Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 76: 76. 10 Times President

Chapter 76: 76. 10 Times President

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Hector returned to his work. His days went by trying to make sure no corruption could take home under his administration. Every single part of the government works like an oiled machine.

Good work was praised, bad work was condemned and even criminalised. He made sure to create an equal and just nation by showing no favours or prejudice. But in one instance he did take a side.

One day, when was going through his daily routine of reading all the major newspapers in the nation to make sure they were absolutely neutral, he found one article. "Andy Dufresne has lost his 6th court appeal. The man will continue to serve double life sentences."

He just remembered the name from a very iconic movie, ~Isn't this the man from Shawshank Redemption?~

Remembering this, he got up and headed straight to Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine. It was just his helicopter and him, since the distance was not too much. He came with Moony, acting as his sniffer dog.

When the chopper landed in the middle of the prison ground without even notifying anybody except the local police that was still on the way, most of the inmates and prison guards on the ground were shocked.

Of course, the Marine One was painted in its iconic olive green colour, and the flag and the letters "United States of America" were clear. Most prisoners knew whose chopper this was, all except the inmates that had been in the prison since even before World War II started.

Wearing a nice dark blue suit with a long coat, red tie and a big hat, he got down. His beard fluttered in the air, his sharp eyes looking around at the men. He was looking like the most badass gangster ever, and perhaps he was, after all, politicians were just legal gangsters who didn't paint their own hands dirty.

"Boys, which one of you can show me the way to the warden's office?" He asked them. Most men were dissuaded by the sight of two mean-looking bald men in suits, dark shades on their eyes and automatic rifles in their hands.

However, one fine fellow walked forward. Hector quickly recognised him as the man. "What's your name, son?"

"Andy Dufresne, Mr President." the man replied. A hint of oldness was on his face and hair by now. The poor man spent 23 years wrongfully jailed.

"Ah, I've seen your name in the papers. Lead the way," he gestured. But then he looked back, "Moony, come with me. You can eat the cheese later,"

"Woof" The good boy quickly came out running. He was a giant, more than 4 feet tall and long as a horse. He too was wearing a cute matching dark blue blazer and a hat on the head. Although he was pretty dangerous, some prisoners couldn't help but verbally show their awe.

Soon, the guards also came running, specifically the guard captain, Hadley. The man tried to send Andy away, but Hector objected. Then they all moved to the Warden's office.

On their way, they saw Warden too, sweating and confused. Hector greeted the man. He didn't stop, however. They arrived inside the Warden office first.

Moony knew what he had to do. He started to sniff around. Soon enough, he stopped at a portrait on the wall and barked, "Woof" ~Dad, here's the dirt,~

Hector nodded. Right in front of a dozen guards, the Warden and Andy, he lowered the painting, revealing a safe. He didn't even ask for the key, *BAM* He punched right through it, pulling it out.

From inside, he found the whole ledger and evidence of the corruption. he skimmed through it. "Boy, you messed up real bad. Stealing from the federal government?"

Warden Norton tried to step back, slowly moving to his table. He sweated profusely as if he'd drop dead at any moment. "I-I can explain... but how did you even know? Who told you?"

"That does not matter anymore. What matters is your crimes." Hector said.

"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME!" Norton screeched and took out a gun from his desk. He fired it at Hector. *TING* As if the bullet hit the metal, it got deflected away.

"You just added the charge of treason now. Wonderful, what a speedrun, Moony, get him." He ordered.

Immediately, the good boy jumped on him. But instead of biting him, he just sat down on his back. Hector then turned to Andy. "I presume you were the one who did his money laundering? Become a government witness, testify against him and I shall free you. If you want retrial for your case, I will allow that too."

"I agree," Without wasting a moment he agreed. Honestly, he was so frustrated at this point that he'd rather die or escape. This was the best option.

"Good. Now to you, Captain. Handcuff yourself and stand here beside my boy. Oh look, the police sirens are ringing. They're here." He sounded much more polite as if he didn't just deflect a bullet with bare skin.

Soon, the journalists arrived. He spoke to them outside. Immediately, he became a hero of the people, again. "President catches corrupt warden. The fight against corruption continues."

Such headlines ran in the papers for days, until the murders in the prison were revealed. With this, Hector got public support to bring whatever prison reforms he wanted.

He changed a few things. Not only were they made to work now, but they were also forced to either study or learn a skill. A new small office called Prison Direct Employment Exchange was made. It will try to get as many ex-prisoners jobs as possible.

One of the major reason criminals return to prison was being unable to find jobs. Now that won't be the case.

Andy though? He was later pardoned by Hector and then given a job at KingTech as an accountant.



Hector won his 9th presidency. This means he's been president for 36 years straight. There was no point in saying first-ever anymore.

These 4 years were defined by his economic policies and strong market. The world was at peace at last. No wars occurred except the occasional threats from USSR that he didn't take seriously.

The various mega infrastructure projects were already nearing completion. The American economy was at 1.6 trillion. The nation was in all senses a developed country. But, one major thing occurred. It was the investigation and trial of various Military production companies.

Stark Industries found itself in the middle of the storm. After an intensive investigation, it was found that the Stark Industries had been selling weapons to a third country, and that county was passing it forward. The money trail proved it clear that this was happening.

No matter how much Howard said that they had no idea and it was not their responsibility what happened to the weapons after selling them, Hector didn't believe him. This was the real face of Howard Stark, the man who created the most successful weapons company, the company that only stopped after Tony's eyes opened.

Just because Howard was friends with Steve didn't mean he was a good man. The company faced various sanctions and government oversight over whom they sold their weapons. Stark Industries tried to accuse him of being anti-capitalist but it didn't work.

Slowly, Hector's enemies in the business world kept on increasing. They were all rich and influential, but these were the men Hector wanted to save his country from. These men wanted to practice crony capitalism, one that hurt the people of their own nation.

But it was clear that as long as he was in office or held Congress by the balls, they wouldn't succeed.



10th Re-election. Hector had decided that he won't try in the next elections after this. If people wished, they'd keep him in the office, if they didn't, then he'd let someone else take over.

For the last time, he headed out to promote his campaign. It was just him, Moony and his driver, Logan. The car he was using was the Lincoln K-series Limousine, it belonged to Roosevelt back in the 30s, but now he used it to promote his campaign by removing the roof.

Roosevelt was still alive, by a thread, and sitting in the car too. He was 94 years old and Hector helped him to stay alive some more, saying, "At least finish a century before dying, man." But the man was weak now and rarely went out. Today was an exception, after all, how many presidents ran 10 times?

"Moony, you're the star charmer, I'm too old for the ladies to get wet for. Just wave your paw and howl," Hector helped Moony put his paw on the bar handle.

Roosevelt chuckled, "Look there, they seem like college girls and they're sending flying kisses. My friend, it doesn't matter if you're old, what matters is that you're still as strong as ever and jacked as a bull. Girls love a strong man in bed,"

"Ugh... even old ladies are sending me kisses," Hector muttered and waved at them.

"Vote for me, everyone. It'll be my 10th term, it'd be a shame if I lost at 9. Let's make it EVEN!" he voiced on the loudspeaker.

For his security, there were just a few men from the Police Department. The place he was campaigning was a college town, Annandale-on-Hudson, in New York.

"AWOOO..." All of a sudden Moony howled louder. ~Dad dad... look, something happened there.~

Hector turned to the side at the incoming traffic on the other lane. That side of the road was not stopped by the police, but it now was. There were also a few people standing, circling around something.

He jumped out of his campaign vehicle and ran quickly to see. Moony followed behind. "Step aside,"

His command was met with gasps and cheers. But he didn't stop. He quickly reached the centre and what he saw left him cold. A little girl, about 8-9, was on the ground, losing her life, all bloodied from the collision with the car.

Another troubling thing was the second red-headed girl, who was holding the injured one in the arms. But the second girl's eyes had rolled back and her body was twitching as if she was having a seizure, her eyes were tearful and her face going red.

"MOONY, WOUNDS!" he rushed.

Moony got into action to heal the little injured girl. While Hector quickly held the red-headed girl. Her small body continued to twitch in his arms. He had no idea what was happening to her, "Hey. Little one, wake up."

But she didn't return to normal. Yet, as Moony healed the other girl, this one also stopped twitching and crying. The moment all wounds were healed, the girl in Hector's arms also returned to normal.

"You see me? Are you okay?" He noticed her green eyes returning to normal. But she instantly burst into tears. He silently put her in his arms and stood up. He also picked the other girl in his arms as she remained unconscious.

He rushed back to his car, "Logan, to the hospital,"

[A/N: Guess the new character.]

[Hector's campaign car on Discord- OR see them on Instagram -]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝓌𝘦𝑏𝘯𝘰𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝑚

Thank you for all your support!

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