Manuke FPS

Chapter 228

A banquet celebrating Prince Ark’s birth and coming of age――the happy moments came to an end with a sudden attack.

The assailant was an ogre-sized cyborg-like being covered in steel armor that could not be imagined to have been created in this world――following behind the demonic steel soldier minion, was a man. The sharp glint in his eyes distorted behind the black hood as he laughed. And he called me a “map seller”… not many people call me by that name. That physique, that tone of voice, what comes to mind is――that man who joined Rafflesia, the largest and most powerful clan in Kurtmerga Kingdom.

However, the one standing in front of me called himself part of the assassin who I fought during Lapitilica’s escort request――members of “Cactus”.

Those two things, which should never overlap, overlapped with the one word he said.

“Rynel… I didn’t know you hid something like this.”

After that muttering, I heard the sound of tongue clicking coming from under the black hood.

“If it isn’t the witty female fox again. But… Can you protect yourself from this demonic steel soldier――this wonderful magic weapon?”

After exchanging a few words with Rynel, the 4th Central Knights, who were in charge of security in the venue, rushed in. However, at the same time, the siege network of the venue was also about to be completed.

“Schwartz, do you know that man?”

Vee, who cut down the Demon Steel Soldier in the air and knocked it down to the floor, came to my side.

“It’s Daikokuya. An acquaintance――no, I don’t think that man remembers me.”

“Come on, you Demon Steel Soldiers, stand up! I’ve never heard of you guys being so soft!”

With Lynel’s words, the Demon Steel Soldier stuck in the ceiling――the Demon Steel Soldier who shot through the side and was blown away– as well as the Demon Steel Soldier knocked down by Vee, all stood up. The 33-30 ammunition should have landed on the abdomen, but there is no visible damage now. Did it recover while lying down, or was there no damage at all?

“Are you safe, Prince!?”


“Evacuate the visitors! Don’t let any attackers escape from this place, have you secured the underground magic barrier?”

“I have confirmed it. The barrier is working without any problems, and we are the only ones who can use《Skills》and《Magic》.”

That’s right – in the venue and part of the Royal castle, it is possible to set up barriers that hinder the activation of 《Skills》and《Magic》. It consumes a large number of magic stones and magic power, so it can’t stay activated indefinitely. But, in order to ensure the safety of the Chancellor and the three Princes, it was activated before the dinner party started.

The metal armor of the Central Knights has a function that can nullify the barrier. I don’t know what kind of system it is, but they should be the only ones who can demonstrate their true power in this venue.

But I――we saw it. The red light runs through the venue.

“Demon Steel Soldiers, mow them down!”

The Demon Steel Soldiers who stood up at Rynel’s command stick out their left hand, and a trapezoidal object pops out from near their wrist. The Knights who protected the Princes and the young Nobles were tense for a moment, but they didn’t understand what was going on.

“Avoid it!”

I could tell what it was just from a glance――it’s the laser weapon that blew off the head of the first male waiter. I immediately turned around, threw away my M94, and jumped holding Lapitilica-sama and Prince Ark in my hands. A laser beam was shot from the Demon Steel Soldier’s left hand――it burned down the delicately decorated walls, shot down the painted ceiling, and mowed down the Knights who were unable to respond properly.

Then, apart from the laser attack, a number of explosive sounds rang out, shaking the entire Flyhigh.

The merchants and non-combatant women seemed to have regained their composure when the Knights rushed in, but they fell into a state of panic as they saw the venue being destroyed by lasers and the Knights being cut off…

“Tha, thank you.”

“Thank you, Schwartz-san.”

The corner of the venue where Chancellor Zephanell, Sharle-san, and Ashley had taken refuge was chosen as a quick evacuation destination. Roy and Rachel from “Lily of the Valley” were already there next to them. The two must be the ones responsible to evacuate the three to this position.

“Schwartz-san is amazing. Not to mention the reaction, to use that kind of movement and skill even though it’s in the barrier――”

Rachel’s eyes were filled with curiosity and vague respect, even as she stood to protect Ashley and the others.

“Your Excellency, the outside is already surrounded. At this rate, things will get really dangerous.”

“But, how are we going to escape? Leaving aside Myself and Ark, Karn can’t run, and――”

A loud explosion sounded again, shaking the entire Flyhigh once more. Apparently, the forces surrounding the outside were tasked at more than just preventing escape. They’re probably planning to destroy us all at once by collapsing the entire building.

Attacks from inside and outside threw the venue into chaos, while the surviving Knights began fighting the Demon Steel Soldiers.

It seems that Rynel has temporarily lost sight of us, but I don’t think this situation will naturally fix itself. Only the Central Knights have weapons and combat abilities. And yet they fall one after another in front of the Demon Steel Soldiers.

The Demon Steel Soldier’s combat ability was on par with that of the Knights, but while the venue was still in chaos, they were unable to use their firepower effectively. In that case, it will be a battle with only melee attacks. But, the armor of the demon steel soldiers was thick, and soon, the Knights were pushed back by their opponents that continued to move without fear of death.

The Demon Steel Soldiers probably didn’t feel their own wounds nor fear death at all. After all, it’s not a living creature with a will or feelings――it’s a machine. I don’t know why something like that exists, but it’s not that I don’t have a clue.

But, let’s keep it for later. Right now, the first thing we have to think about is――.

“I will prepare a means of escape. However, it is impossible for everyone—an attack of this scale cannot be carried out without guidance from the Kingdom. Unless we know who the traitor is, we will not be able to rescue all the visitors.”

At this time, I won’t make any public statements about Rynel’s double allegiance to both “Rafflesia” and “Cactus”. It’s because I still don’t know how much the two clans overlap. If they turn out to be the two sides of the same coin, that is to say, a rebellion by the second prince――it could lead to a civil war.

I can’t say something like that so easily in this situation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rynel picking up my Winchester M94. However, the moment it is lifted, it becomes a particle of light and disappears.

Only I can hold VMB firearms. Firearms that have been touched by others would disappear into particles of light and are returned to the inventory. Summoning M94 again from the inventory to my right hand, I shot at the Demon Steel Soldier who was trying to finish off the Knight it knocked down with its six-foot club.

“Daikokuya, then at least let Chancellor Zephanell, the Crown Prince, and the women escape.”

“What about Lord Crude?”

“I will command the young Nobles who can fight to let others escape. Underneath Flyhigh, there is an underground passage used to lay the barrier at the time of construction, which should still be usable.”

“You need a decoy to use it.”

It was Duke Barga who came into the conversation with Lord Crude.

“I’ll be in charge of that role as well.”

As I fired to save the Knight, Rynel, dressed in black, noticed my position.

“Can you do it?”

Duke Barga’s narrow eyes at me. He doesn’t know I’m Shaft. Just like when I was asked to escort Lapitirica-sama, it’s as if I was peering into the abyss when our eyes met――.

“I’ve seen those eyes before――I see, so that’s how it is, Chancellor Zephanell?”

Perhaps realizing the connection between me and Shaft, Duke Barga turned to Chancellor Zephanell, who was watching the scene unfold.

“Vee, please work with him.”

“I will do my best.”

Before I knew it, Vee was standing behind Duke Barga. Behind him, I could see Ashley looking at me with a worried look.

“Daikokuya, can you do it?”

“I’m fine, Sir Crude. It’s going to be a bit flashy, so please take care of the merchants.”

Only this time, I can’t protect Malta-san and the others personally.

I could hear Rynel giving instructions to the Demon Steel Soldier. In order to secure the Chancellor and kill Prince Ark as the Crown Prince, all five of the Demon Steel Soldiers turned towards us in order to complete their initial objectives. We’re running out of time.

Activating the TSS, I selected the pouch from the avatar customization and attached it to my waist, and at the same time selected the 30-30 ammunition that is the M94 ammunition, and summoned it directly inside the gun. The M94 needs to be manually loaded with live ammunition one by one from the ammo feed port on the top of the trigger.

It only has seven bullets. Since I’ve already fired four shots, I’m manipulating the TSS by my own will to fill the ammo feeder with live ammunition.

The Demon Steel Soldiers raised their left hand――that laser attack is coming again――.

Selecting another item in TSS, I summoned it to act as our shield.

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