Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 4

Chapter 3 Devour the soul

The black orc fell to the ground with a “hoho” in his mouth, his throat was tightly covered with his hands, and a large amount of blood quickly spilled from his fingers.

What is amazing is that his blood turned out to be light blue with many blue light spots. The large amount of blood flowing out quickly dyed his neck light blue and flowed to the grass.

After the black orc removed his hands covering his face, he revealed a horrible face. Renault just glanced at it and his stomach couldn’t help convulsing. He quickly took a deep breath, suppressing the churning sensation in his stomach, and finally did not vomit. come out.

At this time, the black orc’s face was like a melting candle. It was completely ulcerated, and only the facial features could be faintly recognized. Large and small blisters spread all over the face. Many blisters had burst, and yellow liquid was flowing all over the face.

What is even more terrifying is that one of his eyeballs has burst, revealing a shocking hole, while the other eyeball is bulging high and becomes pale.

Obviously, the high temperature blinded him!

The culprit of all this is precisely the first ability evolved from “The Book of Thermodynamics”-[Reverse Heat Conduction]!

In any medium with uneven temperature, heat will be conducted from the high temperature part to the low temperature part, which is normal heat conduction.

But in this world full of magical energy, a magical thing happened. [Reverse Heat Conduction] can actually control the concentration of heat from the low temperature part to the high temperature part!

The use of this ability requires a certain amount of mana. The larger the controlled area, the farther the distance, the faster the heating rate, the greater the mana consumed, and it increases exponentially. Therefore, due to the limit of the total amount of mana, this ability There must be limits.

In addition, after the formation of the high-temperature area, it also needs to consume less mana to maintain it, and the mana consumed is different at different temperatures.

In addition, [Reverse Heat Conduction] has a huge limitation. If the target is a creature with a certain soul strength, the magic energy will not be able to jump to them or near them.

This is due to the interference of the soul energy field, the stronger the life, the greater the interference, so this is also destined to not directly attack the enemy, it is just an auxiliary ability.

[Reverse heat conduction] At present, it can only work on gases, and cannot control the flow of heat in liquids and solids.

It was precisely using [Reverse Heat Conduction] that Renault unknowingly created a small area of ​​ultra-high temperature. When the Black Orc rushed over, he slammed into this area unsuspectingly.

As a result, in the air whose temperature exceeded 800 degrees, the black orc’s face melted!

Seeing the blood on the ground accumulate more and more, and the struggle of the black orc became weaker and weaker, Renault was greatly relieved. In just a few seconds, he actually consumed nearly half of his mana.

At this time, in the moist air, a vast expanse of white mist gradually appeared.

In order to create a high-temperature area, 【reverse heat conduction】extracts a lot of heat from the surroundings to form a low-temperature area. When the water vapor is cold, it condenses into a white mist, which is why this phenomenon occurs.

After a few seconds, the black orc finally stopped struggling and lay quietly in a pool of blood.

he died!

The “Book of Thermodynamics” in Renault’s soul suddenly moved, the pages of the book turned quickly, and the entire soul space began to fluctuate with it.

A very faint phantom rose from the black orc’s corpse and flew towards Renault like lightning. The moment it touched him, it directly submerged into his body and entered the soul space.

The Book of Thermodynamics also quieted down, and the pages of the book slowly closed.

This is another magical function of “The Book of Thermodynamics”-to absorb the “soul”!

Renault calls this phantom “soul”. According to his own personal experience, it is actually just a collection of the remaining spiritual power of the dead, and some magic power is attached to the spiritual power, but there is no consciousness or memory in it. .

Under the action of the mysterious “Book of Thermodynamics”, these residual mental powers and magical powers can turn into a black shadow, which Renault can see directly with the naked eye.

The existence of “soul” is extremely short. Once the phantom appears, it will quickly dissipate, and will completely disappear in the air within a short time. If the “soul” is more intense, the existence time will be slightly longer.

This kind of absorption has a certain distance limit. The farther the distance is, the less energy can be absorbed by the knife. This is also related to the strength of the “soul”. If the strength is higher, the “Book of Thermodynamics” will be more attractive to the soul.

For the soul of an ordinary black orc, almost all of it can be absorbed within 3 meters, and almost no energy can be absorbed after more than 15 meters.

After the “soul” was absorbed by the “Book of Thermodynamics”, Renault felt his own magic and mental power, and then he was stunned!

He found two extremely incredible places!

First of all, his magic power has recovered a little!

In other words, “The Book of Thermodynamics” even comes with special effects of “filling up demons”! Although the amount of recovery is relatively small, it is also abnormal enough!

Under normal circumstances, once the mana is consumed, except for some extremely precious potions, the recovery of mana can only rely on the body to slowly absorb the free mana from the outside, and the recovery time is quite long.

The magical power that the Book of Thermodynamics has added to Renault, if it is restored by nature, it will take at least an hour!

Secondly, his mental power and mana upper limit have both increased a little!

If you rely on normal cultivation, how long does it take to improve this little mental power and magic power? At least half a month! But with the “Book of Thermodynamics”, Renault only needs to kill one Black Orc!

This also means that as long as enough black orcs are killed, Renault can completely increase mana and mental power to a level that is invincible in the world!

With this alone, “The Book of Thermodynamics” is enough to be called an artifact-like existence!

After rejoicing for a while, Renault laughed bitterly. At this moment, even he couldn’t help feeling that he was simply a devil who liked to devour souls.

He really didn’t understand why a good book of “Engineering Thermodynamics”, after traveling through this world, turned into a weird book of the devil.

It is precisely for this reason that the indigenous “Renault” called him “the devil from another world” and kept him in confinement for a whole month.

At this moment, there was a rush of dense footsteps in the distance, and the sound was getting closer and closer, obviously they were coming towards Renault.

Then there was a roar, the clash of weapons, and then a crisp scream, with great fear and panic in the voice!

This voice immediately grabbed Renault’s heart tightly.

It’s Angela!

The black orcs are chasing her!

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