Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 61

Chapter 60 Penalty post

A rough-looking man suddenly walked out of the crowd, shouting loudly: “Burn the black bastard!”

The “burning to death” he referred to refers to torture. The “evil” is tightly entangled with dry vines and thrown into the fire to be burned alive. This is the most common punishment used by the Church of the Father God to judge demons.

The Church of the Father God is the largest church on the Continent of Glow. The church has a very sensitive sense of smell. As early as a few years ago, the church gradually transferred the power of the church to the southern Xinghai Continent based on the establishment of a new seminary.

According to the memory of the indigenous “Renault”, in the months before the Black Orcs invaded the Kingdom of Twilight Mountain, he rarely saw the priests of the Church of the Father, which means that the Church of the Father had long been informed of the invasion. But they only cared about protecting themselves, completely abandoning this land and all the people of the kingdom.

Most of the villagers are believers of the Church of God the Father. In their eyes, the black orcs are no different from demons, so the proposal of burning by fire was approved by everyone.

All the villagers shouted in unison, “Burn them to death.” The loud noise spread throughout the village, and the disabled black orcs in the wooden houses became more and more frightened.

But Renault was not happy anymore, he had the final say how to deal with the black orcs!

He has a serious lack of favor with the church, and those fallen kingdoms have been fighting hard with the army of black orcs for many years, without credit and hard work.

The church only wanted the divine power to overwhelm the royal power. They secretly wooed the nobles, fought for power in military and political matters, and fought endlessly with the nobles of the king’s line. Even in the most urgent moment, they never worked together against the black orcs.

In the end, the kingdom was shattered, and this group of faculty members patted their **** and slipped away, leaving millions of people struggling in hell.

So he is absolutely unwilling to use fire, because that is tantamount to acknowledging the authority of the Church of God the Father?

Renault walked forward directly, in front of the villagers, stretched out his hands and waved gently at a wooden house.

Then something amazing happened!

The roof of the wooden house was directly lifted up as if it was grasped by a giant hand. Amid the cracking sound of “KaKa”, the roof was separated from the wall.

This roof, weighing several tons, just floats in the air!

The black orc watched this terrifying scene and suddenly yelled in panic.

The villagers stared at the suspended roof in amazement. There was a sound of “Father God is above” in the crowd. Many villagers actually knelt on the ground and began to pray sincerely.

Renault scowled, and he was even more unhappy.

MMP, this is obviously his ability, it’s a matter of the father and the sacred bird?

Renault was in a bad mood and was too lazy to be particular about his work. He waved again and [Nan Moment] began to disassemble the roof.

The main structure of the roof is a frame composed of multiple long woods. The long woods are nailed with wide boards as tiles, and the invisible force rudely tore off all the wide boards.

Debris, dust, and pieces of wood were flying all over the sky, and many debris fell on the villagers. Some villagers screamed in pain when they were smashed by the larger wooden boards. Everyone hurriedly avoided the raindrops of debris, and the scene became chaotic. .

But Renault continued to clean up the wide planks indifferently. Anyway, a few planks wouldn’t kill anyone, and he could also wake up these followers of God the Father by the way.

This group of people is really too cheap, God the Father abandoned them, and they still chant the good of God the Father.

He used his own ability to demolish the roof, and these cheap bones can actually give credit to God the Father!

What kind of **** logic is this!

Seeing Renault’s savage behavior, Moose shook his head lightly, but didn’t say anything.

Because the strong have privileges!

In this world of extraordinary powers, human rights are never talked about, but privileges are only talked about. Whoever has greater power will enjoy more privileges!

The villagers also have no objection, because they also agree with this logic from the bottom of their hearts. If anyone talks about equality with the villagers, they will unceremoniously laugh at these fools: Do the black orcs know what equality is?

More than 300 of them couldn’t beat more than 30 black orcs, but they were killed by the other side crying father and mother, Renault 3 killed the black orcs, so Renault naturally had the privilege.

The reason is simple, and the logic is very clear-power needs to be respected!

Seeing the villagers’ resignation, Renault was a little embarrassed. After all, the education before crossing was deeply ingrained. He couldn’t bully people unscrupulously, and these villagers were actually quite pitiful.

However, the villagers did not have any feeling of “comfortable”. On the contrary, they all looked intently, just like watching a big show.

For these shallow villagers, this kind of miraculous thing has been rare for decades, and it is enough to become the biggest conversation in the second half of their lives, not one of them!

After the wide planks were removed, Renault began to decompose the long woods one by one. The thick long woods were like matchsticks, which were easily removed by [Nian Power].

Every time Renault removed a long log, these villagers let out a neat exclamation, and their faces were full of awe.

In just one minute, the roof was disassembled into parts, and all the long timbers were neatly laid out on the ground.

Next, he has to fulfill his previous promise-to slaughter 55 black orcs!

Yes, Renault promises to promise!

He snapped his fingers braggingly, and a long log rose into the sky and flew straight into the sky. The villagers’ exclamation became louder, and more than 100 heads were raised up neatly.

After the long wood flew to an altitude of 20 meters, it suddenly fell down. After hitting the ground, it made a very dull explosion. There was also a strong vibration on the ground, and the villagers were startled.

Due to the huge impact of potential energy, the long wood penetrated deeply into the soil.

Renault erected the first execution stake!

The awe in the eyes of the villagers is deeper. Although they don’t understand what this powerful person wants to do, they are not qualified and have no courage to ask about what the capable person wants to do.

However, the penalty post is only a semi-finished product and needs to be processed.

[Reverse heat conduction] The rune array appeared in the soul space, a scorching air instantly surrounded the top of the execution post, igniting the wood, a raging flame emerged, and the execution post turned into a torch!

The villagers were in an uproar that the wood could burn out of thin air.

This extremely magical scene made the villagers excited, and there was a buzzing voice among the onlookers.

The flame on the execution post was very violent, and the embers from the burning of the wood fell layer by layer, and the flame was quickly extinguished. Then the villagers were surprised to see that the top of the execution post had turned into a sharp cone.

Father God is on top, what kind of flame is this that can actually burn wood like this?

There was another prayer of “Father God is up” in the crowd. Renault frowned and turned his head and glanced at the crowd.

The villagers shut up with a “swish”, and the scene instantly became silent.

The things that surprised the villagers were no surprise to Renault, and the principle was very simple.

Because of the occurrence of combustion, sufficient temperature is required!

When Renault controls the flow of heat, it deliberately lowers the temperature of the cone area to lower than the ignition point. After the outer wood is burned, the flame cannot ignite the cone.

Thus, the first execution post was completed.

He followed suit and quickly secured another 54 execution posts.

Next, the time for the trial is up!

In the wooden house lacking a roof, the disabled black orcs are in extreme fear. Many black orcs have no gods and despair on their faces. They know what the villagers have encountered, so they know what they will encounter.

That is extremely cruel torture!

When there was a loud noise outside the wooden house, it seemed to hit their souls. Every time there was a loud noise, they couldn’t help but tremble.


A whole wooden wall collapsed.

Renault directly used [Nian Motive Force] to smash the wooden wall fiercely, and the black orcs suddenly saw the villagers standing outside, their faces instantly showed fear, and some of the black orcs even trembled.

The villagers also had red eyes, and there was a **** feud between them and the black orcs. Among the villagers present, every family had their relatives killed in the hands of the black orcs, without exception! They couldn’t wait to rush over and tear every piece of flesh of the black orc with their teeth.

Moose’s eyes became icy cold, and the hands holding the epee were full of blue veins. He had already learned some extremely terrifying things, and he had seen hundreds of human bones with his own eyes.

Chewed clean human bones!

Many human bones are shaped like toddlers!

The atmosphere instantly became extremely depressing!

Renault gripped a long rope tightly in his right hand and walked slowly to a distance of more than 10 meters from the black orc.

The blue light flashed on the rune array of [Nian Motive Force], and the other end of the rope suddenly floated, swimming like a spirit snake, and quickly rolled towards a black orc.

This black orc yelled in panic, rushing to the corner of the wooden house frantically, trying to avoid the rope, but the other black orcs were more alarmed than him, everyone squeezed into the corner for fear of being touched by the rope.

The speed of the rope is faster than that of the Black Orc. Before he ran a few steps, the rope shot over, looping around him a few times in an instant, and bound him firmly.

Renault shook the rope, and more ropes entangled the upper body of the black orc, only below the waist and above the neck, not tied by the rope.

Renault lightly waved his right arm, and the rope floated up, leading the black orc into the sky, and finally hovered directly above the first execution post.

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