Married to the Male Lead’s Brother

Chapter 110

Chapter 109

Just as he was about to leave, at this moment, Ning Zhi heard the sound of footsteps outside, apparently turning back with his head flat.

Ning Zhi had just observed that the house had no tools at hand. She had picked up the bricks just now from the corner, and the small room was even more empty, except for a wooden bed, and there was only a wooden chair next to it.

It is estimated that the kidnappers have put away everything else.

Ning Zhi tried to calm herself down. She told Lu Jue, “If the man outside comes in, you will rush out later, the door of the outer door is not locked, keep running forward, leave me alone, I will come to you soon .”

She stayed to deal with that flat head.

Lu Jue’s thin lips were dry and pale, and he squeezed Ning Zhi’s hand tightly, “Blame sister, together.”

Ning Zhi refused: “No, I will come to you after I have taught the bad guys.”

Lu Jue would not fight, and because he was injured, he must leave here quickly.

Lu Jue’s dark eyes were full of Ningzhi. He held Ningzhi’s hand tightly, with a stubborn expression in his clean eyes. He looked at her and insisted, “Together.”

Ning Zhi knew that Lu Jue would not leave her behind.

She sighed, put her hands on both sides of Lu Jue’s face, and gave him a hard kiss, “Okay, together.”

“You will be responsible for attracting the attention of the flat head later. I will sneak attack from behind.” Ning Zhi gritted her teeth fiercely, but she has been entangled to death.

Lu Jue’s dark eyes lit up, and he protected sister blame.

Here, Ning Zhi had just finished speaking. The flathead who ran out to find someone just didn’t find anything. He remembered that the door of the small room was not locked yet, so he hurried over and wanted to lock the small room.

“How could your hand untie the rope?”

Seeing Lu Jue standing in the small room, the flat-headed face holding a wooden stick was shocked.

Lu Jue’s hands and feet were still tightly tied just now, but now he is loosely tied.

Thinking of the companion outside suddenly bleeding on his forehead and fainted, the flat head subconsciously squeezed the stick, threatening Lu Jue, “My boss will bring people back soon. If you don’t want to suffer more, you should cooperate and take care of yourself. Tie your legs.”

Lu Jue’s dark eyes looked at a certain place and ignored him at all.

With a flat-headed sneer, he rushed forward with a wooden stick to teach Lu Jue, “When I was fighting, you were still a breastfed child, and you were going to die.”

Seeing that the wooden stick was about to fall on Lu Jue, Ningzhi hurriedly pulled Lu Jue away, then she turned around and lifted the wooden chair beside the bed without thinking about it.

With his head flat in the air, he tilted his face angrily, and tried to slap a stick at Lu Jue more and more fiercely, “You…”

In the next second, the flat head stopped.

His eyes were round in shock, and his mouth was too late to close, “Wooden chair, wooden chair flying up…”

His words were not fully spoken yet, and the wooden chair slammed down on him, and his flat head was so shocked that he subconsciously protected his head.

Ning Zhi smashed it hard, the wooden chair strayed and fell on the flat-headed shoulder. His facial features were convulsed with pain, and he took a breath of cold air.

“Lu Jue, run quickly.” Ning Zhi planned to let Lu Jue take the opportunity to run out first, and she dragged her flat head.

Lu Jue did not answer, he rushed towards the flat head, and before the flat head had recovered, he punched the flat head against him.

To protect the blame sister.

The two scuffled together.

“Lu Jue!” Ning Zhi looked at Lu Jue worriedly.

Lu Jue had injuries on his body, and he had never fought, and this flat-headed man obviously fought often. With good skills, Lu Jue was easy to lose. I would rather worry that Lu Jue would be injured by the flat-head.

Ning Zhi gritted his teeth and quickly picked up the brick that had just been placed on the ground.

The flat head ate Lu Jue’s two punches abruptly. He didn’t expect that this idiot not only had hard bones and was not afraid of pain, but also had such powerful fists.

He spit out blood on the ground, picked up the wooden stick on the ground, and was about to wave it at Lu Jue’s head that was pressed by him again. The next second, his head hurt.

Flat-head turned his head in astonishment, and he saw a brick flying in the air, hitting him again.

The flat head drew away alertly this time and rolled to the ground embarrassedly.

“God, what the **** is this, why do bricks fly?”

The flat head was smashed by the flying wooden chair just now. He was initially confused, but now he saw that even the bricks were flying up, and he was so horrified that he could barely speak.

Ning Zhi didn’t let him go, and the brick in her hand hit the flat head again.

“Damn it.”

The flat head quickly got up, and the brick rubbed his face, his face was instantly rubbed.

He swung the wooden stick with his flat head, his voice was trembling, and he instantly remembered that Heizi’s forehead was bleeding. Could it be that he was hit by this brick?

He was so frightened that he almost lost his voice, “Someone, come out, don’t pretend to be here.”

The wooden stick passed through Ning Zhi’s body, and Lu Jue was frightened: “Sister blame.”

“I’m fine.” Ning Zhi saw the flat-headed legs trembling constantly, and the hand holding the wooden stick was waving wildly. He looked around in a panic.

This…Isn’t this afraid of ghosts?

Ning Zhi tried to reach out and hold the opponent’s wooden stick, flat-headed and dumbfounded, he pulled the wooden stick without pulling, “Ghosts, ghosts, there are really ghosts…”

The flat head was so scared that he let go of the stick, and trembling his feet backed back. It could be seen that he was almost frightened and his legs were soft.

At first glance, you will be afraid of ghosts if you do too much.

Ning Zhi hooked her lips, she did not show any mercy. In the horrified eyes of the other party, the bricks fell directly on his head, and the flat head gradually fell over.

If I knew that this flathead was afraid of ghosts, I would rather know that I didn’t have to worry about so much and scared him directly.

“let’s go.”

Before he could think about it, Ning Zhi stuffed the stick into Lu Jue’s hand, holding his hand with the other hand.

The two ran out.

When passing by the table, Ning Zhi’s gaze fell on the phone on the tabletop.

She took the phone, unlocked the lock with the man’s fingers, and then pulled Lujue and ran out frantically.

Ning Zhi can’t drive, and she usually goes in and out by car. Now, she regrets that she hasn’t learned to drive anymore.

She pulled Lujue and ran out while preparing to make a call.

On the screen, there is only a small amount of power left on the phone, and it should be about to shut down.

Ning Zhi immediately exchanged for a minute to show up, and directly dialed Mother Lu’s number.

She must contact the Lu family as soon as possible and let someone come to rescue Lu Jue.

The phone called and kept ringing, no one answered.

Ning Zhi’s heart lifted up, and she was anxiously suffering. She worried that the phone would run out of power in the next second.

After a while, the call was finally connected.

Ning Zhi was breathing very fast, “Mom, come and save Lu Jue.”

Ning Zhi said quickly, “Lu Jue was hidden in an abandoned red brick house just now. I don’t know where it is. There is a mountain next to the house, a forest in front of the house, and a road outside the forest. There is no house nearby. The phone is almost out of power, you have to send someone over quickly.”

On the other side of the phone, Mother Lu listened to the strange girl’s words, she was shocked and panicked, and she couldn’t believe what the other person said.

Mother Lu’s voice was hoarse and trembling, “How is Xiao Jue? Who are you? How do you know where Xiao Jue is?”

Ning Zhi knew that Mother Lu was suspicious of her, she quickly explained: “Lu Jue is by my side. He is all right now, but he is injured.”

“Xiao Jue was injured?” Mother Lu couldn’t help crying again when she heard that her son was injured.

Ning Zhi quickly put the phone in Lu Jue’s ear, “Hurry up and say hello to mom.”

When Lu Jue heard Ning Zhi call his mother just like him, his dark eyes lit up, and he obediently said to the phone, “It’s okay with me.”

“Xiao Jue!”

On the other side of the phone, Mother Lu, who has always been elegant, lost control of her voice for the first time, “Xiao Jue, how are you, where are you now? Is the injury serious?”

Ning Zhi answered the call, and she said to Mother Lu: “The phone is almost out of power. There is no way to talk to you in detail now. I will send you the location and send someone over immediately. I am worried that the kidnapper will come back.”

Mother Lu was still in shock and surprise, and at a loss. Before she could return to her senses, the phone had been hung up.

Hanging up the phone, Ning Zhi quickly sent the location to Mother Lu, and just after sending it, the phone ran out of power and turned off.


After Mother Lu received the call, she immediately told Father Lu, “Leave and send someone over, Xiao Jue is there.”

“I heard Xiao Jue’s voice just now. He has run out of the kidnappers. Send someone to rescue him! Go!”

Mother Lu was overwhelmed with excitement, she didn’t know what was going on, but now with this position, she could find her son.

“Mrs. Lu, I will contact my colleagues there immediately, and they will rush over as soon as possible.” The police officer on the side said.

Father Lu’s cold face looked serious, “My men will also rush over.”

“Mr. Lu, we…”

“No problem, there is a lot of people and power.” Another policeman stopped his colleague and agreed.

At this time, a large number of people were dispatched at the same time.

Lu Shenyuan stood aside, comforting Mother Lu, “Mom, did anyone on the phone mention anything? How is your brother now?”

“Xiao Jue is injured.” Mother Lu didn’t know the extent of her son’s injury, and she kept holding her heart.

“Brother will definitely return safely.” Lu Shenyuan’s eyes deepened, and his tone was affirmative.

Mother Lu choked and nodded, both pleasantly surprised and nervous, worried about what would happen to her son, “I don’t have any extravagant expectations now, I just want Xiaojue to be safe.”

Father Lu hugged his wife, “I promise, I will let my son come back safely.”

Lu Shenyuan looked sad, like his brother who was very worried about his brother. He turned to look at the police officer, “Thanks for your hard work, I beg you to find my brother as soon as possible.”

“Please rest assured, if this positioning is true, Lu Jue will be saved soon.”

Lu Shenyuan nodded.

He walked to the bathroom, took out another cell phone from his trouser pocket, and sent a text message: the location was found, Lu Jue was immediately killed and fled.

Then, Lu Shenyuan removed the phone card, broke it, threw it into the toilet, and flushed it away.

In the woods.

Ning Zhi and Lu Jue ran quickly around the trees.

Just now before she and Lu Jue had time to go far, Gao Qiang chased another man with them.

Ning Zhi was in a state of invisibility. She didn’t feel tired. She was pulled by Lu Jue and ran quickly.

Gao Qiang and his brother were chasing behind. Both of them were tall and strong, much stronger than Heizi and his head. Ning Zhi and Lu were definitely not their opponents.

Seeing that the two were about to catch up, Ning Zhi’s mind was thinking of a way frantically.

“You keep running, I’ll hold one.” Now Mother Lu’s people don’t know where they are, she can only delay.

“Sister blame.” Lu Jue squeezed her hand tightly.

“You have to protect yourself, don’t be overtaken, I will come back to you soon.” Then, Ning Zhi withdrew her hand, she walked back, “Run! If you don’t run, I won’t come later.” Seeing you. “Lu Jue’s dry lips were almost bloodless. He pressed the corners of his lips tightly, listening to Ning Zhi’s words, and kept running.

Ning Zhi looked at the two people rushing towards each other, her feet stretched out, and when one of them passed by, she quickly stretched her foot out and kicked it out.

He missed a kick, but tripped the opponent. It was the strong subordinate.

“Get up by yourself and catch up.” Gao Qiang did not go under the armrest. He just received the message and must kill Lu Jue.

Gao Qiang speeds up to chase Lu Jue.

Gao Qiang’s men fell in embarrassment, and he stood up with his hands on the ground. Seeing that he was going to chase Lu Jue, he would rather pick up the stone on the ground and throw it directly on the opponent.

Looking at the little stone flying over, the other party was dumbfounded, what’s the matter?

Ning Zhi took advantage of the shock of the other party, she walked not far behind the other party, and then rushed towards the other party with the help of the impact, and kicked the other party’s back fiercely.

Unprepared, the whole person fell on the ground. Ningzhi didn’t give him time to react, kicking him over the head one foot after another.

Her strength can’t cause serious damage to the tall and strong subordinates, but such intensive kicking can also make the opponent’s head dizzy and the opponent keeps dodge.

Ning Zhi stopped, she grabbed a handful of mud and sand on the ground and threw it into the opponent’s eyes.

I couldn’t close my eyes when I got down, and one eye was filled with sand, “Who is pretending to be a ghost, who has the ability to show up and fight with Lao Tzu.”

Ning Zhi saw him covering his eyes, she didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and turned around anxiously to find Lu Jue.

She had lost Lu Jue now, and she didn’t know where to find him.

Ning Zhi looked worried, she was afraid that Gao Qiang would catch up with Lu Jue.

Going further in the woods is about going up the mountain. Ningzhi looked blindly, she didn’t know which direction Lu Jue would go.

Just when Ning Zhi was anxious, Lu Jue’s muffled voice sounded: “Blame sister…”

Lu Jue came to Ning Zhi.

Ning Zhishui’s eyes lit up, and she looked at Lu Jue in surprise.

The corners of her mouth rose, her smile just opened, and the next moment it solidified.

Ning Zhi’s pupils shrank rapidly, “Lu Jue, get out of the way.” I saw Gao Qiang rushing out from nowhere, holding a knife in his hand, he stabbed at Lu Jue.

Ning Zhi ran over quickly.

Gao Qiang started quickly and ruthlessly. When Lu Jue dodged, the tip of the knife rubbed his arm and the red sleeves were torn.

“Originally, I planned to get the money to kill you, but now the police have found the location, I have to kill you immediately.” Lu Jue had seen him and his brother and couldn’t stay.

Ning Zhi rushed forward and slammed his foot on the strong foot, but the opponent seemed to be tickling, only surprised that he was kicked on the leg.

Ning Zhi was stunned, but the other party didn’t respond to her kick.

Gao Qiang didn’t stop, the knife in his hand stabbed at Lu Jue again, and Lu Jue grabbed his wrist.

When Ning Zhi saw, she kicked Gao Qiang harder on the side, using her hands, and scratching her opponent.

This time, Gao Qiang was very sure that someone was beating him next to him.

He distracted a little in shock to look next, there was no one.

Lu Jue learned from Ning Zhi, punching Gao Qiang’s face with his other hand. His strength was much greater than that of Ning Zhi, and Gao Qiang’s face throbbed for a while.

Ning Zhi also kicked Gaoqiang, but the body of Gaoqiang was almost twice as wide as their flat heads, which made it hard to shake.

Gao Qiang stretched out his hand to grab the side, it was empty, there was nothing, like a ghost.

He looked wrong, but didn’t delay the movement of his hands. Instead, he screamed and scrambled with Lu Jue.

Gao Qiang is the boss, better than Heizi and flat head. No matter how strong Lu Jue is, he has never fought against Gao Qiang, and he has no chance of winning.

Ning Zhi searched for a circle, and there were no stones on the ground. Ning Zhi was too anxious. She stepped forward to sneak an attack, but Gao Qiang dodged again.

However, the other party continued to swing his knife at Lu Jue without hesitation.

Lu Jue’s arm was scratched, and he was not afraid of the pain at all. He slammed a fist on Gao Qiang’s stomach, and quickly made up his foot. Gao Qiang was kicked and bent over.

She could easily deal with the drunk Song Dahai before, but now it is ten times more difficult to fight against a person like Gao Qiang who is good at fighting.

She is looking forward to the rescuers coming soon.

Gao Qiang was forced to look anxiously, time is running out, he has ignored it.

The blue veins on his forehead were prominent, his eyes were vicious, and the tip of the knife was swiped at Lu Jue, and it would be fatal.

Ning Zhi’s kicking and beating Gao Qiang didn’t make him jealous, nor was he afraid of ghosts.

“Lu Jue…” Seeing that Gao Qiang’s knife was about to fall on Lu Jue, Ning Zhi almost lost his breath in shock.

Lu Jue was not afraid of the cold light from the tip of the knife at all, he didn’t even understand what fear was.

Sister blame called his name, and the next second, he was hugged by her.

Guai sister’s body is very soft and warm.

He felt her holding him tightly, and her soft body suddenly trembled.

Lu Jue’s eyes lit up for a second, and when he saw the knife stuck in her back, it was completely darkened.

“Lu Jue, run!” Ning Zhi gasped in pain, and clasped Lu Jue tightly.

It hurts too much, the pain she has never felt before.

She has been pampered since she was a child, and she usually only has a little pain, and she wants to shed tears.

And now, she tasted great pain for the first time.

Just as Gao Qiang’s knife was about to pierce Lu Jue’s body, a girl suddenly appeared in Lu Jue’s arms.

The knife pierced the girl’s body severely.

Gao Qiang was dumbfounded, is he really hell?

Just now his foot was kicked, his arm was scratched, he was slapped, and his hair was pulled. Is this a good thing this female ghost did?

He swallowed in disbelief. Damn, the female ghost would still bleed?

Gao Qiang saw the bright red blood bleed down the girl’s back. This was the first time he saw a female ghost bleeding.

He was different from Flathead. Flathead was afraid of ghosts. He was not afraid. Just when he planned to continue to kill Lu Jue, not far away, there were messy footsteps and the sound of people talking.

He spit out fiercely, glared at Lu Jue unconvincedly, and left quickly.

The police came.

Ning Zhi leaned against Lu Jue’s arms, and she almost couldn’t stand firmly.

Ning Zhi’s small face became paler and paler, and her forehead was so painful that she was full of cold sweat.

Originally, she was going to **** the knife from Gao Qiang’s hand, but it was too late. Moreover, her body was faster than her brain, and she hugged Lu Jue directly.

She stretched out her hand and squeezed Lu Jue’s face, “The man just now was called Gao Qiang. He kidnapped you. There may be Lu Shenyuan who instigated you behind your back. You must remember to wait until your condition gets better. Haven’t been arrested yet, you have to testify, and let people investigate Lu Shenyuan.”

Lu Jue hugged Ning Zhi tightly. He touched her back, only to feel that something hot and wet was on the palm of his hand.

He raised his hand, his dark eyes darkened, and his chest suddenly jumped, panicking, afraid of attacking, “Red, red.”

Blame sister for bleeding.

“Don’t forget to blame sister.” Ning Zhi raised his head, and his bloodless lips fell on his cool thin lips, “No, if I am no longer, you forget to blame sister.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Zhi bit Lu Jue’s lips annoyed and unconvinced, “What to do, I’m so selfish, even if I’m really dead, I don’t want to be forgotten by you.”

Lu Jue’s chest seemed to be torn. It was the first time he realized what fear was. He held Ning Zhi tightly, “Blame sister is not dead, I don’t forget you, go to the hospital, send Sister blame to the hospital.”

He quickly picked up Ning Zhi.

Ning Zhi was picked up by his princess and leaned against his chest. She lost the strength to speak in pain, “Then remember, don’t forget, I’m so good-looking, you can’t forget my appearance.”

Lu Jue hugged her, while running fast, he nodded indiscriminately, “I remember, I remember.”

The palm of his hand became redder and red, and it was full of blood, and Lu Jue’s beautiful peach eyes were also reddened by blood.

In the next second, his arms suddenly became lighter, and Ningzhi’s body gradually became transparent and disappeared.

Lu Jue’s footsteps paused, he lowered his head, staring blankly at his empty chest, watching his blood-stained hands, the red blood faded away bit by bit and disappeared.

His hands became clean in a flash.

“I found someone, Lu Jue is here.”

The police and the people of the Lu family found Lu Jue. They saw that he was wounded and stood there blankly. The whole person seemed to be frightened.

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