Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 Scheming bitch

The closer to the edge of the Black Forest, the fewer tall trees and the more luxuriant shrubs and weeds are. Without the trees’ branches and leaves blocking sunlight, they get more sunlight and grow much better than their counterparts in the deep forest.

As more sunlight reaches the ground, the temperature has also risen significantly, and the grass is not permeable to the wind, making it even more sultry and sweaty in a short while.

Renault, a guy who likes to relax, has already turned on [Reverse Heat Conduction] to create a low-temperature area around him, and Angela closely follows the “human-shaped air conditioner” and enjoys a rare coolness.

The allure of the “air conditioner” is too great. Even Angela, an unusually tough little girl, quickly degenerates after experiencing it once. After Renault turned on the “air conditioner”, she only hesitated and leaned forward.

There is another advantage of following Renault. When encountering particularly dense grass, he will use [Nan Moment] to push away the grass, which saves energy when traveling.

Only Moose, a big man who said nothing, declined Renault’s kindness and walked in the forefront alone, chopping the grass with an epee from time to time, trying to clear a way.

As for the three fools, this guy has been running around Angela happily, rolling in the grass from time to time. At first glance, he looks like a stupid stupid dog. It is impossible to think that this guy is actually quite insidious and cunning. .

Surprisingly, although its fur is thick, it has no interest in “air conditioning”. After running for so long in the grass, it does not seem to feel hot at all.

Obviously, it either has a unique means of heat dissipation, or it can create low temperatures. Considering that it is a magical mutant creature, Renault prefers the latter.

After turning over a small hill, San Dumbfounded at a glance that there was a quite lush meadow at the bottom of the slope. It immediately screamed with excitement and flew up in the grass. It was 6 or 7 meters away from the meadow. He jumped up directly and threw heavily on the meadow.

Reynolds glanced at this funny dog ​​and couldn’t help being speechless.

At this moment, Sansha suddenly stood up alertly, his ears erected high, a wave of ripples flashed across his body, and his hair gradually changed color.

Optical camouflage!

The hair quickly turned light green, with dark green stripes, and it seemed to be in harmony with the surroundings. If Renault hadn’t known that there was a dog on the meadow, it would be really hard to tell.

Its hearing is more sensitive than humans, it can hear more subtle sounds, and the frequency range it perceives is far beyond that of humans. It can detect sounds that Renault and the three can’t hear.

There is no doubt that it must have heard an abnormal noise, and this has activated its disguise ability.

Renault reacted immediately. He drew out the cross sword without hesitation. The two spikes separated from the belt and floated on both sides of his body. Angela and Moose also assumed a vigilant posture.

Sansha turned around and ran towards the girl briskly. Its running speed was not slow, but it made no sound when its paws landed. The sound of grass blades rubbing against hair was also insignificant, and the hidden talent was truly top-notch.

After it ran to the girl, the girl asked softly: “Is there anything in the distance?”

Sansha nodded simply, and after spending a few days with the three of them, it could already understand a lot of mainland lingua franca.

Renault and the girl looked at each other, and they thought of a word at the same time-black orc.

Renault stared at Sansha earnestly, and asked in a low voice, “Are there many voices in front of you?”

But Sansha actually didn’t respond to his words. When he asked, he clearly saw Sansha’s ears move, but it actually ignored him deliberately, showing that he still hated him.

Renault cursed secretly and began to threaten it: “Do you still want me to barbecue for you?”

Sansha immediately turned his head, and the dog’s eyes were full of disdain. Not only that, it even stuck out its tongue at Renault, showing him with action: Sansha will never accept any coercion.

Renault was a little annoyed: I wiped it, the dog’s stuff is quite stiff!

He immediately aimed at the dog leash, but San Sha had expected this trick long ago, and it quickly leaned against Angela, and touched the girl’s delicate hand affectionately with his head.

It is very clever, knowing that as long as she pleases the girl, she will not sit back and watch.

Sure enough, Angela stopped Renault for the first time, her pretty face was full of helplessness: “Can you stop making trouble?”

Renault had no choice but to give up. He gave Sansha a bit unwillingly, and Sansha was hiding behind the girl and peeking at him. Seeing Renault, it even grinned and wagged its tail triumphantly.

Renault sneered, and a metal spike floated over silently, and slammed it at the dog’s tail.

Three stupidly “Oh” jumped up in the same place, the big dog eyes glared at Renault, and they tried to pounce on Renault.

Angela sighed with a headache. Seeing that an infighting was about to break out, she quickly grabbed the three silly dog ​​leash and pulled it away.

Sansha was dragged back again and again, while struggling with irritation, and yelling at the girl’s grievance “Woo”, the girl had to calm down again and again.

But Renault could see through the hypocritical nature of this man. It weighs more than 200 kilograms. If you struggle hard, the girl will definitely not be able to drag it.

This cheap dog didn’t dare to pounce and face Renault at all. If it dared to rush up, he could turn it into a dog meal in minutes, so San Sha deliberately asked the girl to drag it away.

Through this trick, on the one hand, it can find itself a step down, expressing that it is not afraid of Renault, but is stopped by the girl, so that it has to give in, on the other hand, it takes the opportunity to pretend to be wronged.

What a scheming bitch!

After the daily farce subsided, Angela asked Sansha the same question: “Are there many voices over there?”

This time Sansha gave a very affirmative answer.

The girl asked tentatively: “Can you take us to investigate?”

The three silly nodded the dog’s head seriously, turned around without hesitation, walked briskly through the grass, and stopped from time to time to listen to the dog’s head side by side, and the three followed it carefully.

After walking tens of meters, Renault finally heard a sound coming from a distance. I don’t know whether it was an illusion or something. He vaguely felt that the sound seemed to be a scream.

After turning over a gentle slope, Sansha suddenly turned the dog’s head, raised a front paw and placed it in front of his mouth, hissing softly, beckoning them to keep quiet.

Obviously, it was imitating them, but a dog was very happy to do so. Angela couldn’t help but laughed out of it. Three stupidly looked at her dissatisfiedly, then turned to lead the way.

This time, its movements are lighter and its walking speed is obviously slowed down. However, in Renault’s view, the purpose of this posture is not to be concealed, but to imply that the three of them should be careful not to make any noises. .

Even if Renault didn’t like this guy before, he couldn’t help but give a secret compliment at this time, what a clever dog head!

Before long, Renault’s previous feelings were confirmed, and the sound from the front was indeed a scream.

Is that the black orcs slaughtering humans?

He and the girl looked at each other, and both saw the worry in each other’s eyes.

The girl shouted without hesitation: “Three fools, rush over!”

She had heard it, and there were not many screams, which showed that the battle was not fierce, and the number of black orcs would not be too much, so the girl immediately decided to go.

One person and one dog ran wildly in the grass. Moose clenched the epee and strode to keep up. Renault let out a sigh of relief and began to speed up. Beside him, six spikes flew up with him.

The cluttered footsteps and the rubbing of grass blades immediately sounded in the grass. This sound quickly alarmed people in the distance, and then the orcs rang.

It really is a black orc!

They are really slaughtering humans!

As the three of them ran forward, the screams became clearer and clearer, and there seemed to be immense pain in their voices, which sounded particularly alarming.

After climbing a low mountain, his vision suddenly widened. Renault finally saw the Black Orcs. There were only more than 20 people, and only one of them was Awakened. At this time, most of them took off their armor and even placed their weapons next to them.

Then he saw the source of the screams-5 humans.

They are male and female, all naked… They are stuck on the sticks that stand up!

The wooden stick was stabbed from the bottom of the body to the inside of the body. Some people have completely died, some are dying, and some are still struggling. That’s why they have that painful wailing.

The wooden stick has been completely dyed crimson, and the blood of Datan Datan is flowing on the ground.

Damn black orcs!

Obviously, the Black Orcs wanted to torture and kill these humans, and then eat them, so they removed the clothing from the humans, put them alive on wooden sticks, and prepared for the human flesh barbecue.

In this world, human beings, a race that is on its way to the end, are really like living in hell.

What is even more frightening is that what happened to these poor people is just one of the countless tragedies that are unfolding on this continent.

Renault just glanced at it, and he exploded.

Although he had never known these people, he only felt a rage exploded in his heart and his eyes instantly turned red when he saw the heinous and **** torture of his clan.

Kill the black orcs!

In addition to anger, Renault also felt a strong sense of grief in his heart. What these people have encountered now is likely to be his tomorrow.

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