Manuke FPS

Chapter 221

A few days after sharing some of my secrets with Malta-san, the ceremony was held at the Royal Castle to celebrate the adulthood of Ark Kurtmerga, the Third Prince of the Kurtmerga Kingdom. Only Aristocrats with a noble title can participate in the ceremony. And on this day, Honorary Chancellor Zephanel also entered the Royal Castle instead of staying in her residence to participate in the ceremony.

And at the end of the ceremony, Ashley Zephanel was specially invited to the venue, and Chancellor Zephanel informed the current Kings and Royal Aristocrats that the former had been selected as the next head of the Zephanel family.

In the evening of that day, the citizens of the Royal Capital held banquets everywhere to celebrate the birth and adulthood of Prince Ark, and the large venue in the first district――the Flyhighs were filled with a gathering of the influential people of the Kingdom and the Royal Aristocrats.

“The Countess of Betten has arrived!”

“Direct the people to the table! The carriage is getting clogged.”

“Please keep the gifts with you and carry them to the waiting room, and don’t forget to make sure your name tag is on it!]

“Hey, this isn’t the venue, right?”

“I received an additional Shaft wine from Marida Company!”

“Leader! Only employees are allowed here!”

“Let the maids carry it as an apéritif, don’t let them drink too much!”

“That’s right! Let’s enter the venue early and eat food!”

“You can put the large furniture brought by Yamigasa Company in the back as a box, and you can’t open it at the venue anyway!”

“Oh! Let’s go!”

I went inside from the delivery port of Flyhigh and witnessed the inspection work with Malta-san, after submitting the Shaft wine and Prince Ark’s gift. The Shaft wine was delivered once a few days ago, but as soon as it was decided that it would be served at the dinner party tonight, many inquiries from influential people and Aristocrats who came from the region to the Royal Capital came in, as it could also be used as a souvenir. I was asked for more deliveries.

“The confirmation of fruit liquor is over. Next, it is a gift from Daikokuya Schwartz. What’s inside?”

“The contents are exotic cakes specially ordered from outside the continent of Orlando. I have already talked to the chef, so I will put them in the food storage.”

“Just in case, can I take a look inside?”

“Yes, of course, but I’d like to see the taster later.”

The inspection was carried out under the supervision of Flyhigh employees and the Central Knights.

The delivery of the cake itself seemed to be going smoothly, but the noises captured by the sound-collecting sensor and the movement of the dots on my map made it feel like I was in a warzone.

It’s easy to see that they were busy guiding the Aristocrats who are coming in one after another and preparing stuff before the banquet begins. I guess the combined hustle and bustle of the attendees and the employees was what made the place look like a battlefield?

After finishing his job as a merchant, he attended a banquet as an attendant to Ashley. Malta-san returned to the factory to pick up Marida-san, while I decided to rent a space in the Flyhigh changing room to change my outfit.

It’s the first time for Schwartz to attend a party that requires formal wear, but as with Shaft’s, he’d choose a white vest and tailcoat from the avatar customization.

The design of the tailcoat is slightly different from that of Shaft’s. It may not make much sense because it’s only a minor difference, but I didn’t have the courage to stand in exactly the same clothes in front of Lapitirica-sama, who I’ve seen many times.

Checking the time displayed in the field of view――I decided it was a good time and started moving to the guest waiting room at Flyhigh. I have to greet the Honorary Chancellor Zephanel and pick up Ashley. Also, Sharle-san, who will be attending as an attendant of the Chancellor. It seems that the story has indeed been passed on to the guarding Central Knights. I was able to proceed just by mentioning the name of Daikokuya and showing my Merchant Guild card.

Weapons and hidden equipment were checked at the time of initial entry, and a large magic team was prepared in the basement of this Flyhigh. They’re to set up the barrier that interferes with the activation of magic and skills in the venue by the time the dinner party starts.

The same magic circle is also laid in a part of the Royal Castle. Apparently, it can not be activated all the time because it consumes a large amount of magic power and magic stones, but it is activated in an emergency or at a big party to keep the inside of the venue safe. 

However, that doesn’t mean the side guarding the venue cannot use magic or skills. The official armor of the Central Knights is crafted to invalidate this barrier, which means that the venue and the Royal Castle are fully protected even with the barrier on.

Looking at the armor of the knights of the Central Knights who I passed by, I was reminded of that story that I heard from Malta-san. The guest room of the Zephanel family came into view. Two escorts stood in front of the door――I called out to the men who are most likely members of “Lily of the Valley”.

“I’m Daikokuya Schwartz, and I’ve come to pick up Miss Ashley Zephanel.”

“Please wait a moment.”

I could hear one of the escorts entering the guest room and informing the occupants that I’m here. There was only one voice answering; Ashley’s. The number of dots on the map showed that Chancellor Zephanel and Sharle-san were not in the guest room.

“Please, Ashley-sama is waiting for you.”

“Thank you.”

After being prompted by the escort, I entered the guest room. The interior was a simple room with white as the base color, but the round table and chairs placed in the center were delicate and beautifully crafted.

And Ashley sat in one of the pairs of chairs that were facing each other.

She wore a light blue evening dress. Her red hair glittered gold, and the ruby ​​choker necklace that I gave her was hanging on her neck. She’s more beautiful than ever――holding the teacup on the table with both hands, her downcast face rose as I approached. Just before I could say that the dress looked good… or that she’s beautiful… or whatever thing that crossed my mind――our eyes met.

Ah, what an eye… I think she’s about to cry…

“Hey, Ashley… the banquet will start soon, but what’s with the long face?”

There was no response from Ashley. Her mouth moved a little, but there was no voice coming out.

I sat on the chair facing her and waited for her words. A long-lasting silence――the meaning of which is imaginative. Having been selected as the official next head of the Zephanel family, she probably heard a lot from Chancellor Zephanel. For example… the truth behind Magicless…

“You must’ve asked Chancellor Zephanel about me.”

In that one sentence, Ashley’s shoulders tremble.

“At that time…?”

The voice that I finally heard is a question that hides what it points to. What? I’m not going to ask Manuke about things like that.

“Yeah… I fell here in the grassland near that goblin burrow.”

The grassland where I fell into this world and woke up for the first time. It may be said that that was the time I was born in this world.

“The first thing you did when you came to this world…”

“That’s what happens.”

“Since then――I’ve just been helped by Schwartz…”

The line of sight rises from the empty cup, and Ashley’s eyes catch me straight. If I were asked what I care about the most…

“Do you know what crossed my mind when I fell into this world? The strange scenery, the unknown place, the first goblin I saw, and――”

“Eh? …Return to your original world.. maybe?”


“Then… perhaps why did you come to this world?”

“That’s not it either.”

“Then… running away?”

“It’s the opposite――saving you, Ashley. That was the first decision I made when I fell into this world.”


Ashley was surprised at my answer, and the tremors on her shoulders traveled from her arms to her hands, even to the fingers holding the cup.

“I’ve really been getting help from you all the time.”

“That’s not the case…”

I reached out to cover Ashley’s hand and wrapped her quivering hand with mine.

“I――your existence is what helped me to go on.”

That day――since I woke up in that strange meadow, Ashley has been the only one who has seen the essence of my being. At a glance, she’d recognize me, no matter what I was. No matter as Schwartz――or as Shaft――or as Jonah. The existence of someone who understands me, I think is more precious than anything else. The most important person who deserves to be protected.

“Un――then I’ll continue to help you. Daijo――”

Ashley’s words broke there for a short while. Her hand tremors visibly stopped. And her sad expression turned to a slight smile.

“Da… dai… jobu, daijobu――”

That one word is――the “Japanese” I spoke to Ashley in that goblin burrow. She shouldn’t know the correct meaning, but her heartfelt words made me smile.

“Ashley Zephanel, the next head of the Zephanel family, swears here. To protect you from all the Aristocrats, merchants, and clans who want to use you――the Magicless ――no, the Trespasser for their own self-interest.”

“Then I swear too. Schwartz Powder――no, I should use my real name… Ren Saito swears here. To protect you from all threats, violence, and calamities.”

“Ren…? Fufu, nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you too――first of all, tonight’s banquet. I’ll do my best to accompany you.”

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