Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 428 - It\\\'s not too late for me to come (the sacrifice is suspended)

The torches of the sacrificial altar will only be lit during sacrifice, which is the most mysterious place in the entire palace.

For the K royal family, the status of the sacrificial altar is very important, and it is also clear to many descendants of the royal family.

This torch will only be lit when a crown prince or a new king is selected to succeed the throne, and it will not be easily ignited if it does not involve the divination of the national destiny.

But now, it is not any important period, but it lights up after nightfall.

The earl’s clansmen who were originally staying in the guest hall all looked in the direction of the sacrificial altar.

Now that the torch is lit, I am afraid that something big is going to happen.

Hattas and his party hurried to the open space in front of the sacrificial altar, and as soon as they looked up, they saw two teenagers running out of the back hall of the sacrificial altar.

Behind the two were a group of guards with heavy weapons, chasing to fight and kill.

“Sister Su!!” Lu Min hurriedly called out when he saw the person.

Xia Chen’s voice was hurried, “We can’t find the boss!!”

This made Yin Sa and Lu Zhizhou’s expressions change. No matter where Wen Li was, Lu Min and Xia Chen were always with him.

Now the two said they couldn’t find Wen Li, which was a joke.

“The pointer display is right here, so there will definitely be no problem.” Su Jingjing said and clapped the instrument in her hand.

People must be in this place no doubt.

“What do you mean when you say you can’t find it?” Yin Sa looked at the two teenagers.

These two people are very good, and they have always come and gone without a trace. How could they be chased and chased by others.

Sure enough, Su Jingjing saw the sweat on the foreheads of the two of them, and grabbed the person’s hand.

Lu Zhizhou also stepped forward to support Xia Chen.


Xia Chen nodded, his breathing was vain, and they took the antidote given by the boss after the gap was reached.

But after taking the antidote, it will take time to work. The two of them don’t have much strength, and cold sweat drips down their foreheads, and the people watching are frightened.

“Leave us alone, Madam was taken away by Lu Zhizhou’s father.” Lu Min was supported by Dongqing, and he seemed so powerless.

Hearing this, Hattas hurried forward with the Guards, leaving a few people behind at once.

“Why did my father arrest Wen Li?” Lu Zhizhou followed several people in confusion.

“The signal has disappeared.” Su Jingjing put away the instrument.

But it can be determined that people are here, just on the ground or underground, and no one can find them.

Lu Min stood beside Su Jingjing with his chest supported, his face extremely pale, “It’s useless, there seems to be a special magnetic field intervening here, all the electronic devices are useless after they come in.”

The other party must have made adequate preparations.

Hattas led people across four doors and steps, and was stopped when approaching the small courtyard in the central hall.

“Your Majesty, you can’t go there.”

Yin Sa recognized this person, who was with Prince Pei and the person in charge of the sacrificial altar.

“Get out of the way!” Hattas looked gloomy.

The man was not timid, and his posture was generous and calm. “The successive kings can only enter the sacrificial altar at a fixed time. You are afraid that you are losing your mind.”

This person said this, but he didn’t mean to let go.

“Take it.”

Following Hatas’s order, Yun Mu had already started to lift the people away, and everyone who blocked him was tied up.

Not to mention that these entourage soldiers were afraid, even the old man who lived in the palace for so many years and was responsible for guarding the sacrificial altar was startled.

The kings of the K kingdom have worshipped the sacrificial altar, and they have always treated the high priest with courtesy, and never interfered with the sacrificial altar at will.

In order to prevent the sacrificial altar from changing, the royal family also took care of it, and arranged members of the royal family other than the royal family to take care of it.

In the eyes of many people, the sacrificial altar is a very sacred place in the eyes of the royal family, which can be described by the word faith.

But now His Majesty the King has sent someone to surround the entire sacrificial altar without warning. This is a major event.

And His Majesty’s face is full of anger, this is the atmosphere.

Hattas led people directly into the palace where Prince Pei lived behind the sacrificial platform. Standing in the courtyard, everyone could vaguely feel the chill and coldness that permeated the air.


With the order of Hatas, Yun Mu led the team into countless teams and scattered in the palace.

“His Majesty.”

A man in sacrificial clothing walked out of the main hall and walked straight to Hatas, neither humble nor arrogant.

“Prince Pei asked me to wait here just to wait for His Majesty and tell His Majesty a word.”

Hatas looked at the person in front of him without saying a word.

“You already made mistakes back then, don’t make mistakes again now, don’t forget the mission and responsibilities you bear, you are the king of K country, and unlike ordinary people, now Prince Pei is making up for your mistakes back then, If you can’t be so cruel, you will be a sinner to the entire K country, and you will be left behind for thousands of years, so you should take someone back to rest first.”

Such painstaking persuasion did not allow Hatas to listen to him.

Su Jingjing returned with Xia Chen and Lu Min. Although they were confused, they could still identify the direction.

“You two talk about what happened just now?” Hatas looked at the two teenagers.

Xia Chen pointed to the opposite side, “We saw with our own eyes that the boss was brought into the underground palace from there by Prince Pei, but just when we passed by, we didn’t find the door, and the door mysteriously disappeared.”

The door was clearly seen by both of them, but when they looked for it again, it disappeared without a trace. If it wasn’t for Lu Min who was still with him, Xia Chen would doubt whether there was something wrong with his eyes.

After listening to their words, Dongqing took people to check around and confirmed that it was just a wall.

“Tear down this wall.” Yin Sa ordered.

Dongqing led the people to start neatly, and after a while, it was proved that this was really just a wall.

Not any door to the underground palace, nor any entrance.

“Did you remember it wrong?” Lu Zhizhou followed.

A good-looking door will not disappear so strangely.

“This place is sealed by a barrier, and that door is not an ordinary door, so it won’t be found so casually.” Gu Ningxi said.

Su Jingjing turned around and reacted, isn’t she still with this little ancestor by her side, how could she forget this person.

“Boundary?” Hatas looked at Gu Ningxi and repeated this sentence.

“And the magic and spiritual power used in this enchantment are the strongest. It should have been planted as early as a hundred years ago. It should be doing something very important, for fear of being disturbed.” Gu Ningxi raised her head. look at the sky.

Even if the people around her couldn’t notice it, she could clearly see the huge ball of light that enveloped the entire sacrificial altar.

It covered the entire sacrificial altar like a huge hood.

The torches lit on the stage suddenly brightened, causing everyone to look back sharply. The sparks danced in the air like bright stars in the dark night sky.

“What method can we use to rescue Wen Li?” Hatas turned aside the people around him and looked at the little girl in front of him.

Gu Ningxi looked at Hatas for a while, the worry in the old man’s eyes was not deceiving.

“Although I don’t know what ceremony is going on here, it seems that the ceremony has also started. The barrier should be opened after the ceremony is over. If you want to forcibly break in, there is a way.”

After listening to Gu Ningxi’s words, Hattas hurriedly asked, “Any way, no matter what.”

Su Jingjing patted her shoulder, “Don’t be scary, you can decide whether you can open this barrier.”

Although it’s not clear what’s going on here, but Prince Pei took such a lot of trouble to deceive Wen Li, which can make Hatas mess up.

It can never be a good thing. When it is over, this person is afraid that he will be cold.

“There is a way, but it will take some time. I am already preparing.” Gu Ningxi said.

My brother had reminded her when he came here last time. In order to prevent her from falling off the chain at a critical moment, my brother planted magic techniques in the entire palace. It was not too difficult to find Sister Wen Li.

“You are the king, can I borrow some of your blood?”

Just as Gu Ningxi finished speaking, Hatas had already taken a dagger and cut his wrist.

In the underground palace, Wen Li, who was forced to leave the ground, was suspended in mid-air, and the blood dripping from her fingers suddenly accelerated and gathered on the ground.

Looking down from the top, she realized that the place she was standing just now was in the middle of a huge stone formation.

The ground is a whole block of marble, but it is carved with a strange pattern, and a strange pattern is formed under the large and small.

A sentence was written in ancient script on the edge.

After the blood dripping from her fingertips fell in the middle of the pattern, it spread forward along the carved ravine, and soon filled the entire pattern.

The black gas that kept coming out of the crystal wrapped her whole body, and finally turned into a human-shaped skeleton facing her.

“Fallen Angels!” The high priest stopped dancing, knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky, and made a respectful cry at people.

“Do you want to sacrifice me to this kind of thing?” Wen Li looked at the skull in front of him coldly.

It does seem to be something that will scare people to tears, but if a timid person sees this kind of inhumane thing, I am afraid that they will be scared to death long ago.

“Now I’m offering offerings as promised, and I hope the Fallen Angels will accept it, take back the divine punishment, and protect the prosperity of our country K for a hundred years.” Prince Pei had already bent down and saluted.

In the black mist, it turned into a hand and stretched out in the direction of Wen Li.

Before she could touch Wen Li, a burst of purple light suddenly appeared in her hand, which turned into a sharp blade, and broke the black mist in an instant.

“what happened???!!”

Seeing this, the high priest cried out in a frenzy, but it was still useless, watching the purple energy chasing the fallen angel in their eyes, forcibly forcing the person back into the crystal.

Without the support of that strength, Wen Li fell from the air, and before she could land, a strength supported her to stand up stably.

The limbs landed firmly, and Prince Pei and the high priest looked at the girl who suddenly appeared beside Wen Li.

The long Tsing Yi dress, with a beautiful face, snow-white skin, a slender waist, and a three-point charm between the raised eyes, the strength that supported Wen Li’s body came from her hand.

“Is it not too late?” The girl asked Wen Li.

After standing on the ground, Wen Li swept over the crystal stone behind her and laughed softly, “Just right.”

“Who are you?!” Prince Pei looked at the uninvited guest in front of him.

Although they don’t have superpowers, they can’t drive very powerful forces like those people, but all the crystals here are extraordinary.

According to all the books collected on the sacrificial altar, once the sacrificial ceremony began, the enchantment opened by the crystal stone on the periphery was opened, and no one could stop it.

The sacrifice has been going on for so many years, and no one has ever broken in in the middle, but today, this woman broke in easily.

“How to deal with it now, this crystal seems to block something, and it does act as a seal.” She raised her head and glanced at all the crystals in her eyes.

When rushing over from there, she was more or less hindered, but fortunately she caught up.

“If the sacrifice is stopped, will the seal collapse?” Wen Li looked at the person in front of him.

The girl turned around and glanced at it, “Since it is a blood contract, there must be something to pay, both gains and losses. This is a contract they signed by themselves, and there must be a price to pay.”

Prince Pei looked at the person who suddenly appeared, and heard her words clearly, and quickly refuted it.

“Since you also said that there will be gains and losses, why do you still stop our sacrifices, you are from there, you are doing it on purpose!”

She admitted to this, “This is indeed a blood contract that cannot be avoided, but this contract was not signed by her. I can take care of you if you arbitrarily decide the fate of others.”

On the Continent of Five Continents, there is indeed a saying that after a blood pact is concluded, it cannot be freed. Only when the contract is broken can one escape the shackles.

It’s just that the people here were able to sign a contract with the Fallen Angel, to find such a power as a backer, and to seal the entire entrance and exit.

He also used this method to maintain the peace here, but unfortunately, signing a contract with the Fallen Angel will always only be a loss, not a profit.

“Your affairs have nothing to do with me. I don’t care even if you sacrificed people from your entire dynasty today, but this person is not good. I have to take this person away. I’m sorry.”

This has already shown his attitude.

“No, you can’t take her away! Absolutely not!!” The high priest rushed over suddenly, “If she doesn’t sacrifice and angers the gods, the entire K country will suffer!! All people will die, blood will be everywhere. , the corpses are piled up and turned into a pile of bones!! She can’t go, can’t!!!”

She was chosen by the Fallen Angel after Le Jia, which proves that the Fallen Angel forgave Le Jia’s deceit, and even if there is a god’s forgiveness, it cannot be repeated again.

A white light flashed, and Gu Ningxi led a few people to stand in the middle of Prince Pei and Wen Li.

The strong and **** smell that rushed to the face was terrifying, Hatas and Yin Sa were the first to react, and at the same time they saw the pale girl standing there.

“Wen Li!!”

Yin Sa rushed over to hug her, checked her body up and down, and made sure she was okay, Yin Sa breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s alright, uncle is here, and there is uncle here.” He hugged Wen Li and whispered comfortably, “Uncle will not let anyone hurt you, absolutely not.”

After Su Jingjing saw the scene in front of her clearly, she raised her hand and rubbed Gu Ningxi’s head, “Okay, little girl, it’s amazing.”

Wen Li was found in a split second, what a surprising child.

“It’s okay.” Gu Ningxi looked at the woman beside Wen Li.

Who she is, there is a very familiar feeling to her.

“Father, what do you want to do to Wen Li!” Lu Zhizhou stepped in front of Prince Pei in two steps.

But the man did not reply to him, and looked up at Hattas opposite.

“Your Majesty, are you preparing to make mistakes again and again?”

Hatas stood beside Yin Sa and Wen Li, and after being silent for a long time, he instructed Yin Sa, “Leave with Wen Li first.”

Some things cannot be avoided, especially him, and he is not allowed to have the opportunity to escape.

“This year, there have been frequent disasters, tsunamis, droughts, floods, earthquakes, and the entire country is in mourning. Haven’t you woken up yet? You have lived a princess, but you have to let many people be buried with you. Do you really regret it? Did you forget to follow Did you make the oath when you were in power?”

Prince Pei’s words, every word, pierced into Hatas’ heart.

It’s like telling him that he’s not a good father or a good king.

It is ridiculous to sit in this position without being able to protect the children, protect the country, and even less protect the people.

“Pei, anyone can do it, she can’t.”

“Why?” Prince Pei was stunned, “You used a strategy to send Princess Lejia away, because you know that Princess Lejia will sacrifice without hesitation. She is the princess of K country, and she has a respectful face from birth. It is destined that this is the price she has to pay, and now this child, she is Le Jia’s biological daughter, her destiny is doomed!!”

She must sacrifice for the country.

Hattas took a step forward and looked at Prince Pei, “She was born in the folk, she has never enjoyed the glory and respect of a princess for a moment, she is not worshipped by all the people, and she does not eat a single crop of corn from the K country, the water and soil here have never nurtured her, the people Haven’t treated her kindly, what reason do we have for her to make the same choice as Lejia?”

Since ancient times, people who have been in high positions have always had to pay the corresponding price, and bear the same price as their lives, in order to sit in that position safely.

“She has only lived for 20 years, and half of her life is painful. We are not qualified to ask her to sacrifice.”

Prince Pei clearly saw the redness and pain in Hatas’ eyes, but he couldn’t say anything for a while.

“I was really wrong. I was selfish once for my daughter. I thought that it would be fine to send her far away and live a good life, but I neglected that there are always people in this world who can still find her, too. My selfishness, I always thought that it would be good to keep Wen Li by my side for a while longer.”

“Although I am not a competent king, you can rest assured that I will definitely take responsibility, but there is only one point before that, don’t touch this child.”

He has failed to keep his daughter, and he cannot keep the child any longer.

At least let him come down below, and be able to talk to Le Jia with peace of mind…

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