Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 Burn monsters

That’s right, Renault had the monster’s idea!

Although the monster worked hard to help them kill the group of black orcs, but this guy not only didn’t appreciate it, but also planned to kill the monster with gratitude.

Because in Renault’s view, this opportunity is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In order to deal with the black orcs, the monsters have turned over all their hole cards, consumed all the bombs, and reduced their combat effectiveness by a large margin.

Moreover, the plant-type monster is difficult to move, or the moving speed is very slow, even if it has many powerful roots, Renault is confident that with his special ability, he can easily clean up the monster.

He wanted to know how much energy the “Book of Thermodynamics” would absorb if the monster was killed, and would it open the third page.

After hearing Renault’s question, the girl’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t help but yelled, “Are you crazy?”

In the girl’s eyes, this monster is so terrifying, any attempt to challenge it is very…stupid!

Moose also looked over, and his expression suddenly became a lot more serious. Obviously, he didn’t agree with this crazy idea!

Renault showed a helpless expression and had to explain his thoughts in detail.

However, the two of them are still a little skeptical, but Renault’s determination is very strong. For him, monsters must be killed, and all opportunities to improve abilities must not be let go.

God knows if there will be another wave of black orcs chasing soldiers. This time they happened to meet the monster and were lucky enough to destroy the black orcs, but the next time it might be possible.

This world is too dangerous. Only by improving one’s strength as soon as possible can you survive as much as possible on the next escape journey.

Renault walked to a place more than 50 meters away from the monster and activated the ability [reverse heat conduction]. The magic energy in his body slowly flowed into the rune array. In an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the soil began to slowly heat up.

In the case of slowly heating up, his mana consumption is very small, as long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to melt the mountains and the sea!

Before long, the temperature of the soil in this area has risen to more than 100 degrees. At this time, Renault released the control of his mental power, allowing the heat of the soil to naturally conduct in the direction of the monster.

On Renault’s side, as the heat continued to accumulate, the soil temperature began to gradually decrease, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared on the ground, and the heat from further away began to be conducted.

Soon the mud under the feet of the monster began to heat up, and the monster gradually felt a little uncomfortable. It noticed something was wrong, and anxiously pulled out a few roots from the soil and swept around randomly.

It also felt a creature in the distance, but because the distance was too far, the roots of the tree could not be reached at all.

As time went by, the temperature of the soil became higher and higher, the monster became more unbearable, the roots of the tree began to become dehydrated, it had to pull out more roots, this time also brought out a lot of black orc corpses, these corpses It has become riddled with holes and looks terrible.

The soil under the monster’s feet began to become extremely dry, all the water was evaporated, and the soil was compacted in large chunks.

Seeing that the environment is getting worse and worse, it is obviously not suitable to stay any longer. The monster intends to change its roots, the roots of the tree dance, and the underground corpses are rolled out. Before moving, it intends to pack all the food away.

At this time, Renault suddenly increased the input of mana, the soil began to heat up quickly, and the ground slowly turned dark red!

More heat is transferred to the roots. Under the high temperature baking, its roots have been severely dehydrated, and a large number of tiny roots have completely dried out, which makes it feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although there are still many corpses that have not been brought out, the monster decided to give up because the rate of water loss is too fast, and it may be life-threatening if it continues to stay.

Between food and life, it decisively chose the latter.

However, the monster’s reaction was still too slow!

This is exactly the strategy Renault chose-to boil the frog in warm water and use a slow temperature increase to paralyze the monster, making it think that there is still plenty of time, and when it really wants to leave, it is completely too late.

Renault suddenly raised his hands, and the magic energy in his body surged sharply. At this moment, the dark red ground heated up sharply.

The soil has finally melted!

Behind Renault, Angela and Moose looked silly.

Because the scene is really a bit magnificent, it’s not just a small play like melting the stone wall before. Watching such a large piece of ground melt into a liquid state, the surroundings become extremely hot, and even the air is distorted by the roasting. It’s shocking.

Under the control of the spiritual power, the melted liquid soil quickly flowed toward the monster, and a wave of more than 10 meters wide appeared on the ground, a wave of death formed by the liquid soil!

At this moment, the monster finally panicked and could no longer save food. It madly pulled out all the tree roots, using some of the tree roots to support the huge tree trunk, and the other part of the tree roots inserted into the distant soil, by shrinking the tree roots. To move the body.

But such a huge body is not easy to move, and the speed is very slow, it is impossible to avoid the faster-moving liquid soil.

When the liquid soil touched the tree roots, the dry tree roots ignited directly, and a raging flame instantly rose.

As more and more liquid soil flowed past, more and more tree roots caught fire, and the fire spread rapidly.

The monster was crazy. It rolled up the soil with its roots and piled it up in front of it, trying to block or cover the rushing liquid soil, but this was destined to be a futile effort and could not stop the pervasive liquid soil.

At this time, Renault already felt a little tingling in his forehead. This was a typical symptom of excessive mental energy consumption. At such a long distance, it was not a simple matter to control a large amount of liquid soil.

Even if his mental strength is not weak, he can’t afford such a huge consumption.

When the liquid soil was overwhelmingly surrounding a tree trunk, the fire finally soared into the sky!

A large amount of milky white liquid was immediately flowed out from the trunk to extinguish the flame, but this was nothing but a drop in the bucket. Under the baking of the flame, the liquid was directly evaporated.

When the liquid soil touched the second tree trunk, the fire was out of control, and the monster was completely mad. It swung the burning tree roots frantically, flapping the flames on the trunk, trying to extinguish the fire.

But this stupid behavior fueled the fire.

Then the third tree trunk was also lit, and thick smoke billowed straight into the sky!

At this point, everyone can see that the monsters are in danger.

Renault actually used his own power to kill the terrible monster!

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