Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 70: 70. Man, Wolf & A Cripple

Chapter 70: 70. Man, Wolf & A Cripple

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A mix of raging fire and debris, the plane crashed in the mountains of Austria. There was no sign of civilisation as far as he could see. He took his time to completely turn the woman into ashes and then store her in the empty whiskey bottle he saved.

He chuckled to himself, "Hehe, two birds with one arrow, got rid of this crap plane and also made money."


He started humming songs. Just then he had an idea, ~Wait, due to my presence and so many changes, it's bound to happen that a lot of famous musicians and writers won't appear in this universe. Hah, I guess it's time to become a world-renowned writer and singer.~

He took out a small satellite tag locator. It was for the three pilots, he can't just leave them in a place like this. So he started to hop away as Hulk would. ~God, I wish I could fly.~

The three pilots were found 69 kilometres from his location. They were perfectly fine and were even eating some meat from the wild boar they caught and cooked.

"Sweet, I got an extra bottle of whiskey with me, boys." He arrived at their small campsite.

They quickly stood up, looking stiff and saluted. "Reporting, sir. No injuries, all crew safe and sound."

"At ease. Let's eat and then head out." He sat along.

"What happened to the woman, sir?" the cabin attendant asked.

He simply showed the empty bottle with ashes, "This is her. She had planted a bomb on the plane and threatened me, while bribing me to help her business."


"Oh Lord... haha... that's the best joke in years..."

"God may give her soul mercy and some brain,"

The three had different reactions, but all agreed that nothing could kill their boss. They have been flying their president around the world ever since World War days, they know their boss' love for making grand entrances.

"S-sir... the crash... will it be blamed on us?" the head pilot asked, stuttering.

"Don't worry, that's on me. Besides, you three need to start training. The new plane specially reserved for me will be in service soon. By the way, good job remembering the code," he patted their backs.

The pilots laughed, "Sir, it's hard to forget a code that's numbered 69 and tells us to jump out of the plane at a safe altitude due to the President going to destroy it. No other protocol comes close to this madness."

They talked, drank, ate and rested. Hector then led them out of the forest to a village. The memories of war resurfaced, but the landscape was so beautiful that one would think the place never had any sad past.

Soon, choppers came from the nearest American Base to pick them up. Then he was on another flight to the US, this time the lavatories were checked.


"We didn't do it, it was not us. We are not fools to attack when he's near our soil. His flight path had been revealed to us in advance so we don't mistake it."

This was what the stuttering and sweating USSR envoy repeated around the media and in press conferences as soon as the news of Hector's plane crashing came.

When Hector returned to the White House, the first call he received was from Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the man had just taken over after Stalin died two years ago.

"It was not us, Mr President. There is no reason for us to escalate the hostilities to this level." The man said on the recorded call.

Hector laughed, "I know. Don't worry, I will sort things out and stop the conspiracy theories."

He quickly called a press conference and revealed to them that a Nazi fanatic of unknown nationality had planted a bomb and climbed the plane. The man was killed in the crash. There was no way for anybody to ascertain the theory.

Logan and Roosevelt quickly entered his office and asked, "Was it really a fanatic?"

"Nah, it was a thousand-year-old billionaire woman, trying to bribe me," he replied monotonously. The two had a blank conflicted face, trying to understand if it was a joke or real.

"Damn it, the world is going crazy every year. I miss the simpler days when I only had to worry about elections. Now, I fear that tomorrow aliens will strike Earth," Roosevelt cursed. His polio had worsened and restricted him to his wheelchair at all times, but he was not dying by any means.

"My friend, it was not the days, it was you. Back then you were an ignorant cripple, now you are an enlightened cripple." He joked.

Roosevelt laughed, the man joked about his condition on his own, and saw Hector as his best brother, saying such jokes were acceptable. "Haha, nice one."

"And there are indeed aliens. There are vastly superior empires in the Universe, also intergalactic crime syndicates, warlords and race wars. Anyone can literally destroy Earth in the blink of an eye." He added.

( ̄▽ ̄)" (°ー°〃)

Logan and Roosevelt had similar expressions. Logan couldn't help but ask, "You serious?"

"Swear on Moony," he replied.

This was as good as a fact, Moony was Hector's life, he would never lie on his name. And this scared Roosevelt, "GREAT! We've got space Nazis to worry about now. God damn, I hope I die before they strike, or else everybody will be running and I will fall behind rolling my wheelchair, it's guaranteed death. And I can't even be a good slave, I'm double fucked."

Logan decided to butt in, "Cheer up, bub. The Universe is vast, someone must have a fetish for... physically challenged pleasure slaves,"

"And that's supposed to cheer me up, kitty cat?" Roosevelt barked at him.

Logan growled, extending out his claws, "Don't... don't say that ever again or else..."

Roosevelt was not one to back down, "Else what? You gonna break my crippled legs? Be done with it then, I don't feel shit down there... kitty cat,"

"Bwahahaha... calm down, you two. Seriously, you two should open a comedy club, you can make millions just cursing and humiliating each other." Hector slammed his table, bringing their attention.

Roosevelt decided to leave, "Anyway, take this. The draft for the Construction Reforms Act and the Senate committee's recommendations for law changes in dealing with rapists. I'm out, *Yawn*"

Logan stayed to report, "Erik has started to stop every odd bullet. He's a quick learner. But are you sure about opening a school for mutants?"

Hector nodded, "Yes, just imagine. Kids with powers like yours can easily blend in, but what about those with permanent physical mutations? Some may have a horn on their head, a third eye or demonic skin. These poor kids are often even disowned by their families because of the troubles associated with them. These kids can't go to school due to discrimination and bullying. I may have been able to remove discrimination against coloured folks but this issue is different.

"Be it white or black, everyone seems to hate mutants due to some reason. Hence, I will have to go slow. But that does not mean these kids need to wait."

Logan silently listened to him until a knock came on the door. He stood up to leave, but paused, "You are a nice man, Mister President."

"Haha, damn right I am," he laughed, accepting the compliment.

"And narcissistic," Logan started to leave.

Hector corrected him, "Boy, that's called confidence." But he realised something, ~Wait, has he called me Mister President before?~ freew(e)bnove(l)

"Sir," Agent Carter entered and saluted, "I-I'm all ready,"

"Good, let's go. Just keep your eyes closed, do not look around no matter what you hear," He ordered. She was a good girl who took orders by heart.

He used the Godpad pro to take her to the Funhouse dimension where Erskine, who now looked utterly buffed due to taking the new super soldier serum as an experiment, awaited.

He silently helped put Carter in the machine frame. "It's going to pinch a little,"

"ARGH! That's a lot more than a pinch,~ she groaned in pain while the Vita Rays were being bombarded over her body.

The Super Soldier Serum was mostly the same that Steve got, but now it gave better regenerative and healing ability due to Erskin's extensive research on Romulus' blood.


The machine opened after a few minutes. Unfortunately, Agent Carter's tight top and bra did not survive the change. She was completely naked from the top. Hector quickly put a shawl over her, but he had to silently agree, she was the work of art at this point. She was already a fit and muscular girl, now she was 6 feet tall and muscular, but not so muscular that she'd look ugly. Her beauty was still there, just brighter now.

He helped her get up and quickly returned to the Oval Office. Agent Carter wore a loose uniform and sat down. She kept on gripping her fist, "This power... I feel it surging through my veins. Steve felt this? I can now understand why someone would get corrupted. But... Steve stayed true to his values."

"Ready to hibernate with your husband?" He asked.

She silently nodded her head. Only time would tell if Steve was really alive. But when she thought she had seen it all, a common-sense defying scene appeared.

A red shining circle emerged in the air, on its other side was a bald tall woman in monk's clothing. The circles seemed like some magic teleportation thing.

Hector greeted, "Right on time, Yao. I won't bother you after this one. Carter, let's go. Don't ask any questions, just follow me."

She gulped her saliva, along with a thousand questions in her mind. She jumped across the red ring, only to feel extremely cold. Even to her body, it was cold.

"See that over there? That's where Steve is. I will put you here then. Just say anything you want to now," he told her, not bothered by her shocked face.

Peggy first walked to the shield she could notice that was stuck inside the ice. The shadow of the body was also visible. Her eyes teared up. This time, she let herself go, forgot all protocols and jumped to hug Hector's neck, her red hair becoming a mess. The man was nothing less than a father figure all these years, "T-thank you, sir. You are someone, not just me, but the world will remember. By the time I come out, you may be gone. But... I will not let your legacy go to waste. Thank you,"

He chuckled, patting her back, "Okay okay, don't make the old man emotional. If I start lecturing, you know how long my speeches can go. Go, stand by that ice wall. Yao, do it."

She kept looking at Hector's smiling face silently. Yao used her spell to freeze her body in ice, it spread from her feet to head. In a matter of seconds, she also got entombed.

Yao, however, chuckled, "She was wrong about your age, right?"

He walked back, "Yao, I know that grin. You know it but want to hear it from me."

"And? What's it?" She insisted on an answer, also walking over the magic circle back into his office.

He sighed, "Fine, understand whatever you can with these following words. My soul is immortal,"

There was a momentary pause in all motions across her body and face. She appeared like a statue. Then gave a radiating smile, "Understood, Mr President. See you later, it's time for Moony's class."

He waved goodbye, "You can call me Hector."

He was left alone in the office now. It was lunch break, everyone was eating, so he didn't bother his secretary for now. He picked a magazine from the bookrack and saw the cover, *Whistle* "Marilyn Monroe divorces another man? I nearly forgot this woman existed. I wonder if she's as beautiful as they say in the future, I guess it's time to check out."

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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