Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 11

Chapter 10 Terrible stalker

Before the journey, Renault once saw a question. If you stay for a while, would you choose a mobile phone or a girlfriend?

After squatting in the tree for 2 days, he finally knew the answer!

It must be a mobile phone!

Renault looked at the sky blankly and couldn’t help but sigh softly.

The blonde girl gave him a helpless look. In her opinion, these two days have been a rare and pleasant time since her escape. Not only are there enough food and water, but there is no need to worry that the black orcs will be killed at any time, and even her feet have been injured. Healed completely.

So she couldn’t understand Renault’s mental state.

At the beginning, Angela also strongly asked Renault to pay attention to the tree at all times and pay attention to whether anyone was passing by, but Renault repeatedly distracted while guarding the sentry. This kind of futile effort.

But in Renault’s view, this kind of life is simply a torture!

The area of ​​this simple shelter is less than 3 square meters, and it is only constructed by some branches and grass. The structural strength is very suspicious. He dare not even do some large movements, for fear that the shelter will be tossed and collapsed.

In order to ensure concealment, the two people need to minimize the conversation, and if they must communicate, the volume should be kept as low as possible.

In other words, most of the time, Renault can’t move, can’t speak, can only watch the scenery!

Even though the forest scenery in the alien world is quite good, but after watching it for so long, he has already felt nauseous.

Therefore, in his heart, this kind of life is more painful than jail time!

But for such a painful thing, Angela was so happy that she could not only stare at the tree intently for a long time, she even made a rope with a length of more than 40 meters by hand using a kind of high-strength vine she collected.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but glanced at the slender back, and couldn’t help but mutter: “What a terrible alien!” Then he resumed his posture of looking up at the sky 45 degrees.

I don’t know how long it took, Renault suddenly heard Angela whisper, and then the girl stretched out her slender hand and slapped his arm vigorously, and her white right finger pointed to the right side, motioning him to look at this position.

Renault immediately looked through the branches and leaves. In the gloomy forest, there was a vague figure flashing more than 300 meters away.

This figure moved quickly among the huge trees, stopping from time to time and walking around the trunk, seeming to be looking for something.

Renault couldn’t help being shocked, and finally someone came!

As the figure approached, Angela cheered excitedly: “It’s Moos, Moos is looking for us…”

Renault also saw the figure below. It was indeed Moose, because he saw the two iconic giantswords behind the figure!

He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His strategy was successful!

Angela did not hesitate to grab a branch beside her and threw it down. The sound of the branch landing alarmed Moose in the distance. After looking at it, he immediately ran over.

Before Moos approached, Angela’s clear voice had passed: “Moos, we are on it…”

Moose’s figure was shocked, and he shouted excitedly: “Angela…Father God is here, fortunately you are safe and sound!”

The two put down the ropes and quickly climbed down. As soon as they stepped on the ground, Angela rushed over with joy and hugged Moose’s right hand tightly.

For the first time, Renault saw Moose who had been talked about by a girl countless times. His image at the moment was a bit terrible. His brown hair and beard on his face had grown amazingly, untidy and unruly, looking like a savage. different!

His body is extremely burly, almost comparable to a sturdy black orc. His leather armor is also covered with large and small scratches and stains. There are damages in many places, and the traces of blood oozing can be clearly seen. Obviously this He experienced a hard fight along the way.

After the joy of the first sight subsided, Moose began to inquire about the situation of the two. In Angela’s quick narration, he learned what happened to the two in recent days.

Moose immediately understood the key role played by Renault. Without Renault, I am afraid that Angela would not survive at all.

Renault’s subsequent series of arrangements are especially commendable. Not only did he calculate his mind extremely accurately, but also the various arrangements are comprehensive, and it is difficult for him to do better than Renault!

Moose stared deeply at Renault, suddenly slapped Renault on the shoulder, and said in a compliment: “Good job!”

Reynolds was a little flattered. In his memory, Moose was a taciturn person and rarely praised others. For the first time in so many years, he heard Moose’s praise!

Moose said again: “You hurry up and pack up, we have to get out of here as soon as possible, and the black orcs will come after them soon!”

Angela couldn’t help asking: “Moos, can we continue to hide in the tree? This way the black orcs will not find us for a long time, so they will naturally give up…”

From the girl’s point of view, Renault’s method was perfect. If she were a black orc, she would never find such a hidden hiding place.

Moose shook his head: “The Black Orcs have more methods than we thought. I have tried this method, but they found it!”

Then his face became serious: “Among the black orcs chasing me, there is probably a black orc stalker!”

The stalker is a very rare type of orc in the black orc clan, their sense of smell is extremely sharp, and they are extremely good at tracking!

According to rumors, the most powerful hunters can even smell the scent that remained three days ago. Once they are targeted, no one can get rid of them!

According to Renault’s understanding, this ability of the stalker should be a special mutation that appears under the influence of magic energy, which greatly strengthens the sense of smell, and even exceeds that of the dog’s nose on the earth.

Renault couldn’t help sweating, but fortunately Moose found it first, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He and Angela looked at each other, and both saw the color of happiness in each other’s eyes.

A trace of doubt rose in Renault’s heart. The three of them are just trivial small targets. The Black Orcs have chased them for 4 days, which has made him feel very strange. Now even the rare stalkers have appeared. What do you want to do?

Renault frowned and asked directly: “Uncle Moos, why are the Black Orcs chasing us!”

Moose hesitated for a moment, and then said his guess: “When we scattered and fled 3 days ago, I probably killed an important person in a certain black orc tribe…”

Renault understood in an instant, and he was certain that the black orc killed by Moose was the son of a chief!

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