Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 64

Chapter 63 Foodie

As soon as the sky broke, five people and one dog quietly left Drew Village and embarked on the trip.

After Goode and Lena joined the team, the most obvious change was that the food became extremely rich, especially vegetables, mushrooms, and the quality of life of the three directly went up a step.

Especially now is the red month. In the last month before autumn, there are quite a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms in the wilderness, and many wild fruits are close to the edge of maturity. There are many more choices on the table.

The two have lived in the mountain village for a long time and are very familiar with wild vegetables. They know clearly which ones are edible and which ones are poisonous or taste bad.

This is really great news for the three people who are tired of eating meat.

So starting from the second day, Angela’s first job arranged for the brothers and sisters was to point out all the “goodies” encountered along the way. As for the picking, of course Renault was responsible for it.

Many wild vegetables and mushrooms grow in places that are not convenient for picking. Manual picking is a waste of time and is far inferior to Renault’s [Nian Motive].

This order made Goode brothers and sisters a little bit dumbfounded, but in order to perform well in front of a few masters, the two of them started their work conscientiously.

At first, the Goode brothers and sisters were a little uneasy, because this “servant points out the position, the master comes to pick” work mode, it is like the servant is directing the master to do work, for the “upper and lower respect” concept has been deeply rooted in the alien natives. In other words, it really challenges their psychological endurance.

At first, the two were afraid that Renault would get angry, and every time they pointed out the location of wild vegetables and mushrooms, they must first bow once, and then respectfully state the location.

But the two soon discovered that this kind of worry was too much, because Renault did happily than anyone else, and didn’t mind this faintly offensive behavior at all.

Moreover, Renault’s ability is really amazing. Every time he waved his hand gently, wild vegetables and mushrooms rose from the ground and flew toward them automatically.

Regardless of whether they grow on dangerous cliffs or high treetops, these places that are daunting for ordinary people are nothing but a beckoning thing for Renault.

I have to say that although [Nan Moment] is not the most powerful ability, it is definitely the most convenient ability, there is no one!

After picking enough wild vegetables and mushrooms, the three Renault couldn’t wait to stop and start preparing today’s lunch ahead of time.

After more than two days of trekking, the group has completely walked out of the outer area of ​​the Black Forest and entered a wasteland. The terrain of the wasteland is relatively flat and there are high and low hills everywhere.

It seems that due to soil quality, the trees have become quite sparse, and the height generally does not exceed 20 meters, and the vegetation is also dominated by grass and shrubs.

The growth of the grass is extremely vigorous, most of the grass blades are close to 2 meters in height, except for Moose, everyone else is completely submerged in the grass, looking around, there are all emerald green grass blades, and you can’t see the front at all. Something.

Walking through such grasses is a very dangerous thing. You may suddenly encounter powerful beasts, or highly poisonous insects and reptiles at any time, and you may not even have time to escape.

If there are no three silly people, after encountering such an area, the wisest thing to do is to avoid this area and look for other routes, but with the three silly existence, the danger is greatly reduced.

Relying on their amazing alertness, Sansha could perceive the existence of beasts from far away. As long as they did not encounter beasts that were particularly good at hiding, they could walk boldly in the grass with confidence.

Due to the existence of the black orc tracker, if everyone chooses an easy-to-walk route, there is a high probability that they will be targeted by the black orc army. In case of encountering a large-scale black orc army, the danger is far greater than that of the powerful beast.

In comparison, this kind of place is safer, because the black orcs will not easily enter this area, that is to say, the possibility of everyone encountering the black orc army here is extremely low!

Therefore, after careful weighing, everyone finally decided to choose this escape route instead of the plains north of the Black Forest.

“Woo…” At this moment, the three fools who had been leading the way suddenly yelled, the color of his body surface changed instantly, and he quickly rushed into the grass.

It found danger!

After hearing the warning from the three fools, everyone immediately formed a circle and put up a defensive formation. Moose, Angela, and Goode were responsible for each, enclosing Linna, who had no combat effectiveness, in the middle.

Renault also moved. Under the influence of [Nan Motive Force], an invisible force was exerted on his body, to be precise, it was sewn on the metal sheet in the leather armor and clothing.

Due to the existence of the interference force field, [Mind Power] cannot be exerted on oneself.

In order to better use this ability, Renault has pre-embedded metal wires or metal sheets on the arms, legs, chest, back, soles of the feet, and waist belts.

[Nian Motive Force] Pulling the metal wire and metal piece to fly upwards, this pulling force also spread throughout Renault’s body, lifting him up.

So Renault flew up!

This is an improved way of flying, so holding the spikes in advance is a waste of time. When the situation is very urgent, it may be too late to take out the spikes.

This is also the strategy that everyone discussed before entering the wasteland. Once they encounter a beast, Renault needs to fly to the sky for the first time to check the situation and figure out the specific location of the beast.

After rising to a height of 6 or 7 meters, Renault reduced the output of mental power, and the power to hold up the spikes was also reduced. He just reached a balance with his weight, and he hovered in mid-air.

At this time, Renault’s vision became quite wide, and he could easily see a few kilometers away. He rotated in the air and found that 2 kilometers ahead of the right, the grass in an area had completely fallen down.

Big beast!

These four words immediately popped out of Renault’s mind. Only a large animal with a huge volume could easily overwhelm a large piece of grass, causing this effect, and then he carefully looked at that area.

Soon he found that in the fallen grass somewhere, lying a huge black shadow, almost 6 meters in length, and the height after lying down is almost as high as the grass. Seeing that it is motionless, it seems to be sleeping. .

Renault landed and reported what he had observed to the others.

Unexpectedly, Angela blurted out, “Is it delicious?”

After hearing this, Sansha turned his head and looked over with a “ahhhhhhhh”, obviously it was also very concerned about this issue.

Renault couldn’t help laughing or crying. This girl had been completely biased by him, and she had a growing tendency to become a foodie.

When rushing in the morning, the brothers and sisters Goode found a large number of red spot mushrooms. According to the two, this is a very delicious mushroom with extremely tender and delicious taste.

This kind of mushroom is quite rare and the price is very high. Many nobles and merchants are willing to buy it at the price of 5 silver nar/kg.

In the end, everyone picked more than 12 kilograms of erythematous mushrooms. In Goode’s impression, it is a very rare thing to find so many erythematous mushrooms in the wild.

So when Renault was preparing lunch, he used half of the erythema mushrooms to make an unprecedented mushroom meal. The main dishes include mushroom stew with bird meat, pan-fried mushrooms, three fresh mushroom soup, and the staple food is mushroom vegetable patties. The meal allowed everyone to eat happily.

Brother and sister Goode really didn’t say anything, the red spot mushroom is indeed a rare and extremely delicious. Renault feels that its umami even exceeds the MSG on the earth. Even Sansha, a meat-based guy, can’t refuse this deliciousness. Red spotted umbrella mushroom.

When everyone was eating, Renault also proudly mentioned that these bird meats had too little fat, and the taste was a little worse. If they were replaced with more fat animal meat, the taste would be better.

Unexpectedly, Angela would have memorized this sentence firmly. At this moment, when she heard a large beast in the grass, she immediately thought of the mushroom meal: Isn’t there just ready-made beast meat in front of her?

There is still half of the red-spotted umbrella mushrooms that are useless. If this beast is killed, wouldn’t it be possible to enjoy a beautiful meal again?

The food in the world is the same, as long as there is something delicious, the danger is not important!

Although this beast is very large, it is very uncomfortable to look at, and it is lying in the grass and sleeping soundly, looking defenseless. It is obvious that this is a powerful beast at the upper level of the food chain.

Only the Goode brothers and sisters have the intention to object. The two tend to be conservative and unwilling to take risks. However, they are just servants and dare not point fingers at the master’s affairs.

However, after the three discussed it, they made up their minds: Fight!

Because of a powerful beast, it is possible to condense mana spar in the body!

The more mana spars you get, the faster your strength will improve. This alone is worth the three of you!

As far as Renault is concerned, there is ample reason to do it. A powerful beast means a powerful soul!

He hopes that after killing this beast, its soul can open the fourth page of “The Book of Thermodynamics” to condense a new rune array!

What’s more, even in another world, nothing can stop the foodie!

After reaching an agreement, the first thing to do is to settle the Goode brothers and sisters. In the next battle, the two of them are low in strength. Not only can they not help, but the three of them are distracted to take care of them, so the best way is to let them. People hide in a safe place.

The crowd searched for an arbor that was more than 10 meters high. Renault arranged a simple shelter on it and settled the Goode brothers and sisters in the shelter.

Next, Renault activated [Nan Moment] again and flew to the location of the beast. He wanted to detect the beast from a long distance and prepare for the battle!

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