Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 Ability evolution

Renault squeezed the cross sword in both hands, and just approached a black orc, and immediately slammed a sword into his neck.

This black orc was still in severe pain, his ability to perceive the outside world had dropped a lot, and his sudden blindness suddenly made him panic, and he didn’t know what to do.

Facing the sharply piercing blade, he was unprepared, letting the blade pierce his throat.

After a hit, Renault quickly drew out the blade and flashed to the side.

A large stream of light blue blood spurted out, and instantly dyed a large area of ​​the ground blue. The black orc covered his throat and made a “hoho” in his mouth. He swayed and tried to stabilize his body, but eventually he lost his balance and fell on the ground. On the ground.

Renault didn’t even look at him, and rushed to the second black orc.

The black orc holding the epee heard the weird “ho-ho” sound, and seemed to have noticed something. He endured the pain in his eyes, held the epee in both hands, and began to chop indiscriminately.

His power is enormous, the heavy epee looks very light in his hand, and when he swings it brings a strong wind, the sword shines within a radius of 4 meters, and the sound of the blade breaking through the air keeps sounding.

Renault hesitated when he saw this formation. As a rookie fighting cold weapons, he wisely chose to keep his distance.

After standing by the side for a while, he suddenly had an idea again. He quickly knelt down and picked up a mass of mud, aimed at a giant tree near the black orc, and smashed the mud mass over.

The mud ball made a muffled noise after hitting the tree trunk, and it was broken and scattered to the ground.

The black orc roared and turned and rushed towards the trunk. After running a few steps, he raised the heavy sword high and severely slashed at the trunk.

“Bang!” The sword body slammed into the trunk with a loud bang, and instantly sank deep into it, cutting the trunk into a big gap, and the giant tree with a diameter of more than 5 meters was also chopped and trembling.

At the moment of the slash, the Black Orc realized that something was wrong, because it was not the sensation of hitting the human body at all, but the wood!

He immediately realized that he had been fooled!

This is clearly a cunning enemy deliberately making a sound to lure him to chop the tree trunk!

What will the enemy do next? He will definitely take the opportunity to sneak attack!

The black orc felt a strong danger, and when he firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, and was about to pull it out, a heavy footstep sounded.

On the left side of the black orc, Renault’s right foot slammed into the mud, and his hands vigorously sent forward. The tip of the cross sword accurately penetrated the gap between the armor and the helmet, pierced into the black orc’s neck, and directly cut it off. Trachea and arteries.

Renault quickly retracted the cross sword and ran to the third black orc without hesitation.

Behind him, the severely injured black orc was trying to block the wound on his neck, but the blood flow in the carotid artery was very strong and still shot out from his fingers. The black orc trembled violently and collapsed. On the mud.

At this time, Angela had already launched an attack on the third black orc. She was holding a light shield in her left hand and a one-handed sword in her right hand. Under the cover of the trunk, she was constantly walking around the black orc, from time to time. Stabbed a sword.

Her style of swordsmanship is completely different from that of Renault, and is more similar to the Western Swift Sword on Earth. Her attack is mainly based on stabbing, with very few slashing movements.

The attack speed of this swordsmanship is astonishingly fast. Once it pierces the opponent’s weakness, such as the lower abdomen, it will directly penetrate into the internal organs, so the lethality is also greater, and it is more suitable for women with weaker physical strength and strength.

It’s just that Angela’s legs and feet are injured, and the flexibility of her movements is greatly reduced, and she is far from able to exert the power of this kind of swordsmanship.

Although this black orc was very embarrassed, he obviously avoided obstacles when running and attacking. Obviously his vision had been partially restored, but the accuracy of his tomahawk was not high, which showed his eyes. Severely damaged, it is no longer possible to accurately determine the enemy’s position.

The sound of Renault’s footsteps immediately alarmed the Black Orc, he slashed out an axe vigorously, and after pushing Angela away, he turned his head and glanced in Renault’s direction.

Then the black orc let out a low roar, his right arm suddenly shook up vigorously, threw the giant axe in his hand towards Renault, then turned and ran.

This black orc reacted extremely quickly. After hearing Renault’s footsteps, he immediately understood that the other two companions might have been killed by Renault. At the same time, he was also very clear that he would definitely not be able to cope with the loss of his eyesight. The enemy, especially one of them, has a mysterious ability.

Therefore, he gave Renault an axe decisively and then began to escape.

Angela exclaimed: “Be careful…” There was a huge anxiety in her voice.

Renault had no idea that the Black Orc would actually come such a hand. Facing the fast-flying giant axe, his heart jumped wildly, his mind went blank, and he only had time to do a dodge action.

With a strong wind, the giant axe wiped his head and swept over!

The black orc was lost!

After his eyesight declined, the black orc saw everything in a blur. When he threw the giant axe, he didn’t see Renault’s position at all, he just shot it based on general feelings.

Therefore, this blow missed, and Renault was lucky enough to get back a small life.

Renault instantly broke out in a cold sweat, and a strong fear surged in his heart. At this moment, he truly realized that in any fight on the battlefield, there is only a thin line between life and death, and no carelessness can be tolerated!

If he approached the black orc, he should be a little more careful and step a little lighter, he wouldn’t be able to put himself in the kind of danger just now.

Renault glanced at the back of the black orc, and the “Book of Thermodynamics” in the soul space opened quickly, and magic energy rushed in.

The next moment, a high-temperature area appeared silently in front of the black orc!

The black orc rushed in unconsciously, and a stern howl sounded. He covered his face and fell to the ground, rolling in pain in the mud.

Renault picked up the cross sword and quickly chased it up, and a clean sword resulted in the black orc.

After the black orc swallowed his last breath, the ghost of the soul flashed out of the corpse and plunged directly into Renault’s body, and part of his mana was restored.

Renault exhaled in satisfaction. When he was about to turn around and ask Angela, the “Book of Thermodynamics” in the soul space suddenly trembled, and the pages of the book automatically turned to the first page. The golden light flowed on the pages of the book, and it looked dazzling. pole.

Lei Nuo was overjoyed and immediately sank his mind into the soul space, locking in the rune array of [Reverse Heat Conduction].

In the increasingly intense golden light, the rune array unexpectedly began to grow, and several new runes soon appeared on the edge.

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