Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 448 - Besieged and surrounded

At 2:30 in the morning, the moon in the snow was round and huge, with a bright luster. After such light was reflected on the snow, it also made the surrounding snow fields extremely clear in people’s field of vision.

The people hiding around can also see clearly the situation below. The troops who accepted the Hebrew order hid behind the mountain and stared coldly at the troops stationed below.

On the top of the highest peak, a Hebrew in a camel-colored gown overlooks the bottom.

These people seem to be very quiet and stay in the station without any movement.

Behind Hebrew, on the cleaned stone lay a woman wrapped in gorgeous satin.

The woman closed her eyes. Because of the wind and snow, her face turned blue as if it had been frozen. There were even crystal clear ice on her eyelashes, and her entire face was even covered with a thin layer of frost.

In such a place where the temperature is below zero, it is tantamount to a freezer that naturally preserves corpses.

Hebrew glanced under his eyes, and soon a gray fog appeared, and after dissipating, a man stood beside Hebrew.

He looked at the tents that were stationed below, “Aren’t you going to do it yet?”

The Hebrew understood what he meant, “Where is your formation?”

The man pointed to the blood that suddenly appeared on the distant mountain, “It’s ready. As long as you can draw the man’s blood, you can touch the formation. It’s fair to exchange the fate of the favored son for the recovery of the royal daughter.”

Hebrew didn’t quite understand the meaning of his words, but he could generally know that in order for Jiatong to come alive, he had to exchange with people with strong intercontinental luck.

“Once the formation is activated, it cannot be stopped. After you start, I will wait here. With your current strength, you shouldn’t be defeated, right?”

The transformation troops under the Hebrews are the most powerful in the entire continent today. In such a war with a huge disparity in strength, it is not even necessary to guess who the final winner will be.

“I agree to all your requests, this is my only condition, let her live.” Hebrew said and looked at the corpse behind him.

This is what he is thinking about now, and it is the only requirement.

“Take a step forward, this entire continent is yours, isn’t this what you’ve always asked for, why are you still obsessed with her life and death now?” The man glanced at the opposite side.

This is like asking Hebrew, but also asking himself.

“This is not the end of her life, at least in my plans, her death was never planned.”

He never denied the use of Jiatong, but for so many years, he really loved her.

Growing up on Tongshan Mountain, he was independent from the world since he was a child. No matter what the situation was, he was able to maintain a decent posture. He never questioned him, which gave him enough trust and tolerance.

Now, it wasn’t until Jiatong’s death that he really reacted. After so many years of company, he was not completely devoid of affection.

After being in love with each other for so many years, he has long been accustomed to having her by his side.

“People always regret after losing, just like me, like you.”

The reason why he hastily opened the seal and brought troops here is because he wants to borrow the aura of spiritual beauty on this land.

The resentment spirits who died in the war were huge, and when they gathered together, there was a wave of resentment. This resentment was purified by the holy water of Tianchi Mountain and turned into a powerful obsession.

This obsession can do many things, including the resurrection of the dead and the undead.

On the Continent of Wuzhou, after the death of a spirit person, the three souls and seven souls on his body will turn into snow spirits and be scattered all over the world.

Legend has it that as long as the king’s snow spirits are reunited, the spirits can be resurrected. Compared with the resurrection of ordinary people, the resurrection of the spirits is more difficult.

“Go ahead.” Hebrew raised his hand and ordered.

The person lying in ambush in the snowy field suddenly got up, stood in the vast snowy field, accelerated the speed of his feet and rushed away.

For a while, the sound of gunshots and short-range artillery came one after another, and the entire snowfield exploded with fire.

The mines buried around the camp were extremely sensitive, and the time bombs exploded one after another, and the people who exploded were flying with blood.

The snow that was originally white and flawless was blood-stained red in a short while.

Hebrew stood at a distance and watched the chaotic scene below, then turned to hold Jiatong’s body and walked down.

“Are you going down here? Aren’t you afraid of cheating below?” the man reminded him.

“If I don’t go down, they won’t see Fu Yuxiu.”

Hebrew walked over under the **** of a group of people, and the man looked at his movements and said nothing.

He raised his hand and waved it in the air, and saw a vaguely large transparent spell wrapping the battlefield between the two valleys tightly.

As the number of deaths on the battlefield increased, the lustre of the spell grew brighter.

“Looks like it’s not enough.” He murmured.

Now that the seals of the two worlds are reinforced, it is impossible to interfere in the war here with the help of the power of the Five Continents.

Fortunately, he still has the Hebrew **** in his hand. Even without him, as long as anyone has ambition, he will definitely act for his ambition.

War is a common method for solving problems in many worlds. As long as the world exists for one day, war will not disappear forever.

He always has a chance.

At the same time, Si Zhao, who came from the Intercontinental Alliance, was standing in the air, and from her point of view, she could clearly see the spell that enveloped the entire mountain.

The same is true for the spells on the frontal battlefield. As the number of deaths increases, the undead will expand more and more.

This spell cannot be unraveled unless the spellcaster is repelled.

Si Zhao quickly locked on the person on the opposite side, clenched the ice that he had snapped from the tree in his hand, and walked away.

Seeing Si Zhao coming, the man’s eyes narrowed slightly. He always thought he had seen this girl somewhere.

But he couldn’t recall it all the time. There were only a handful of girls with such huge spiritual power even in the Five Continents, but he had no memory of her in his mind.

She is a descendant of which sect, and she has the ability to enter and exit time and space at will.

“Tianyuan, I advise you to stop as soon as possible. You are reuniting the undead because of people who have thoughts in your heart. No one will criticize this, but you are hurting others’ lives at the cost of being against the law of heaven.”

The man raised his head and stared at her with a pair of eyes, “How do you know my name, who are you?!”

“You think Tianhuan has been resurrected. He knows that there are so many lives under his resurrection. Can he forgive you?”

Tian Yuan suddenly changed his face, “Don’t talk nonsense!!”

Si Zhao shook his head lightly, “I heard that the young man was like a warm sun when he was alive, and he was clearly practising a highly destructive annihilation technique, but he didn’t want to hurt even a single flower or tree, and his sword never hurt him. Innocent person, now that you have done such a thing, do you still expect him to wake up and thank you for letting him bear such a life for no reason?”

Her words successfully angered the person on the opposite side, he leaped over and slashed at Si Zhao with a ruthless force.

Between lightning and flint, Si Zhao blocked the attack with one hand.

The two immediately went up from the bottom, and the two rays of light were entangled in the air, and then separated again after hitting.

Below, the enemies attacking from all directions were captured by the surrounding traps before they approached the camp.

According to Fu Yuxiu’s request, they set up a lot of mines and bombs near the camp, and the firepower and medicinal power of these mines were unparalleled.

Before anyone could attack, it was folded in half. These bombs were remodeled and injected with higher-strength gunpowder a few days before departure, and their explosive power and aggressiveness were doubled.

Even if this half of the people are solved, the remaining half still needs them to fight for their lives.


Yuan Cang and Feiran were guarding by Fu Yuxiu’s side, and they both cut the neck of the transformed man in front of them at the same time, but under the gushing blood, the blood further stimulated the genes of the beasts in their bodies.

The bloodthirsty instinct awakened, and their emotions became more and more manic.

Fu Yuxiu raised his foot and kicked the attacker. The man turned between his bodies, the gun in his hand aimed at his eyes.

The bullet went out, and the person in front of him only suffered damage to his eyeballs, and the bullet didn’t even go past the soft tissue of his skull.

The transformed person who was attacked by pain screamed in pain, but the strength of the attack was getting heavier and more incoherent.

Yuan Cang and Feiran had the answer in their hearts, and they talked to their boss, and the people who followed them would be even more powerful, and even bullets couldn’t hit them with strong muscles.

And these people have a red flame-shaped pattern on their foreheads, as if they have been hit by evil.

Thinking about the seal, they could roughly guess that the people who helped the Hebrews had not left.

He will definitely try to improve the power of these transformations.

This is the strength after reinforcement.

The ground was full of corpses, split in half from the middle, blown up by bombs, dripping into ice, the blood-colored area getting bigger and bigger, and the warm blood even melted the snow-white snow.

When the horn to stop the attack sounded, everything stopped.

Yuan Cang and Feiran stopped in front of Fu Yuxiu and saw the Hebrew who came carrying the corpse in the road that was out of the way.

The three raised their eyebrows when they saw the lifeless and wrapped corpse in his arms.

The information given by Madam seemed to be true. Hebrew actually appeared with a corpse in his arms. In this case, the corpse should be Princess Jiatong.

“Aren’t you going to let go?” Hebrew looked at Fu Yuxiu, “If you surrender now, they won’t have to die.”

Before the corpse is piled up, the hope of life is something anyone will try to grasp.

“The outcome is uncertain, don’t deceive people here!” Yuan Cang said coldly.

Hebrew looked into the distance, with a confident expression of victory on his face, “Really? The outcome is uncertain?”

At the same time, from the mountains around them, there were shouts that shook the sky.

I saw figures standing up one after another on the surrounding mountains. Those people were far taller than the transformed people.

Fu Yuxiu looked around and sneered, so it really was, he was embarrassed on all sides.

“I promise you, as long as you are alive, I will let them go, but if these people are still stubbornly resisting, you will only have one death!”

Listening to this, what the Hebrews have given is also a way of life.

Yuan Cang and Fei Ran stood in front of the man without any hesitation, looking at Hebrew with contempt.

“Don’t talk nonsense, if you want to do it, do it as soon as possible, don’t think that our dark palace is all soft bones!”

Hearing these words, Hebrew raised his hand coldly, and was about to issue an order when he heard a cry not far away.


When he turned around, he saw a group of people walking out of the side of the mountain. Ying Ran was wearing a dark military coat and staggering towards him on the heavy snow.

“Ying Ran?” Hebrew looked at his daughter who should not have been here.

Hongyun and his group came to the middle in a mighty manner, he bowed his head to the man and gestured, “Master.”

They should have arrived an hour ago, but in order to avoid these people on the way, it took some time.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ying Ran who ran to Hebrew’s side, knowing that he would kill this woman directly.

If it wasn’t for her calling to reveal their position, they wouldn’t have walked so brightly to the center of the encirclement.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t like her.” Lu Zhizhou said to Fu Yuxiu.

It was originally here to help, but now it seems that the situation is not very good.

“Father, this is you?” Ying Ran looked at her father.

Hebrew didn’t have any mood swings about her arrival, just glanced at her.

“Hebrew, I clean up the door in the name of the new king, are you still obsessed with it now?” Lu Zhizhou shouted to the person opposite.

Hebrew raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stay with Ying Ran, and before he came out of the joy of finding his father, he saw the corpses all over the floor.

Her eyes were full of red, dazzling and shocking, and her body began to tremble.

In the past two days in the jungle, she also saw a lot of corpses, but now in front of her is the naked massacre scene.

The pungent and rich smell of blood made her stomach twitch and spasm, and she couldn’t stop her emotions, she bent down and vomited on the ground.


Hebrew looked at Lu Zhizhou, and then looked at Ying Ran beside him.

“Strange, since you can come here, what about Wen Li? I killed her parents, and now I can survive and want her husband’s life, how could she just stand by?”

Lu Zhizhou retorted, “How can you still have the face to mention Wenli!! Haven’t you harmed enough of the royal family?!”

If it weren’t for him, Wen Li would not have been an orphan. If it wasn’t for Hebrew ambitions, Hatas would not have sacrificed himself, and Jiatong would not have committed suicide in grief. He even wanted Yin Sa countless times. life.

He killed the royal family by himself, and he wanted to kill Wen Li’s husband.

“It’s a pity to say that she won’t come here. If she sacrifices her life, it seems to be more in line with Jiatong’s identity.” Hebrew said with a sigh of relief, “But her husband also That’s enough, although it’s true that I’m sorry for her, but if she doesn’t return to K country, none of this will happen.”

It was she who walked this road by herself and couldn’t blame anyone.

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