Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1001 The final battle

In the gloomy void, a ‘Space Wave Exploration Satellite’ under the Control Center of the Fourth Satellite slid across the sky silently at a super high speed of over 5 km/s.

In the outer orbit of Blue Star, a total of 36 ‘space wave exploration satellites’ are operating.

They are divided into 3 groups, according to 3 different orbits, flying around the entire planet, closely monitoring every corner of the blue star.

The principle of these satellites is different from the ‘magic communication satellite’ or the ‘disaster detection satellite’. The latter two transmit magic waves to the Blue Star’s surface at a fixed frequency. This is a kind of ‘active’ detection.

The former never emit magic waves, they only accept space waves that sweep through the void, which is a kind of ‘passive’ detection.

To a certain extent, this set of satellite networks is a super weapon against the Void Demon Race.

After a few breaths, a gloomy spatial wave surged from far away.

The rune device built into the satellite immediately sensed this wave of fluctuations, and the hollow metal ball engraved with thousands of runes was instantly lit up into a blue light ball.

Subsequently, under the control of the ‘Rune Core Logic Unit’, a set of ‘Magic Energy Space Wave Analysis Unit’ was activated. Within 0.01 milliseconds, this black box-like magic instrument completed three sets of quite complex analyses.

In the first step, more than 32,400 different spatial wave spectrum information stored in the ‘magic energy storage unit’ are instantly transferred to the relevant ‘comparison module’, and compared with the space waves received by Shicai.

The comparison results show that this is a kind of ‘low energy level’ space wave, and the ‘spectrum characteristics’ are in line with the space wave characteristics of the Demon Void Gate.

This is obviously a signal that requires a high degree of vigilance!

In the second step, the preliminary analysis results enabled the ‘Rune Core Logic Unit’ to activate two new magic instruments.

One is the ‘early warning communication unit’, which immediately launched an early warning signal to the Fourth Satellite Center to remind the rune magician on duty to pay close attention to this space wave.

The other is the ‘multi-magic state analysis unit’, which further analyzes the magic state of space waves to obtain more information.

The analysis results show that this is an ultra-high magical space wave, which is the most typical ultra-long-distance cross-border transmission.

In addition, considering the lower energy level of the space wave, one conclusion can be drawn-this is a small-scale, ultra-long-distance cross-border transmission.

At this point, it can almost be confirmed that the Void Demon Race is about to launch a new round of teleportation.

In the third step, the’rune core logic unit’ activates the’magic network connection unit’, which forms a distributed computing network with the 8 satellites in the neighboring area to analyze the’arrival coordinates’ and the’source coordinates of the space wave ‘.

In the past six months, magicians have gradually explored the ‘interface coordinates’ of the alien space where the demons are based on the ‘Astral Circle’.

Although the human federation led by Renault is currently unable to cross the distant void and enter the world of the demons, it is no longer difficult to trace the origin of the space wave.

After a short while, the calculation network got the result. The ‘arrival coordinates’ are the southeast area of ​​the Devil’s Sea, and the ‘source coordinates’ or ‘interface coordinates’ are 11-4034-2076-5913.

The latter is a four-dimensional coordinate, which represents a place-a different degree space.

At this point, it can be 100% sure that the Mozu launched a new cross-border teleportation.

From the above steps, it can be seen how sophisticated and complicated the structure of the’space wave exploration satellite’ is, and how high technical content it contains.

More than ten years ago, Hai Chao Ling was only able to manufacture magic weapons controlled by more than 20 runes, but now the Federation has the ability to produce magic weapons with hundreds of thousands of runes, which is definitely a tremendous advance.

Next, the ‘Rune Core Logic Unit’ performed the last step and issued the highest level red alert.

“Woo… woo… woo…”

The stern sirens echoed in the command hall of the Fourth Satellite Control Center, and the magicians suddenly exploded.

The highest person in charge of the control center, Intermediate Magician Angus, shouted loudly without hesitation:

“Immediately send an alert to the Federal Presidential Palace, the Federal Chancellery, the Army, the Air Force and the Space Corps, telling them that the Demon Race is about to launch a small-scale cross-border teleportation, and the jumping location is the southeast area of ​​the Devil Sea!”


The magicians began to frantically contact various agencies to prepare the military and government departments for the attack.

In the Dragon Palace Space City, Renault put down the communicator in his hand and said faintly:

“They are here!”

Angela standing on the side understood that the “them” in this sentence undoubtedly referred to the master of the demons.

The Miss Prime Minister took a deep breath, and there was an imperceptible tremor in her voice:

“Are you going to fight in person? Can’t we use Thanos’ Hand to deal with them? The Thanos’ Hand can kill even the’Floating Whale’, and the demon ruler does not adapt to the laws of Blue Star. They It may not be able to withstand the’heat death ray’ attack.”

Angela deeply understood that the enemy faced in the final World War I was extremely dangerous. Even if Renault was a powerful space master, there was a possibility of fall. She didn’t want to see Renault take risks from the bottom of her heart.

Renault looked at the begging in her eyes and sighed softly:

“Well, I will let the’Orbital Strike Group’ try to attack the Demon Master… However, the Demon Master is not a creature like the Floating Whale that only relies on its talents and abilities. The first wave of invasion has passed. It took a year for the demons to dominate with a high probability and came up with a way to circumvent the differences in laws.

“As far as I know, the demons masters long-distance subspace jumps, and they are extremely flexible in individual combat. I think the’space anchor’ may not be able to stop them from jumping, and the’hand of the hegemon’ is also difficult. Lock the target, so don’t expect too much!”

He chuckled, with an inexplicable meaning in his tone:

“For me personally, this battle is my fate!”

Speaking of this, Renault unconsciously thought of ‘entropy’ in his mind.

Eight years ago, this mysterious “Book of Thermodynamics” sent him to the throne of dominance all the way, before returning to the blue star’s magical sea. Now thinking about it, isn’t this just preparing for the final battle?

The Miss Prime Minister’s lips flicked a few times, but in the end she said nothing.

“Don’t worry, Angela.” Renault stared at his wife and said confidently, “Even at the master level, I should be considered the most powerful one. The danger of this battle is not as great as you think. .”

He beckoned to the armor in front of him, and all the parts flew quickly, one set on him.

This streamlined armor is a rare gray-silver, and the surface is shining with star-like light spots from time to time. This is the characteristic of the super magic metal’Xingyu Titanium’.

‘Xingyu Titanium’ is a unique magic alloy in space. Blue Star does not have it at all. Its performance is 10 times better than Star Blue Iron.

In addition, the chest of the battle armor is inlaid with more than 10 white crystals carved into a ring. This is the most precious “floating crystal”, that is, the master-level space magic crystal dug from the body of the “floating whale”.

This armor has a resounding name-the void armor!

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