Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 57

Chapter 56 Poisonous fog

Renault looked at the black orc with a pale face, his lips trembled slightly, and the hands holding the cross sword were obviously overstretched, which caused the gestures to be somewhat deformed.

The girl pressed her lips tightly and breathed quickly. She and Renault looked at each other, and there was a clear look of despair in her pair of big blue eyes.

Renault was completely suppressed!

At this moment, he willingly bowed down.

I rub, it’s a pity that this girl doesn’t go to the earth’s mixed entertainment circle. It’s a combination of the talent and idols.

Sure enough, “the more beautiful women are more likely to deceive”, this sentence also applies in other worlds.

Moose roared and turned directly, his body inflated like a balloon. He clenched the epee tightly, stood at the front of the team, and glared at the black beasts.

As for the three silly, no, where is the three silly?

This cheap dog disappeared directly. It turned out that the way it “disguised as fear” was to hide!

The black orcs also stopped, and the two sides faced each other at a distance of more than 20 meters.

The leading Awakener glanced at the girl contemptuously, grinned and waved the giant warhammer, the black orcs suddenly roared in unison, and the roar converged into a loud noise.

Then they rushed over!

As Renault expected, these idiots stepped into the trap!

That’s right, the time for the Black Orcs to catch up with the three, and the location where they catch up with the three, were carefully chosen by Renault!

An extremely bloodthirsty smile appeared on the faces of the black orcs. In their view, victory was already beckoning to themselves, and these humans were destined to die in extremely painful wailing.

But unfortunately, this is just an illusion.

In the next moment, Renault made a move!

There was a sudden explosion in the grass 7 or 8 meters away, and a dark green gas quickly emerged and quickly spread to the surrounding area. A large green mist appeared in the ravine.

Then a strong wind suddenly appeared in front of Renault, blowing towards the group of black orcs!

This strong wind comes from Renault’s ability [reverse heat conduction]. As long as the local air is heated, convection will be formed after the hot air expands. If the air continues to be heated, the convection process will continue.

Renault can also use [Nian Power] to control the direction of convection. If the heating speed is very fast, strong convection can be formed, in other words, strong wind!

As a result, under the strong wind, a large green mist rushed towards the black orc on the opposite side.

The black orcs’ complexion changed drastically when they saw it, but the speed of the green mist was so fast that they had no time to react, and the green mist drowned them.

More than a dozen black orcs in the front were directly wrapped in a thick green mist, and their whole bodies began to dissolve, including 2 awakened ones.

After the green mist came into contact with the armor, the armor melted, the clothes melted, and the skin melted, finally revealing **** muscles, and then the muscles began to melt, and then the internal organs and bones. The whole person was instantly inhuman and became horrible.

The black orcs in the middle of the team are in a slightly better situation, part of the green mist is blocked by their companions, and the green mist flowing over is obviously less.

However, the green mist is gas, and the characteristic of the gas is that it is permeable. Wherever there is space, the green mist diffuses.

So these black orcs are also surrounded by green mist, but the concentration is slightly lower, but this is also fatal.

The armor was corroded into large and small pits, which instantly became tattered, and then the green mist passed through the holes in the armor sheet and touched the skin, and the skin immediately disappeared without a trace.

However, the parts that are protected by armor are not seriously injured. What really causes them to be fatally injured is the parts that are not protected, such as the face, neck, and joints.

Any exposed skin melts instantly, and even the muscles and fat under the skin are melted away. The face melts like a candle instantly, making it completely unclear to distinguish the five senses.

After receiving such terrible injuries, their hope of survival is very slim!

Compared with the previous comrades, the more than 20 black orcs at the back of the team suffered the least damage, most of which were only minor injuries.

After this wave of green mist blew, nearly 80 black orcs fell over half of them instantly, more than 20 black orcs died directly, and more than 30 were seriously injured and dying. For them, death is only a matter of time.

Only more than 20 black orcs survived by fluke, and there were fewer than 10 black orcs with combat effectiveness. Among them, there was only one awakened, and there were more or less corrosion scars on his body, unable to display the fighting power of his heyday.

A large area of ​​weeds was also cleared by the green fog, and black soil was exposed in many places. Looking at it from a distance, it was as if a black spot suddenly appeared on a green carpet.

This is the last trap Renault prepared, and it is also the deadliest trap!

The core of the trap is the poison sac!

This is the poison sac obtained by the three of them from the poisonous insects. This poison sac is filled with high-concentration poisonous mist, which can spread over a considerable area.

In order to maximize the effect of the poisonous fog, Renault decisively chose to deal with the black orcs in the ravine. On the one hand, the black orcs were more concentrated. After the poisonous fog was released, they had almost no place to escape.

On the other hand, due to the narrow space, the space where the poisonous fog diffuses is smaller, the concentration is higher, and the lethality is stronger.

As a result, under Renault’s careful arrangement, these black orcs, who were far stronger than them, were almost wiped out by the poisonous mist group, leaving only a few dozen defeated generals.

After the surviving black orcs saw the corpses and severely injured companions all over the floor, their dark faces showed great fear, and a group of people turned around and fled without hesitation.

The Black Orcs were all terrified, and completely lost their will to fight!

Even the Awakened is no exception, and he is the fastest, leading the way.

In their opinion, this weapon is really terrifying. Now there are only so few people left. What else can they do without running?

Wait for those human demons to release the poisonous mist again?

But will the three let the black orcs run away?

of course not!

Moose rushed to the awakened for the first time.

Renault waved his hand gently, and under the control of [Nian Motive Force], the dense grass blades danced quickly, entangled the black orc tightly, and 8 spikes shuttled back and forth in the grass, stabbing one after another. Black Orcs.

The girl also raised the Swift Sword, harvesting the black orc’s life trapped by the blade of grass, and the three silly dog ​​suddenly appeared again and began to cooperate with the girl to attack the black orc.

Under the cooperation of the two, the ordinary black orcs fell to the ground one after another.

Only a powerful awakened person is not afraid of the entanglement of the blade of grass. After the awakening is activated, his strength becomes extremely large, and he can easily break free of the entanglement of the blade of grass, but his running speed is reduced a little.

But Renault’s purpose is to delay the awakened, so that Moose can catch up with him as soon as possible.

After running for a few steps, the awakened finally realized that if it continues like this, it will definitely be inevitable. If you want to escape successfully, you must first solve the humans who control the blades of grass.

The Awakener quickly looked back and locked the target as Renault!

Among the three human beings, Renault had the most bizarre behavior. The other two were holding weapons. Only Renault was carrying a cross sword and his hands were empty, so he was most suspicious.

The Awakener was very decisive, and he immediately shot after identifying the target!

He twisted his body abruptly, took advantage of the trend and swung the giant tomahawk, and slammed it at Renault. The tomahawk flew towards Renault with a strong wind.

At the same time, Moose also used his most proficient projection technique, and his epee shot at the Black Orc Awakener like lightning.

One sword and one axe staggered through the air, flying towards their respective targets.

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