Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 251: 251. I Bought A Bank

Chapter 251: 251. I Bought A Bank

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Hector had no idea about what Spiderman's plot was because there was no Vulture in this universe. There were many supervillains that never came to be due to better life and Hector's iron fist.

So he reckoned that things must have moved forward as MJ sat with Peter. Now he had messed up big time, and there was only one way to fix it.

"Argh... sorry, Peter. Just a second, I will wipe out her memory." He raised his right hand to snap.

"WHAT?!" MJ stood up quickly, ready to run away. "No, I'm not letting you take away my memory. Besides, I knew it was him. I just had some doubts."

"How?" Peter asked.

MJ rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Whenever there is something bad about to happen, you disappear, and then Spiderman comes to save the day? And Ned isn't even trying that hard to hide it all. Also, others may think you're a weak loner nerd. I know the truth."

Hector laughed. "Spoken like a true girl in love. Of course, you would notice such fine details about Peter."

MJ blushed and quickly picked up her plate to leave, unable to see Peter in the eye. Yes, she had a crush on Peter, but she had far too much pride to accept it face to face.

"You're joking, right?" Peter asked Hector.

Hector blurted back. "Well, does she not try to be around you all the time? Does she not try to invite you to places where you two can be together? Does she not show worry for your well-being?"

"Hey, that's just like MJ." Ned chirped.

Peter facepalmed himself as he slowly realized that MJ probably did like him. All the actions in the past few weeks aligned with that now. "I'm so dumb."

"Bwahaha, not dumber than me. It took me one decade to realize Diana was into me... she was the same, however. Anyway, go and talk to her. Don't feel obliged to reciprocate her feelings. Take your time and just play around. Go on that Japan trip with friends. Don't worry about hero work, I will take care of it all." Hector patted Peter's head.

"D-Did everyone else hear us?"

"Oh, they did not. I used my magical amazing powers to deafen them. But I shall return them to normal now."



As expected, the crown of clout-chasing teens rushed to him for photos or signs. He stayed and fulfilled their little wishes. This was the least he could do.

Then after that, he headed out again, this time to the bank as he wished to buy the bank. Why? Well, he needed a bank to do a few personal things. Such as joining it with King's Tech company's rare earth mineral business. That would give the bank unlimited cash flow that can later be loaned to nations or businesses.

The bank he was visiting was called Wells Fargo. A bank that was formed in 1852, now it was going to be his. Currently, the bank had a balance sheet total of $1.02 trillion. It was a lot of money, but that did not mean it was the price.

Because every bank has liabilities... a lot of liabilities, but because money lending is such a lucrative business, it's never a major problem for anyone. Today, he was going to make an offer that none of the board members would refuse since he had already bought 23% from the open market. He needed seven more percent to become the majority holder and the new owner.

He entered the building cheerfully and sat down at a random seat around the large meeting room. He didn't wait for the current CEO to speak and gave his offer. "Okay, I want to buy this bank. Why should you allow me to do that? First of all, I will buy your shares for a 30% higher price. And, I will be joining it into my King's Tech ecosystem, creating a lot of cash for the bank to spend. The predictions say we may hit 8 trillion evaluations by 2020.

"So, you can either willingly sell your shares, or decide on decreasing all your shares equally so I can buy them and be the major owner. If you want the bank to reach new heights, you'd choose me."

The discussion among the board members went on for 3 hours. Eventually, there were a few voices that were against Hector buying, so they ended up quitting altogether since Hector buying it was inevitable.

Soon, he ended up with not 30 but 36% of the shares. He was well above the majority mark.

"Alright, let's start loaning then."


A Police Station in some towns in the United States.

Hector knew that he could never hurt gun ownership in his country. It was too close to the heart of the people and to change the status quo was like poking a bee nest.

So all he could do was use technology to ensure no gun crime took place, and thankfully his work had shown remarkable results in a short time.


All of a sudden, the whole Police Station's alarms started ringing. Many officers dashed to the briefing room. Among them was a newbie known as Luke Cage, who was hired recently for his great strength.

He was confused and asked an officer to his right. "What's all this?"

"The alarms rang; this means the AI computer detected someone about to do a mass shooting somewhere in our jurisdiction. As per law, we are to go there and arrest the person and download all the evidence from the computers. If we find evidence that the person was truly going to harm others, we send him to a psyche evaluation. If they are fine, then they go to jail."

Luke Cage was shocked by the level of technology. "You mean... our computers can predict when a crime is going to happen?"

"No, not really. It only looks at certain behaviors. For example, most mass shooters post strange things online before doing it. Meanwhile, most rapists look up strange things online. There is always a pattern, and the AI is master of finding it."

Luke was amazed and excited about this new world he was seeing being formed. Since the police now had much better technology, gear, and training, the streets were safer and less corrupt.

"This is like living in the future." He muttered and focused on the briefing. Thanks to the various gun databases, it was already clear that the suspect may have a shotgun.

Knowing this, the teams geared up appropriately to go and make the arrest.


However, not all nations were happy with what Hector was doing. Some saw it as an overreach of his authority. Some nations wished that Hector would stay away from them.

But with him being the head of the UN, they could not do anything. However, they contemplated banning various UN aid for food and housing for the poor in their nation.

It was a wrong move that could backfire as these nations initially could not provide for all the people. This means that a lot of people will suddenly find no food, or those who were waiting for a cheap home will get nothing.

The war of ideologies had begun, and the planet Earth was finally moving towards its endgame.


Somewhere in Canada.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wilson. This project may only be experimental, but your cancer will be healed. We can assure you of that." freewebno(v)el

"Yeah, it better get healed, or I'm gonna stab you with my rod... I mean the real metal rod and not my dick... ah, you're going to lock me in this box? Nice! I'm into this locked and tortured stuff. Venessa loves it."

Slowly all the chatting started to die down as the effects of the medicine appeared. But cancer was going to be the last thing that'll be removed tonight.

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *phone thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for all your support!

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