze of the girl, Renault put the water bag close to her ankle, and then something surprised her happened.

There was a chill on the water bag!

The water in the water bag has turned into ice cubes at some point!

This is Renault’s method-ice pack!

For sports injuries such as sprains, ice compress is one of the most effective treatments.

He used the new ability that emerged after the evolution of [reverse heat conduction] to transfer the heat of the water in the water bag to the air, and the temperature of the water was reduced to below zero. Then under the control of the rune array, the water quickly changed phase, changing from liquid to liquid. Transformed into a solid state, and finally turned into ice.

He also found that the consumption of mana was much less than expected. Obviously, after the evolution of the rune array, the efficiency of heat transfer was greatly improved, which greatly reduced the consumption of mana.

Renault tore two more cloth strips from his clothes, and while explaining the effect of the ice pack to the girl, he firmly tied the ice bag to Angela’s feet.

When he was busy, Angelaan sat quietly on the spot, only a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him closely, with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

Since half a year ago, she felt that Renault had gradually become a little different. Her speech and manners were obviously different from the past, and she was no longer as conscientious as before. He could often hear some amazing words and very insightful.

A series of things that happened today gave her a great shock!

And he also behaved extraordinarily masculine and extraordinarily considerate.

Renault… it’s almost like a different person!

After finishing all this, Renault clapped his hands with satisfaction: “Well, you stand up first, let me measure the height!”

Angela was taken aback when she heard it, and looked at him inexplicably, “What height?”

Renault grabbed her hand tightly, pulled her up, and smiled mysteriously: “You’ll know when you stand up!”

The moment the hands of the two touched, Angela’s arm trembled suddenly, but she did not escape after all, letting him hold her hand.

After measuring the height of her shoulders, Renault chose a slender tree nearby and began to climb up.

Next he has to do another thing-crutches!

To be precise, it is an underarm crutches.

Compared with ordinary wooden sticks, axillary crutches can reduce the weight of the lower limbs by more than 80%, and are more suitable for the current Angela.

After climbing more than 20 meters, Renault picked a suitable branch and chopped it down with a cross sword.

However, this branch cannot be used directly to make a walking stick. The water inside needs to be dried in advance, because the fresh branch contains too much moisture and the weight is quite heavy. The made walking stick is not only heavy, inconvenient to use, and easy to deform.

Drying is easy for Renault now. He uses [Reverse Heat Conduction] to create a scorching air directly near the branches and envelop the entire branch.

In a high temperature environment, the branches start to lose water quickly, and the skin is gradually carbonized and blackened.

During the drying process, Renault discovered a new feature of [Reverse Heat Conduction].

He felt very clearly that he could control every molecule in the air, and could control whether these molecules react with the toasted branches, or to be precise, burn!

This discovery made him think, because using this feature, he can develop new tactics!

In just a few minutes, the branch was completely dehydrated, its weight was reduced by half, and its strength was greatly improved.

Next, Renault took out the dagger he carried and quickly cut the branches into the shape of a crutch. In addition to the Y-shaped main support structure, there was also a handle on the crutch, which was more convenient to use.

It took him less than 10 minutes to complete this series of tasks.

When Renault handed the final product to Angela, the girl stupidly took the cane and looked at Renault with a dazed expression. She didn’t know what the weird branch was for.

After looking at each other for a while, Renault suddenly remembered something. It seems that there is no such tool as underarm crutches in this world. Some elderly people and people with inconvenient legs also use crutches, but they are all the simplest wooden sticks. Any supporting structure.

Although this is only a question of thinking, for so many years, no one has thought of this structure.

Reynolds gave the girl a rough demonstration of the use of underarm crutches. The girl immediately understood. After just a while, she immediately realized the benefits of this underarm crutches.

When walking before, every time her left foot fell on the ground, her ankle was tingling, and it was even more painful when she was running. The reason why she was sweating profusely was most of the pain.

But now, the foot pain is greatly reduced when walking, and the walking speed is not much slower.

This underarm crutches helped her too much!

A joyful smile burst on the girl’s face. She turned to stare at Renault, her eyes full of admiration, and said sincerely, “Thank you!”

In her mind, Renault is simply an amazing “inventor” who can “think” the “invention” full of whimsical ideas like the underarm crutches!

At this moment, the look between the girl’s eyebrows and eyes looked extremely soft, and with the sculptural facial curve, there was a thrilling beauty.

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