Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 22 - Being a guest in Nanjia, someone wants to see you

When the Nan family sister and brother came to visit, Nan Pei proposed to let Mu Wenli visit her, which made the whole Mu family a little confused.

Everyone has a different look on their face and different thoughts in their hearts.

Mu Jingan saw it very clearly. After Wen Li went downstairs, the attention of Nan Sheng and Nan Pei were all on her, and the other side didn’t even look at her.

After listening to what Li Mengluo said, Mu Jing was calm, Nan Sheng was afraid that Mu Wenli had other thoughts.

Otherwise, why did you come here today after the maintenance at the dinner party? The purpose is very clear.

“Miss Nan Pei is really partial. There are three girls sitting here. Who doesn’t know that Luan Pei’s studio produces traditional costumes every year. It is the dream of many girls. You only invite Wen Li to your studio alone. Being a guest, doesn’t this make the other two jealous?” Mu Jingan laughed around the topic.

It’s natural to pay attention to words when speaking. Mu Jingan was not dissatisfied with what she said, but she spoke accurately for Mu Nuanxi and Li Mengluo.

Nan Pei naturally heard what Mu Jingan meant, and said with a smile, “I was abrupt and didn’t make it clear, this time I wanted to invite Nuan Xi and Wen Li to go there together, and it was a reference for me, just in time. The studio will release a new product next month.”

Lu Xue looked at her daughter and winked in Nan Sheng’s direction.

Mu Nuanxi bit her lip and said, “Will we be too disturbed in the past?”

“No, I just couldn’t ask for it.” Nan Pei said happily.

Everyone said this. Naturally, Mu Wenli and Mu Nuanxi went over together. In order to show courtesy, the old man prepared some gifts for the two children to bring over.

Li Mengluo dipped in Mu Nuanxi’s light energy and walked in the past, happily following the two of them into the car.

Said to go to Nan Pei’s studio, but the car went directly to the old Nan’s house and stopped. Wen Li got out of the car and stared at the antique Nanfu above the gate.

Seeing her puzzled look, Nan Pei walked over to her and explained, “I have my design studio at home, and many clothes that have not yet been listed will be sent to me for review first.”

So I came to Nanjia.

“Come in.” Nan Pei walked ahead of the others.

Nan Sheng stared at his sister’s back. Originally, he just picked up Wen Li alone, but he brought back three of them. He didn’t know how his sister would explain it later.

If the Mu family is a combination of Chinese and Western courtyards, then the Nan family is the most traditional pavilion.

Nan Pei lived in a yard by herself, and she happily led a few people around the winding path and went to the small yard where she lived.

It’s not the first time that Mu Nuanxi has come to Nan’s house, and her composure is incomparable with the surprised Li Mengluo next to her.

“These are all new models that are just about to be released. See if you like them, and give me some advice by the way.” Nan Pei pointed to a row of clothes hanging in the room.

The steps of wearing traditional clothes are not too complicated, but from the inner lining to the skirt to the outer robe, it is too much, but it is really beautiful.

Clothing that has been passed down for thousands of years and can be revived in modern times is what Nan Pei has always wanted to do.

“It’s very beautiful.” Mu Nuanxi stared at a gorgeous set of Ming-made costumes in front of her, “This set is very grand, but it does not lose the grace of a woman.”

“Good vision, that is one of my main embroidery items this time.” Nan Pei nodded.

“Sister Nan Pei, I heard that you haven’t selected the model for the press conference this time. Do you want me to recommend a few to you? I happen to know some good models, both famous and looks.” Mu Nuanxi said.

Nan Pei nodded, “I’ve already picked the rest, but I haven’t decided on the male and female models for the finale. Well, the clothes are all delivered.”

Following the direction indicated by Nan Pei, Mu Nuanxi looked at the two sets of clothes that were sealed in the glass cabinet.

One black and one red, embellished with cumbersome gems and the most delicate embroidery, the robe is long, and the long trailing tail is embroidered with delicate patterns of gold and silver threads, which is gorgeous and magnificent. ,

“It’s so beautiful.” Mu Nuanxi stared at the two clothes.

It is as delicate and beautiful as it has been seen through thousands of years.

“I’ve already found the male model.” Nan Pei said, swept across Nan Sheng at the door, and then glanced at Wen Li here, “It’s the female model, I haven’t found it yet.”

A few women were talking in the room again, it was not noisy, but it was indeed a little annoying. After calculating the time, Nan Sheng should bring people over.

“Wen Li, I have something to ask you here, can you come with me?”

Nan Sheng suddenly opened his mouth, causing both Mu Nuanxi and Li Mengluo to be stunned.

“Are you looking for the wrong person?” Li Mengluo was quick to say what he was thinking.

“Lolo.” Mu Nuanxi stopped her.

“Okay.” Wen Li went out from the room generously.

“Li Li.” Before stepping over the threshold, Mu Nuanxi reached out to hold her and reminded very seriously, “This is Nan’s house, which is different from being at home. You have to abide by the rules and don’t run around.”

Wen Li moved the hand that was bound by her, “I know.”

Seeing that Nan Sheng’s speaker was taken away, Li Mengluo stomped angrily, “Sister.”

Mu Nuanxi gave her a reassuring look, and continued talking to Nan Pei, “Let’s continue watching.”

Nan Pei touched his nose in embarrassment, but didn’t explain too much. He said too much at this time, which made people misunderstood.

Nan Sheng took Wen Li along the north side, walked through the promenade, and crossed three small yards. A quiet courtyard appeared among the bamboo forests.

The black wooden door, the ring on the door has a lifelike bronze lion head.

Nan Sheng stopped and gestured to her sideways, “Go.”

Wen Li is not stupid. From the moment she saw that tassel, she knew that it was not Nan Sheng who wanted to see him.

However, the adopted son of the Nan family really aroused her great curiosity, not to mention the reason for “knowing” his blood, just Nan Sheng’s attitude towards him is not like his attitude towards his adopted son.

This is not what the rumored tow bottle should look like.

After returning from the clubhouse, she asked Su Jingjing to investigate, and there was only a handful of information she could find, which further strengthened her thoughts.

This is definitely not ordinary people.

She raised her hand, pushed the door open, and the sight was clear. A stone road in the middle of the courtyard led to the corridor. Different plants were planted on both sides of the road, and a pond was built with stones on the far left.

There are carp of various colors, swimming with the clear and transparent spring water.

The active ponds and streams in the entire Nanjia are living water drawn from the back mountain. Wen Li remembered a sentence, the richer the family, the more they believe in Feng Shui.

She went under the corridor, in the spacious main room, with her back to her, a man was leaning on the reclining chair, and he could see his neat short hair and his palms on one side.

The five fingers are clean and white, and the index finger taps lightly on the wooden armrest, like a lingering melody.

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