Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1001

Chapter 992 Your goal is ambitious

For the energetic half-aged child full of fantasy, “adventure” is a very attractive word. A vigorous adventure is simply a medal of warriors.

But then again, in his teenage years, which boy didn’t have such stupid thoughts to make people laugh?

It’s just that some teenagers just think about it in their heads, while others put it into action. Tim, Locke, and others are the latter.

Especially in the period of the ‘wartime production system’, children have no parents to watch and have enough opportunities to let themselves go.

In fact, the so-called adventure of the teenagers is essentially just a ‘hike’.

Locke, the leader of this operation, put down a large backpack, took out several short swords with sheaths from it, and distributed them to the four partners one by one, saying:

“This is a weapon I specially brought. You may encounter danger during the adventure. You can use this to defend yourself.”

Tim took the weapon and drew the dagger from the leather scabbard with a “knock” sound. He looked up and down at the sharp blade flashing with cold light, and asked in surprise and excitement:

“Rock, where did you get the dagger?”

Locke stuck his short sword on his belt and said proudly:

“My grandfather opened a cold weapon equipment store, which I secretly took out from the store warehouse yesterday… Hey, look at this…”

The teenager who stole his own property took out a small exquisite metal crossbow from his backpack and showed it to his friends.

The Human Federation does not prohibit the sale of cold weapons. Weapons shops can be found in almost all towns. They not only have conventional weapons such as knives, guns, and swords, but also equipment such as full body armor, crossbows, and crossbows.

For weapons such as bows and crossbows that are more lethal, the government prohibits minors under the age of 14 from buying them. Even adults, they need to register with their real names when buying them and file them with the local police station.

There is no doubt that Locke’s behavior of holding a strong crossbow is definitely a violation.

However, this group of teenagers felt that this was a cool behavior.

“This’Banugan’ hand crossbow is a 10-year-old gift from my grandfather. It is priced at 580 silver nars… Its crossbow machine is made of light and high-light alloy, with crossbow arms and crossbow strings. The material is precious magic alloy, even if it is 250 meters away, it can shoot through standard steel armor.”

“By the way, this thing also has a miniature’magic winder’, which can be automatically wound in 5 seconds… I heard my grandfather say that the output of the’Banugan’ hand crossbow is quite small. Cold Weapon Manufacturing Group’s production stopped after only 50,000 pieces were produced, and now most people can’t buy them if they want…”

This conspicuous explanation made the other teenagers all look envious.

Locke waved his right hand triumphantly again:

“Guys, our goal today is to follow the freight railway behind the’Beishan Park’ to the’Temola Mine’ on the west side of the city!”

Another teenager took a sip of water and asked a little scared:

“But… But, I have seen the map. The’Temola Mine’ is at least 20 kilometers away from the city. It has been abandoned for many years. Will we encounter powerful beasts on the way?”

Locke shook his crossbow and said nonchalantly:

“Watt, what are you afraid of? If I really encounter a beast, I will kill it with ‘Banugan’… Oh, I brought a dagger for skinning purposely, and then everyone will just enjoy a sumptuous outdoor barbecue…”

The teenagers let out a happy laugh when they heard the words, and everyone tried their best to make a fearless look.

Only the teenager who was called “Watt” still had a reluctant expression on his face.

Tim lightly patted his companion on the shoulder, and said comfortingly:

“Watt, don’t worry, there are not too many wild beasts that dare to attack humans now… Besides, there are magical trains passing by on the railway line from time to time. I think wild beasts will not approach easily…”

What Tim said is correct. In today’s Blue Star, human beings are no longer the wombs of beasts as they used to be, but firmly occupy the top of the food chain.

Any beast that attempts to attack humans, no matter if it succeeds or not, will end up being cramped and placed on the human table.

“Let’s go!”

Locke shook his right hand vigorously and took the lead to walk towards the faintly visible railway line in the distance.

Trekking in the wild is harder than Tim imagined.

The area where the railway line passes is the most typical plateau landform. Due to insufficient rainfall, the vegetation on the ground is relatively sparse, and the rock formations in many areas are exposed, and large and small rocks can be seen everywhere.

At this time, it was the end of winter, all the weeds were withered and the trees were withered. Looking around, there was very little green in the range of sight.

The teenagers dare not hurry directly on the railway line. Otherwise, once the freight train comes over, after being spotted by the conductor, they will definitely report the incident to the local police station. There is absolutely no good fruit for everyone.

Several half-and-a-half children stepped on the rugged path and walked forward for more than 2 hours, and suddenly heard a few loud siren sound from behind.

“woo woo woo woo……”

Tim, who had just turned over a small hill, was the first to react. He tugged his companion’s sleeve and shouted:

“The train is coming, everyone squat down, don’t move!”

The others followed suit, squatting still, turning their heads and looking back.

I saw more than 1,500 meters away, a black long dragon suddenly rammed out from behind a small piece of high mountain white pine, rolling over the rails and drove quickly.

Since 9 years ago, construction of the first railway that is famous in the human world was officially started, the Federation has built dozens of railways on two continents, with a total mileage of more than 24,000 kilometers.

These railways have been constructed into two railway networks, namely the “Golden Railway Network” of Huiguang Mainland and the “Xingyao Railway Network” of Xinghai Mainland.

In this era, rail travel is no longer uncommon, and more than 35% of civilians have experience riding magic trains.

The Third National Middle School of Iron Helmet, where Tim is located, organizes some students to visit other cities in the Republic during the winter and summer vacations, and even has been to Hai Chao Ling thousands of miles away.

“1, 2, 3…7…11… a total of 24 freight carriages!”

Tim unconsciously counted the number of cargo boxes dragged by the locomotive. The cargo boxes were all open structures, and there were large chunks of red ore piled in each carriage.


As the train gets closer, the sound of wheels rubbing against the rails becomes louder.

Locke suddenly asked a question:

“I know this is from the red copper mine in’Red Dragon Mountain’, but who knows where they are shipped? What are they mainly used for?”

Tim replied casually:

“They will be sent to the ore smelter in the’Chiyan City’ 380 kilometers away, where they will be refined into copper ingots… I remember that this kind of copper ore also contains a small amount of magic silver and another kind of magic metal.’ Blue blood copper’.”

“Everyone should know the usefulness of magic silver. I won’t say much. The’blue blood bronze’ is mainly used to make magic alloys for aerospace, such as the building materials of Fengchao Space City.”

“As for the copper extracted from the copper mine, there are too many uses, such as the radiators, water pipes, faucets, and magic clocks in our homes, as well as many parts and components in the magic vehicles, the magic aircraft, and the magic ships. …”

Locke exclaimed:

“Man, you know so much!”

Tim shrugged:

“My ideal is to become a rune magician. After graduating from high school, I plan to apply for the rune school in the capital’Black Rock Mountain Capital’ and become an apprentice of the magician…”

Locke smashed his mouth a little enviously:

“Well, your goal is very ambitious!”

The others nodded.

As the sound of the train became inaudible, a group of teenagers stood up and continued their journey.

However, they had just left for a few minutes, and something unexpected happened.

A strange whistling sound suddenly came from the top of the head, and more than a dozen black shadows fell from the sky quickly, so fast that they could not be seen clearly, leaving a long gray-white tail smoke across the sky.

The black shadow fell like lightning into the low mountains 1 kilometer away, and the blazing giant flame cloud suddenly rose.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A deafening explosion resounded across the sky!

Including Tim, the five teenagers were so frightened by thunder that they screamed, and their hearts almost popped out of their chests.


Then came a violent shock wave, knocking them all to the ground and rolling straight to the bottom of the hill.

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